7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How to get Ice Powers
- Changing Traffic Light Spell
- Create a Coven
- Casting a Circle
- Job
- To Find Answers
- Demon Send Away
- Manipulate the Future
- Animal Transformation
- Easy Anger Relief
#2851 - How to get Ice Powers
First you take the ice cube and squeeze the icemcube while you holding the cube
"Ice Ice Prayer."
Than you squeeze the ice cube untill its melted.
Than wait untill the next day.
Side Effects :
When it's cold its warm to you
and when its hot its cold to you.
But dont try to use you powers till the next day.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2852 - Changing Traffic Light Spell
This spell can be used anytime of day.
1. Focus on traffic light really hard.
2. With your wand or finger wave it around and chant:
"Green, Green turn red green, green turn red." x3
If you are in the car just change the chant to:
"Red, red turn green red, red turn green." x3
Hope this works for you sorry if it doesn't because it's my first spell as stated in summary good luck.
By Charelle
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2853 - Create a Coven
One person goes up to the other person with anathame and point it a few inches in front of that person's Chest and say:
"It is better that you should rush upon this blade than enter the circle with fear in your heart how do you enter."
Then the other person says:
"With perfect love and perfect trust."
Then the last person says as above so below.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2854 - Casting a Circle
- Place the candles around you at each cardinal directions (south, west, east and north). This will serve to physically mark your circle. The circle should be as wide as you are tall.
- Make a psiball using a planetary source. If you don't know how to do this, simply cup your hands (without letting them touch eachother) and choose the planet you will take the energy from. I reccommend starting with the planet that rules your zodiac sign. (if you're a Scorpio, use Pluto, if you're an Aries, use Mars, etc.) Visualize the planet lowering itself above you and raining energy all over and into you. Guide this energy to your hands and imagine it swirl into a ball in the space between them.
- Add more energy to your psiball. Visualize the planet spilling more energy into you. Guide it to your hands and into the psiball so as to make it more dense.
- Move your hands to guide the energy across the circle. Walk around the circle three times while guiding the energy into it. Visualize it forming into an orb around your space.
- As you walk the circle, chant its purpose: "Walk the circle thrice about to ____." (An example would be: "Walk the circle thrice about to keep unwanted influence out.")
- Once done, seal the circle. I do this by saying "As above, so below this circle is sealed. So mote it be," and then stomping my foot on the ground.
- If you're going to invoke any other entities or energies, do it now.
- Once you no longer need the circle, thank the planet and any other entity you invoked, and simply draw the energy back and seal the circle. I do this by saying "The circle is open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part until we merry meet again," then stomping my foot again.
#2855 - Job
Cut the logo out and put it around the candle towards the bottom tie it on with the string. Then carve from the bottom up write the runic letter s (D, E "only one that you write backwards" , F, O, J) if you don't know those symbol s look them up like I did lol but together make s a ancient runic charm for to improve prospects and job hunting.
Anoint the candle with the oil and light it think of the business place your trying to get and imagine working there or chant that you want to work there . Let it burn just past the logo and blow out still thinking the same thing take the pins and pierced the string and logo once and chant: "May this pin pierce the mind of who's hiring as a great idea" .
Then again Pierce crossing the pins and chant : "May this pin be the idea only me for that job". Last write on the very bottom of candle write your name and the job title and go and bury towards the place and finish by holding your hands over the soil and chant: "I sow the seed of the job and may it grow so mote it be". For me I got the job interview the day after . So good luck
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2856 - To Find Answers
Sit down in a quite place and make sure to cast your circle. Then focus on the question you want answered and recite three times.
"To find the answer that I seek
Let my will seep so deep
Into the darkness where shadows hide
And allow the answers to abide by my side."
In the next 1-2 days focus on your question and make sure to pay attention to the little hints anf yes/no's during the day and you will get your answer.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2857 - Demon Send Away
First place the blanket on your head. Take the Hexoren and chant this one spell: " 'the elements of your six chones ones elements' we come to you. Goddesses send away the spirits the ancient words." Summon father magic with any summoning spell. Using the water element send forth a water or any other element ball.
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2858 - Manipulate the Future
Lay flat on your back in bed and start to let your mind wander for about 30 minutes to an hour. Then, once you feel you are ready, "see" yourself experiencing what you want in first person and focus on that. Do not think of anything harmful to yourself, because this most likely will happen
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2859 - Animal Transformation
Light the white candle, place your rock in front of you make sure the flatter side is up towards you. Then pour a bit of salt on the rock in the middle as much as possible. Place the rock over the flame but don't let the flame touch it yet (be careful!)
Recite this "as the salt binds with this rock" then dip your fingers in the water and let it drip onto the salt and continue with "as will my spirit will bind with the mighty spirit of (your chose animal) we will be one but separate, I will be able to use the abilities and apearence of (chosen animal), I will have control and freedom in my other form, this is my desire so more it be."
Lower your stone into the flame allowing it to "bond". That night you will have a dream and you in your animal form will appear before you so watch out. For the next couple nights kiss the rock and say "mote it be" before you go to sleep
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2860 - Easy Anger Relief
Start by sitting down if you can. You can stand too but sitting is better. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Put your hands together (as if praying) and rub them together gently. Now separate the palms of your hands but keep your fingertips together (Like you are holding something between your hands).
While still breathing, imagine your anger rushing down your arms and making a ball in your hands (I see my anger as strips of red light). Open your hands and put them face up and side by side. Imagine your anger ball floating above them. Visualize that ball change into a ball of bright, white light. Let it sink into your palms and running up your arms. Then open your eyes and keep on going on with life! Blessed be!
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.