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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)
  2. B.O.S protection from peeping eyes
  3. Forgive Yourself Spell Jar
  4. Banish A Person From Your Life
  5. drink refill up
  6. Love Spell Jar
  7. Gain Good Luck Jar
  8. Become Aleister Crowley
  9. Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness
  10. God/Goddess Devotional Deity Tea

#291 - Percy Jackson Demigod spell (full moon)

Makes you a Demigod exactly like the ones in the Percy Jackson books.
You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and the Greek Gods
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and the Greek Gods
  • Full Moon
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    Say this 1x on a Full Moon " Zeus King of the Gods I pray to you to let me become a Demigod of the God that I choose. I will become the son of (Gods name here). The God that I choose will pass down their powers and give me their blood. I wish to no longer be human but to be a Demigod Just like in the Percy Jackson series. I can attend camp half blood in the summer but return home for school this is my wish so mote it be."

    This spell will let you become a Demigod of the God that you choose. You will live a life until you die just like the Demigods in the Percy Jackson series. It must be a Full Moon for this to work and when you sleep you dream about being a Demigod and your Godly parent talking to you while you're awake. The following side effects are feeling different. Getting the powers that God passed down to you. Feel like your Godly parent is watching you. And protecting you as well as you can hear a voice when your Godly parent is talking to you and helps give you Advice. You can understand Greek and write Greek. You can see things that normal mortals can't see.

    Added to on Jul 19, 2021
    Last edited on Jul 20, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #292 - B.O.S protection from peeping eyes

    As the title says it protects you book of shadows (B.O.S) from peeping eyes.
    You may need:

  • Needle
  • Few drops of your own blood
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    You may need:

  • Needle
  • Few drops of your own blood
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    Say the following:

    As I bind you by my will.

    You shall keep my knowledge secret.

    One by one.

    Drop by drop ( at this part drop your blood onto your B.O.S).

    Take my blood and protect what's mine.

    From peeping eyes unless I say otherwise.

    So it is.

    So shall it be.

    So mote it be.

    Added to on Jul 17, 2021
    Last edited on Sep 25, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #293 - Forgive Yourself Spell Jar

    A spell jar to help aid you in forgiving yourself after a bad situation.
    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Brown Candle
  • Royal Blue Candle
  • Small Trinket That Reminds You of the Person/Thing You Hurt
  • New Moon (Optional)
  • Agate (Optional)
  • Amazonite (Optional)
  • Green Calcite (Optional)
  • Light Blue Ribbon
  • Jar
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    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Brown Candle
  • Royal Blue Candle
  • Small Trinket That Reminds You of the Person/Thing You Hurt
  • New Moon (Optional)
  • Agate (Optional)
  • Amazonite (Optional)
  • Green Calcite (Optional)
  • Light Blue Ribbon
  • Jar
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    Preface: I had a horrible falling out with my ex girlfriend, and I thought of her every single day. Everything reminded me of her somehow, and I found myself extremely depressed. However, I wrote this spell to do when I was feeling down, and it helped me to forgive myself rather quickly. This spell jar is small, but I found helps me when I need it.

    Spell: This spell works best when performed under the new moon (see the ingredient meanings below).

    • Place all of your crystals in front of you (if you choose to use crystals) at your altar/workstation.
    • Light the candles* and sit in a chair/on your knees in front of your altar/workstation.
    • Think about the event. It might be hard, but the best way to get over a hurdle is to jump over it.
    • Meditate into the flame of the white candle. You can think about nothing or the event, but make sure you know your intent is clear: to forgive yourself.
    • When you are ready, chant once:

    Rhiannon, Cernunnos**, I hope you can hear my pleas.

    I have forsaken myself and done something to somebody (something) that I cannot forgive myself for.

    I know I was wrong, and I know I have wronged you.

    Please help me overcome this obstacle in my life and settle this for not only myself, but the other person (people) involved*** in this situation.

    • Pick up your small trinket and hold it in your hands. Meditate until you are ready.
    • Chant once:

    This object is one that brings back memories of the other person (people) involved.

    It brings me great pain, but I bring it to you as my offering in hopes you will help me.

    You are great to me. Thank you for accepting me, and thank you for helping me to resolve this.

    So mote it be.

    • Place your herbs and the item into the jar and tie your light blue ribbon around it.
    • Place the jar on a shelf or somewhere it cannot be knocked down. Whenever you feel like you need to, hold the jar in your hands.

    I recommend writing this spell in a journal if it worked for you, as well as any other spell you may do, as well as how well it worked for you. This is a great way not only to keep track of spells you can do in the future, but will also be a great learning experience. Blessed be, and I wish you a safe journey whether you're still in or even out of the broom closet.

    *Note: They should be in candle holders respectively! Always be safe around an open flame. To ensure safety around candles, please see the National Candle Association's website:

    **Note: This god and goddess can be of your own.

    ***Note: You may state their name(s) in place of the other person (people) involved.

    Ingredient Meanings:

    • White Candle: Represents purity, spirituality, and peace. In some cultures it is the color of death and mourning. In this spell particularly, the white candle will represent peace.
    • Pink Candle: Represents romantic love, affection, and friendship. In this spell, it stands for the romance/friendship you have lost or strained.
    • Brown Candle: Used for feeling of self esteem.
    • Royal Blue Candle: Promotes laughter, happiness and loyalty, use whenever an influence needs to be increased.
    • Small Trinket That Reminds You of the Person/Thing You Hurt: Whenever you need the spell jar, this makes you face the situation.
    • New Moon: The dark of the moon, when the moon is invisible, is the most affective for casting spells concerning New Beginnings, and the launch of new projects. It is generally a time for taking new paths and making fresh plans established on the basis of past experiences.
    • Agate (Optional): Tones and strengthens both mind and body. Imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances.
    • Amazonite (Optional): A variety of feldspar. Soothes nervous system. Strengthens heart and physical body. Aids alignment of mental and etheric body. Brings joy and upliftment. Creative expression. Facilitates clearer vision of one's own harmful tendencies, making them easier to release.
    • Green Calcite (Optional): In addition to generic attributes it is a great mental healer dissolving old programs and beliefs and restoring balance to the mind. Aids in letting go of the old and the transition from a stagnant to a positive situation.
    • Light Blue Ribbon: Light blue is associated with magic related to healing, patience, and understanding. Tie this ribbon around the jar when done.
    • Jar: Well, to put everything in. It's a spell jar.

    Closing Note: There are some amazing references for new witches both in and out of Spells of Magic. I used these references while both learning and even now for when I need a recipe or two:


    Added to on Jul 11, 2021
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #294 - Banish A Person From Your Life

    How To Banish A Person From Your Life. easy for beginners!
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing Utensil
  • Banish oil(s)
  • Banishing Candle
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Writing Utensil
  • Banish oil(s)
  • Banishing Candle
  • Bowl
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    Take a sheet of paper.
    Tear the paper in half with your hands to put your energy into the spell.
    Write the person's full name on a sheet of paper (First and Last) and their birth date (Year, too) 3 times.
    Turn the paper clockwise.
    Write "Be Gone" three times over their name.
    Turn it counterclockwise (but make sure their name is upside down)!
    Sign your name 3 times.
    Anoint paper with banishing oil (Use your finger to dab all four corners with the oil and then dab the middle of the paper).
    Fold the petition (3 times) away from you to push them away, while envisioning the person leaving you alone.
    To Activate the spell, burn your petition with the banishing candle and feel how good it is to get rid of it.
    Let the paper burn in a bowl.
    Flush the ashes down the toilet while saying "Be gone" 3 times.

    ​​​​​And I hope it brings you peace!

    Added to on Jun 24, 2021
    Last edited on Aug 18, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #295 - drink refill up

    When you drink your own drink this can refill your own drink in 5 seconds.
    You may need:

  • drink
  • you
  • say
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    You may need:

  • drink
  • you
  • say
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    When I finish my drink refill my drink.

    Added to on Jun 20, 2021
    Last edited on Jun 28, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #296 - Love Spell Jar

    A spell jar to help build trust and love between you and your romantic partner or closest friend. This jar also helps to repel negative energies from your relationships.
    You may need:

  • A small jar(preferably size of palm)
  • Dried and crushed rose petals
  • Any form of love sigil(optional)
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Golden thread
  • Incense of choice
  • Rose Quartz
  • Pink or white candles(optional)
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    You may need:

  • A small jar(preferably size of palm)
  • Dried and crushed rose petals
  • Any form of love sigil(optional)
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Golden thread
  • Incense of choice
  • Rose Quartz
  • Pink or white candles(optional)
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    1. Cleanse your jar with incense of choice.
    2. Tie the golden thread around the neck of the jar.
    3. Add the ingredients in order. 1.rose petals, 2.sugar, 3.salt, 4.sigil.
    4. Charge with rose quartz, minimum of two hours, maximum of twenty-four.
    5. Give to loved one of choice.

    You may decide to put this jar together with three pink or white candles in a triangular pattern, this is optional. This spell jar is not a potion, do not ingest, simply give it as a gift to a loved one to strengthen your bonds.

    Added to on Jun 11, 2021
    Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #297 - Gain Good Luck Jar

    A spell to help gain good luck in a time when needed.
    You may need:

  • -glass jar with lid
  • -water
  • -rose petals
  • -any waterproof crystal
  • -a window with a windowsill
  • -any other item you want to get luck from (ex. penny- extra money)
  • -belief
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    You may need:

  • -glass jar with lid
  • -water
  • -rose petals
  • -any waterproof crystal
  • -a window with a windowsill
  • -any other item you want to get luck from (ex. penny- extra money)
  • -belief
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    Take the jar and fill it until it is about full with water. Put 4-7 rose petals and a waterproof crystal of your choice in the water. Screw the lid on tightly. Wait until nighttime and unscrew the lid and add the special item of your choice. Screw the lid back on and set the jar on the windowsill in the moonlight. In the morning take the jar and repeat the following phrase.

    ¨God of dreams. Goddess of hope. Take my wish and bring me faith. I really need this wish today. (Say wish) and bring it to me. This is my will so mote it be.¨

    Store the water under your bed and charge it in the moonlight when another wish is needed.

    Added to on Jun 05, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #298 - Become Aleister Crowley

    A spell to make you the real Aleister Crowley. As a thelemite, egirl, and certified genius, I am qualified to teach these esoteric mysteries.
    You may need:

  • Photo Of Crowley
  • Crowley Seven Day Candle
  • Be Skyclad (Naughty! Naughty!)
  • Athame
  • Chalice
  • Blood Of A Young Man (How You Get This Is Up To You--I Won't Tell The Police!)
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    You may need:

  • Photo Of Crowley
  • Crowley Seven Day Candle
  • Be Skyclad (Naughty! Naughty!)
  • Athame
  • Chalice
  • Blood Of A Young Man (How You Get This Is Up To You--I Won't Tell The Police!)
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    Get skyclad, set out and light your Crowley seven day candle, set out your athame and chalice, and fill the chalice with the blood of a youg man (can be collected how you wish).
    Sit in front of the candle.
    Stab the chalice with your athame 93 times in a row.

    "Enter me Daddy Crowley. Do as thou wilt my friend. I am a star and no part of me is not of the gods. I am an ipissimus. 93 93/93."

    You are now Crowley.

    Added to on Jun 01, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #299 - Complete Protection from Demons and Forgiveness

    This will ensure the following: 1) Protection from evil forces and demons 2) Forgiveness from God 3) Ensured entry into Heaven 4) Complete positive change in your life
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Find a quiet place where you can speak words aloud and focus your thoughts.

    You can speak the words standing or in a position of prayer. I recommend kneeling though. It is critical that you have an open heart and mind and that you commit fully to what you are about to say.

    Speak the following words clearly while praying:

    "God, I know I am a sinner. But I commit myself to you fully and repent, turning away from sin. I believe you sent your only son to die for me, even though I don't deserve this gift, your grace is never ending. I humbly ask, Jesus, please come into my heart. Lead me on a path of righteousness and guide my body, mind, and spirit. Thank you for saving, protecting, and forgiving me. Amen."

    Congratulations, you now have made the most powerful ally you could and have started on a path that will lead you to a complete transformation. If you ever need protection from evil spirits or demons you can speak the following (or even just think it if you are attacked during sleep paralysis):

    "Leave now demon and return from where you came, in Jesus name!"

    This must be spoken with authority and full assurance and faith that you will be protected.

    Added to on May 23, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #300 - God/Goddess Devotional Deity Tea

    A devotional tea to honor deities.
    You may need:

  • Two edible flowers of different color, or two edible herbs or spices which represent deity.
  • Tea strainer
  • Tea mug
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    You may need:

  • Two edible flowers of different color, or two edible herbs or spices which represent deity.
  • Tea strainer
  • Tea mug
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    This tea is to honor our deities. The edible flowers or herbs used should represent either particular personal dieties or the God or Goddess archetypes in general. A God and Goddess is not exactly necessary. A tea can be made for one deity or if it is made for two Goddesses, this too is acceptable.

    The idea is for the tea ingredients to represent a deity.


    This is my personal tea:

    Christian Deity and Nemesis tea


    Forsythia flower, yellow, Christian Deity.

    Wild Violet flower, purple, Nemesis.

    Tea strainer.


    Place your edible flowers and herbs into the tea strainer. Fill your mug with water and microwave for 3 minutes. Remove your cup carefully with a medium sized cloth taking care not to burn yourself. The cup will be hot so please remove with protection for your hands. I use a towel. Place the mug on the countertop and dip the tea strainer into the cup several times to simmer the flavor of your ingredients into your tea. If the strainer has a hook attach the strainer to the side of your mug if able. This will further help to establish flavor. Enjoy your tea in honor of your deity. If you want pour a little into a separate small tea cup in offering.

    Added to on May 17, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters