Helps you with your spells and power spells after you have drank it you will feel different.
You may need:
3 blue candles
A glass tube for holding liquid
Crushed seashells
You may need:
3 blue candles
A glass tube for holding liquid
Crushed seashells
Get the herbs and rip them up into small pieces and make sure you put them in the tube. Then get the crushed seashells and ad it with the sugar and salt inside the tube. Then add the water then put the lid on and set up the candles around it.
Say the spell: "This tube contains (any power you say) when I drink it I shall become powerful."
This is a spell to connect yourself with the elements. It is a good one to do if you are going to be working heavily with the elements or spell work in general.
You may need:
1 candle representing each element
1 stone representing each element
You may need:
1 candle representing each element
1 stone representing each element
"I am of the Earth.
I yearn for knowledge.
Lengthen my memory.
Expand the plains.
So Mote It Be.
I am of the Air.
Casting is my power.
Improve my senses.
Let my will be done.
So Mote It Be.
I am of Fire.
Pure energy is I.
Focus myself.
Strengthen my powers.
So Mote It Be.
I am of the Water.
I visualize all.
Give me imagination.
Stretch my mind.
So Mote It Be. "
NOTE: This can be done with 4 people. Each one should chose an element and say the verse corresponding to that element. It does not have to be done with 4 people though, 1 is enough.
This spell helps trees grow instead of 20 years it will refuse to about 16 years.
You may need:
Red candle
You may need:
Red candle
Sit in a meditative position near the tree with the leaves on your lap and the candle in front of you imagine the Qi energy entering the candle then entering the tree and say: "Tree grow for me. Grow so great all will see". Now repeat this 10 times and it will reduce the grow time.
To quickly heal a small bruise. (Works for either you banged your knee on something, you had a paper cut, etc.)
You may need:
Ability to move hand around bruised area
You may need:
Ability to move hand around bruised area
1). Sit down for a moment.
2). Rub the bruised area gently.
3). While rubbing chant: ''Heal me'' a number of times. Say it slow (12 to 15x).
4). Try not to move that bruised area too much.
Cast this spell just before you go to sleep.
To be able to access someone's dreams you need to be able to describe them well. Hold the bowl and chant the person's name three times. It could be a nickname; it works the best if the name is one that defines him/he well.
Go to sleep using a dream pillow. If you don't have one its ok.