7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Earth Element Powers
- Fears Image
- Body Transformation
- Simple Protection
- Telepathy
- Banish
- Invocation to Sigyn
- Invocation to Banish
- Cleanse Mind
- Tree Growth
#3041 - Earth Element Powers
Mix contents in a bowl, and then let it sit for 2 minutes. Then put one dot of potion on your forehead. And then put one dot on both of your cheeks. And lastly, put a line of potion on both of your hands. Next, wait for two more minutes. Then simply wash off.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3042 - Fears Image
#3043 - Body Transformation
First, you need to be alone and night time, and then you need to put 3 white candles in front of you.
Second, you need to draw yourself and divide its part (legs, hands, head, tails, ears, eyes, etc). Draw again what do you want to be and divide its part. Don't forget to write length, color (same as fruit), etc to explain the parts!
Third, you need to sit down relax and meditate.
Fourth, say this : "God of Transformation, I call thee! This is my old body, I want my new body as drawn on this book! Let me change, let me transform, let me be different like I like! Change (description) to (description)! Let the drink and lotion as a thing that change me! Thanks to you if you change me! So mote it be!"
Fifth, put the lotion to all your body!
Sixth, pour water to a bowl, and then mix it with the fruit (as many as different as color of parts), and leaves!
Seventh, drink the mixture, and feel it!
Eighth, sleep well with the picture below you, and every 1 day, chant again! After 3 days until 1 week, you will feel the change, it's extremely painful but after it, you will feel better with your new body!
Side Effects
Headache, back pain, body pain, and any pain. Feel strange at almost every parts of your body. A dream of you as your new body
There is no Reverse Spell, so be beware and aware! I don't want any rude mails! Think before doing this! Because if you have chanted once, you've sealed the deal and can't be stopped!
Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3044 - Simple Protection
Okay first before we get to the spell you might be asking well why do we need visualization and or the mind. Ffirst we need to think using the mind and since some people don't have enough ingredients or the right ingredients or none at all then I've used a method I would like to call Mental Casting. As I said before some people don't have ingredients so what I do when I don't have mine with me and I need to do some casting I visualize a white endless room or a black endless room and imagine the ingredients in front of me and do the spell.
Take the chalk and draw a pentagram with a circle then place all the 6 Candles on the points of the pentagram and imagine in either the room in your imagination or the real thing a force field of white magic and white magic colors around you that will do it so wipe off the chalk or salt and blow the candles out and if your in the imagination room open your eyes and the spell will have been done.
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3045 - Telepathy
~This takes practice and it took me a couple of days to master it.
#3046 - Banish
Draw a pentagram with chalk then spread salt around. Step into pentagram and say the following. "With my energy I find the light the forces of the elements unite I banish all negative energy you are no longer welcome to me".
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3047 - Invocation to Sigyn
Light the candle and take the paper star. Hold the paper star. Say: "Oh gentle goddess mother of Narvi and Vali, a ask for your protection and guidence through this heart and rough part of my life. I wish for your help mother of Narvi and Vali. Hail Sigyn."
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3048 - Invocation to Banish
On a nice snowy winter day go outside. Then sit down in the snow. Say with devotion: "Oh Rind lady of the ice, mother to Vali, I ask for your protection of snow goddess. I ask that you come and protect me. Oh mother of Vali hear my call. Hail Rind, mother of Vali!"
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3049 - Cleanse Mind
Place the petals around you so there is at least 4 visible points, circles work better but require more petals. Sit in the circle and clear your mind before saying the spell.
"Cleanse my thoughts
Heal my mind and soul too
Nature rejuvenate,
Make it all new."
Last edited on Jul 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3050 - Tree Growth
Windy conditions may limit this spell I found and it usually makes the trees that I have used it on grow 1.4x as fast. Its best to focus and cast the spell every morning to keep the energy flow.
"Water, sap energy flow, flourish faster, tree please grow."
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.