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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Decorative Return To Sender Spell
  2. Friendship sell (REALLY WORKS)
  3. Get Your Lover
  4. My Hellishly Curse.
  5. new portal spell
  6. Restore Blocked Memories
  7. Refrigerator Binding Free weight loss
  8. Prince Elf
  9. Uncrossing a space.
  10. Scapegoat Hex Cord

#301 - Decorative Return To Sender Spell

A simple and effective protection spell to return negative energy.
You may need:

  • Small mirror
  • Shiva's eye shell
  • Flowers (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Small mirror
  • Shiva's eye shell
  • Flowers (optional)
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    For this protection spell I use a small round mirror that came from or fell off of a mirror work purse I own. These mirrors are usually very small and round, and can possibly be purchased at a craft store.

    Place the small mirror on a table top or altar. Honestly mine is placed on a decorative marble cube figure I found, and right under my crystal ball and stand which as well is placed upon the cube stand. Both my mirror and shiva shell fit under my crystal ball.

    After placing the mirror, atop of it place your Shiva's eye shell. These shells are said to protect the owner from negativity.

    Whenever you look upon this touch of protective altar decor, imagine the mirror reflecting negativity away from you and returning it to where it came. As another option you can decorate the space nearby to your mirror and shell with flowers of your choice. White flowers representing purity are nice as well as other protective flowers.

    Added to on May 16, 2021
    Last edited on May 16, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #302 - Friendship sell (REALLY WORKS)

    Helping you get a new friend. Close the bag carefully while saying the following chant: "I open myself up for a new friendship, allowing it to grow as long as it needs. I request in the God and Goddesses help in hand leading me to the right friendship for me. While this candle is their guiding light, I will be looking for their sight. This is my will, this is my plea, so mote it be"
    You may need:

  • (Optional) Friday
  • Dirt
  • Sweet Pea flower petals
  • Pink Candle
  • Plastic bag
  • Lemon peelings
  • Rosemary
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    You may need:

  • (Optional) Friday
  • Dirt
  • Sweet Pea flower petals
  • Pink Candle
  • Plastic bag
  • Lemon peelings
  • Rosemary
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    Light the candle while doing the chant and place it on top of the bag, if needed, place a metal jar lid on top of the plastic bag then put your candle on that, allow the candle to go out on its own, pay attention to the smoke of the candle fire. If needed, snuff out the candle.

    When the candle has burned all the way down and has gone out on its own you may bury the bag outside. If you choose not to bury it, you may place it in a safe place where it won't be bothered

    Close the bag carefully while saying the following chant:

    "I open myself up for a new friendship, allowing it to grow as long as it needs. I request in the God and Goddesses help in hand leading me to the right friendship for me. While this candle is their guiding light, I will be looking for their sight. This is my will, this is my plea, so mote it be"

    Added to on Apr 17, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #303 - Get Your Lover

    You can harness the mighty power of Aphrodite in this love spell to help bring true love into your life.
    You may need:

  • Deep red lipstick
  • 5 red candles
  • 5 pink candles
  • 5 white candles
  • Square of white cloth
  • Clean sea shell
  • Piece of red yarn or ribbon
  • Small white dish
  • Fresh strawberries
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    You may need:

  • Deep red lipstick
  • 5 red candles
  • 5 pink candles
  • 5 white candles
  • Square of white cloth
  • Clean sea shell
  • Piece of red yarn or ribbon
  • Small white dish
  • Fresh strawberries
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    First create an altar area for your spell that won't be disturbed while the spell is active. Create 3 rings of candles, with the white on the inside, then a ring of pink and the red candles on the outside. The exact size doesn't really matter. Light all 15 candles, one ring at a time, starting with the white ones.

    Repeat the first part of the spell out loud:

    By the power of Aphrodite,
    I ask the Goddess to bless my ritual
    To bring forth a true love
    So mote it be

    Then put on the lipstick (yes, even if you are a guy), and put a big lip print in the center of the cloth. Say:

    By this kiss,
    I bring power to this spell
    To bring forth a true love
    So mote it be

    Set the seashell over the print, and wrap the cloth up over the shell to make a little bundle. Tie it up with the red yarn. Set the charm in the center of the inner candle circle. Now say:

    By this shell,
    I call the Goddess,
    To bring forth a true love
    So mote it be

    Run your hands around each circle of candles, just above the flames, Again, start with the inner circle of white candles, and move outward. Set the dish in the circle, and add a berry or two (they represent the Goddess).

    Leave all the candles to burn out naturally on their own (it doesn't matter which colors go out first). Leave everything in place until you meet someone new. Replace the strawberries with fresh ones everyday. If no new relationships reveal themselves, you should wait at least one full moon cycle to try this ritual again.

    Added to on Apr 13, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #304 - My Hellishly Curse.

    Warning!!! Side of effects of curse are: 1. Having the horrible sensations of your good fortunes converting into misfortunes. 2. Hair loss/shedding more so often. 3. Deep depression 4. And having black thoughts of feeling worthless and nothing to live for.
    You may need:

  • Warning: this Black vexing curse of mine isn't to never be taken lightly ever. it conjures forths and summers all the evil spirits that dwell in the hell flames of hell. So please use with extreme cautious at all times. I won't be held responsible for any loss. So after casting and saying this vexing black magic incantation of mine I'm released from anything bad from happening from me which means I'll never be held responsible for anyone's death nor injuries. You've been warned.
  • Ingredients: just thy voice. Can be said out loud or telepathically. Wand recommended but not required. I recommend using a powerful wand because it cast the curse god-speed. Your magics and sorcery are only as strong and dynamic as you are if you truly think you are.
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    You may need:

  • Warning: this Black vexing curse of mine isn't to never be taken lightly ever. it conjures forths and summers all the evil spirits that dwell in the hell flames of hell. So please use with extreme cautious at all times. I won't be held responsible for any loss. So after casting and saying this vexing black magic incantation of mine I'm released from anything bad from happening from me which means I'll never be held responsible for anyone's death nor injuries. You've been warned.
  • Ingredients: just thy voice. Can be said out loud or telepathically. Wand recommended but not required. I recommend using a powerful wand because it cast the curse god-speed. Your magics and sorcery are only as strong and dynamic as you are if you truly think you are.
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    Black Magic Vexing Incantation:


    Signs of my Vexing black magic incantation working for you and you alone are:

    1. You may hear the person your hexing saying that he/she is hearing a bell gong in there mind countless painful Times like a magrain.

    2. You'll feel relieved and feel as if you just let all your frustration go towards the person you just hexed. But that doesn't reverse the side effects of my black magic Vexing Incantation curse,

    3. You'll experience less of this person you hexed in your life and shall see less of them within your life.

    4. Once these sighs come true deeply within your life, your released from the all the side effects of my black magic Vexing Incantation curse. Bless be, more incantations to come extremely soon.

    Added to on Apr 09, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #305 - new portal spell

    In this spell that I am doing it has a rhyme word to this spell.
    You may need:

  • summon
  • aloud
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    You may need:

  • summon
  • aloud
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    Mortal Portal open this portal.

    Added to on Apr 09, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #306 - Restore Blocked Memories

    A meditation spell that will help restore blocked or lost memories.
    You may need:

  • A quiet place where you will be uninterrupted
  • An image of any kind that you may have any sort of connection with, or that may seem familiar (ex. an image from your childhood)
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    You may need:

  • A quiet place where you will be uninterrupted
  • An image of any kind that you may have any sort of connection with, or that may seem familiar (ex. an image from your childhood)
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    Look at the image for a few minutes. Study it's every detail (the surroundings of the image, the people in it, etc.) until you can keep a clear picture of it in your head. Close your eyes and meditate for around 3 minutes while focusing on that picture in your mind. Keep the intention of bringing forth blocked and/or lost memories clear in you mind. Visualize and feel your energy rising and falling within you for each breath, and then visualize your energy coming up to your head, and surrounding the image, absorbing any feeling the image may bring forth, or any connection you may have with it, or any familiarity it has. Then visualize the energy diving down deep into your mana core, breaking through any sort of memory or energy barriers, and then bring the energy back up and visualize it flooding your mind space. Keep the intention clear in your mind of it bringing forth any sort of memories. Hold it for about 10 seconds, then let the energy dissipate. It may not take effect immediately, but it should conjure up any sort of memory eventually. This may mean it could come to you at any time.

    Added to on Apr 09, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #307 - Refrigerator Binding Free weight loss

    A symbolic binding (since you can't really tie your fridge closed) to help you improve your willpower and reduce snacking.
    You may need:

  • Your supplies for this free weight loss spell are:
  • A piece of black yarn, a few feet long
  • Black candle
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    You may need:

  • Your supplies for this free weight loss spell are:
  • A piece of black yarn, a few feet long
  • Black candle
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    Light the black candle while you concentrate on improving your willpower and motivation to lose weight. Think about that while you tie knots in the yarn, about every 4 to 5 inches along the length.

    Once it's knotted, take the yarn to your refrigerator and wrap it around the door handle several times and knot it tightly. While you do this, repeat the following:

    I bind you cravings, to stay away
    I bind you cravings, to stay away
    I bind you cravings, to stay away
    I am stronger than you today

    Leave the candle somewhere safe to burn out. Then every time to go to the fridge, let the yarn remind you of your goal. If you find you tend to snack from the cupboard, you can cast this spell with a cupboard door instead.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #308 - Prince Elf

    Become Prince Elf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just chant 5X daytime or nighttime

    'Hear my voice!

    ​​​​​​Prince Elf, I ask to be.

    Make me this, so be it.'

    *​​​​​​It probally works instant( keep that in mind)*

    Added to on Apr 06, 2021
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #309 - Uncrossing a space.

    A spell to uncross a space.
    You may need:

  • Consecration oil, pine frankincense
  • Mugwort, cut and lose
  • Holy water
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    You may need:

  • Consecration oil, pine frankincense
  • Mugwort, cut and lose
  • Holy water
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    Visit the space you wish to uncross; if legally you can be there. Take some consecration oil on your index finger. Begin by making the sign of the cross. Only, start with your left shoulder, then your right, forehead and, chest. This represents the initial crossing of the space. Next start with your right shoulder, then your left, your forehead and, chest. This signifies your uncrossing of the space.

    Next, safely light a bit of your mugwort. Make sure nothing in the area can catch fire. Smudge the air with the mugwort smoke, and continue to light it as needed.

    Lastly, toss some of the holy water about the area. This should be done gently yet reverently.

    Added to on Mar 29, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #310 - Scapegoat Hex Cord

    A knot magic hex with protections.
    You may need:

  • 3 strings
  • A string of the caster's hair
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    You may need:

  • 3 strings
  • A string of the caster's hair
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    Tie three strings and a string of your hair together. I like to use another piece of string to tie all 3 of the strings and hair together.

    The hair acts as a scapegoat, there to bring possible backfires onto the hair and not the caster.

    When finished tying the strings together, think upon your mental taglock. The mental taglock is the individual you want to aim your hex at. Think upon the individual gathering your anger, tie your knot or knots into the cord while pushing your anger into the knot/s.

    Keep this cord put away and safe.

    I prefer not knot up the whole cord in one sitting.

    When finished with the cord and it is entirely knotted, I like to dispose of mine along the targets pathway. Near where they may walk.

    Added to on Mar 29, 2021
    Last edited on Mar 31, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters