7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Control Elements Spell
- Dragon Egg
- Butterfly Wings
- Telekinesis Practice
- Dragon Side
- Another World Skills
- Go to another World
- Dragon Elements
- Calmness, Memory, and Thinking
- Become an Elf or Rivendale
#3321 - Control Elements Spell
Get your bowl and set it down in a quiet room. Add the 1/2 cup of dirt to the bowl. Then add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of water to the dirt. Mix with your spoon in a clockwise motion. Then take in a deep breath as deep as you can and let all of the air out from your lungs as you breath out onto the mixture. Next add a few pieces of hair to the mixture and stir again. After that you place your candle into the center of the mixture and light it. Cup your hands over the light and heat of the candle. When you feel the heat traveling through your hand say this spell three times:
"To control them is my desire, the elements earth, water, air, and fire, Earth is for peacefulness, Water is for fun, Air is for gracefulness, fire is for showing how it's done, in this hour bring me these powers, I ask the gods and goddesses to give these powers to me, this is my wish, so mote it be!"
After you say the spell three times then flip the candle upside down and place it in the center of the mixture to put it out. Remove the candle and, blow on the mixture 2 times then add the other 1/2 tablespoon of water to the mixture. Stir the potion while saying the spell one more time. When your done keep some of the mixture somewhere safe.
And that's it well hope it works sorry if it doesn't.
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3322 - Dragon Egg
Sit cross-legged and search your elements
Put the blue candles first in front of you
Say this :
Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me have your dragon egg, I will never make harm for it! I will take care of it every day! So mote it be!"
Without blowing out those candles, light up the white candles behind you and say :
"Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me have your dragon egg! I will make promise to you that I will take care of it! If I'm not taking care of it, take the dragon and punish me! So mote it be!"
Hold the element candles in your hands, and say
"Dragons of dragons, hear me! Let me please have of it, I'm really wanting to take care of it! Please for it's my will, so mote it be!"
Now blow the candles but don't move them. Draw the egg you want in your paper, make its characteristics!
Now draw the dragon you want if its already adult, draw its characteristics! Color them all and make sure its related to your element
Chant the last sayings every night for 3-7 nights! Don't forget for one day or it will not works
Put the paper below your pillow everyday and hide the candles!
*** Side Effects ***
- Dreaming : This effects started after you chanted once
- Communicating : This effects started after you chanted thrice
- Hallucinations : This effects started 7 days after chanted once
- Feeling : This effects started 7 days after chanted once
- Hearing : This effects started 10 days after chanted once
- Roaring : This effects started 15 days after chanted once
- Egg : This reality started 30 days after chanted once
Types of Eggs"
- Water : Often fell in water and waterfall, please check waters in your house.
- Earth : Often fell in dirt or grounds
- Fire : Hiding everywhere
- Wind : Often in the rushing winds area
- Forest : In any plantings
*** Warnings ***
- Don't forget to chant 3 days fully!
- Don't take the paper or candles before getting the egg!
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3323 - Butterfly Wings
Sit cross-legged
Put the picture in front of you
Put the pink candles above the picture and put the (colours of wings) candles outside the picture
Put the golden candles behind you
Light all of them and say :
"Goddess of Beauty and Goddess of Butterfly! Hear me! Let me have this pair of butterfly wings! Let me flow in the meadows and skies! Beauty is I'm seeking too! Make me beautiful and can fly over! For my will, so mote it be!
And then visualise you have your butterfly wings for 2 minutes and turn off all candles!
Hide the candles and chant it every night until 3 nights!
*** Side Effects ***
Skin is clearer, whiter, and more shining
Face is more perfect
Body likes butterfly
Bones are more flexible
Feels a thing in your back and a hurt or pain there
Eyes clearer than before
A dream becoming a butterfly girl or boy
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3324 - Telekinesis Practice
Step 2. Imagine and invisible hand come out of yours to grab the object.
Step 3. Use Telekinesis
#3325 - Dragon Side
As you alone, sit cross-legged
Say this :
"Dragons of Dragons, your side is what I want! Stay and let me be in your side, I will never harm you! Focus and give me your dragon power! Give me your instinct and reflexes. Give me your sight, hearing, and smell! Give me your power and skills of you! Let me have the skills of (element) dragon have! Let it be and please let it be! Take me to your side! Make me half dragon! It will be an honour and thanks if you let me become! Please let it be! This is my will so mote it be!"
Feel and visualise you're now among the side of all dragons and feels you have the skills of the dragon you choose (better choosing by your elements)!
Say this at the end :
"Dragons of Dragons, thank you for letting me to become your side! An honour and thanks I already given to you! The skills I have please let I use it, make me now how to use it! Let it be! This for thanks to you, Dragons! So answer my thankful message!"
*** Side Effects ***
Feels you are half dragon
Feels you are now among all dragons
Feels you're skilled up
Feels you are communicating with dragons
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3326 - Another World Skills
Stand Up
Say this :
"I wish to locate me in another world, locate me now! Before of that, give me knowledge of language and knowledge of transforming there! No die and no pain shall I feel! Locate me and give me knowledge! So mote it be!"
Before 3 hours, teleport into another world! Or you will feel an absolutely really hurt pain!
Works for me before going into the dragon world! I've make no friends in there anyway!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3327 - Go to another World
Stand Up
If you use candles, put the candles circling you
If you use candles, light them up
Visualise you're in another world (such as dragons, animes, etc)
Remember : Visualise as best as you can
Say this while visualising :
"The world I want to be, make me stand up there! Time I command and Place I command! Change me there now! This is my will, so mote it be!"
Before teleporting, make sure no ones turn off your candles until it is stopped itself!
If anyone turned off it, you will NEVER come back to your world if you succeed
If you already there, just visualise and say,
"Back to me, back to me my world! World that I just left, I command you time and place. Get me back now! So mote it be!"
Have fun teleporting, no one will repay if its un working or you can't back!
*** FUN FACTS ***
Its safer if you don't use candles, you can get back 98% succeed. Because no candles are used!
You need to say the spell more than 3!
Try to make friend there!
Make sure you don't die there!
The time is moving differently! It maybe 6 minutes there but 3 hours in this world!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3328 - Dragon Elements
Sit with your legs in front of you
If you use candles, put it between your legs
Visualise your elements is entering your body and surrounding you and say :
"Dragons, hear me! Your elements shall happened! Let me be a part with your elements! I want (element) because that I want to have and that is mine! Give me so that will be an honour for you! So shall it be! Please do it! So mote it be!"
Still visualising, if you don't feel your element touching your body. Start from the first and really concentrates!
After visualising, open your eyes!
*** If you use candles, breathe the smoke of your candles! If you do this step, there is possibility that your will have "Dragon Breath" skill! Just about chance. I get the skill now! Breathe until the candles off. Hide it! Don't let anyone see it! If anybody see it, your spells has stopped and must be repeated!
*** If you don't use candles, your power will be less than who use candles! This spells will not stopped unless you say harmful things to dragons and must be repeated!
Do it every 3 days, who use candles and who's not, use the second version (not using candles)!
It will take fully effects after 1 month!
*** List of Powers ***
Wind or Sky : Gives you a slight speed
Fire : Gives you a slight attack
Earth : Gives you a slight defence
Water : Gives you a slight agility
Forest : Gives you a slight regeneration
Other : Contact me (wmarvell007)
*** Side Effects ***
Feels controlling your element
Touch of elements surrounding your body
Feels body are combined with elements
Love your elements
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3329 - Calmness, Memory, and Thinking
Sit cross-legged. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say :
*** For Calmness :"God of Friends, I need you now! Make me fully calm and have no angry from now until tonight! For honour and thanks if you give me! Please let it be! So mote it be!"
*** For Memory :"God of Athena and God of Memories! I need you now. Make my mind can remember more than anyone, make me remember longer than anyone! Please let it be if you want it! This is my wishes! So mote it be!"
*** For Thinking :"God of Mind, make people think about me with what I want! They will not think of what I don't want! This is my wish, (what are your wishes). Please let it be because this is my wish! So mote it be!"
Breathe all smoke from candle after saying the spells! Breath until the candles has stopped!
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3330 - Become an Elf or Rivendale
"Serra se niaja ra fareno lopenere hanet yez.
Repeat 3 times while sitting in front of your ingredients.
Now put on your charm and say:
An nophen sar Queen Ella, ghettran Elron".
Repeat 2 times.
Side effects will last for about a week. Once your side effects stop, you will be an Elf of Rivendale so long as you don't take your charm off for more than one day at a time. You must have it on for at least two days after you preform the spell, and after you take it off for any amount of time.
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.