7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Shut Up Spell
- Emergency Protection
- Indian Energy Technique
- Cleanse Object
- To Gain a Vision of Your True Love
- Onion Banishing
- Water Element Affinity
- Earth Element Affinity
- Air Element Affinity
- Fire Element Affinity
#3371 - Shut Up Spell
Light the black candle and meditate, think about why you want the person to shut up. Think about how they have offended you, and how mad it makes you. When you are completely full of rage, take the picture of the person and mark an ''X'' across their mouth. (Or use some tape.)Either burn the picture or bury it in your backyard. Now forget how they made you feel, let go of your angers, and be happy knowing that this person will not speak to you again.
:) Good Luck!
#3372 - Emergency Protection
Pray with all your heart prayers like this. Once again, I am a witch, therefore don't forget this is Santeria, like Voodoo type of stuff. For added results, say this prayer to the image of St. Jude:
"May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, and loved in all the tabernacles until the end of time. Amen. May the most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised and glorified now and forever. Amen St. Jude pray for us and hear our prayers. Amen.
Blessed be the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Blessed be the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Blessed be St. Jude Thaddeus, in all the world and for all Eternity."
Say this prayer, followed by the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Also, you can use googled images of St. Mary and Jesus Christ. Be sure to go to a BOTANICA, google this, and order CONTRA DAñOS/anti harm, and show them your arms if you are a cutter like I was before, so they can help you.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3373 - Indian Energy Technique
Then do the same with your left hand index finger to your right hand.
Now hold up your hands palms facing each other about 2 in. apart. Slowly move them in a circular pattern while your palms are still facing each other. As you feel heat building up, make the circles bigger and bigger.
After awhile your hands should feel tingly and hot like there's electricity going through. Your energy is now charged.
#3374 - Cleanse Object
Next realize what is corrupt and know that you want it gone.
Thirdly, Visualize white or golden light washing over the object and carrying the negativity with it. As you do this chant; ''sterilite''.
Wave your tool around the object and apply your mana to it. That is the light energy.
#3375 - To Gain a Vision of Your True Love
Sit in the triangle and make square with the pink and red candles.
Place the bowl in the center and sprinkle the rose petals in and say:
''by powers of passion from the flower with the shade of blood''
Sprinkle the lavender in and say:
''by powers of the herb of prophecy''
Sprinkle the salt in the bowl and say:
''salt to purify my thoughts''
Pour the water in and say:
''now begins thy magick spell''
Meditate and breathe in the fumes of the poultice.
Dip the crystal into the water and hold it tight.
Look deep into your mind and try to make out an image of a person.
Keep the crystal with you at night to have your soul mate appear in your dreams.
This spell is for those who are ready for it. If you don't see any images then its not your time to know.
#3376 - Onion Banishing
Upon the paper, write the object of your banishment - for example, your bad habit, three times.
Cut out and hollow a section of the onion. Taking care not to break or separate the onion, insert your paper into this hole. "Close" the onion by replacing the cut out section (or outter peel).
Hold the onion in your hands, focusing your will on the object of banishment. Bury (or burn and bury) the onion OFF of your property to rid yourself of the object of your banishment.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3377 - Water Element Affinity
Jump in the water of your shower or pool, enough to reach your shoulder (optional). Close your eyes and clear your mind. Once your mind is clear visualize your body becoming shapeless and running and moving with the water while chanting:
"Water that keeps us purified and refreshed, I now ask to be immersed with you body and spirit. " Chant this until you feel you are done.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3378 - Earth Element Affinity
Go outside, somewhere where there is soil or a large rock to sit on. Once you find your location sit, close your eyes and clear your mind.
Once your mind is cleared visualize the earth under you rising up and converting you into the same material, hardening You while it happens, as you do this chant:
"Earth that we stand on, earth that grounds us, in you there is strength and abundance to create or break us, I now come closer to you than my physical form."
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3379 - Air Element Affinity
Once your mind has been cleared focus on the your breathing, on the air filing your lungs and the breeze moving around you.
visualize your body deforming and moving along with the wind, becoming a current of amoving breeze.
While doing this chant:
Air that moves, air that fills my vessel, you supply and renew me, i recieve your gift and enhance it.
keep repeating until you feel you have finished.
#3380 - Fire Element Affinity
Once you have found your location cleanse the area of unwanted energy.
Place the candle in front of you then light it.
Sit down comfortably, close your eyes and clear your mind.
Once your mind is cleared focus on the flame,on the heat and light its emitting.
Visualize yourself (your body and spirit) lighting up and becoming warmer (intensify this image and feeling if you feel it is needed), do this while chanting:
Bright flame, warm flame, you burn and consume, you light our way, a portion within us, which i now strengthen.
Say this as many times as you feel needed.
Once you are done, put the flame out and keep the candle somewhere no one will find it or put their hands on, this can interfere with the persons own energy.