7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Mermaid
- Cat
- Strengthen Wind
- Aura Finding
- Angelic Waves
- Feel the Earth's Rotation
- Make a Group Circle
- Dragon Energy Stone
- Control an Element
- Control an Element
#3381 - Mermaid
First, fill each cup too the thop and line them up in this order: Clear, Blue, Red. Then, take the necklace and hold it firmly in your fist, say the spell once. Then, put the necklace in the clear cup, say the spell again, and say the power blessing for water. Then, put the necklace in the blue cup, say the spe again and say the power blessing for freezing water. Then, put the necklace in the red cup, say the spell again and say the power blessing for heating water. Last, take the necklace and put it on, keep it on at a times.
Main Spell:
"From the shining blue surface, too the darkest depths, the ocean holds many secrets, I want too discover them. I want too be a mermaid, a graceful, brave mermaid, too explore the oceans far and wide, too be one with the ocean and it's creatures, is my one and only dream.
With all my heart, soul and boys, I ask to be given the powers and the tail of a mermaid, color doesn't matter, when I'm wet, my tail will show, when dry I will be normal, just normal. Normal is boring, a life in the ocean is better, O, wish come true deep in the sea, so mote it be."
Power Blessings:
Controlling Water Blessing:
"Gods and Godesses of the sea, bless the power of controlling water and give it too me, so mote it be."
Freezing Water Blessing:
"Gods and Godesses of the sea, bless the power of freezing water and give it too me, so mote it be."
Heating Water Blessing:
""Gods and Godesses of the sea, bless the power of heating water and give it too me, so mote it be."
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3382 - Cat
Take the cat carefully, then put it on your laps. Try to keep it cool. Make it sleep. Take 2 pieces of fur in the water in the bowl. Now say, "Oh gods of cats, gods of night, help me become a cat"
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3383 - Strengthen Wind
Look out of your window or stand outside and whisper
"Wind, wind I call to you,
Strengthen your power for good."
"Wind I call to you
Lend me your power just for now
So I strengthen you."
While saying the last one think of a strong wind you have been in before.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3384 - Aura Finding
Think about what colour your arua is. Use your energy to grab it.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3385 - Angelic Waves
When the waves crash upon the ocean that that is close to you draw from the forest to your mind whether it be a brain, home, fish tank, hamster ball.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3386 - Feel the Earth's Rotation
Be awake at sunrise or before. Sit down, and relax, look at the sun. Now watch the sun rise, and tell yourself that YOU are the one moving, and not the sun.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3387 - Make a Group Circle
One person goes up to the other person with an athame and point it a few inches in front of that person's chest and say "it is better that you should rush upon this blade than enter the circle with fear in your heart how do you enter"? Then the other person says "with perfect love and perfect trust" then the last person says "as above so below".
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3388 - Dragon Energy Stone
First take your stone and cleanse it by washing it in cold water. Next cover the stone in leaves and bury it in the soil/ground and leave it buried for 1-2 days. Then dig up the stone and rub it in ash and sugar before leaving it in a dark place for a day.
When that day is up, either cover the stone in oil and set it alight for a 5 mins, or use the fire to heat up the stone for 5 mins. Finally, get your bowl/mug of boiling water with your Iron and Crystal in it and add your stone.
Add the lavender then leave for a night to go cold. After this you have your stone the chant this three times: "Dragons of the Fires, Water, Earths, and Winds. Give me your power to be stronger, Knowledge to be smarter and speed to be faster. Give me your will, your strength, your speed, your soul, your power and your energy. For whomever may possess this stone, shall be able to use your energy for whatever the wish. So Mote It Be! so Mote It Be! So Mote It Be!"
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3389 - Control an Element
Set up everything for the element you selected (Note: you can only do one) Now, light your candle (Note: DO NOT touch your candle unless advised once lit). Pick up your wand and gently push the tip onto the side of the candle facing you
Whisper the following spell once (Note: the wand should still be pressing the candle) "Great element of (name of element) please grant me control of you. Your essence and power shall be with me in everything I do. I will use my powers wisely, kindly and confidently, please put your trust in me I wish to control the elemental power of (name of element) so mote it be."
For earth:
Take your moss or dirt and press the flame of the candle with it very hard so it goes out
(Note: If using moss press the mossy side, not the dirt side into the flame) (Note: If using dirt, use an extremely large, thick and malleable wad, not little bits that slip through your fingers so you won't burn yourself)
For wind:
Blow out the candle flame with a strong gust of exhalation
For fire:
Get a paper towel and fold it up so it's thick. Squeeze the flame (with the paper towel) so it goes out
For water:
Stick your dropper into your little bowl of water and squeeze. Now that there is water in it squirt it at the fire to extinguish (Note: you may want to place a paper towel under the candle before beginning to cast the spell so you don't make a mess with the water)
After Casting
This spell may not work on the first try, don't get discouraged! Many spells don't. Try casting it every day, and your control over the element will become stronger and stronger. (Note: do not cast twice in a 24-hour period. Try selecting a specific time every day to cast)
You may notice that the element you selected seems to turn up more in your daily life. You may also notice that it turns up in your dreams. When dealing with the element you chose, you will probably find that it is easier to work with (ex: if you chose water, swimming may become easier or more fun)
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3390 - Control an Element
~Set up everything for the element you selected (Note: you can only do one)
~Now, light your candle (Note: DO NOT touch your candle unless advised once lit)
~Pick up your wand and gently push the tip onto the side of the candle facing you
~Whisper the following spell once (Note: the wand should still be pressing the candle)
''Great element of (name of element) please grant me control of you.
Your essence and power shall be with me in everything I do.
I will use my powers wisely, kindly and confidently, please put your trust in me
I wish to control the elemental power of (name of element) so mote it be.''
~Take your moss or dirt and press the flame of the candle with it very hard so it goes out
(Note: If using moss press the mossy side, not the dirt side into the flame) (Note: If using dirt, use an extremely large, thick and malleable wad, not little bits that slip through your fingers so you won't burn yourself)
~Blow out the candle flame with a strong gust of exhalation
~Lick your thumb and pointer finger (Note: make sure they are very spit-y, I know it sounds gross but you want to make sure you extinguish the flame without burning yourself)
~Now press the two fingers together over the flame to put it out
~Stick your dropper into your little bowl of water and squeeze
~Now that there is water in it squirt it at the fire to extinguish (Note: you may want to place a paper towel under the candle before beginning to cast the spell so you don't make a mess with the water)
*****After Casting*****
~This spell may not work on the first try, don't get discouraged! Many spells don't. Try casting it every day, and your control over the element will become stronger and stronger. (Note: do not cast twice in a 24-hour period. Try selecting a specific time every day to cast)
~You may notice that the element you selected seems to turn up more in your daily life
~You may also notice that it turns up in your dreams
~When dealing with the element you chose, you will probably find that it is easier to work with (ex: if you chose water, swimming may become easier or more fun)
~This spell's goal outcome is to give you control over one element, not only enhancing your magical ability in this area but simple magic can be done with your selected element once the power is strong enough. Like I said, don't get discouraged if it doesn't work the first time, I highly recommend doing it multiple times.
Message me with any questions, concerns, comments or feedback! :D