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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7129 Spiritual Spells
  1. A peace and relaxation potion
  2. Empathic weather manipulation (Or having the ability to control the weather depending on your mood)
  3. Ceremony for unlocking your dream room !WARNING: there could be some nightmares in your dream room!
  4. Control day and night!
  5. Charge your wand even more
  6. Chlorokinesis
  7. Godly Powers Draining spell(used by the sorceress Medea) tested
  8. Mana Surge
  9. Reveal your True Desires in a Dream
  10. Protection Spell Jar

#161 - A peace and relaxation potion

This potion is made of all natural ingredients.
You may need:

  • Cherry juice
  • Clover and wildflower honey
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Cherry juice
  • Clover and wildflower honey
  • Water
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    mix all ingredients together.

    Drink warm or cold. I prefer cold.

    This will relax you and allow you to sip your worries away.

    Added to on Jul 28, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #162 - Empathic weather manipulation (Or having the ability to control the weather depending on your mood)

    Gives you the ability of empathic weather manipulation (or controlling the weather depending on your mood) like Tía Pepa from Encanto.
    You may need:

  • You
  • Outside
  • What time of day you want to do
  • Quiet
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    You may need:

  • You
  • Outside
  • What time of day you want to do
  • Quiet
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    You need to go outside first of all.

    Then do 6 deep breaths,

    and after you've done so, chant: "Tempestas, Zeus, Taranis, Horus, Raijin, Fujin, Huracán, Yu Shi, Lono, Ọya, Perun and Indra, Goddesses and gods of rain and weather many, grant me the ability to control the weather depending upon how I am feeling, I leave you a humble offering of water in a jar, oh, so mote it be, and if it harm none, then let it be done." x3.

    But it could take a little while for the gods and goddesses of the weather to accept your offering and grant you the ability to control the weather depending on your mood.

    Added to on Jul 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #163 - Ceremony for unlocking your dream room !WARNING: there could be some nightmares in your dream room!

    Gives you the chance to open up your dream room, but note there could be some of your nightmares in your dream room, note that there can also be some undreamt dreams as well. Will initiate the forming of your dream room.
    You may need:

  • You
  • Dream room door closed
  • Belief
  • Candle, lit
  • Person to hold lit candle
  • Hope
  • To have done the dream room spell
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    You may need:

  • You
  • Dream room door closed
  • Belief
  • Candle, lit
  • Person to hold lit candle
  • Hope
  • To have done the dream room spell
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    After the person holding the lit candle asks if you will let others hang out with you in your dream room, say "I will, (insert name of person who is holding the lit candle here), I promise." Touch the doorknob. Then blow the candle out and you will see the door light up and form, open it, and go inside your dream room, seeing in your dream room form as you walk through, the ceremony for unlocking your dream room is complete!

    Added to on Jul 22, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 02, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #164 - Control day and night!

    Gives you the ability to control day and night!
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • You
  • Believe in Magic
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • You
  • Believe in Magic
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    Chant 3x : Oh, Hemera, gift me the power to control daytime and nighttime, I promise to use this power properly, oh, so mote it be!

    Added to on Jul 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #165 - Charge your wand even more

    Helps you make your wand more powerful.
    You may need:

  • Wand
  • You
  • Outside
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • Wand
  • You
  • Outside
  • Full Moon
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    You need to go outside, preferably on a full moon, have your wand and chant: "Oh, wand please become more powerful. So mote it be!"

    You will be able to perform more spells, more than before!

    Added to on Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 08, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #166 - Chlorokinesis

    This allows you to be able to make flowers follow you wherever you go as well as making different plants, like cacti for example, and you can also make a swing with vines for the chains.
    You may need:

  • Really strong belief
  • Bouquet of any kind of flowers, must be real
  • Outside, summer or spring, not winter or autumn because if you want roses, it’s ideal for spring.
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    You may need:

  • Really strong belief
  • Bouquet of any kind of flowers, must be real
  • Outside, summer or spring, not winter or autumn because if you want roses, it’s ideal for spring.
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    Chant this 5 times: Oh, Mother Nature, please gift me the ability to manipulate and spawn flowers, oh, please hear my plea! End with “So mote it be!” repeated 5 times. Wait a while and do whatever physical activity you wish

    Added to on Jul 20, 2022
    Last edited on Aug 11, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #167 - Godly Powers Draining spell(used by the sorceress Medea) tested

    This drains the powers of a God of your Choice and allows you to transfer it to someone else
    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • to Have a God in mind
  • Mystiokinesis or Sorcery
  • An element related to the God you wish to steal the Power from's domain
  • and the ability to speak Greek
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • to Have a God in mind
  • Mystiokinesis or Sorcery
  • An element related to the God you wish to steal the Power from's domain
  • and the ability to speak Greek
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    Say this Seven times "Ego Straingizo Theosevis Exousies Tou (insert God's Name Here) Symfona Me Pros tin Mystiokinisi Kai Apporofo Tous Se Mou Aftos Simaino Einai Monimos."

    Added to on Jul 13, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #168 - Mana Surge

    This spell gives you a surge of mana. Mana is the energy used to power spells.
    You may need:

  • Imagination and knowledge of animals
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    You may need:

  • Imagination and knowledge of animals
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    The spell technically has to be cast as fast as you can, ideally .22 seconds. So take your time remembering the actions you need to take and then perform the spell. If you are having a hard time remembering this spell, imagine a rabbit and then a horse. Complete that action within 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of the spell to enhance your memory. Also, the imagination might need some help from a starter spell, but the starter spell will take some of your mana over time. To aid your imagination first imagine an octopus, within 3 minutes of casting spell. This will allow you to imagine things at a faster pace. Then the actual mana surge spell is done by imagining a bat, then a dog, a cat, and lastly a frog. I recommend imagining petting the cat to feel the spell. Imagining an octopus can make you feel hyper and sluggish at the same time, so I recommend imagining a rodent, within 30 minutes of imagining the octopus. The imagining of the octopus should take .25 seconds or less and the imagining of the rodent should take .25 seconds or less. Imagining a rodent doesn't consume mana if you imagined an octopus. Lastly, if you are finding it hard to stay motivated to complete this spell, imagine a shark, then a fish, and lastly a butterfly, and imagine those last three things in 3 minutes and within 30 minutes of doing spell.

    If this spell is done successfully, you will have acquired good luck and enhanced function. This may be cast multiple times. Also, some spells may consume more mana than this spell generates.

    A surge of mana will cause one to grow and create tranquility in one's life.

    Added to on Jun 25, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #169 - Reveal your True Desires in a Dream

    A spell to unveil your innermost desires to yourself in a dream.
    You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    You may need:

  • The ability to sleep, enough time to dream, force of will and focus.
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    1.) When you are ready to sleep, get comfortable, lie down and close your eyes. If you feel lost and confused on a certain thing or multiple, focus on those ideas and focus on the situation. Formulate exactly what it is that you want to know your true desires about. Is it which job to apply for? Which lover to choose? Is it your identity? Try and figure it out.

    2.) Now that you have came up with what you want to know your true desires about, focus on the desire to know the truth.

    3.) Once you get close to falling asleep, chant this spell 3x's in your mind or read them aloud,

    "A dream weaves from what a Man/Woman senses,

    In this night and coming hours,

    Without fear and without hiding,

    please reveal what I've been wanting."

    "With greatest hopes in favor please, let this harm none."

    4.) Let yourself drift into sleep... upon waking you will encounter yourself with memories from your dream, write them down quick! Dreams are easily forgotten. Be careful what you ask for..


    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #170 - Protection Spell Jar

    This is my recipe personally for a protection spell jar that I decided to share with you all it is really simple and easy to do and put together not difficult at all.
    You may need:

  • Bay leaves
  • Black salt
  • Amethyst
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Obsidian
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    You may need:

  • Bay leaves
  • Black salt
  • Amethyst
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Obsidian
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    Get a mason jar, then add the following in order

    first: The Bay Leaves

    second: The Black Salt

    third: The Amethyst

    fourth: The Rosemary

    fifth: The Lavender

    last: The Obsidian

    Then seal the jar tightly shut and put it in your house some where or you can get one of those small bottles with the corkscrew and do the same and put it in your purse or put it around your neck as a necklace.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters