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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Cupid's Love Pillow
  2. House of Magus Meditation
  3. Piercing The Veil
  4. My Family the World
  5. Goddess I Hear You
  6. Mana Super Form
  7. Naughty
  8. Summon Your Spirit Animal In A Dream
  9. Animal Release Spell
  10. Water Power

#3801 - Cupid's Love Pillow

A hoodoo love pillow for when you're apart from your twin flame. For your twin flame to sense you and for you to feel their presence in their absence.
You may need:

  • 1 pillow
  • 1 love amulet you feel drawn to and wear a lot
  • 1 picture of the person
  • Doves blood ink
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 red rose bud
  • 1 pink rose bud
  • Lavender
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • 1 marriage incense
  • 1 hummingbird incense
  • 1 raspberry leaf
  • Salt
  • Black salt
  • 1 fire of love oil or adam and eve oil
  • 1 figure candle of a couple pink
  • 1 love candle
  • 2 regular pink candles
  • 1 soul mate candle
  • 1 regular white candle
  • 1 red male figure candle
  • 1 regular red candle
  • 1 swallows heart
  • 1 honey love incense
  • Pink Blue Sonata/ Lavender Incense 1618 gold
  • Pink Blue Sonata/ Lavender Incense 1618 gold
  • Attract herbal mix
  • Hummingbird oil
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    You may need:

  • 1 pillow
  • 1 love amulet you feel drawn to and wear a lot
  • 1 picture of the person
  • Doves blood ink
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 red rose bud
  • 1 pink rose bud
  • Lavender
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • 1 marriage incense
  • 1 hummingbird incense
  • 1 raspberry leaf
  • Salt
  • Black salt
  • 1 fire of love oil or adam and eve oil
  • 1 figure candle of a couple pink
  • 1 love candle
  • 2 regular pink candles
  • 1 soul mate candle
  • 1 regular white candle
  • 1 red male figure candle
  • 1 regular red candle
  • 1 swallows heart
  • 1 honey love incense
  • Pink Blue Sonata/ Lavender Incense 1618 gold
  • Pink Blue Sonata/ Lavender Incense 1618 gold
  • Attract herbal mix
  • Hummingbird oil
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    Cut a small slit on the pillow. In a bowl mix all of your herbs and incense together. This mixture will not be used for burning. add the mixture inside of the pillow along with the swallow heart. Cast a circle and place the pillow in the center. Place the pink figure candle of a couple first behind the pillow, the red male (if this spell is for a female use a female figure candle) in front of the pillow. Then next to the pink couple place the love candle followed by the soul mate candle and regular red candle until it meets the red male candle. This should be set up in a circle.

    After the red male place your regular white candle followed by a regular pink candle. Next, take the black salt and make a circle around the candles and pillow. This will be beneficial and used for your circle of protection. Black salt is used for keeping evil forces, bad neighbors, negative spirits, and negativity away so it will protect your spell and your twin flame from all harm. Drop one single drop of your love oil into each candle.

    Then, anoint the male figure candle with hummingbird oil. When a female rubs hummingbird oil on the man she loves he will not be able to escape or avoid her which empowers this spell so much more when focusing and concentrating on your twin flame if this spell is for him and you know for sure they are your twin flame (twin flame means your one and only true love and soul mate; the one).

    Next, rub the hummingbird oil on the picture of the intended (your partner or twin flame). Set the image a side for a moment. Take a piece of paper with doves blood ink and write the full name of the person you are doing this spell for (your twin flame for example: Michael Adam Shultz) Then above the persons name to the left side draw a symbol that represents your love between you and that person (for example a firework, a heart, a dove, a star, or a butterfly).

    Next to that symbol above the persons name draw the infinity sign to represent eternity (this represents eternal love between you and your twin flame). Now place that piece of paper on top of the pillow. Then, in the center of that piece of paper place the image of the person you anointed with the hummingbird oil. Sprinkle some salt on top of this persons picture and on each candle to represent protecting them, healing, and cleansing their energy. If you feel it's right you may do some smudging to also protect the person. Next you may also burn some love incense if you wish for more empowerment.

    Now relax, clear your mind, focus, and concentrate. Allow love light to surround you and your circle to fill your heart. Feel that love energy all around you and your twin flame. Feel the strength and power in the palm of your hands and hover your hands. Place your love amulet around the persons picture on the pillow. Now, over the image of the person on the pillow and allow the love energy to pour through you and into that person and the pillow.

    Chant: "With this spell I surround you now protecting you and filling your heart with love. With this pillow every time I touch this pillow you will feel me, hear me, smell me, and sense me. My embrace, energy, and spirit surrounds you with me through this pillow. With this pillow I call upon your energy and spirit now. Your energy, presence, spirit, and embrace surrounds me. Open your eyes and you will see me. Allow my love to fill your heart, mind, body, and soul. This spell will not fail. With harm to none, no force, and no manipulation I call unto you my twin flame true love divine. With the assistance, help, and guidance I call to thee Aphrodite, Cupid, and Harmonia the gods of love. I bless you and this love that has descended from above. This is my will, so mote it be."

    Then, allow for any incense to burn out completely. Relax, meditate, and allow love to fill your heart. Take it all in. Then when you feel the spell is complete blow out the candles in the same order you lite them. Now clean up your mess and sleep with the pillow every night, hold it whenever you miss the person, are apart, or want them to feel your energy. This pillow will ease your heart from aching and help you feel more comfortable.

    Added to on Jan 05, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3802 - House of Magus Meditation

    A meditation that helps you further inspect the magus tarot card.
    You may need:

  • A quite space.
  • The ability to hold visualizations for a long period of time.
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    You may need:

  • A quite space.
  • The ability to hold visualizations for a long period of time.
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    Get your mind nice and clear. Maybe light some incense and play some ambiance. If you choose to play something, nature sounds would be good for this exercise.
    Imagine you are wearing white robes with a maroon shoal over your shoulders. You are walking on a stone path that cuts through a field of red and white flowers. The sky is a vibrant blue with few clouds. Take your time stepping through here and pick a couple of flowers, smell them. The white ones could smell like gardenias, the red ones like roses. Take in the beautiful scents and the sun on your skin. Keep walking a bit.
    After walking for a short while, you come across a big stone castle. As you get closer, you see that the front doors are open. It looks safe and no one is around, so you decide to go into the castle. You see a grand staircase in front of you with flags of all symbols going up the railing. To the left and right, you see doors. You decide to go to your right and shake the door handle to see that the door is unlocked. You step inside, and find a room with one window at the opposite side of the room. In the middle of the room, there is a small and modest altar. Upon it, you see a pentagram, a cup, some coins and a wand.
    You have the urge to pick up this wand, and you do so. You can feel energy coursing through you. You point the want to the ground and feel energy going out from this wand going to the floor, and you feel the tingle of it on the bottoms of your feet. At your amazement, you put the wand down and contemplate what has just happened.
    after this contemplation, you leave the castle, and go back on your way on the trail.

    Added to on Jan 05, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3803 - Piercing The Veil

    This spell calls on the goddess to pierce the veil so that you can see clearly in a trance.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Say:''Into my presence, the goddess I hail, ask her I do to pierce the veil, feed not my soul on bread that is stale; to serve the goddess my spirit's eye must see without fail, it is mine and the lady's will, that dust gathers not upon my powers like an untouched sill, so goddess, turn the distaff like a spinning mill, so that the veil sits no longer still, lady my soul needs to be nourished, so that I can serve in a state of being flourished, turn not he blade in my hand,
    so it strikes me where I stand, but clear the way so my eyes see thy promised land.
    so mote it be."

    Added to on Jan 05, 2014
    Last edited on Aug 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3804 - My Family the World

    goddess, you are my mother,
    horned one, you are my father,
    lady moon, you are my sister,
    Calls on goddess, horned one, moon and sun to cleanse and cure you of the burden of your regets and spiritual imperfections.
    You may need:

  • voice only
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    You may need:

  • voice only
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    goddess of the earth, you are my mother,
    horned one of the running deer, you are my father,
    lady of the moon, my sister,
    apollo of the sun, my brother,
    My call I ask you to hear,
    this spell should work with the pulsing life of the unbroken deer,
    power of sun which gives sight to a seer,
    wisdom of the earth which keeps me from harm,
    and the tides of the moon which keep me calm,
    rid me of my old remorse,
    so that I may run forth carefree like an unbroken horse,
    this is my will,
    so mote it be.

    Added to on Jan 05, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3805 - Goddess I Hear You

    Asks the goddess to negate the negative backfire of a spell if the spell was done to do her will.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Goddess, goddess, above us all,
    One who hears will never fall,
    I, your sevant, hear your call,
    To you I give my heart and soul,
    To you I give my life,
    Spare me from the knife,
    Of magic which may turn
    And cause me trouble and strife,
    I who do your will,
    Like the people of the ancient hill."

    Added to on Jan 05, 2014
    Last edited on May 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3806 - Mana Super Form

    Mana is in the air everywhere, and is very easy to control. It is commonly reffered to as a weak energy, but it can be vary strong, if used correctly. This is a way to greatly increase your magical (and physical) capabilities.
    You may need:

  • A lot of mana, reasonable skill and a moderate power lever
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    You may need:

  • A lot of mana, reasonable skill and a moderate power lever
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    First absorb a lot of mana. Then, fill your body completely with it. Then channel it into your soulm and make weapons and armor with it, then merge with them. Then push the mana and your soul to merge, and when you feel a flood of energy, you have reached mana super.

    Added to on Jan 04, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3807 - Naughty

    Takes out all good in you and makes your evil stay in you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Repeat 2 times: "Evil,evil,demons rise and so I summon the evilest of them all to help my evil rise and my good disappear"

    Added to on Jan 03, 2014
    Last edited on May 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3808 - Summon Your Spirit Animal In A Dream

    You will be able to see your spirit animal. SEE, maybe even Talk to it.
    You may need:

  • Bedtime
  • Bed voice
  • Confidence
  • Magick abilities.
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    You may need:

  • Bedtime
  • Bed voice
  • Confidence
  • Magick abilities.
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    Get ready for bed. Lay under your covers and think about meeting your spirit animal. Think of all the possibilities. Then say:

    ''Oh Spirit Guardian of wonders wise,
    Reveal yourself beneath the skies,
    I seek an answer, for only me
    This is my will, so mote it me''

    When you sleep that night, you may/may not see an animal In its natural habitat.

    (Ex: my spirit animal is a white tiger, and in my dream I saw it running through the woods chasing down prey in a way that I would have planned)

    Added to on Jan 03, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3809 - Animal Release Spell

    A spell to release the soul and spirit of an animal, pet you lost. Sort of a funeral rite.
    You may need:

  • Sandalwood incense
  • 1 Brown candle
  • 2 Black candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • Picture of your lost pet
  • Quartz Crystal
  • White sage
  • Bowl of Water
  • Bowl of animal food
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    You may need:

  • Sandalwood incense
  • 1 Brown candle
  • 2 Black candle
  • 1 White Candle
  • Picture of your lost pet
  • Quartz Crystal
  • White sage
  • Bowl of Water
  • Bowl of animal food
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    Set up your altar as you see fit, in the case of this rite, it should be mellow as for a proper funeral. When ready invoke the gods of your pantheon. In this case, gods of the afterworld and gods of animal protection. (Never invoke gods that are not of your faith nor gods you know nothing about)

    Light any candles you wish to use as illumination. Perform first prayers and gift your offerings and then the white sage.

    Take up the brown candle and hold it tight. Infuse the candle with images of the pet you lost. As you do say the follwoing:

    ''__(Pet name)__, I love you so much
    And I miss you so much
    Know that even though you are gone,
    You will always be in my heart.
    This candle I light is a part of you.
    As this candle burns slowly away,
    I set you free from the mortal world
    And yet, we will always be together.''

    Rest a minute and when read light the two black candles and say the following:

    ''My lord and Lady of the afterworld, may you make the journey of __(Pets Name)__ to the Isles of the Blessed swift and sure. I ask that the blessing of the Spirits of the Ancestors, of Time and of Place, and of the journey be blessed.
    I ask that the Blessing of the Spirits of North and South, East and West be with you. I ask that __(Pet name)__ be blessed with Fire and with Water, with Earth, with Air, with Soul, with Spirit and with Balance.
    I ask for the blessing of the Lord and Lady of the Animals and the Woods, the Mountains and the Streams. I ask that the Blessing of the Lord and Lady of the Wildwood may always be with you.''

    Take a minute and light the white candle and say the following:

    ''By the beauty of the fields, the woods and the sea, by the splendour that is set up on all that is, we send you our own love and blessings, dear __(Pet Name)__.
    As the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so too are each of us born and so too do each of us die. But as the sun returns anew each day, so too do we return to earth, refreshed and renewed.''

    Now take a moment and relax. Play some music for a minute. When ready say the following:

    ''You're free to go now, Little One.
    Rejoice and play the time has come
    For your spirit to be on its way.
    Have fun, be happy your love will stay!''

    Pick up the stone and say the following:

    ''So long as this stone is close to me, together we shall always be.
    And though I may gain another pet in time to come
    you can never be replace, you hold a special place in my heart.
    And when it is time for me to step on the shores of evermore,
    We will once again be together...for-ever-more.''


    ''Seven days, Seven days the gods have alloted all spirits and souls,
    to travel the world and say goodbye to those we loved in life.
    I open my windows and open my door for these seven days
    that we may be together one last time, for one last kiss.''

    Let the brown and white candle burn out on its own. Blow out the black candles only afterwards speaking ''With loves sweet kiss.'' Never pinch out a candle, as it is dangerous and rude. Whatever is left of the wax place in a jar with the picture and a pinch left of the white sage. Burn it in the hole along with the bowl of food and water. (Use a old tin for the food and water.) Then bury them all and if possible with your pet.

    Added to on Jan 03, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3810 - Water Power

    It will be able to make bubbles in large areas of water.
    You may need:

  • Tub with water
  • Leaf
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    You may need:

  • Tub with water
  • Leaf
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    Crumble the leave up into the tub of water and say

    "Mermaids please give the power to
    Make bubbles in the water
    Mermaids please, mermaids please
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Jan 03, 2014
    Last edited on May 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters