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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7129 Spiritual Spells
  1. Stop It
  2. 1 Bad luck curse
  3. Charm An Object
  4. Eonix's Purification for body, magic and soul.
  5. Dragonic protection for loved ones.
  6. Telekinesis Spell
  7. Bind a spirit to an object
  8. Day dream spell
  9. A span spell
  10. Working Summon The Wind Song

#411 - Stop It

A spell to get a specific person to stop a certain action. Either for gossip, bullying, or anything. Not a lot of ingredients so it can be modified. I used this spell, and in 2 days the target stopped harassing me. If wanted, this spell also has the intent of temporarily hexing the person who has been angering you. Be sure to cast a protection on yourself before beginning and to cleanse your space when you are done. Otherwise, you're all set !
You may need:

  • paper
  • string, black is best
  • pen
  • taglock of person
  • container w/ a lid
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    You may need:

  • paper
  • string, black is best
  • pen
  • taglock of person
  • container w/ a lid
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    Get 2 pieces of paper. One with either their name or a taglock. Use the other piece of paper and write down what you want them to stop doing.

    Take the thread and wrap the papers together, while doing this visualize on what they're doing that is upsetting you. Let yourself feel serious, annoyed, and even irritated. Now envision them stopping their actions. For example, if they gossip imagine them no longer speaking behind your back. Allow yourself to feel how nice it is when they stopped their annoying actions.

    Keep visualizing this for 15 minutes minimum, longer the better. Now the hexing part, if you wish not to hex them skip this part.

    Hold onto the paper and let yourself feel anger towards the person, but not too much. Visualize misfortune and bad energies coming into the person, imagine what you wish to fall onto this person. Then, chant

    You know what you did, you had your fun, but now your time is done.

    Misfortune, Misfortune, I send it to you, not forever you stupid fool

    Now put the paper and thread into the container and put away in the dark where it shall not be disturbed.

    You can use whatever chant you desire but here is one you could use. Whatever situation you are in, I have faith that the situation can be turned around in your favor. Good luck witches.

    Added to on Mar 01, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #412 - 1 Bad luck curse

    Do you wish to curse someone with bad luck? Yes? If so, this is the spell for you.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    Hold out your hands and move them in a motion as of you were forming a clay ball.

    If you can feel a tingling sensation between your hands that's good! If you can't feel it then concentrate!

    Chant the persons name that you want to curse 5 times.

    Added to on Mar 01, 2020
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #413 - Charm An Object

    How to charm an object! (Eg: Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, etc)
    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Kosher Himalayan Salt
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    You may need:

  • White Candle
  • Kosher Himalayan Salt
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    Cleanse the candle with the salt (by sprinkling a little in your left hand, put your item in your right hand)
    Say : "Asking my angels to clear any negative energy from myself, my surroundings or this salt." (you can also say history, ancestors, etc.)
    Wait a few minutes, then pour the salt into the white candle. (only half the salt, keep a little)
    Light the candle, then take your object you want charmed, pour the other half onto/into your item, then say the same chant.
    Then ask that it be charmed so you can use it to your own magic, and it will bring you luck during your rituals and magic.
    Example: "Dear angels, I ask that this object be charmed so it may assist me in my rituals and magic." there you go!
    Be careful with the candle and salt.

    Added to on Feb 27, 2020
    Last edited on Feb 28, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #414 - Eonix's Purification for body, magic and soul.

    This incantation calls forth the power of the dragon called Eonix ( to cleanse and purifiy your body, magic and your soul.
    You may need:

  • Incense: preferably Dragonsblood.
  • Ash (tip: you can store the ashes you get by burning incense for later use;)
  • Four candles.
  • Water and a cup or bowl.
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    You may need:

  • Incense: preferably Dragonsblood.
  • Ash (tip: you can store the ashes you get by burning incense for later use;)
  • Four candles.
  • Water and a cup or bowl.
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    Fill your cup with water and pour some of the ashes into the water, then dip the tips of your candles into the mixture and let it dry. (This is to represent the negative things you want to cleanse, burning away) then light the candles, as well as your incense.

    (Optional: if you have any Symbols you wanna use in this ritual, then get some ash or charcoal and draw the symbols on your arms, forehead, chest or wherever you want. (I recommend your stomach or forehead since these places are the most spiritually charged places on the human body)

    then place the four candles in a square shape on the ground and stand in the middle as you chant the following incantation: Suppliciter obsecro te Eonix draco magne, qui auxilio munda ades venenatis corpore animaque

    (Translation: I humbly appeal to thee oh great dragon Eonix, I call for thy aid to cleanse my body magic and spirit)

    (P.S: speak respectfully and do not command the dragon, they like to be treated respectfully and will not help you if you try to force them into doing anything, have a nice day and blessed be )ô(

    Added to on Feb 24, 2020
    Last edited on Apr 19, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #415 - Dragonic protection for loved ones.

    This is a ritual that calls on the powers of dragons, to protect you and the people you hold dear.
    You may need:

  • A candle.
  • Any kind of natural incense.
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    You may need:

  • A candle.
  • Any kind of natural incense.
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    ( A tip for people that have difficulties to clear their mind or concentrate, look up binaural beats on youtube, these music video's contain brainwaves and can really help you to concentrate, I reccomend using the Alpha Brainwaves)

    Light your candle and incense and enter a deep meditation, then once you have cleared your mind Imagine the ones you want to protect being engulfed in a thin layer of protective energy as you recite the following prayer to call for the aid of dragons (remember to speak in a clear but respectfull and most of all calm voice, Dragons do not like to be commanded, and they prefer a calm mind.)

    Quis sapiens et potens draconum ope tutatus sum supplex tuos diligere et nutrire et audite vocem meam et protegi Sic fiat!

    (Translation: Oh wise and powerful dragons, I humbly call thy aid in protecting those I love and cherish now hear my plea and let them be protected so mote it be!).

    Added to on Feb 23, 2020
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #416 - Telekinesis Spell

    This is a spell that will help you cope with some of your problems and worry's by concentrating and making objects move. A friend of mine made this so it is not mine.
    You may need:

  • The only ingredients you will need is an item, a quiet place,and a focused mind.
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    You may need:

  • The only ingredients you will need is an item, a quiet place,and a focused mind.
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    When you get a quiet place and a item (make sure it's something small like a book) then look at the item and concentrate then think about the peace of the world if you need help try making gestures with your hands I hope this helps.

    Added to on Feb 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #417 - Bind a spirit to an object

    You may need:

  • Object of choice
  • a drop of YOUR blood
  • A spirit close to you
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    You may need:

  • Object of choice
  • a drop of YOUR blood
  • A spirit close to you
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    With the object of choice hold it up to the spirit and chant: FRIEND OF MINE,FRIEND OF MINE,YOU SHALL STAY CLOSE TO ME


    if you wish to let the spirit out you can only do so once as you have to break the object,the spirit will appear for a second and then flee

    Added to on Feb 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #418 - Day dream spell

    Be able to enhance your imagination. you will be able to see fire and beings when you imagine it.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    As a day dreamer, my imagination is powerful. With this spell I will be able to see what I wish to see. imagination will be the only limit.

    Added to on Feb 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #419 - A span spell

    It copies a mirror in a span and berries within a sleep mode in the room
    You may need:

  • It describes a goth and bud in budget of Office and Home, giving the full dedicate.
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    You may need:

  • It describes a goth and bud in budget of Office and Home, giving the full dedicate.
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    "I believe upon a gothe and love in possess from the first thing I lived yet,"

    I have more than yet, and its a gothic would do, common yet in good image, and

    actually, I like to see how much a moment and self in a mirror takes a thou yet, thank you.

    Added to on Feb 19, 2020
    Last edited on Feb 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #420 - Working Summon The Wind Song

    This spell will it let you summon the win but be careful because if you sing in a very very very very very very very very very low voice you may get possessed! You can summon the wind with only the song AFTER you cast the spell.
    You may need:

  • •voice(if you don't have a singing voice just chat it in a singing kind of way)
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    You may need:

  • •voice(if you don't have a singing voice just chat it in a singing kind of way)
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    Go to your comfy spot and sit. Make sure there is nothing(that is valuable...even if it's not )breakbale your comfy spot or it may break because we don't want anyone to get hurt. Then chant(we we'll get to the singing soon so don't worry) 2 times,

    Wind come to me,

    As I summon thee,

    To come with a song for thee.

    Then sing once,

    Who has seen the wind, neither I or you

    But when the trees bow down their heads,

    The wind is passing by, where are you going,

    And we're have you been, will we feel a gentle breeze when you visit once again,

    Passing through the wind is passing through

    Passing through the wind is passing through

    Who has seen the wind, who has seen the wind

    Who has seen the wind ,who has seen the wind

    Neither I nor you.

    Hold the last note for about ten seconds.

    Then your done.

    Tell me what happens in the comments cuz I can't wait to hear the results! I actually was singing the song earlier today and it literally summoned the wind. I know that because I felt a big whoosh of air hit me and it wasn't even windy.

    Added to on Feb 18, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters