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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7129 Spiritual Spells
  1. Djinn from Lilith
  2. Death from Lilith
  3. Break Powers Against You
  4. Cat Fall Asleep
  5. Nightmare Spell
  6. Incubus/Succubus Sex Friend
  7. Incubus Formal Invitation
  8. Succubus Formal Invitation
  9. New Year Full Moon
  10. Cat Blessing

#4941 - Djinn from Lilith

Anyone wish to summon a Djinn here is how, step by step, you will need a quiet room, this spell can't be modified, you will need all ingredients listed.
You may need:

  • x4 White Candle.
  • x4 Red Candle.
  • x4 Black Candle [all candles must be unscented].
  • x1 A Sliver Mirror [normal mirror].
  • x1 A Black Lipstick.
  • x1 Succubus or Incubus.
  • Incense: x4 Sticks plus one made from Black Arts Powder.
  • A measuring tape or ruler.
  • A compass.
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    You may need:

  • x4 White Candle.
  • x4 Red Candle.
  • x4 Black Candle [all candles must be unscented].
  • x1 A Sliver Mirror [normal mirror].
  • x1 A Black Lipstick.
  • x1 Succubus or Incubus.
  • Incense: x4 Sticks plus one made from Black Arts Powder.
  • A measuring tape or ruler.
  • A compass.
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    This spell [Djinn from Lilith] can't be modified as it was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
    Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.

    This spell works best at full moon but can be done at any moon phase.

    You have to pick the sex of your Djinn it can be female or male, Jaanucubi (male) or Jeenucubi (female) pick the same as your Succubus or Incubus.

    1. In a quiet room where you'll do your spells, burn the Black Arts Powder incense sticks, leave the room without breathing in the smoke or air note Black Arts Powder when burned it's really strong people burn them outside so remember to close the door behind you when you leave the room, once the incense has burned out allow 1 hour than enter the room after 12am.

    Sit facing North [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order white, red, black
    (on left side white and black on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.

    Sit facing East [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order black, red, white
    (on left side black and white on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.

    Sit facing South [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order red, white, black
    (on left side red and black on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.

    Sit facing West [don't light] place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from each other, in this order white, black, red
    (on left side white and red on right side) remember straight line of candle should be 3 feet/foot away from the center.

    2. Off the main light in the room and sit in the center of the candles facing north, now that you are sitting in the dark room, relax your body and quiet your thoughts, keep your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet for 20 minutes, now light your light starting from the north white candle followed by red than black than east black, red, white than south red, white, black and west white, black, red sit back in the center facing north now burn 2 incense sticks place it infront of you bewteen you and the white candle.

    3. Relax your body and quiet your thoughts again, keeping your body totally relaxed and your thoughts quiet and chanting ''I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, my Protector and my Defender, O Great Mother Lilith hear my call hear my cry O Graceful One'' for 20 minutes.

    4. After 20 minutes of chanting burn 2 more incense sticks and place it infront of you bewteen you and the black candle.

    5. Keeping your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet you will write using the black lipstick on the mirror

    ''I summon hell upon me, I summon La-Lilith, I summon Jaanucubi or Jeenucubi (write one not both) I offer to Jaanucubi or Jeenucubi (write one not both) 10% of my soul in return you accept me as your master''

    6. After writing all that place the mirror on the floor and blow out the red candle on west side than red one on south side and east, north now the black one start west, south, east and north than say ''I have called upon you Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, my Protector and my Defender, O Great Mother Lilith thank you for hearing my call you are surely the Graceful One'' than blow out white candle going from north, east, south and west.

    7. Bury the mirror and wait for the Djinn to call you this take time.

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4942 - Death from Lilith

    The spell name says it all.
    You may need:

  • Incense
  • x1 white candles
  • x1 red candles
  • x1 black candles
  • x2 Pen (1 black ink and 1 red ink)
  • x2 Paper (white without lines)
  • x3 Drop of blood (yours)
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    You may need:

  • Incense
  • x1 white candles
  • x1 red candles
  • x1 black candles
  • x2 Pen (1 black ink and 1 red ink)
  • x2 Paper (white without lines)
  • x3 Drop of blood (yours)
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    Sit in a dark room at night relax your mind, after 20 mins in darkness say out loud ''I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness'' than light your white candle, after lighting your white candle say out loud ''I call upon Goddess Lilith, Mother of Darkness, my Protector and my Defender, O Great Mother Lilith hear my call Graceful One''

    Sit in front of the white candle, relax your mind, after 10 mins of relaxing light the red candle than focus upon your enemy, say out loud or in your mind ''I have an enemy who has harmed me or [A] I curse [name], let their luck be strangled by weeds may [name] suffer till death spare them not Goddess I thank you my Beloved Goddess Lilith'' with black pen write on paper
    Great Lilith,
    I have an enemy who has harmed me or [A]
    (tell Lilith in your words how you or [A] was harmed by [name]) ______________________ (after you done telling finish by saying)
    so I have curse [name], let his/her luck be strangled by weeds may [name] suffer till death spare them not Goddess I thank you my Beloved Goddess Lilith
    Now you sign with the red pen and 3 drop of blood (yours) on the paper

    Sit in front of the white and red candle, relax your mind, after 10 mins of relaxing light the black candle than focus upon your enemy and say out loud or in your mind ''for your evilness, for your evil deeds, for each day I or [A] suffered, you will pay in hell'' repeat 6 times.

    Now light the incense than focus upon your enemy and say out loud or in your mind ''Why did you put me or [A] in this pain and suffering, I or [A] did you no wrong, when you die life itself will be happier, I am sorry but this must be done I send [name] to death to save others from [name] evil deeds and evilness, when you fall you shall go to hell and angels will host a party upon your death''.

    Blow out white candle first that red than light the paper with the flame of the black candle after the paper has burnd take the ash of the burned paper place the ash on the other paper and fold the paper with the ash inside. On your main light blow out black candle take the folded paper and bury it into the ground you can do this on the night you cast the spell or the next morning.

    [A] person name that got harmed it could be your friend or family member.
    [name] name of your enemy 1 name will do but full name is better.

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4943 - Break Powers Against You

    his ritual helps you to break the power of any spells that is casted on you!
    You may need:

  • 1 large black candle
  • Cauldron or large black bowl
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    You may need:

  • 1 large black candle
  • Cauldron or large black bowl
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    Ritual: Place the candle in the bowl, affixing it with droppings of another black candle. The candle should be tall enough to extend a few inches above the rim. Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without welling the candle's wick. Deep breath meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candles flame.

    Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle's flame. As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the water has extinguished the flame, the spell will be dispersed. See the spell power explode into dust. Pour water in a hole in the ground and bury the candle.

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4944 - Cat Fall Asleep

    This might work if you beleve it will work. If you don't beleve then just give up the spell won't work. Don't use it to offeten it can hurt your cat. Also the cat has to be in a calm state of mind.
    You may need:

  • Hand
  • Cat
  • Believe that the spell will work
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    You may need:

  • Hand
  • Cat
  • Believe that the spell will work
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    Once the cat is calm. Put your index finger on their third eye or in the middle of their eyes (*note if you don't know were the cats third eye is like I said in the middle of their eyes but just alittle up and there you got!) Ok once your ready wisper this once:

    "Fall asleep."

    and the cat should either fall asleep or get sleepy then fall asleep.
    Hope it works

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4945 - Nightmare Spell

    Torture someone through a bad dream.
    You may need:

  • Black candle
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    You may need:

  • Black candle
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    Prick a black candle symbolizing the persons dreams.

    ''Let your dreams turn sour
    Nothing but fear and pain
    Nightmares and horrors
    throughout your mortal days
    Let sweet dreams turn to nightmares
    of me torturing you
    I'm not the wrong one, you did it too
    Let your dreams turn sour
    Let your dreams turn sour
    Let your dreams turn sour
    Nightmares and pain throughout the hours
    until you have learned the lesson of truth
    nightmares keep coming onto you''

    Added to on Dec 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4946 - Incubus/Succubus Sex Friend

    Here is a way to make friendship with your Succubus, step by step guide.
    You may need:

  • Pink Candle or Blue Candle
  • Incense
  • Oil
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    You may need:

  • Pink Candle or Blue Candle
  • Incense
  • Oil
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    Sit in a quiet room alone. Relax your body and mind by doing meditation for good 10mins. Then stand up and rub oil all over your body saying "O spirit of the sexual nature"

    Meditate for 5 mins than turn off the light. Sit near the candle and say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I light this candle in your grace" then light the candle. Now Say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I burn this incense in your grace" now start burning.

    Stay relaxed and sit while you close your eyelids. Now keep your eyelids closed and say "O spirit of the sexual nature, I hope our friendship will shin like a the shining stars in the night sky, O spirit of the sexual nature, hear my word O spirit of the sexual nature my desire is with you, O spirit of the sexual nature I long for your friendship".

    Open eyelids move around the room and do some moves (dance) saying "O spirit of the sexual nature, I hope our friendship will shine like a the shining stars in the night sky, O spirit of the sexual nature, hear my word O spirit of the sexual nature my desire is with you, O spirit of the sexual nature I long for your friendship".

    Say in your mind "I want you in my dream" and keep repeating and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time and try staying awake.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4947 - Incubus Formal Invitation

    Here is a way to summon a Incubus with an Formal Invitation, step by step guide, you'll need all the ingredients for this spell/ritual, you need all the supplies and a quiet room.
    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    This spell/ritual [Incubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified as it's a this spell/ritual was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
    Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.

    This spell/ritual [Incubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified but if you want to it's up to you but I don't recommend it especially if you are serious about inviting an incubus.

    Incubus is an supernatural entity some people believes they are male demon that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human man in order to have sexual intercourse. The female counterpart is the Succubus.

    Succubus/Incubus are supernatural entity or you can say supernatural being like human being and they are like human they have freewill and can be good or evil, like human they are asexual, bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual but the truth is most succubus/incubus are heterosexual very few are asexual don't feel bad there's many bisexual and homosexual.

    In some religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with a incubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death. From my personal experience with Saaraji I have to say that I am 31 years old a very health and happy and I believe every human will taste death just that some human die young others don't.

    This spell/ritual is just to invite a Incubus with a formal Invitation, Incubus usually appears without invite, so why invite? I don't recommend you to invite but if you are trying to summon I can help you.

    Caster Minimum Requirements:

    age of 18 years or old [incubus has been with younger woman]
    has little or more experience in meditation
    has little or more experience in lucid dreaming
    you are ready to go to sleep

    step by step guide:

    Sit in a quiet room alone
    1. light candle and burn incense if you wish
    2. relax and think in your mind about sexual intercourse
    3. put some oil on your body, slowly rub oil on [think about sexual intercourse]
    4. feel yourself use your hands and feel your body [think about sexual intercourse]
    5. move your body around the room [think about sexual intercourse]
    6. keep thinking about sexual intercourse
    7. get in bed stop think about sexual intercourse
    8. Say in your mind: I want a incubus in my dream, I want a incubus and I will remember my dream
    9. try to repeat #8 and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time.

    I will write other spell/ritual called Incubus [SexFriend] [LustMate] [LoveMate] [BloodMate] [SoulMate]
    Incubus SexFriend: This will make you both get closer.
    Incubus LustMate:
    Incubus LoveMate:
    Incubus BloodMate:
    Incubus SoulMate:

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4948 - Succubus Formal Invitation

    Here is a way to summon a succubus with an Formal Invitation, step by step guide, you'll need all the ingredients for this spell/ritual, you need all the supplies and a quiet room.
    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    You may need:

  • White candle [optional]
  • Incense [optional]
  • Oil [optional]
  • Time: Between 9pm-4am
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    This spell/ritual [Succubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified as it's a this spell/ritual was given to me by Princess Saaraji Lilith.
    Princess Saaraji Lilith is the daughter of Lilith and Saaraji is also a priestess. Who is Saaraji to me? she is my supernatural guide and supernatural wife.

    This spell/ritual [Succubus Formal Invitation] can't be modified but if you want to it's up to you but I don't recommend it especially if you are serious about inviting an succubus.

    Succubus is an supernatural entity some people believes they are female demon that appears in dreams, who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse. The male counterpart is the Incubus.

    Succubus/Incubus are supernatural entity or you can say supernatural being like human being and they are like human they have freewill and can be good or evil, like human they are asexual, bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual but the truth is most succubus/incubus are heterosexual very few are asexual don't feel bad there's many bisexual and homosexual.

    In some religious traditions hold that repeated intercourse with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death. From my personal experience with Saaraji I have to say that I am 31 years old a very health and happy and I believe every human will taste death just that some human die young others don't.

    This spell/ritual is just to invite a Succubus with a formal Invitation, Succubus usually appears without invite, so why invite? I don't recommend you to invite but if you are trying to summon I can help you.

    Caster Minimum Requirements:

    age of 18 years or old [succubus can seduce younger man]
    has little or more experience in meditation
    has little or more experience in lucid dreaming
    you are ready to go to sleep

    step by step guide:

    Sit in a quiet room alone
    1. light candle and burn incense if you wish
    2. relax and think in your mind about sexual intercourse
    3. put some oil on your body, slowly rub oil on [think about sexual intercourse]
    4. feel yourself use your hands and feel your body [think about sexual intercourse]
    5. move your body around the room [think about sexual intercourse]
    6. keep thinking about sexual intercourse
    7. get in bed stop think about sexual intercourse
    8. Say in your mind: I want a succubus in my dream, I want a succubus and I will remember my dream
    9. try to repeat #8 and think about having sexual intercourse at the same time.
    note: DO NOT masterbate before or after getting in bed.

    I will write other spell/ritual called Succubus [SexFriend] [LustMate] [LoveMate] [BloodMate] [SoulMate]
    Succubus SexFriend: This will make you both get closer.

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4949 - New Year Full Moon

    To usher out the old and bring in a new brighter future.
    You may need:

  • Red and Green Candle
  • Your alter
  • Crystals
  • Flowers
  • Spices
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    You may need:

  • Red and Green Candle
  • Your alter
  • Crystals
  • Flowers
  • Spices
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    Light candles on your alter and say this spell:

    "Blessed be this moonlit night.
    A Goddess' moon, both full and bright.
    Out with the old, in with the new.
    Old baggage, curses, please undo.
    May the New Year bring to me
    The brightest future I can see.
    And make all of my dreams come true,
    With strength to do all I must do.
    Blessed Goddess, shine on me
    A Happy New Year"

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4950 - Cat Blessing

    A blessing to keep your cat safe from harm.
    You may need:

  • Just your voice.
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    You may need:

  • Just your voice.
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    Simply say:''Bast of beauty and grace,Protectress of the feline race,Shield (cat's name) from harm,And keep him/her safe and warm.Watch over him/her from day to day,And guide him/her home if he/she should stray.And grant him/her much happiness,and a good life free of strife and stress.''

    Added to on Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7129 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters