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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. How to Grow Fangs
  2. Wolf
  3. Cleansing the Spirit
  4. Protection for Seven Days
  5. Shape Shifter
  6. Simple Runes
  7. Usable PSI Ball
  8. Justice
  9. Nightmare call
  10. Three Nights of Hell

#5641 - How to Grow Fangs

This will turn your canines in to fangs.
You may need:

  • Salt
  • Tape
  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • A were wolf/vampire doll
  • Dracula costume
  • Blood/meat
  • Hamburger
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Tape
  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • A were wolf/vampire doll
  • Dracula costume
  • Blood/meat
  • Hamburger
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    On the paper draw a pentagram with salt.Next tape it on the wall.Third throw a necklace on the pentagram. Then drink water then spit on the pentagram.Take the doll and place it on the dracula costume and place the meat or blood on the costume.Last smash the hamburger and smash it on your face as you chant "blood red". During the next moon phase, you will grow fangs.

    Added to on Mar 09, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5642 - Wolf

    Werewolf physical wolf change.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Meditate on what you want to look like as a wolf. As you visualize this, chant: "Spirits of the wolves, hear my plea. A werewolf is what I wish to be. With eyes of (color) and teeth sharp and white. Turn me into a werewolf this very night".

    Added to on Mar 08, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5643 - Cleansing the Spirit

    Cleansing the Spirit- to wash away curses, negative feelings, & worries. May help cleanse against demons.
    You may need:

  • Materials-
  • Soothing Music
  • Quiet areas
  • Blanket/Seat
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    You may need:

  • Materials-
  • Soothing Music
  • Quiet areas
  • Blanket/Seat
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    Once you have found a quiet area, either turn off the lights or leave them on. Put on some soothing music. I recommend the 'Linkin Park: In the End: Soothing, Relaxing Music' that can be found on Youtube.

    Put a blanket on the floor, or get a seat, & the sit cross-legged on it. Imagine your mind layed out in front of you, in clear water in a white spotless bowl. That water washes all the bad things wawy from your mind.

    Do this about once or twice a day, & do it for about twice the song.

    Added to on Mar 08, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 31, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5644 - Protection for Seven Days

    Protect yourself from harm. Only works for seven days.
    You may need:

  • Ashphault (Road/ Driveway)
  • Pentacle
  • White chalk
  • Full Moon
  • Dried lavender
  • Crystal
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    You may need:

  • Ashphault (Road/ Driveway)
  • Pentacle
  • White chalk
  • Full Moon
  • Dried lavender
  • Crystal
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    On the night of a full moon, draw a pentacle on the ashphault using white chalk. Place a crystal in the centre. Sprinkle lavender around the crystal.

    Chant, ''Protection day, Protection night, for seven days, protection within my might.''

    You should have seven days of protection from spirits, demons, ghosts, devils, & any other evil creature that would infiltrate your body.

    Added to on Mar 08, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5645 - Shape Shifter

    Becoming anything you wish to be.
    You may need:

  • Crystal
  • Sacred stone
  • Sacrifice
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    You may need:

  • Crystal
  • Sacred stone
  • Sacrifice
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    On Christmas create a pentagram in the snow with crystals or sacred stones at midnight. Chant: "Creatures of day and night, grant me your power and your form. Grant me your senses: lend me your ears. Be kind to me. Release me from my human form".

    If you have a sacrifice, make the sacrifice and you should feel a surge of energy flow through your body for a few minutes. Visualize the animal you are wanting to shapeshift into.

    Added to on Mar 08, 2012
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5646 - Simple Runes

    This is a simple way of writing runes that anybody who dosn't have a translater, know Irish, and also know freemasons code, can decipher.
    You may need:

  • Something to write with
  • Something to write on
  • Translater or knowledge of Old Irish
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    You may need:

  • Something to write with
  • Something to write on
  • Translater or knowledge of Old Irish
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    Freemason's code is simple. To make a decoder, draw 2 lines down. Draw 2 going through it perpendicular. Write "A" in the top left corner, "B" to the right of it, and so on. Draw a new one when you get to "I". This one will have dots inside the boxes when you write the code. Continue throught the alphabet until you get to R. Then draw 2 large X's. Write S in the top of the first one, T below and to the left, U to the right of it, and V under it. Do the same with the next X, but with, you guessed it, dots in the open space.If you don't understand my confusing explanation, look it up.

    Added to on Mar 07, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5647 - Usable PSI Ball

    So you know that you need to release the energy in a PSI ball (ball of energy) or it will become to strong? This spell allows you to be able to put the energy in your body and use it.
    You may need:

  • Your Strong Element
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    You may need:

  • Your Strong Element
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    1. Find your strong element. The options are fire, air, water, and earth. To find it, refer to my spell, finding your element.
    2. These are the chants you must say to your element to gain permission to take its energy and use it for yourself.
    ''I do beseech you, fiery flame
    Who cleanses the earth and makes it clean again.
    For the energy you hold beneath your eye,
    that burns the wick and lets the candle die.
    With the power within me, I ask thee,
    For the use of that energy by me.''
    ''Water, so great and rushing so,
    I ask if I may break the flow.
    And use that rushing current for
    My needs that have become greater then before.
    So may I use that energy dear,
    to make my sleep not so near?''
    ''I ask this question from my heart,
    Which flies with you and does its part.
    May I use your breezes, simple and sweet,
    Your stronger winds, to help complete
    The energy I am asking to have,
    From you I hope I will have had.''
    ''You are the earth, my home, my life,
    You've helped me through my trials and strife.
    And now I will ask you once again,
    If you can help me leave my den.
    Of tiredness, of no energy,
    I ask permission of thee,
    To use the energy stored beneath
    Your surface green, to the quartz undeneath.''
    3. Make a connection with that element, and pretend an invisible line is shooting from your palm, bringing the elements energy to your palms. Pool it there, make it a sphere. If you wish to use it now, push it in your core for a caffiene and crash free energy 'drink'. If you wish to use it later, store it in and airtight, somewhat circular container.

    I tested this spell myself, and it worked for me and my friends, too. Just remember not to take energy from yourself!

    Added to on Mar 07, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5648 - Justice

    Get sweet revenge.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Pen
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    Revenge Spells are performed when all the doors of justice are closed. If someone has done wrong to you, has destroyed your life, made your life like hell, has taken your love away from you, has taken your business or money, has killed someone very close to you, then you may go for this very strong Revenge Spell. If your enemy is very rich and strong and you are very eager to take your revenge then you may go for these very strong and powerful Revenge Spells.

    Take a piece of paper of about 3 inch square and write the name of the person that is to be bound, using a black ink-pen or a pencil. While you do this visualize the face of the person in your mind. When you have written the name, cross it with an inverted pentacle (= 5 pointed star within a circle). Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following:

    "To be protected from you,
    This magic charm I will do,
    With this words I bind thee,
    For you to let me be,
    To be protected from your harm,
    I now seal this charm".

    Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it). As you slam it the ninth time say:

    "To be protected from you,
    This magic charm I will do,
    With this words I bind thee,
    For you to let me be,
    To be protected from your harm,
    I now seal this charm".

    Added to on Mar 07, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5649 - Nightmare call

    A spell to bring nightmares to someone
    You may need:

  • Thirteen black candles
  • Altar
  • Pentagram
  • Non-purifying oil
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    You may need:

  • Thirteen black candles
  • Altar
  • Pentagram
  • Non-purifying oil
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    Perform this spell on the night of a waning moon.

    Preparation- thirteen black candles. Put one candle in each corner of the altar, one one each side, and one on each corner of your pentagram. Anoint each candle with a non-purifying oil, working base to tip.

    Cast a circle.

    Visualization- Imagine the persons dream in perfect detail, replay it over and over in your mind until the dream is completely clear in your head. Once it is visualize your thoughts traveling to the person, see the persons face and the dream seeping into their brain.

    Invocation- Invoke a dark deity or a deity of dreams and nightmares into your circle, (I chose Incubus-the god of nightmares and dream rape, and The White Lady- The Celtic Goddess of Terror and the underworlds,) by saying,

    I invoke thee, dark god, call thee by name. Incubus, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds. I invoke thee dark goddess, call thee by name. White Lady, enter my circle, I call you on this dark hour, to aid me in my dark deeds.

    Incantation- Now state your purpose by saying,

    Enchanting deities of the underworld, I call upon thee to help me perform my evil deeds. Come at once, aid this dream of terror, come at once to bring them horror. Crawl inside his/her head deep in the night, Bring him/her the dream I see so clear, Bring him/her my dream of fright. He/she shall never forget this dream I made, let it stay with him/her until her/his grave. Now go at once, travel the night, bring (persons name) dreams of fright.

    Meditate- Now sit comfortably and meditate. First see the dream traveling to the person again, and then clear your mind of all negative thoughts. Now close the circle and allow the candles to burn themselves out.

    Warning- Protect yourself when performing this spell. By calling upon the deities of Darkness you are putting yourself at risk. After performing this spell it would be wise to perform a cleansing and purifying ritual on your house.

    You may also want to perform a spell for pleasant dreams. But then why spoil it!

    Posted by fairyblossom. ionID=76

    Added to on Mar 06, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5650 - Three Nights of Hell

    This is a black-magic spell. When cast once, it causes its victim to suffer three days of traumatizing/immense physical pain and nightmares.
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • Picture(photo)of enemy
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • Picture(photo)of enemy
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    Take a black candle and place a picture of thine enemy in front of thee and tilt the candle so the wax drips upon the would-be-victim in the picture. Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of thine enemy. While doing so, recite the following incantation three times:

    ''As I do this candle spell,
    Bring mine enemy three nights of hell,
    Candle black, black as night,
    Bring him (or her)pains of flesh tonight!

    Lesions (or Legions)on his (or her) skin will grow
    Afflict him (or her) with a painful blow
    Sores and pain afflict him (or her) now,
    For three nights he (or she)will wonder how,

    Dukes of darkness, Kings of Hell,
    Smite mine enemy, bring him (or her) hell,
    Within three nights of pain have passed,
    Make him (or her) well, well at last!

    Finishing instructions: After sitting and thinking about the sores that this will inflict on thine enemy and the pain he (or she) will suffer, thou may extinguish the candle. When three nights have passed, tear up the photo and say the following incantation:

    ''When three nights of pain endured,
    I lift this curse, rest assured.
    Darkness leave him (or her), go away;
    The curse is lifted now, today!''

    Added to on Mar 06, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 09, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters