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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Control Fire
  2. To Banish a Shadow
  3. Nightmare Brew
  4. Stop Slipping on Ice
  5. Metamorphic Vampire Transformation
  6. Cause and Elemental Fire
  7. The Purpose & Power of a Witches Hat
  8. Banish a Person
  9. Protection Apples
  10. Calling the Quaters

#6131 - Control Fire

This spell will allow you to control fire as a small ball in your hands. Keep in mind that this spell may take practice.
You may need:

  • You do not need anything for this spell if you do not wish. If you would like, you can use a small peice of jasper.(Jasper is a peice of multicoloured rock.)
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    You may need:

  • You do not need anything for this spell if you do not wish. If you would like, you can use a small peice of jasper.(Jasper is a peice of multicoloured rock.)
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    Sit somewhere where you can concentrate.(Pretty much anywhere will do.) Clasp Your hands together. You will not need to close your eyes. Just try to tap in to your energy inside you. If you are having trouble just imagine a small pool filled with mud. In the middle is something you want really bad. You just need to go and get it. Walk through the mud to that thing you want so bad. Hold on to it and never ever let go.That is your energy. Channel your energy into your clasped hands. Feel it heat up and expand, becoming real inside your palm.


    The fire is resting in your palm right? Now you are probably thinking;''How do I throw it?'' It's easy! Just visualise it racing towards where you want it to go.


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    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
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    #6132 - To Banish a Shadow

    Found in our familys Book of Shadows, should work to banish shadow.
    You may need:

  • One lit Candle
  • Protective circle
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    You may need:

  • One lit Candle
  • Protective circle
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    Cast your Circle. Light the candle and speak 3 times:
    "I am light, I am too strong to fight, Return to darkness where shadows dwell."

    After the 3rd time say:
    "Go away and leave my site, and take with you this endless night!"

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    #6133 - Nightmare Brew

    To keep nightmares away.
    You may need:

  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Warm Milk
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    You may need:

  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Warm Milk
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    Grind Rosemary and Sage together then bless:
    "God and Goddess I ask Thee
    Bless these herbs with the power
    of three"

    Then mix the herbs with warm milk and chant:
    "I plead with the Earth to set me free
    I plead with the water to cleanse me
    I plead with the fire to burn away my fear
    I plead with the Air to scare the dreams
    I plead with the Spirit to rest within me.
    So I will it, So mote it Be"

    Drink mixture and pray afterwards

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    #6134 - Stop Slipping on Ice

    A simple chant so that when you are walking snow and ice will stop from getting on you and will prevent you from slipping on snow and ice.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    When you want to protect yourself from snow chant:

    "Snow and ice stay away, snow and ice stay away."

    It worked great for me and works instantly just keep chanting it until you are off of the ice or snow.

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    Last edited on Aug 22, 2016
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    #6135 - Metamorphic Vampire Transformation

    Make you a vampire through metemorphosis
    You may need:

  • Any kind of red flower
  • Blood of you
  • A tooth of you
  • A black leaf
  • A black candle
  • Bowl or caudron
  • Hot liquid
  • Spoon that is metal
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    You may need:

  • Any kind of red flower
  • Blood of you
  • A tooth of you
  • A black leaf
  • A black candle
  • Bowl or caudron
  • Hot liquid
  • Spoon that is metal
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    First, place the tooth in the bowl, then drink the blood. Crumble the black leaf, then put it in the bowl or caudron. Now smell the flower, then put the petals in the bowl, then pull apart of the rest and put in the bowl. Add any kind of hot liquid to mix it.
    Now pour the liquid, and mix till it smell funny with the spoon. Now chant:

    ''If I die, let me rise.
    Make me a blood drinker,
    I saw them with my own
    eyes. If I get hurt,
    let me heal, if people
    wonder, It's my deal.
    Metamorphosis, come to me,
    Switch my souls, a new body
    you will see, leave the casting be!''

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    #6136 - Cause and Elemental Fire

    This I like to call innerflamed spell, but this will cause a fire ANYWHERE, exept on people.
    You may need:

  • A Mat
  • Bowl
  • An eyelash from your eye
  • A little pinch of your skin
  • Your Blood (2 drips)
  • A Firous Flower or red candle
  • Finger tip
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    You may need:

  • A Mat
  • Bowl
  • An eyelash from your eye
  • A little pinch of your skin
  • Your Blood (2 drips)
  • A Firous Flower or red candle
  • Finger tip
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    First place the Fireous flower or red candle in the bowl, place the bowl on the mat. Put the eyelash in, put ONE drip of blood on it, too, leaving you with only one more drip of blood. Put the skin in there. Rub the rest of your blood on your finger, then stir the ingredients around 3 times with your finger tip. Then chant this enough times that you think a fire will start:

    ''I call on day and night,
    To start an element fight.
    Cause the burning ash to come,
    Start a fire, not alot but some.
    Elemental war, bring me on,
    donnot involve people, or you
    will resolve, bring the element
    to me, nearest you can go.
    Let the fire start, as the
    energy drops, then goes.''

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    #6137 - The Purpose & Power of a Witches Hat

    Ever wanted to know whats the purpose of the Pointed Witches Hat?
    You may need:

  • Tall, Pointed Witches Hat
  • avalible at Costume Stores,Around the House ect.
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    You may need:

  • Tall, Pointed Witches Hat
  • avalible at Costume Stores,Around the House ect.
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    The Witches Hat is a very useful tool in Spell Craft & Rituals....
    It acts like a antenna, attracting and channeling a Witches Power!

    How to wear the Hat: Whilst doing Spells AND/OR Rituals wear the hat pointed straight up and pointed

    If you are not, bend the point stopping the Channeling of Power

    I would invest in a Witches Hat if you dont have one already

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    #6138 - Banish a Person

    This will banish someone from your presence.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "To a different place, I now refer. At the look of my face you now deter. Whether day or night, dark or light, I banish you henceforth from my sight".

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    #6139 - Protection Apples

    Use apples as extra protection in a magickal circle.
    You may need:

  • 4 Apples
  • 4 Bay laural leaves
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    You may need:

  • 4 Apples
  • 4 Bay laural leaves
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    An apple has a hidden pentagram in it if you cut it horizontaly through the middle. Put the laural leaf in the middle to cover the pentagram, and put both halves of the apples together again. You can cast your protection circle with the apples around you or place the apples around you to form a magickal protection barrier.

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    #6140 - Calling the Quaters

    Its to call the gods and goddesess into your circle.
    You may need:

  • 4 people
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    You may need:

  • 4 people
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    High priestess says: "Hear me, Ralphel, Lord of air. You, who rules over the realms of birth and new beginnings. We call forth your glory to witness our right and guard this circle with your love and light".

    Element of fire says, "Hear me, Michael, Lord of fire. You, who shines so brightly over our lives filling them with love. We call you forth to witness our right and guard this circle with your love and light".

    High priestess says: "Hear me, Gabriel, Lady of water. You, who reigns all endings. That without there would be no beginnings. We call thee forth to witness our right and guard this circle with your love and light".

    Element of earth says: "Hear me, Ariel, Lady of Earth. You, who are the body and mysterious form from which everything begins. We call thee forth to witness our right and guard this circle with your love and light".

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters