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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Warriors Blessing
  2. Aerokinesis
  3. Cryokinesis
  4. Electrokinesis
  5. Pyrokinesis
  6. Aura Seeing
  7. Chakra Opening
  8. Lunarkinesis
  9. End Your Demon Possesion
  10. Psi Shield

#6361 - Warriors Blessing

Warriors used to recite this incantation before going into battle and it is believed to have brought them much success.
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    Recite the following: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. Every tongue that shall rise against thee, in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Their righteousness is within me, saith the Lord".

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    #6362 - Aerokinesis

    This article will help you manipulate the air.
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    Air ball:Create a psi/mana or chi ball and the see it turning white and really try to feel the windy breeze between you hands,after you have felt the breeze in your hands see the white energy ball turning into a gust of wind,see it spinnig faster and faster.Do this for one week for 5-10 minutes.

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    #6363 - Cryokinesis

    This article will help you manipulate ice.
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    Cultivating Water Energy: This technique you will need throughout most of cryokinesis, since you will be taking the water elemental energy and forming it to ice. To start, stand in a position you would for ki breathing or grounding. Close your eyes, and picture yourself standing in a peaceful place, surrounded by water, or waterfalls, whatever you want. Now, picture energy flowing from the water, into your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien, and flowing throughout your body. I picture this as a blue form of mana. Keep doing this until you feel that the technique has been completed, and that you have cultivated water energy.

    Cultivating Water Energy 2: This is another way of cultivating water energy, sent to me by my friend Richard. This is an easier way to cultivate water energy. While taking a shower close your eyes and let the water hit your front side of your body. Visualize the water energy coming from it into your Dan Tien or even just your body like it is absorbing it. After a minute or two you will have enough. Changing Temperature: This technique is one of the more common you can find on Cryokinesis all over the web. It is using Cryokinesis to change the temperature of a specific area a bit, to make it colder. To start out, you may want to meditate a bit and clear your mind. Now, find the room, or whatever area you wish to change the temperature of, and you may want to check the thermostat first, and see what the temperature is. Now, stand there comfortably, with your eyes closed. Invision that you are standing in the middle of a blizzard, with snow blowing past you with gusts of frigid wind, ice forming on the ground. You must really get into this. Actually try to feel your body becoming colder. Picture the thermostat that you looked at in the beginning, and picture the temperature on it dropping. You could also picture ice forming around the room, all over everywhere, causing the temperature to drop. Now don't get discouraged, this takes practice. With enough work, you should be able to make the temperature a little colder.

    Ice Ball:Create a psi/mana or chi ball and now visualize it turning white blue and really try to feel the cold breeze between you hands,after you can feel it visualize it turning in to a ice ball

    Ice Blast: This tech can be done a couple of ways, and here I will describe both that I know of. One way, is to just make a normal ice ball, and then push your hands forward like a normal ki blast, and picture the ice ball flying through the air, being absorbed into your target, and turning the entire thing to ice. Now, this will not actually turn the object into ice. But if done on a person, they may get a shiver, or feel cold. Now, the second way to do this, is a bit different. This way I have thought up myself. Instead of making an ice ball, fill up your fore-arms with the water energy. Now, picture it freezing just like the ice ball technique, and then shoot your hands forward, picturing a large icicle being launched out of your hands at your foe.

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    #6364 - Electrokinesis

    This article will help ypu manipulate electricity.
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  • Concentration
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    Electrokinesis Tech:Close your eyes and image electricity flowing inside and outside of your body. See them shocking each other and hear them crackling and popping. Do that every day. If you can make it come out of your hand or finger try to shoot it at a TV or somthing to see if it messes the reception up.

    Electro Ball:Image electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a psi ball, now image electric bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the psi ball, making little sparks and shocks around and inside the psi ball. Do this every day, along with just imaging the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing, and when you get the electro-ball, you will be able to shock people with it. But be warned, don't use a lot of power with this technique on someone if you know that their power is less than yours and they won't be able to handle it, this technique can really injure someone when used with enough power.

    The easiest time to do it is when you're laying in bed before you go to sleep. Close your eyes and visualize the electricity running through the body part of choice. Try to do all these things one after another or mix them. Visualize it running up say, your hand, in waves of electricity like the kind of waves old TV's get sometimes that go up the screen. Then after that, visualize it sparking and even arcing out of your finger tips and hands. Try to feel the sparks the best you can, sometimes your fingers will just go sort of numb and they will feel wierd if you try to move them. Then open your eyes and do the same thing for a while...eventually you should start seeing very faint pencil thin lines of electricity or round dot size sparks or both.

    Electro Blast First, make a Ball of Electricity. Then add some Ki into it. Just practice that for a few days or at least a week until you get good at it. Then after you get good at that, start to compact Electricity and Ki into your arm. After you feel that your arm is compacted with enough Electricity and Ki, blast it out of your hand. Now the objective is to try and control the blast if you can. Remember to only use a little bit of Ki and Electricity if your opponent is too week to handle your level of power Lightning Ball To start out, just make a normal ki or mana ball and charge it up. Next, start visualizing lightning striking down all around you. Actually hear the crack and sizzle of the lightning bolts. Then, visualize all little lightning bolts striking around your hands and striking into your ki ball and causing electric shocks inside and outside it. It would make it even better if you know how to perform some electrokinesis. You will know by the feeling you get in your hands if you have made this correctly. When it's made, blast away.

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    #6365 - Pyrokinesis

    This article will help you manipulate fire.
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    Ok now i dont know much about pyrokinesis,i only know the ''dancing flame'' and how to make a ''fire ball''

    So lets start with the dancing flame:Light a candle and concentrate on the flame,visualiza it getting smaller and smaller until it lightsoff.Now do this for about one week for 5-10 minutes.Now we move on the a more harder part of the dansing flame,relighting the flame back.For this exorcise try to visualiza the the ember of the candle turning red,really try to feel the heat and then make the flame bigger and bigger until you have relighted the flame.Do this also for one week 5-10 minutes.

    Now that you know how to control the flame,lets try to make a fireball.For this exorcise you need to create a psi/chi or mana ball and visualiza it turning red,really try to feel the heat between your hands,now see the energy ball turning into a fire ball.Do this lesson for one week 5-10 minutes.

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    #6366 - Aura Seeing

    This article will help you see auras.
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    1: Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated plain white background. A color background will change Aura colors, so you need additional knowledge about combining colors. Some combinations of background and Aura colors may cause misinterpretation problems.

    2: Choose one spot to look at. The middle of the forehead is very good. This is a location of so called Brow Chakra or the Third Eye. In some cultures (India) they put a mark on a forehead. Such a mark in ancient times could mean the invitation to look and see the Aura.

    3:Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer

    4:After 30 seconds analyze surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is most important. Resist temptation to look around. You should see that the background nearby the person is brighter and has a different color than the background further away. This is your own perception of the Aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. Remember, concentration on one spot increases your sensitivity by accumulating the effect of the Aura vibration reaching your eyes.

    If you want you can put any object on the white wall and try to see the objects energy.

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    #6367 - Chakra Opening

    This article will explain to you how to open your chakras and what color are they.
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    First im going to show you what color are they and where they are located.
    Crown - Top of the head - White
    Third Eye - Middle of Forehead - Purple
    Throat - Throat - Blue
    Heart - Chest - Green
    Solar Plexus - Solar Plexus - Yellow
    Sacral - Right below your belly button - Orange
    Root - Base of Spine - Red
    Hand/Feet - Palms - White

    And now we continue to our lesson.

    Opening The Chakras: Sit in a quiet room.Relax and clear your mind. Once you are fully relaxed take a moment to center yourself then visualize each chakra spot starting at the crown of your head slowly opening like a flower.So you would start at the crown or top of your head visualize it slowly opening like a flower of the appropriate color then move to your 3rd eye, throat charka, heart, solar plexus etc. When doing this exercise it is ok if the charkas don't open fully on your first try, in fact don't force them to open. If one doesn't wish to open skip it and go to the next then try again tomorow. One reason for this is because they have been dorment if you force them to open you can actually experience psychic shock. Which means because they were in a dorment stage and you open them fully you go form feeling virtually nothing to full use which your body/soul and chakras aren't used to. They pick up all the different types of energy which causes an over load. If it helps, you can think of it as being in a dead silent room all your life and then all of a sudden music with the volume all the way up comes on. It would hurt your sensitive ears and shock you that's for sure. Some people experience psychic shock as a stabbing in there 3rd eye, bad head aches, dizzines, acting drunk among other things. This is usually followed by your charka's shut down and you
    literally have to let them rest and recover which can take anywhere from a week to a month to a year depending on how bad they are. They have not been used so you want to slowly work up to them being open.Once you start this techniques you might start noticing certain chakra's tingling when you get near things. This is from your chakras sensing objects energies. You'll also notice that when your chakra's are opened you recieve psychic information easier, your energy flow is increased etc. If the flower technique is not to your liking or you would like to add a safety feature you can change the visualization a little and see a white light focusing on each charka center until they glow slightly. Each time you do this they should glow a little brighter. I recommend doing either exercise no more than twice a day and it should take at least a month before they are fully open.

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    #6368 - Lunarkinesis

    This article includes all the dar manipulations you ever wanted.
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    Technique One: Negative Energy Summon.To use negative energy, you need to learn how to summon it first. Feel out the Psi in your body. Now begin to think of feelings that strongly anger you. Also think of things of evil (demons, vampires, etc...). Now picture all those thoughts spreading out of your mind and creating a coat around your body. Now use the Psi Flame technique so that your Psi has to pass through the coating. As it does, picture the coating changing the colour of your Psi to a dark purple or blue. You have summoned negative energy.

    Technique Two: Negative Ball.This technique involves the manipulation of negative energy. If you perform this technique in a darkened room, you should be okay. If not, first use the Negative Energy Gather technique. If you are in a darkened room, create a Psi ball. Absorb the negative energy in the room. Visualize it like the Psi ball is attracting the negative Psi. Then create a Psi ball with that energy. If not, first summon some negative energy. Place your hands in the way you would normally make a Psi ball. Picture the negative energy flowing in between your hands. Shape the energy into a ball. You have created a negative ball.

    Technique Three: Scream of Rage.Power all of the negative energy you have gathered into your palm. Focus all of your hatred, rage and negative energy into a Psi ball. If you are friends with your opponent or know them well, try to focus one of their fears into the ball as well.

    Technique Four: Beam of Despair.Draw energy from something dark and let the negative energy flow throughout your body for a while. After you get used to having a lot of negative energy in you, move the dark Psi into your hands. The fire it like a Psi Beam.

    Technique Five: Grudge Settler.A word of caution this technique is powerful and dangerous. Use only as a last resort. First, convert all your energy into negative energy using the Negative Conversion technique. If you are out of energy, use either the Negative Energy Gather technique or the Dark Drain technique. Shift the negative energy to your hands and raise them above your head. Create a large Negative Ball using the negative energy. Don't stop increasing the ball's size until it is very heavy. Picture it as a bomb. This will make it unstable. Hurl the ball at a target or at the ground. There will be an explosion of negative energy, hurting you and all others in the blast radius.

    Technique Six: Dark Drain.Grab someone and visualise roots, made of your negative feelings (your hate, your anger, your sorrow etc.) and hanging off your hands, jabbing into them. The roots whip around their body, taking energy and draining it. Visualise the energy flowing into you through the roots. When you have gathered enough energy, let go. You will feel refreshed and they will most likely feel dazed.

    Technique Seven: Negative Conversion.First, gather some non-negative energy. To rephrase, energy of any kind other than negative. Move it to your chest. Now, transfer any negative feeling you have to your chest. Sadness, anger, hatred, fear; all of them are going to be shifted. Picture the negative emotions as a purple or blue gas. Visualise the energy being tainted by the gas, becoming either a dark blue, indigo or violet colour. The energy is now negative energy.

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    #6369 - End Your Demon Possesion

    This should help weaken a demon that has came to posses you. This does not make any demon ever posses you, it makes the demon(s) that are possesing you now to be weakend and shall soon the demon will die and that demon will (CANNOT) ever posses you again, but another demon can, so you may need to use this spell MORE than once. Usually after the first demon pessesion you got rid of with this spell will call at least 2 or 3 more demons to posses you so im saying you may need to SAVE this spell because you might have to use it 2 or 3 times in your life, Im not saying you will need to, im prodicting...I had to go through 2 possesions with using this spell to end it. This is powerful and harmful, and if your being possed, use this spell AS FAST AS YOU CAN because once the demon has possed you through your whole mind, you will become a demon. Donnot use this if a person you know and they know you has become a demon and if possesing you, donnot use this spell if so that happens. If any questions, do not send to my MAIL on spells of magic, I can't MAIL back, send to my or I donnot have HotMail so use one of those e-mails to ask questions above...
    You may need:

  • 3 White Candles - For Goodness
  • 1 Black Candle - For The Demon
  • A Cross - To Hypnitize The Demon
  • Holy Water - To Punish The Demon
  • Quiet And Pitch Dark Place - To Atrack The Demon
  • 1 Drop Of Your Blood - For Extra Power
  • Bowl - For Your Blood
  • Mind Open Wind - To Use Your Psychic Energy
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    You may need:

  • 3 White Candles - For Goodness
  • 1 Black Candle - For The Demon
  • A Cross - To Hypnitize The Demon
  • Holy Water - To Punish The Demon
  • Quiet And Pitch Dark Place - To Atrack The Demon
  • 1 Drop Of Your Blood - For Extra Power
  • Bowl - For Your Blood
  • Mind Open Wind - To Use Your Psychic Energy
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    Place 1 White Candle in FRONT of you, Another Candle Beside You, and the last candle Behind you.

    Place the cross in YOUR HAND, and Sprinkle DROPS of the Holy Water around you making a circle of Holy Water so the Demon CANNOT touch you or GET INSIDE YOU.

    Put the drop of your Blood in the Bowl.

    Now, in your open mind, think about what the Demon has done to you, think about why would it, imagine it as in a LOST WORLD where nowhere to go, but lay there and burn, think what did the Demon do foe that?

    Then chant:

    ''Demon near, stand right there.

    I see you clear, Demon there,
    you shall Disapear!

    You will go, So far
    of torchure thy I
    shall know. So
    It Be!

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    #6370 - Psi Shield

    This article will help you create a psi shield to protect you.
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  • concentration
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    You may need:

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    Step 1:Meditate(it is important that you are relaxed)

    Step 2:Make a psi ball(if you dont know how to make one,i suggest you practice creating a psi ball first)

    Step 3:Using the psi ball, form it into a shield. Imagine the psi ball getting bigger and bigger until it completely surrounds you. Visualize the shield turning white, the color for protection.

    Step 4:After you have done the psi shield i suggest you do it for atlest one week,for 5-10 minutes until you can feel the shield surrounding you.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters