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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Banish a Succubus
  2. Divinity
  3. The Lemon Curse
  4. Heather Besom
  5. Bagging Stress
  6. Psi Fist
  7. Start a Fire
  8. Levitate with Gravity (Objects)
  9. Shadow Gust
  10. Mind Combat Defense

#6461 - Banish a Succubus

To banish a succubus you have summon.
You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • Pentagram on the floor
  • Enchanted pendent
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    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • Pentagram on the floor
  • Enchanted pendent
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    To do this place the candles at the 2 bottom points of the star, and place your pendent in the center of the star then say the following:

    "Lover I have called,
    I want you here no more,
    I say to leave go back to where you came,
    loverI have called,
    we can not be,
    be goneI wish you here no more."

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    #6462 - Divinity

    This spell will help you call upon the divine will....power to accomplish any task.
    You may need:

  • Relaxed mind
  • At least 70 minutes of deep meditation
  • Opened third eye
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    You may need:

  • Relaxed mind
  • At least 70 minutes of deep meditation
  • Opened third eye
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    This spell is very powerful...basically it is an ancient one and after meditation is complete you can chant it but beware the energy released may get out of control so before attempting this spend very quatity time for about 3 days and throughout this time you should feel completely relaxed and completly calm.
    Now you can follow given instructions and start chanting:

    "By the power of truth I command the spirit within to unleash the sleeping powers in the name of divine will, so mote it be."

    Chat it 3 times and after its completion wish of anything in mind and it will come true(very useful for those aspiring to gain psychic powers within a week's time-period ).

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    #6463 - The Lemon Curse

    Cause another person to suffer.
    You may need:

  • Lemon
  • Black candle
  • 9 Nails
  • Cursing oil
  • Black bowl
  • Picture of victim
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    You may need:

  • Lemon
  • Black candle
  • 9 Nails
  • Cursing oil
  • Black bowl
  • Picture of victim
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    Have a candle lit using only a match, slit down the lemon down in the middle so that it forms to equal halve; on the surface of one of the lemon you place the picture of the person you wish to curse. Then focus on the flame of the candle and your anger at that person will begin to rise; poke the needles on to the surface of the lemon one by one. When you have reached the last and final nail; place the lemon in the black bowl and pour cursing oil over the lemon and then squeeze the remaining half of the lemon over the oil. Poke the last nail on the person's picture. To finish, setup an altar and wait for the lemon to rot. With each day passing, the curse will begin to work. When you feel the person has reformed or suffered enough you may dispose the lemon by throwing it in the sea or river.

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    #6464 - Heather Besom

    An old English ritual to chase negative spirits from your home.
    You may need:

  • A besom or other broom
  • An incense stick
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    You may need:

  • A besom or other broom
  • An incense stick
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    There are many traditions linked to the besom, or broom, not least its association with witches. In medieval England, besoms were regarded as essentially feminine tools, and if a woman wished to show she was not at home, she set a broom outside her door. Made from birch, heather, or broom twigs, they were used in gypsy marriages. Known as ''broomstick weddings,'' the ceremony involved the couple jumping back and forth over the broom, holding hands all the while, before a rush ring was placed on the girl's finger. Besoms are still available commercially, but any broom will do if you have difficulty finding a besom.

    Perform this spell on a waning moon. Starting at the highest room in your home, sweep backward through each doorway, symbolically chasing out all bad feelings. At the Threshold to your home, sweep backward with a vengeance, then hold the besom aloft and shake it three times into the wind, turning in a counterclockwise direction and saying:
    ''Spirits fly with the wind;
    Be banished from my way.''
    Finish the spell by lighting the incense stick in the center of your home to sweeten the atmosphere.

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    #6465 - Bagging Stress

    A Mediterranean spell to charge you with the strength to overcome a stressful situation.
    You may need:

  • A handmade cloth bag
  • Some dry earth
  • A small bunch of borage flowers
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    You may need:

  • A handmade cloth bag
  • Some dry earth
  • A small bunch of borage flowers
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    We all suffer from stress at one time or another, and in a workplace it is often difficult to reverse the situation. This spell can be taken to your workplace or used in other stressful situations, with minimum disturbance. For healing and magic, the earth, or Mother Earth, from whence all things spring, is unsurpassed. Add a little borage, the flower of courage, and some of your own essence, and even the most difficult of predicaments can be overcome.

    Make a small bag. It can be very plain and simple, but it is important that you stitch it together by hand, so that you are putting your self-essence into it. The bag needs to be large enough for you to get both hands inside, with a drawstring to secure it. As a special touch, embroider your initials on it in your favorite color. on a bright, sunny day collect a few handfuls of dry earth and some borage flowers. Feel the sun's rays warming your body and the flowers and the soil in your hands, and store the memory carefully. Dry the borage flowers, then place them with the earth in your bag. pull the drawstring to secure them. keep the bag in an accessible place. When things are going badly or you need a pick-me-up, it will only take a few moments to place your hands in the bag, touch the dried borage flowers, reflect on your stored memories, and let Mother Earth work her magic.

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    #6466 - Psi Fist

    Create a ball of psi around your hand to hit people with.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Create a small ball of psi in 1 hand.
    Use the other hand to wrap the hand with psi
    then hit people with it.

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    #6467 - Start a Fire

    If you want to burn something but you don't have a match or lighter, this is for you.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Voice
  • Be a strong believer
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Voice
  • Be a strong believer
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    1) Stand exacly 1 metre away from the item you are going to set alight.

    2) Put your hands out infront of you like you are pushing something.

    3) Imagine the item being on fire.

    4) Imagine your hands being on fire.

    5) Really concentrate on the item, and imagine fire going from your hands to the item.

    Note: This doesn't always work!

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    #6468 - Levitate with Gravity (Objects)

    Now, you might be able to levitate yourself....I doubt it. This spell is more for making light or heavy objects leitate. This is a rare spell. i only use it when I am in danger...
    You may need:

  • Danger or Calm Relaxed
  • Fingers in Peace Sign symbol
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    You may need:

  • Danger or Calm Relaxed
  • Fingers in Peace Sign symbol
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    Take your pecae sign symbol fingers and lay it under the object(s) that will be levitated. Feel that object's(s) energy. Imagine your finger melting into its surface. Remove your finger, now you just embraced it. Now, imagine it as a part of your body to use as an arm. Say:

    ''Feather's Weight,
    I wish to feit.
    Levitate Now,
    I wish in how.''

    Think hard that it firmly is a danger block...Imediatly quit thinking. Watch it levitate...

    *You donnot have to say the spell if you think extra hard...
    I only use this firmly when im in danger

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    #6469 - Shadow Gust

    Combine the powers of the dark element and the air element against an enemy.
    You may need:

  • Dark open outdoor area
  • Wind
  • Yourself
  • Quite area
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Dark open outdoor area
  • Wind
  • Yourself
  • Quite area
  • Voice
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    Once outside in an open area(at night). Besure there is (at least) a small gust of wind blowing,
    then chant the following 3 times:

    " Upon this dark air, I command thee...
    Combine into one...Darkness and Wind,
    to fulfill my demands, my commands!"

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    #6470 - Mind Combat Defense

    How to defend your mind from people who attack it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine your mind and put an electric ball around it. Now place a shield that resembles iron around the ball. Hold this image in your head. You should be able to visualize your enemy attacking you. If the enemy breaks your outer shield, you can try to defend yourself with one shield or make your electric shield blow up to push your enemey away from your mind.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters