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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Faery Sight Oil
  2. Binding spell of witches
  3. Soul Attack
  4. Gods of Night Time
  5. Sleep Tight
  6. Black Magic Spell to Reverse a Curse
  7. Elemental Invocation
  8. 1825 English Love Spell
  9. Defeating the Darkness
  10. Shield Of Valor

#6631 - Faery Sight Oil

An old conjure woman's recipe. It is reputed to be over 300 years old. When concocted, it should be applied to the forehead (the third eye area). It is ill advised to drive while working with this oil.
You may need:

  • Dittany of Crete
  • Bucchu leaves
  • Mugwort
  • Indian hemp (wild collected preferably)
  • Mistletoe
  • 1/3 part dried broom flowers (or fresh which is preferred)
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    You may need:

  • Dittany of Crete
  • Bucchu leaves
  • Mugwort
  • Indian hemp (wild collected preferably)
  • Mistletoe
  • 1/3 part dried broom flowers (or fresh which is preferred)
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    Mix the mentioned herbs. Then cook them in oil in a double boiler. Use light mineral oil because it holds the scent well and does not go rancid. Strain the herbs from the oil. It will have a greenish color.
    Add high Join (or as we call it "Johnny root") and lavender. The amounts of these two oils depend on the size of the mixture. Add enough to give the scent, but not enough to overpower it. Then, shake well and store in a cool, dark place until the first full moon. Let it set in the light of the moon all night and bring it in before any sunrays touch it. It is preferable that sunlight never touches it. Rather, it should only be seen by the light of the moon and stars. The very scent of this oil brings insights and altered consciousness.

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    Last edited on May 28, 2016
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    #6632 - Binding spell of witches

    To bind yourself with others.
    You may need:

  • Razor blade or knife
  • And the one(s) you want to bind with
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    You may need:

  • Razor blade or knife
  • And the one(s) you want to bind with
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    Cut your finger(s) and touch them together and say.....

    ''I bind us together, a withches spell this be, to be a part of one another,so mote it be!''

    Say it 4 times together.

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    #6633 - Soul Attack

    This is the ability to multiply your targets aura to about a 200 mile radius causing him/her to feel all the movement, pain, even emotions!
    You may need:

  • Your mind
  • One other person to test it on
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    You may need:

  • Your mind
  • One other person to test it on
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    First you must soul charge. Then take your dominate hand and aim it at your target. Release the charged energy by stretching your arm out, but don't count your shoulder as part of your arm or you'll look like an idiot. You well feel weak after words no matter how good you get at it.

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    #6634 - Gods of Night Time

    I haven't tested it.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Gods of night
    please don't fight.
    Gods of day
    are in the way."

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    #6635 - Sleep Tight

    A spell to help you fall asleep.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    As you are getting ready for bed, lay in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then chant: "Gods of rest don't be a pest. Let me sleep and make it deep". Chant this three more times, then focus on trying to fall asleep.

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    #6636 - Black Magic Spell to Reverse a Curse

    Used to reverse a curse.
    You may need:

  • Frankincense oil
  • Vanilla oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Osmanthus incense
  • Egyptian goddess incense
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    You may need:

  • Frankincense oil
  • Vanilla oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Osmanthus incense
  • Egyptian goddess incense
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    In a pot, boil some water and add to it frankincense, vanilla, rosemary and clary sage oils to it. Stir it anti-clockwise until the mixture smells pungent. Light osmanthus incense and toss it into the mixture. There will be a mild explosion. Stir anti-clockwise as you chant, ''œTurn around and about, Once again to the dreary start. Where there existed no fantastic hex, Revert to that vapid part.'' Simmer until thick. Pour out a glassful speak aloud the name or nature of the curse and drink to reverse it. Light the Egyptian goddess incense to finish off the spell. At the end bury everything under your window. Do make sure that the window you bury it under faces the rising sun or else the spell might not work but instead could stand the risk of reversing. So do follow the suggested guidelines. Do not whisper the fact that you are under a curse to anyone or else the spell will not work.

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    #6637 - Elemental Invocation

    To invoke the element when you are casting a circle.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    East I call to you,
    High above the trees
    Gliding on a soft breeze
    Eagle come to me.

    South I call to you,
    Burning within me
    Running through the jungle
    Panther come to me.

    West I call to you,
    Deep within the sea
    Dancing with the waves
    Dolphin come to me.

    North I call to you,
    Underneath my feet
    Howling at the full moon
    Wolf come to me.

    Center I call you,
    Everywhere I see
    Joining in the circle
    Snake come to me.

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    #6638 - 1825 English Love Spell

    I will give you the old way and how it can be changed to protect the dove. But basically, it's to tray and "trap" the heart of the one whom you desire. Be careful though when fooling with the affairs of the heart!
    You may need:

  • Old Version: Live Pigeon or White Dove
  • Picture of the Desired
  • A Long Pin or Needle
  • New Version: A Dove or Pigeon Poppet, cut out or wax figurine. (You may also wish to stuff the dove poppet with any herbs that might help; and/or mix the herbs with the wax)
  • Picture of the Desired
  • Long Pin or Needle
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    You may need:

  • Old Version: Live Pigeon or White Dove
  • Picture of the Desired
  • A Long Pin or Needle
  • New Version: A Dove or Pigeon Poppet, cut out or wax figurine. (You may also wish to stuff the dove poppet with any herbs that might help; and/or mix the herbs with the wax)
  • Picture of the Desired
  • Long Pin or Needle
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    1825; England:

    Take a Pigeon or Dove and while in the grip of your pains and with the powerful desire to have him....Take the pin or needle and state in short what you want. Then stab the Dove.Pigeon through the heart. It was said to have been a bad omen if the dove or pigeon suffers. It had to be clean and swift.

    Bury the dove with the needle and his photo graph in a secret place. Burning them all together in some secret place was another variation as well.

    2009, USA:

    Make the poppet out of white cloth and the wax out of white wax. Stuff the poppet/wax figure with herbs that attract, and his hair/nail clippings ECT will also help.

    Place the photo on where the heart would be and while in a grip of desire and passion, state briefly your intention then STAB the poppet/wax figure and through the photo.

    You may burn them or bury them in some private location. But Know that they must be done so together.

    Also remember that "What Comes Around Goes Around" So be cautious on where your heart lies in it's intentions.

    Blessed Be!


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    #6639 - Defeating the Darkness

    This is a spell on how to protect yourself from any evil lurcing in the shadows near you.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Powerful Voice(Third eye might come in handy)
  • Salt (just incase you don't know how to use a protection spell at the time)
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Powerful Voice(Third eye might come in handy)
  • Salt (just incase you don't know how to use a protection spell at the time)
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    Sit down in the middle of the room with the negative presense. Wait till you feel it in there with you. Close your eyes and picture the evil spirit. Now concentrate on both putting a white light around you for protection, and also picture the demon being sucked into a holy light. Now with a powerful voice say:

    "You are not welcome here. In the name of Jesus, I command you to get out and stay out in God's name our lord and savior!!!)"

    Make sure you say with all your heart and have certainty in your voice.

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    #6640 - Shield Of Valor

    This spell makes you more powerful against enemies and all psychic attacks.
    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Red candle (for fast, aggressive action)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Red candle (for fast, aggressive action)
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    This is a spell that you can cast to create a shield of protection for yourself. Light the candles and remove all worry from your mind. Relax and picture yourself at peace. This spell must be repeated until you can feel it. It is different for everyone, some people need 5 times, others need 9. However feel free to keep it up and repeat it as many times as required.

    ''Keep me safe from those that harm. Protect me while I use my charms or even when I don't. Guard me in a sheild of steel, rock, diamond, snakes, and fire. Utilize this wall to defeat any and all malignant intentions towards me. My shield is flawless, solid, true, and indestructible. My eternal force will let nothing against my will or entity through. My shield has multiple layers that are powerful and strong. This allows me not to drop my guard. I call upon all powers and deities that be, Protect me from all harm and cloak me from my enemies. Allow the darkness to wrap me in black. Those who attempt to cause me harm will get a surprise when they attack. Repel all unwanted forces that are not mine. Protect me for all eternity and until the end of time. Teach my enemies their survival means to flee. This is my will, so It WILL BE. I Am safe.''

    -Inspried from a protection spell (Incompressible Shield of Valiance) by Danielle82 revised to suit my needs more efficiently. Thank you Danielle for your excellent spell contribution.-

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters