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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Easy Haste
  2. Power Transfer
  3. Sheep Sleep
  4. Illusive Distraction Spell
  5. Lucky Charm
  6. Water Protection Spell
  7. Protection Powder
  8. Circle of Protection
  9. Demon possesion
  10. Create Your Wand

#6691 - Easy Haste

This is an easy haste spell.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    As you stand completely still, say "In the name of Infinious, give me the haste to out-run my opponents".

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    #6692 - Power Transfer

    Name tells.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
  • Power to spare
  • Person to give power
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Concentration
  • Power to spare
  • Person to give power
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    Chant this may you be victoryous in your fight:

    "May you summon terrible creatures of the night.
    May you have all my power may it bloom in u like a flower, so mote it."

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    #6693 - Sheep Sleep

    A spell that makes you fall asleep within an hour.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    As you want to fall asleep, say this: "I wish to fall asleep after I start to count sheep". Begin counting sheep in a normal speaking voice. Slowly soften your voice until it is no longer outloud and only in your mind. Close your eyes and keep counting.

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    #6694 - Illusive Distraction Spell

    If you are highly skilled in magick, you will be able to create a big distraction, but if you are not really skilled, than you will only be able to create a small distraction.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Your concentration
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
  • Your concentration
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    1.) Visualize the distraction you want to create.

    2.) Then say this spell:

    "I need a distraction, a quick getaway.
    Something that will disguise me, or an outspoken say.
    Something that will help me to trick people’s minds.
    An illusion to the eyes; that is what they will find.
    So I ask of you now to fulfill my desire.
    Create a distraction, even if it’s a fire."

    3.) Wait patiently for your distraction to come.

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    #6695 - Lucky Charm

    This charm should attract good luck. Good Luck! :D
    You may need:

  • Coin minted in the year of your birth
  • Your birthstone
  • Locket
  • Candle
  • Match or lighter
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    You may need:

  • Coin minted in the year of your birth
  • Your birthstone
  • Locket
  • Candle
  • Match or lighter
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    Using the coin, scratch the stone till' powder starts coming off. Carefully put the powder in the locket. Light the candle and chant this 3 times:

    "Power of light, power of luck, make the dust in this locket, keep the luck in it stuck."

    Now carefully use the candle wax to seal the locket shut. Make sure that when you put the wax on, that the wax is still melted and the candle is still lit. Once you are done sealing the locket, let the wax dry. Wear the locket as often as possible.

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    #6696 - Water Protection Spell

    This spell is a simple spell to enchant water to protect you from negative emotions, evil spells, evil witches, and so forth.
    You may need:

  • ) A glass of water.
  • ) A Quartz crystal.
  • ) Your voice.
  • ) Your dominant hand's index finger.
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    You may need:

  • ) A glass of water.
  • ) A Quartz crystal.
  • ) Your voice.
  • ) Your dominant hand's index finger.
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    1.) Get yourself a glass of water.

    2.) Place a Quartz Crystal at the bottom of the glass of water.

    3.) Dip your dominant hand's index finger into the water.

    4.) Say this chant loud and clear:

    ''Water of love and water of feeling,
    provide me with spectacular healing.
    Protect me from harm and evil to come,
    encircle me with light and love from the sun.
    As I drink to the lord, our one mighty father,
    I ask of you now, do not let evil bother.
    I wish to be touched by the angel of protection,
    so protect me now from evil infection.''

    5.) Drink the glass of water to activate the protecting energies of the crystal and the spell.

    P.S. *This spell's effect lasts for 24 hours!*

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    #6697 - Protection Powder

    This powder will protect you from bad luck to warding evil spells.
    You may need:

  • Anise
  • Bay (leaves)
  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Fennel
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    You may need:

  • Anise
  • Bay (leaves)
  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Fennel
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    Ground up equal parts Anise, Bay (leaves), Cinnamon, Dill, and Fennel. Leave outside for at least twenty-four hours. Then either sprinkle it on yourself for protection, on items for protection, or add to charm bags.

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    #6698 - Circle of Protection

    Keeps you protected from bad luck and general negativity. May also lessen the effects of the threefold law.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 green candle
  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Night of the full moon
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 green candle
  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Night of the full moon
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    Use the salt to create the circle and make sure you have made a large enough circle for you to sit in. As you make the circle, say:

    "Entula en'templa (en-chewler en temp-ler)."

    Repeat this until you have completed your circle. Then place the candles at the five points of the pentacle (starting with black, white, red, blue and green going clockwise) and join them with more salt. As you do this say:

    "Esta sinome (est-ah sin-oh-may) ."

    Once you have done this, light the candles, starting with Spirit going clockwise. Once you have done this, sit down in the center and meditate. Feel the flames flicker and merge with you circle that you have created. Imagine your soul bonding with the pentagram and say:

    "I call on thee, Hecate,
    Goddess of Witchcraft and Sorcery.
    Come to me and be my shield,
    Banish negativity, make it yield.
    Be the power of my gun,
    Protect me here, so be it done!

    You may repeat this if you feel necessary. Don't forget:

    "Diola lle (dee-oler lay)."

    Once saying this incantation, you should feel a breeze (or gust, depending on your magickal power). This means that the Goddess, Hecate, is watching over you.
    NOTE: This spell shall only last until the next full moon. If oyu wish to burn some incense to help relax you or any other method you may do so where you deem necessary.

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    #6699 - Demon possesion

    Le'ts ur demon to posses you
    You may need:

  • Be evil or in an evil statment
  • Focus
  • Mind
  • Something wich makes u think evil(not necessary but it's good to start with something like this)
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    You may need:

  • Be evil or in an evil statment
  • Focus
  • Mind
  • Something wich makes u think evil(not necessary but it's good to start with something like this)
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    First be relaxed close your eyes and let everything evil that you like get into you desrtoy your good part by letting just the evil one eneter ur mind focus on ur evil pleasures do what you wanna do in your evil world and usually when i do it i sometimes when i focus i say ''Enter me and control everything on me do what you wanna do with me'' or something like this anyway for begginers it might work a little hard but it will work if u concentrate.

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    #6700 - Create Your Wand

    Creates a wand for all your magical needs and purposes.
    You may need:

  • Branch from an oak tree
  • A blessed Stone
  • Crystal (amethyst, calcite etc.)
  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Eve of the Full Moon.
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    You may need:

  • Branch from an oak tree
  • A blessed Stone
  • Crystal (amethyst, calcite etc.)
  • Voice
  • Visualization
  • Eve of the Full Moon.
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    Go out on the eve of the full moon and approach an oak tree. See if you can find a branch within your reach or a branch on the ground beneath it. Step up to the tree, press your lips to the tree (kiss it) and say:

    "Oh Mighty Oak, I ask you here,
    Can I take a branch so dear?

    After you have said this, step away and wait for the tree to wave its branches. If you have asked politely enough or have sufficient focus then the tree should shudder. Once it has done this, step up to it and cut a branch off.

    NOTE: Do NOT snap or break it off, as the tree will not like it, and therefore, your wand will have no magical power. Preferrably, your branch should be about 12 inches.
    Now you have your branch, sit somewhere where you can relax and hollow out the branch. This may take a while but it is completely necessary. Once you have done this, take your blessed stone/crystal and place it in your power hand while you have the branch infront of you in a horizontal position, pointing from East to West. Now, close your eyes and meditate for a moment. Imagine the glow of the stone/crystal in your hand and imagine the glow spreading up your arm, through your chest and down the other arm.

    NOTE: This step is important otherwise you will not be able to fuse your branch with the power of your stone/crystal.
    ONce you have done this, place the stone/crystal behind the branch and pick up the branch and hold it with both of your hands. Close your eyes once more and say:

    "With the power of my stone/crystal,
    I give to you it's strength.
    I wish for it to serve you until you need it no more,
    And I wish that it will give you life.
    So may it be.

    Once you have said this, place the stone/crystal into one end of the branch (your choice) and then seal it in place with ribbon. Leave it somewhere where it can bathe in the light of the moon next night and once you have done this, you may carve markings into the wand to decorate it.
    If after one week, your wand does not work, wait until the next full moon and allow it to bathe in its light to charge it and then wash it in a body of natural water whilst saying:

    "I now charge thee for you need your strength.
    Now, work for me. So mote it be.

    It should now work and you may continue with its use.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters