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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. How to get Powers
  2. Energy Spell
  3. Down to the World of Hate
  4. Invocation for Help
  5. Blessed Water Wishing Spell
  6. The Secert to Fire Manipulation
  7. Spell to Bind the Lover of our Desire
  8. Summon a Lover
  9. Spell to Summon the Dead
  10. Spell to Summon Mr. Right

#6951 - How to get Powers

A spell to increase your personal abilities.
You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Candle (any color except for pink)
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pen or pencil
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • Candle (any color except for pink)
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pen or pencil
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    Take your candle, bowl, sheet of paper, and your pen or pencil. Then write down what element you want such as: water, fire, or air abilities. Now, you light the candle and burn the paper. You take the ashes of the burnt paper and put them in the bowl. If it's really windy outside you let the ashes blow away but if it's not windy outside you just flush the ashes down the toilet or bury them.

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    #6952 - Energy Spell

    This spell is used to make a energy ball
    You may need:

  • To make a energy ball you need:
  • A good imagination!
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    You may need:

  • To make a energy ball you need:
  • A good imagination!
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    Visualisation is the greatest part of this spell. You have to visuallise the ball you want to make(for example a white energy ball). Keep your hands togather and visuallise and feel the energy moving through your hands and your hands will fell apart and start repelling. Remember, you must be peaceful during this and the room should be silent!

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    #6953 - Down to the World of Hate

    the spell: Demon of hatred,come to me,as i summoned you,ful fill my wish,as they look into ur eyes,let them see,what should no mortal could never see.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mirror
  • Photo of your Victim
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mirror
  • Photo of your Victim
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    This is is kinda hard to master so if you are willing to this you must have a photo of your victim and a mirror so that once you put the photo on the mirrior and chant the spell it may work.

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    #6954 - Invocation for Help

    Invoke a deity to help you with spellwork.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you have to do is chant: "By the powers that be, and the rule of 3 times 3, be with me". The more times you chant, the more successful it may be. Be sure to concentrate while saying these words. Do this before spellwork.

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    #6955 - Blessed Water Wishing Spell

    You can use this spell at anytime, all you have to do is make blessed water!
    You may need:

  • 1 Blessed water
  • 2 paper
  • 3 pen
  • 4 a voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blessed water
  • 2 paper
  • 3 pen
  • 4 a voice
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    Consintrate on your wish, write it on paper,and say this spell,

    I call upon the forces of the sun, moon, stars, and sky.
    Make reality turn and fly.
    With this blesed water, bold and blue.
    Plese make my wish come true.

    After the spell is complete, pour a drop of blessed water on the paper and watch your wish come true.

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    #6956 - The Secert to Fire Manipulation

    Practice your Fire Manipulation.
    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    Yes, yes! You want to be ''Avatario'', or whatever. Listen, Fire Manipulation takes time and you cant just say ALAKAZAM! So, listen up kids and HEY this is a 18 YEARS and up Practice!! Dont want you little Kiddies burning down houses, OKAY?

    *So You Want to know the Secert? Controling the AIR around the Fire!*

    Okay start with a Lite Candle. Get in a comfortable position by the candle. Like sit in a chair with the Candle being on the table, or What ever...I think you got it. GOOD.

    Focus on the the air in the room and around the flame with your Third Eye. Helps if you close your two other eyes...The Number One and Two, Moron.

    Now Chant your meditation Hmmm, If you dont got one. STOP!!! Get One, Leason stops right hear Little Chickies! Your Meditatation Hmmmm, will find you...WHATS MINE? Get your Own. Im not going to answer that question for you. Thats something you need to find for yourselfs.

    Now your chanting, right? Well Start!! Okay now focus all the air coming together, into one tight ball of energy. Alright, Now were Getting Somewhere!

    Okay, Practice moving the orb around, Then try useing it around the flame. You can use your hands for this if you like, But Dont Touch The Flame!! God, think how stupid youd feel if you had to go to the emergency room because you burnt yourself by touching FIRE!! Stupid!

    *ALRIGHT thats it. Any Questions Plesea contact me. AGIAN this takes ALOT of PRACTICE and TIME. It took me 45 times before I could even form a orb of air... and I touched the fire, it burnt ME!! YOUR NOT SUPERHUMAN!!! FROM: Family Spell Book, Reworded.*

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    #6957 - Spell to Bind the Lover of our Desire

    This spell is really a conjuration of powers to compel either a man or a woman to desire the operator of the spell. This is not a "love spell", but more like a summoning and controlling spell.
    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Hour of Midnight
  • 2 Black Tapers
  • Piece of Parchment Paper
  • Charcoal Burner
  • Charcoal in a Cauldron
  • Pentacle
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    You may need:

  • Full Moon
  • Hour of Midnight
  • 2 Black Tapers
  • Piece of Parchment Paper
  • Charcoal Burner
  • Charcoal in a Cauldron
  • Pentacle
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    The Conjuration
    On the full Moon, at the hour of Midnight, Light two black tapers. Write the name of the person to be summoned on a piece of parchment paper, and place it one the alter along with a photograph or other image of the desired. Light the charcoal burner, or light charcoal in a cauldron, and drop on some frankincense. Once the frankincense is burning, hold the Pentacle high within the circle and say aloud:

    "I sauté thee and conjure thee,
    O beautiful Moon, O most beautiful Star, O brilliant light which I have in my hand.
    By the air that I breathe, by the breath within me, by the earth which I am touching:
    I conjure thee. By all the secret names of the spirit princes living in you.
    By the ineffable and secret name Tetragrammaton and all the other names of power,
    I conjure thee. By you, O resplendent Angel Gabriel, with the planet Mercury, Prince,
    Michael, and Melchidael, I Conjure thee!
    I conjure you again, by all the secret names of Tetragrammaton, so that you may send
    the power to oppress, torture and harass the body, mind, and soul of name of the desired
    person here, she (he) whose name is written here,
    (hold up parchment)
    So that she (he) shall come unto me, and agree willingly to my desires,
    neither liking nor loving nobody in the world, for as long as she (he) shall remain unmoved by me."

    (Drop picture and parchment into charcoal burner)

    "Let her (him) now begin to feel the torment of my absence!
    Go then! Go at once! Go, Melchidael, Baresches, Zazel, Firiel, Malcha, and all those who are with thee!
    I conjure thee by the Great Tetragrammaton to do my bidding, lest, by the power, I cast you out, or into the abyss."
    Obey my will, and I promise to release you to return to your home in the nether regions from whence thou came

    Blow out the tapers, Close the Circle.

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    #6958 - Summon a Lover

    To Summon a Lover, to bring a new love into your life.
    You may need:

  • 2 Red Roses
  • Red or Pink Chiffon Scarf (or a drum)
  • 50cm/20in of Red Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Chalice
  • Red Wine or Grape Juice
  • CD player and a CD of soft music (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 2 Red Roses
  • Red or Pink Chiffon Scarf (or a drum)
  • 50cm/20in of Red Ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Chalice
  • Red Wine or Grape Juice
  • CD player and a CD of soft music (optional)
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    For this ritual you will need to find a secluded outdoor space where a hawthorn grows. It is best if you can walk around the hawthorn, but if that isn't possible, perform the ritual in front of the tree.

    Lay your tools on the grass and cast a Circle, ensuring that the hawthorn tree is within the magickal boundary

    *Place the roses in the middle of the Circle to form an equal-armed cross. Cut a small lock from your hair, tie it to the red ribbon, and lay it next to the roses. Pour some wine or juice into the chalice

    *Begin to move around the circle, deosil, in a slow, seductive dance. Hum or sing if you feel like it, or play the CD. As you dance, wave patterns with the scarf or beat the drum. Concentrate your energies on attuning with the Goddess tree and summoning the lover you require

    *Once you feel connected to the land, the tree and the power, begin to chant this spell, and continue as long as you remain focused:

    "By earth, by wind, by land, by sea,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By witch's dance and Goddess tree,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By earth, by wind, by land, by sea,
    I summon a lover to come to me.
    By power raised I send my plea;
    I summon a lover to come to me."

    *When you have finished chanting, tie the ribbon and lock of hair to the hawthorn tree, asking for the fruition of your spell.

    *Pour a little of the red wine or grape juice at the foot of the tree, tap your chalice against the tree trunk and say:
    "Blessed Be!"

    *Drink the rest of the wine or juice from your chalice and, finally, leave a single red rose at the foot of the tree in thanks. Take the other one home with you to place on your altar .

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    #6959 - Spell to Summon the Dead

    Spell to Summon the Dead
    You may need:

  • Sage Stick
  • Five White Candles
  • Incense
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    You may need:

  • Sage Stick
  • Five White Candles
  • Incense
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    "Hear these words, hear my cry,
    Spirit from the other side.
    Come to me, I summon thee,
    cross now the great divide.
    Beloved spirit, name,
    We seek your guidance
    commune with us
    and move amongst us."

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    #6960 - Spell to Summon Mr. Right

    Spell to Summon Mr. Right.
    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    Write down characteristics of your idea of a perfect man and drop them into the potion while chanting:

    "A perfect man we summon now
    Another way we don't know how
    To make our sister see the light
    Somewhere out there is Mr. Right."

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters