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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment
  2. Protective Arms
  3. Prevent Biting and Barking
  4. Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water
  5. Wind & Air Call
  6. Exorcise Spirits
  7. Improve Your Telekinesis
  8. Telekinesis Go Learn
  9. Astral Projection Control
  10. Invisible Being To Be

#6971 - Hermes Magic Ring Enchantment

This empowers a ring, making it magical.
You may need:

  • Stones
  • Ring
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Green candle
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • Stones
  • Ring
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Green candle
  • Lighter
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    Build a cairn, a small pyramid of stones. This summons hermes/mercury. Write a brief explanation of what functions you want the ring to serve. Place the paper on the top of the stones and the ring on top of the paper. Dedicate a green candle to mercury and request his blessings and assistance. Once the candle has burned down pay attention to the conversations around you when you’ve overheard a stranger or child utter something affirmative like "go ahead" or "the times right" you will know the ring has been activated.

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    Last edited on Sep 28, 2015
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    #6972 - Protective Arms

    This spell can only be performed on another, it calls upon a persons guardian angel to protect them from harm.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle of any size
  • 1 glass of clean rain water
  • 1 medium sized White feather
  • 1 piece of milky or clear quarts
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle of any size
  • 1 glass of clean rain water
  • 1 medium sized White feather
  • 1 piece of milky or clear quarts
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    Get the person that you are performing the spell on to sit in a comfortable position. Ask them to think of nothing but pure white light!
    Then light your candle and place the quarts in the glass of rain water.
    Dip the end of the feather in the water stirring in a clockwise motion imagining that it is a feather from a beautiful angel.
    Then, allow three drops of the water to fall onto the persons forehead and say ' In my mind but out of sight, guarding protector take flight. Wrap your wings around your charge, warm and loving strong and large'.
    Take the stone out of the water and place it in the hand of the person you are performong the spell on and say ' Bless it be'. Kiss the persons forehead and blow out the candle.

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    #6973 - Prevent Biting and Barking

    This is from grimoire spell. It will give you protection against violent dogs.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    While looking at the dog in question, say: "Barbaric arch. The heart splits. The tail hangs. The key of St. Peter becomes your maws until tomorrow". The dogs temperment will be greatly improved.

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    #6974 - Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water

    Call The God Of Water And Exorcise The Spirits
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just Chant This And Do As It Say once, Stand Up By The Way:

    ''God Of Mount Kifune,

    God Of Water,

    Descend From The Heavens Above,

    And Bring Water To This Place,

    (point north with the whole right hand so as arm at shoulder level, palms face down same with the others)Water Of The North, Tenpo!

    (point east)Water Of The East, Saicho!

    (point south)Water Of The South, Tsuki!

    (point west by placing hand in front of you)Water Of The West, Kumori!

    (create a star shape like in shonen onmyoji if you watch the anime, then clap your hand together once)Together We Will Vanquish These Spirits From Destruction!''

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    #6975 - Wind & Air Call

    Call the wind and air.
    You may need:

  • Small bell
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    You may need:

  • Small bell
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    Stand outside. Wait till there is no blowing of the wind, and the air feels calm. Chant the following three times:

    "God of wind (ring bell), I call you. I need you. I will call your name, so that you hear me clear: Seiryu! (Ring bell again). Summon the wind I need. A mighty wind. So mote it be. Seiryu! (Ring the bell one last time)"

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    #6976 - Exorcise Spirits

    A ritual to exorcise spirits from your home.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Hold your hands together where your thumbs face each other, so that your index and middle finger touch. With your other fingers, position them in the shape of a gun. Chant three times: "On abira unkyan sharakutan".

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    #6977 - Improve Your Telekinesis

    Improve your telekinesis.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Meditate daily for half an hour, fifteen minutes if you're schedule is too busy. Attempt telekinesis at least once a day, twice if possible. Give yourself a good 30-60 minutes to try it.

    Focus on one method for at least a week, if it shows no results, switch methods. Be at ease; instead of taking it too seriously think of it as an experiment, a game. If you try too hard you'll just end up frustrating yourself and you'll get nowhere.

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    #6978 - Telekinesis Go Learn

    Learn to move objects with telekinesis.
    You may need:

  • Pendulum
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    You may need:

  • Pendulum
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    Get comfortable and relax. Now focus your mind on your energy and hold a pendulum in your left or right hand. Then hold the pendulum over the other hand and watch it spin in a clockwise motion just above the palm of that hand.

    After a few moments bring your attention upon the spinning pendulum and with your mind and energy system commanded the pendulum to stop.Once the pendulum has stopped hold it there for a moment then in your own time try swinging the pendulum backwards and forwards over the hand. take a few moments to notice the motion of the swing and the energy in your hand.

    Then focus your thoughts again and try swinging the pendulum across your hand from left to right and hold that motion for a couple of minutes.Then in your own time stop the pendulum and hold it there for a moment or two. Now trying spinning the pendulum in a reverse motion to how the chakra in the hand spins in other words when you start if the chakra is spinning in a clockwise motion then spin the pendulum in a counter clockwise direction.

    After you have spun the pendulum in the reverse direction focus your mind on the pendulum and return the natural spin to the chakra.Try this technique with both the right and left hand.

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    #6979 - Astral Projection Control

    Learn to Control being in Astral Form
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic or
  • Regular Person
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic or
  • Regular Person
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    Visual Exercise : (Astral Projection)

    Section One : Interstellar Travel

    Step 1:
    I want you to get comfortable and relax.

    Step 2:
    Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of your physical body and see your visual body transforming into the light being.

    Step 3:
    Then prepare your visual body for interstellar travel.

    Step 4:
    Then hold out your right hand and project a porthole just in front of your visual body like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

    Step 5:
    Next focus your mind on travelling to the destination at the top.

    Step 6:
    Then see your visual body walking into the porthole.

    Step 7:
    Then see the porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole.

    Step 8:
    Then hold out your hand again and draw the porthole back into your hand like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

    Step 9:
    Then look around and take notes on what you see on the surface of that planet while you are there.

    Section Two : Planetary Detection Rapid

    Step 1:
    Now I want you to construct a illusional energy rapid around the centre of your visual body.

    Step 2:
    Then telepathically instruct the detection ring to expand out and seek out any planets or moons in that solar system or star system.

    Step 3:
    As the interstellar detection rapid expands telepathically instruct the energy rapid to make an energy wave if it hits an planetary object as it expands out.

    Step 4:
    Now if the energy rapid activates a wave teleport your visual body out to the point were the energy wave happened in that solar system or star system and see if there is a planet or moon in that area. If there is a planet or moon make a note of it for mapping when you return to earth.

    Step 5:
    When you have finished mapping that solar system or star system draw the energy ring back into your hands in the usual way.

    Step 6:
    Then teleport your visual body back to earth in front of your physical body and see your visual body returning to normal. Then open your eyes and write down all of your findings.

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    #6980 - Invisible Being To Be

    Invisible Being
    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    You may need:

  • Being Psychic
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    The nature of invisibility is the ability of blocking out light and it's many spectrums, like a cloud blocking out the sunlight of the sun on a cloudy day. When light is blocked out things become invisible or unseen. The same technique is used in invisibility
    Small Object Invisibility
    Visual Exercise
    Step One
    Charge your physical body with energy.
    Step Two
    Then place a stone in front of you .
    Step Three
    Focus your mind on the stone in front of you.
    Step Four
    Then close your eyes and visualize the stone.
    Step Five
    Then visualize that your energy is blending with the stone.
    Step Six
    Then focus your mind on turning the stone invisible.
    Step Seven
    When the stone is not visible anymore hold it there for a minute.
    Step Eight
    Then focus your mind on turning the stone visible again.
    Do steps six to eight a couple of times and if you want try using another small object.
    When you think your ready try this exercise with a large object.

    Invisibility Physical object
    Added 06/02/05
    Physical Technique
    Step One
    Charge your physical body with prana or lifeforce energy.
    Step Two
    Then place a small stone or crystal in front of you.
    Step Three
    Now focus your thoughts on the object and concentrate.
    Step Four
    In your own time close your eyes and visualize the object.
    Step Five
    Visualize that your energy is blending with the object, feel that you and the object are one.
    Step Six
    Concentrate, feel and focus your mind, feel the object becoming invisible see the object becoming invisible.
    Step Seven
    Then hold it there for a minute or so.
    Step Eight
    Then focus your mind on the object and see it again as the object again returns to being visible infront of you.
    Do steps six to eight two or three times.
    Physical Invisibility
    The nature of invisibility is the ability of blocking out light and it's many spectrums, like a cloud blocking out the sunlight of the sun on a cloudy day. When light is blocked out things become invisible or unseen. The same technique is used in invisibility what we are going to do here is project energy from the base of the third chakra the solar plexus and block out the light admitted by the physical body and the human energy system, then we will use a cloud created with Kundalini energy from the base of the spine and rise it up into the solar plexus and out through the chakra forming a cloud around the physical body. This will be known as a photonic cloud once the cloud is projected then we tint it with the colour black this prevents light been seen and acts as a cloak around your physical body. This is where visualization, feeling, and colour, come into play. Start with the visual technique before moving on to physical invisibility.
    Visual Technique
    For preparation, find a quiet place get comfortable and relax and close your eyes.
    Step One
    Now in your own time, visualize that your visual body is the standing in front of you.
    Step two
    Then visualize the third chakra (the solar plexus). At the base of this chakra, there is a well of energy. This well is known as the jewel of the lotus. Within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualize that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the third chakra. As the chakra spins, see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy.
    Step Three
    Now as the chakra spins, see the golden energy of the kundalini blending with solar plexus and instruct the energy to form a photonic cloud of black light and feel the process as the photonic cloud forms.
    Step Four
    Now as the kundalini energy trickles out of the top of the chakra, and into the visual body project that cloud by visualizing that the photonic cloud is expanding around you encompassing your very existence.
    Step Five
    Now that you have created the black photonic cloud of Invisibility focus your mind telepathically on the cloud and see and feel your visual body becoming invisible by blocking out the light of your being.
    Step Six
    If you have done this correctly then your visual body will be invisible well done now focus your mind on the photonic cloud around your visual body and telepathically bring your visual body back into a state of visibility by feeling and see it return to normal.
    Write down all your sensations and experiences while you were performing this technique for future reference and master this technique before moving on to physical.
    Physical Invisibility
    Physical Invisibility is a little different to visual in visibility because with physical visibility we use Kundalini energy from the seven major centres in the chakra system to form the black photonic cloud of invisibility this is done by projecting energy from the seven centres into the auric field and forming the black photonic cloud.
    Physical Technique
    For preparation find a quiet place and get comfortable and relax and for this technique you will need a mirror.
    Step One
    Now in your own time close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths feel the chest rise and fall and relax.
    Step two
    Then visualize the base chakra. At the base of chakra there is a well of energy this well is known as the jewel of the lotus within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualize that this golden energy is trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy.
    Step Three
    Now focus on the second chakra and do the same, see the jewel at the centre and see this radiant energy trickling out into the 2nd chakra fill it with its radiant energy.
    Step Four
    Then move on to the 3rd chakra and do the same for this chakra and the other chakra's till all seven chakra's are filled with the radiant golden light of kundalini energy
    Step Five
    Now once you have reached the seventh chakra see the seven chakra's and feel this light golden energy continually flowing into the chakra's till it starts to over flow into the physical body and move that energy through your physical body and out into the auric field till you reach the seventh layer of the auric field.
    Step six
    The visualize that the golden clouds are forming in the auric field and instruct the clouds the change form their natural golden colour to a black colour when ever you focus your mind on being invisible and to return to the natural colour when you focus your mind on being visible. do this now.
    Step Seven
    Now that we have created the photonic cloak of invisibility it time to see how you went open your eyes and focus on the mirror in front of you see your reflection and as you watch focus your mind on the photonic clouds and feel them changing from their natural golden colour to black.
    Step Eight
    Now as you do this see and feel your reflection vanishing in front of you and once you have vanished hold it there for a moment.
    Step Nine
    After a couple of minutes focus your mind on the photonic clouds again and feel them returning to their natural golden colour. As you do this see your reflection reappearing in front of the mirror.
    Write down all your sensations and experiences while you were performing this technique for future reference and remember master the visual technique before moving on to this physical technique.
    Note if this technique dosen't work the first time you try if don't be discouraged it may only be a matter of changing the photonic clouds till they're strong enough this can be done by doing the technique daily and if it's still not working make reference to your notes. If you're still having trouble with this technique try doing it with your visual body because the change can only take place inside you.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters