7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sleep
- Triquetra Power Awakening
- Peace spell
- Love vs Hate
- Make it Rain
- Summon Your True Power
- Make it to Rain
- Channel Mana
- To Summon The Fae Queen
- Star-Crossed Love
#3491 - Sleep
Say this before you go to sleep
"Goddess Hecate hare my plea
and let me have a peaceful night sleep"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3492 - Triquetra Power Awakening
Now place the Triquetra in the middle. Put one white candle in each corner of the symbol and if you are using incense sticks put one stick in every corner of the Triquetra between the symbol and the candle. In the lower corner put Jasmine, on the top the Rose and the third corner place Patchouli. Alternatively, if you use dry flowers or oils put the incense/oil burner underneath the Triquetra, in the middle and a bit above of the two lower candles. Now light the candles and the incense (sticks or incense/oil burners) and chant 9 times (three times three) with all your heart and with a smile upon your face:
"Powers of high, listen to my plea
Three aspects of the Divine I invoke thee.
This magic time, this magic hour
I ask you to lend me your power.
Bless this symbol with your love,
Bless this symbol with your might,
I feel you with me day and night.
Hear my call, hear my plea
Three as One always with me!
Three as One forever be!"
Now thank the Gods/God for their gifts and love and leave an offering (as you can imagine three offerings suit better to this spell J ). For maximum potency repeat this spell for three consecutive days, even better schedule the spell to start one day before the Full Moon, repeat again the day of the Full Moon and once more the day after the full moon.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3493 - Peace spell
''Peace, please come to me,
come to me so I can go to see.'' .
#3494 - Love vs Hate
Write this down on lined piece of paper and then read about love and hate. Have the two people hold hands and then wait till 9:00 at night: "Love makes peace - peace brings joy. Hate makes war - war brings death. Let these two people one who hates and one who loves join into one loving each other"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3495 - Make it Rain
God of the sky,
Hear my plea,
Make it pouring,
So today is boring,
By the power of three,
Mote it be!
Message me if it works for you, it did for me :)
#3496 - Summon Your True Power
Imagine all the spirits of your magical symbol (moon, feather, sun, water, salt, fire) falling into you and take its power and chant: "victose montose savaneer konktose fwantose till I wield sintose itoe feer"
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3497 - Make it to Rain
Go outside and face the sky while saying:
"I ask in the name of god
To give us rain
But don't drive me insane
Let it rain for three hours
Let it rain I have the Powers
So mote it be."
Repeat it till it rains.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3498 - Channel Mana
Say this: "Mana I call apon thee, fill my aura with magic energy. Let me feel the energy flow, now spark mana, channel and glow". Then immediately begin to meditate.
Any spell cast after that will be more powerful and more likely to work. It only lasts for 1 spell, so save it for a powerful one.
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3499 - To Summon The Fae Queen
Offering List
Ice, Ice cube
Fire, Match
Light, Pastel Colored Candle
Nature, Nothing
Dark, Something of a deceased loved one
Then place your offering ( if it's an ice cube place it in a tub-a-ware box.) and the peanut butter and honey in front of the tree and wait. If you see that it is gone then the queen has accepted your offering and will be with you to protect and help you. Unless you have second sight, you cannot see the fae queen
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3500 - Star-Crossed Love
The both of you will chant the following in unison:
Mother, Father
Hear our plea
You've made our love unhappy be.
We ask that you let us be free,
And cease from constant being mean.
Now, if you're doing the spell alone, draw half a heart on both of your palms and join them together and chant:
Mother, Father
Hear my plea
You say you want the best for me.
I ask that you let me be free,
With my lover (insert name),
For I belong with he/she.
Blow out the red and pink candle, but light the head of the rose with the white candle. Don't let it burn to the stem, just burn the crown and then dip the rose in water.
That night, your family will sleep and face nightmares of your future without your lover and ''realize'' that you belong together.