7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Invisibility
- Call On The Rain
- Wand Making
- Revenge Curse
- Weather Invocation
- Cheetah Cub
- Getting Over Someone
- Control People
- Guardian Angel Spell
- Energy Connection
#3531 - Invisibility
First of all, visualize a white or black light ( whichever one is more suitable ) and visualize yourself inside that light. Now picture that light getting blurry and taking in the colors of the objects around you, now see yourself getting blurry or being sucked into the light and the right taking the form of the objects around you until you cannot see the light. Your eyes must've closed to do this.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3532 - Call On The Rain
Bring to me clouds dark as night
Let the rain thrash on the ground, bounce of the ground
Quench the ground's thirst
Please mail me the results for I just made this is up on the spot :)
#3533 - Wand Making
Secondly, you attach the ribbons/charms on the wand. When you attach them, it gives you a better chance a certain spell will work when you use the wand. It is not needed to do this, but it helps it get stronger.
Last, but definitely not least, close your eyes and imagine half of your energy is flowing out of you, and when you imagine it landing on your hands, imagine your hands forming it into a sphere. When it is a sphere, imagine yourself gently placing the energy ball inside the wand. Now, open your eyes. Your wand now should work. You should feel tired. If you do not feel tired, the wand making did not work. When your energy fully comes back, then you could use the wand. Good luck in using your new wand! If you have questions or this spell worked, e-mail me. I will reply. To find my e-mail so you can ask me/tell me the spell worked, my e-mail is on my account. Good Luck! P.S. This kind of wand works best for banishing and conjuring spells.
#3534 - Revenge Curse
Place you fire in front of you.
Goddess Adrestia hear my cry,
For (Enemy Full Name) shall not die
Rather than death I wish upon suffering unto
And leaving his/her heart dark and blue
Taking away everything he/she loves most will certainly do
An eternal life of suffering and depression (Enemy Full Name) will see
This is my will
So mote it be.
Immediately burn the photo in the flame after the chant.
#3535 - Weather Invocation
Swell the fire of the storm make this day a dawn, ice chills and things decay as this storm sets life a new today, in this hour it shall be so mote it be.
#3536 - Cheetah Cub
Go to quiet, alone place. Sit down cross-legged and close your eyes. Imagine yourself, as you run at a fast pace, what you look like, etc. Once done, open your eyes and say spell.
"Goddess of cats,
Bast, hear me now.
My wish is simple,
I wish to be a cheetah cubs.
As I age as a human,
I shall age as a cheetah.
Human to cheetah,
Cheetah to human at will.
I ask of you for the colour of my fur,
Brown with black spots please.
For my fur to be extra fluffy and cute,
This is also my wish.
My eye colour shall change as I change,
To the colour of yellow.
My speed will be fast,
Reaching up to 100 kilometres per hour.
My special power to be,
Shall be an ability to speak English in cheetah form.
My first changing and powers shall come in 8 days time,
The exact time of now.
Bast, goddess of cats,
Please grant this wish of mine."
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3537 - Getting Over Someone
Now you begin by placing the White Candles left and right from the Red. Then you light the Red Candle, then the two White Candles. Then Light the piece of paper with the name on it. While doing so you should be chanting these words...
"I Burn Thy name (name of person) So it Shall Be
Cast out of my Memory
Your memory Erased from my Mind
No longer held by the Constraints of time
I accept this now made Manifest,
So Shall it Be!"
Visualize the person fading from your mind until they disappear from your mental screen. This spell works best when the Moon is Waning. The Waning Moon is for doing Spells that on things you wish to go away from you.
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3538 - Control People
2. Ground yourself. Find your way to controlling this person. Take as long as you would like.
3. Chant ''tu sub manu mea, et ego me ad te concupiscentiae et descicions imperasti,(person's name here)'' over and over.
4. Take the person's name on a piece of paper and rip it into three pieces. Dip your finger into the blood, enough to make a fingerprint. Do the same to all three pieces, then take one piece and burn it in the candle to the far right, then continue in that order going to the left. Continue chanting.
5. Rip the picture in three, and do the same with the blood, Burn the picture in the same sequence. Continue chanting, as you feel your energy rush through you.
6. Take the remaining blood and smear it over your hair (if you had the hair, if you didn't you can just skip this part) and continue chanting as you burn it in the candle in front of you.
7. Continue chanting as you feel the energy rush through you. When you feel you should stop, lower your circle and clean up. Carry on with your day.
#3539 - Guardian Angel Spell
2. Put four of your of your white candles in each corner of the cross. Put the last one where the lines of the cross intersect. Now light them all.
3. Now say: By wish and will, a guardian will come for me, which thee will protect me forever, mote it be!
4. Put the drop of your blood on the middle candle.
5. Now think of your guardian's personality.
6. Finally blow all of the candles and say: Thus be with me!
7. Snap your fingers and your guardian should be there any minute.
#3540 - Energy Connection
2. Sit in a comfortable position, and try to ground yourself.
3. Make a psi ball (cup your hand and conjure energy)
4. Try to make the air around you or in your psi ball hot or cold; try to use the energy to direct it to something.
5. Sit this way for as long as you'd like.