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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Make Your Own Spell
  2. Permissioned for Spirits or Ghost
  3. Make You Fall Asleep Fast
  4. Home Blessing Candle Spell
  5. Peaceful Relaxation Rose Petals
  6. Summoning Tips
  7. Quick Shielding
  8. Vampiric Energy Drain
  9. Warding off the Devil
  10. Finding Your Element

#3631 - Make Your Own Spell

Basics of spells.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All this is a few things to help you cast:

    I just recently learned that spells are like recipe books you take what you know from the spell and add what you want whether its just a change of words or technique or ingredients. With ingredients you don't really need handles or anything they just help. If you mess up on certain incantations and it doesn't matter it just helps bring the spirit if done right.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3632 - Permissioned for Spirits or Ghost

    You may try this but be careful it MIGHT NOT WORK but if it does I warned not give a spirit or ghost permission to go into something or someone it has to be nice and don't let it possess in someone's body that can go wrong I don't want anyone or anything GETTING HURT if that happens close your eyes and say "FROM THE NAME OF GOD I CONDEMN YOU BACK TO HELL" and when you do that have candels or fake flowers all surounding you but make sure the light is on and all doors and windows are shut and if a thing or person is still in possession read the bible to get a dark spirit out
    You may need:

  • candles(or fake flowers NO REAL)
  • Fake flowers(or candles lit)
  • The possessed thing or person
  • Bible(if needed)
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    You may need:

  • candles(or fake flowers NO REAL)
  • Fake flowers(or candles lit)
  • The possessed thing or person
  • Bible(if needed)
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    Ok sit down and criss cross close ur eyes and say this "If their are any good ghosts or spirtes you may come in this thing or ......not anyone though if you posses into a person i am reading the bible and condemning you back to hell and back to satin where you belong and no SECOND CHANCES tell the spirtit or ghost what to go into be specific.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3633 - Make You Fall Asleep Fast

    This spell makes feel super sleepy super fast.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • A bed
  • A candle(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • A bed
  • A candle(optional)
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    Light a candle, then spread at least 5 rose petals around your bed. Get into bed and relax. Now say this spell: "With this spell that I cast I'll fall asleep super fast".

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3634 - Home Blessing Candle Spell

    Let the bright warmth of your candles bring some added luck and happiness to your entire household.(From free witchcraft spells website)
    You may need:

  • 3 blue or purple candles
  • 3 sticks of incense in:
  • sandalwood
  • frankincense
  • rosemary
  • 3 copper pennies
  • A bell
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    You may need:

  • 3 blue or purple candles
  • 3 sticks of incense in:
  • sandalwood
  • frankincense
  • rosemary
  • 3 copper pennies
  • A bell
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    The candles need to be large enough that a penny will fit in the candle holder under them. Set the candles up in a even triangle, and put one penny in each candle holder, under the candle.

    Light one candle and say ''Bring me hope'', then light the sandalwood incense. Ring the bell.

    Light the next candle and say ''Bring me peace'', then light the frankincense incense. Ring the bell.

    Light the last candle and say ''Bring me good fortune'', and light the rosemary incense. Ring the bell one last time.

    Set the incense burners within the candle triangle and let everything burn for at least an hour. An afternoon is better to really get the energy of the incense flowing in the house, but it isn't necessary. Snuff out the candles when you are done.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3635 - Peaceful Relaxation Rose Petals

    This spell is for after a long day to have a nice peaceful bath!
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • 1 bubble bath
  • 4 candles (optional)
  • 1 cloth
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • 1 bubble bath
  • 4 candles (optional)
  • 1 cloth
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    Get into the bubble bath. Sprinkle rose petals in the bath and on the edges. If youhave 4 candles light them. Say this chant for ultimate relaxation

    '' Relaxation is the key
    Grant this wish for me
    As I say now mote it be''

    Meditate as you soak a warm cloth on your eyes.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3636 - Summoning Tips

    This isn't a spell, it's a tip page in an attempt to stop another round of morons trying to summon themselves a demon.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Demon/Spirit summoning tips:

    1) NEVER attempt to force an entity to do your bidding, unless you have a death wish.

    2) It isn't possible to become a demon through a spell, despite what anyone on this site says.

    3) If an entity doesn't appear the first time you try to summon it, assume it doesn't want to be messed with and wait 2+ months before attempting to summon him/her again.

    4) Don't say stupid things, for example, ''I command you,'' ''I am now your master,'' etc. Always be respectful and courteous, f.e., ''My lord,'' ''My lady,'' ''Dearest ______'' If you are summoning the spirit of someone you knew personally when the were alive, it's fine to use nick names as long as they aren't offensive.

    5) Do your homework! You can't just summon a random demon. Look up and memorize some demons and consider the best way to get their attention. (Certain demons might prefer jewels, food, precious metals, etc.)


    7) Don't use your own blood if you're doing a blood ritual. Animal blood works just as well.

    8) Make sure the area you are going to use to summon an entity is free of religious articles.

    9) There is no such thing as summoning a so-called 'Dark Angel.' This is a generic name for a demon.

    10) It isn't possible to have a spirit guide, teacher, soulmate, etc that is a demon.

    That's about it. Mail me if you have any questions.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3637 - Quick Shielding

    In a fight and need some protection fast? Do this!
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine a smooth, round layer of metal coating your body, like bandages on cartoon characters (large and round). That is all you need to do!

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3638 - Vampiric Energy Drain

    Drain the energy from your foes. This is not really vampiric.
    You may need:

  • Your hand
  • Concentration
  • Voice
  • Good Visualization
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    You may need:

  • Your hand
  • Concentration
  • Voice
  • Good Visualization
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    Grip your hand on your enemies neck, slightly squeezing. Imagine the persons energy (maybe in the form of blood) flowing out of themself and through your fingertips, to you. You can do the Left Hand of Shadow before this for a sort of combined spell or chain.

    I made this spell on my own, so I am not 100% sure it will work, though I am pretty sure it will.

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3639 - Warding off the Devil

    It cast the devil out of you temporarily. This spell can be done anywhere.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You must make yourself a greater power than the devil. You must tell the devil to leave you will feel the devils presence leave you

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3640 - Finding Your Element

    Are you wondering what is your element and how you find yours? This is an idea for you! This may take some time to find.
    You may need:

  • A candle (Fire)
  • Soil (Earth)
  • Water (Water)
  • Ice (Ice)
  • Moon (Spirit of moon)
  • Sun (Spirit of sun)
  • A dark room (Shadow)
  • A bright place (Light)
  • A Yin-Yang symbol (Balance)
  • A small animal (Death)
  • Food (Life)
  • A shock pen (Electricity)
  • Your friends (Love)
  • A pentacle (Magick)
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    You may need:

  • A candle (Fire)
  • Soil (Earth)
  • Water (Water)
  • Ice (Ice)
  • Moon (Spirit of moon)
  • Sun (Spirit of sun)
  • A dark room (Shadow)
  • A bright place (Light)
  • A Yin-Yang symbol (Balance)
  • A small animal (Death)
  • Food (Life)
  • A shock pen (Electricity)
  • Your friends (Love)
  • A pentacle (Magick)
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    Here is how to find your element(s)

    Just look above you. If there is wind blowing, even a little, then this is yours.

    Light the candle, and stare at it. If you see your friend's future, then this is yours.

    Stare at the soil. If the soil moves to your direction, then this is yours.

    You will be able to smell, hear, and see the true colour of the water.

    When you stare at the ice, the ice will break.

    Spirit of Moon
    You will be able to see spirits near the moon at night.

    Spirit of Sun
    You will be able to see spirits in the daylight.

    Go into the room. You will be empowered when you're in the room.

    You will be empowered when you're in daylight.

    Stare at the symbol. You will automatically visualize the symbol is moving.

    The animal will die when you touch it.

    Almost all of the animals will come to eat your food.

    If you have a few or no friends, then this is yours.

    You will be empowered when you look at the pentacle

    Added to on Mar 17, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters