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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Heaven on Earth
  2. Simple Wish
  3. A Simple Dowsing Pendulum
  4. Create A Strength And Saftey Amulet
  5. An Easy Scrying Mirror
  6. Witch's Bottle
  7. Chant of Protection
  8. Remember a Dream
  9. What Witchcraft Really Is
  10. Talking Animal Spell

#4111 - Heaven on Earth

Say this incantation to bring peace.
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    You may need:

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    " I want heaven on earth, now
    I deserve it like anyone else
    Let this spell release me of problems
    Let me find peace on earth
    Let me find joy and happiness
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4112 - Simple Wish

    You need to have a fireproof item to burn the paper on. Now I recommend those bound to secrecy go outside so no one smells the smoke.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Fireproof item(metal tray, sand..etc)
  • Writing Utensil
  • Specific wishes(you need to be as specific as possible)
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Fireproof item(metal tray, sand..etc)
  • Writing Utensil
  • Specific wishes(you need to be as specific as possible)
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    Now on the paper draw a circle that almost takes up the page but leave room so you can draw the symbols of the elements outside the circle where they belong. Draw a pentacle in the circle as but as the circle with the symbols on the outside of the circle. I have a in my a album How its done it's the drawn pentacle with the circle around it. Now that you have all that put the paper on a fireproof item and burn it completley. Take the ashes and throw them into the air and say

    "It is done."

    and there you go . Hope this helps and message me if you have Any complications.

    Added to on Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4113 - A Simple Dowsing Pendulum

    This form of divination is what I practice most.
    You may need:

  • A heavy but light enough object not to break string or thread
  • Crystal
  • Clay made
  • Ring
  • A string
  • A thread
  • Jewelry braiding cords
  • Lightweight chain
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    You may need:

  • A heavy but light enough object not to break string or thread
  • Crystal
  • Clay made
  • Ring
  • A string
  • A thread
  • Jewelry braiding cords
  • Lightweight chain
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    Now take your item you chose or made...and connect it with the string, the string has to be able to stand straight from the top not sideways, tie the knot tight so it dosn't slide. Now find it's yes and no position. You can also hold it in your hand and charge it, or set in the windowsill in the sunlight or moonlight. Put in salt to cleanse it but some things shouldn't be put in saltwater so if that's the case just put in salt or dirt. I advise you enchant it with the elements, example put it through incense for air, dip it in water for well water and in dirt or sand for earth or put it on when you make runes. It you have and item that shouldn't be in water then get a little bit of water and dry it off or put it above steam. I hope this was helpful and enjoy your pendulum.

    Now to use a pendulum after you make it you simply hold it correctly by putting the string between your index finger and your thumb then relax your hand downwards or look at a picture of how it's done(I have one in my album, my album is public) now either think the questions in your head or say them aloud but before questions ask it "what's your yes position" mine personally spins clockwise or counter clockwise for yes and back and forth or side to side for no, then you must ask "what's your no position". For beginners don't worry about maybe positions yet. Now after you ask a question ask "is this accurate" and give it a little time to shift to yes or no. Sometimes I start off with "are my eyes brown" which is yes then "are my eyes green" which is no. Now if your pendulum dosn't move give it a nudge it will still awnser questions you don't know the awnser to correctly.

    Added to on Sep 19, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4114 - Create A Strength And Saftey Amulet

    Create an amulet for strength and safety.
    You may need:

  • 1 Piece of tree bark
  • 1 Yellow or gold yarn
  • 1 White cloth
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    You may need:

  • 1 Piece of tree bark
  • 1 Yellow or gold yarn
  • 1 White cloth
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    To make the amulet, go out at dawn and pluck a small piece of bark from the east side of a tree (where it gets the moring light). Bind this with the yarn saying:

    "Gathered from where the awoke,
    The power of protection and strength i invoke!"

    Wrap the bark in a natural white cloth (so it won't get damaged) and carry it with you often

    Added to on Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited on May 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4115 - An Easy Scrying Mirror

    This is a more efficient, more secretive way to make a scrying mirror.
    You may need:

  • Picture frame(preferably black)
  • Black piece of paper
  • A big bowl
  • Boiled water
  • Tray(platter)
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    You may need:

  • Picture frame(preferably black)
  • Black piece of paper
  • A big bowl
  • Boiled water
  • Tray(platter)
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    Instructions for the frame: Cut the black piece of paper(constuction paper is a medium you can use) a little bit bigger than the glass of the picture frame and cut it to the shape of the frame. Slide it behind the glass and there you have it.
    Instuctions for ice: Boil tap or whatever kind of water you desire. After boil put in big bowl, freezer safe bowl. Now freeze it and wait until COMPLETELY frozen. then put it on a platter to stare into it...try to scry in a quiet place. The reason for boiling the water is to make the Ice clearer.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4116 - Witch's Bottle

    This is a witch's bottle to banish someone's negativity from you life. i.e-Bullies, a parasite like person, someone who is harassing you.
    You may need:

  • 1 Glass bottle
  • Salt or water to fill bottle with
  • Pins and needles(Stab away neg energy)
  • Personal item of that person if possible
  • piece of paper
  • A pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 Glass bottle
  • Salt or water to fill bottle with
  • Pins and needles(Stab away neg energy)
  • Personal item of that person if possible
  • piece of paper
  • A pen
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    Step One: Put the personal item of that person in the bottle; imagine what that person does to harm your spiritual being or emotional being.
    Step two:Then feel the bottle with the pins and needles, envisioning that the pins and needles are stabbing and poking that persons negativity away from you.
    Step Three: Then fill the bottle with the water or salt, if you choose water fill the bottle with the water while seeing the water wipe away all the negativity that is directed to you.
    Step Three: If you choose salt envision the salt cleansing the negativity away.
    Step Four: After that is done sill the bottle while thinking about shutting out that person.
    Step Five: Bury the bottle on the outside of your property and forget about while it works its magick.
    SIDE NOTE:If you do not have a personal item write the persons name on a slip of paper and envision that person and their negativity toward you, then fold the paper up really small and follow the rest of the steps.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4117 - Chant of Protection

    This is a spell I created to make me feel safe in dark times.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Envision a white light surrounding you letting only positive energy in while chanting

    "I call upon the God and the Goddess
    To protect me in her light,
    I call upon the Earth,
    to ground me in her roots.
    I call upon the Air,
    to free my spirit with her wind.
    I call upon the fire,
    to light my passion with her heat.
    I call upon the water,
    to cleanse me of negativity.
    So Mote it Be."

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4118 - Remember a Dream

    Does not matter if sleepy or not but better off sleepy and Make sure no nosies keep you off track or else not focus on the spell.
    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    You may need:

  • Abilities with witchcraft
  • Mouth
  • Mind
  • Believe
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    Before you get ready for the spell make sure you believe in it & don't think hard about it.

    1. Once you are ready and calm down .. now, Repeat this in your head till you remember the lines: "I will remember each dream I have, I will wake up after each dream I have, And think over my experience."
    2. And every now and than while you trying to get some sleep "say" it a fews more times 5-9.
    3. So once you done all this do it one more time on a different schedule.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4119 - What Witchcraft Really Is

    Do not claim to be a pagan, wiccan or a witch if you don't even know the basics of witchcraft.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Definition Of A Spell:
    When you choose to put something out into the universe to manifest. So basically you choose to put your OWN ENERGY into the universe and suddenly it will make changes that will ignite in a way with the other energies that are out there and it will make changes to swing things in your favor. Spell is actually a prayer.

    Difference of Magic ang Magick:
    The thing called "Magic" is an entertainment magic. It's the magician on stage that you see on the streets. (It's the tricks) The thing called "Magick" is the ACTUAL magic. It's the real magic. It's the magick you put out on the universe to make changes and to make things happen.

    Elements of the Spells:
    How the fire spell work:
    The fire spell works when you write down something in a paper and burning it into an actual fire.

    How the earth spell works:
    Say what you want or write it down. If you want to say it, you must have the object and bury it. For example, You want to stop smoking. What you have to do is say all your intentions and bury an apple. As time pass by and it rots, the smoking lessens. If you want to write it, bury the paper.

    How the water spell works:
    It work at whatever pace you need it. You actually write down problems or anything that you want on a paper and put in an ice cube tray with water and put it in the freezer. The more higher speed the ice melts, your problem lessens.

    How the air spell works:
    Air spells are not like making tornadoes or controlling the wind, etc.. They are cleansing of the air. For example, the incense. Incense are purifying the bad air smell right?
    So it's all about purifying the air. It's all about bringing up all the negative energies and letting the positive energies back in.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4120 - Talking Animal Spell

    This doesn't really let's the animal talk literally, it just transmits messages into your mind.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    ''Blink Blink'' Then say your pet's name.

    Ok so this is the full spell:
    ''Blink Blink, (Pet's name) talk to me.
    Let the human voice come out.
    Tell me your feelings and I will tell you mine.''

    P.S.(Say it 2x. If the spell don't work say the spell many times)

    Added to on Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters