7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Nine Layers of Hell Curse
- Unlock the Power of Your Eyes
- Banishing Emotional Pain
- Contact in dream Spell
- Using Nature for Wind
- Summon a Demon
- Pentagram Protection
- Heaven on Earth
- Simple Wish
- A Simple Dowsing Pendulum
#4111 - Nine Layers of Hell Curse
(1) Place the red candles in a circle with the white candle in the center on the altar. Place the athame to the right and a cursed object to the left on the altar. Visualize the Gates of Hell opening and the evil energies surrounding your ritual site.
(2) Hold the white candle and visualize that you are holding the person you are going to curse in your hand. Take a few minutes to visualize the person being the white candle and once you feel it, you place the candle back in the center of the circle of red candles and light it.
(3) You can move around the altar as you progress through the ritual. Pick up and hold one of the red candles and visualize that it is a demonic being of fire and smoke and will smite the victim over and over in the most terrible ways as described in each line, while descending into Hell. When you are done, light the candle and go to the next.
(4) Visualize that the victims soul is no more and that it has been erased by Satans appetite. Now you visualize yourself leaving Hell. When you are done, take the athame; blow out the white candle and stab it through.
(5) After you read this line, you blow out the demon candles.
(1) I call upon the cursed power of Hell, the Fiery Hell that burns souls.
(2) Open wide the Gates of the Fiery Abyss and damn that which is represented by this white candle.
(3) I call to Lilith to bring obscenities to my foe! I enter into the First layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Adramelech to break the faith from my foe! I enter into the Second layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Bael to kill my foe! I enter into the Third layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Belphegor to bring great debt to my foe! I enter into the Forth layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Asmodeus to burn my foe in raging fires! I enter into the Fifth layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Astaroth to bring a painful death to my foe! I enter into the Sixth layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Lucifuge to hide my name from my foe! I enter into the Seventh layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Beelzebub to block all good things from my foe! I enter into the Eighth layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Satan to eternally damn my foe! I enter into the Ninth layer of Hell with this soul.
(4) We are at the bottom of Hell and I am done with you for you are worthless in my eyes so you shall not exist. I curse this pain for you have messed with a demon and got cursed. I am done with my journey to the depths of Hell and I shall be gone from this miserable pit, but I leave my memories of you to burn forever!
(5) It shall be so!
#4112 - Unlock the Power of Your Eyes
Close your eyes. Concentrate your energy on them... you should be able to feel something blocking your energy from reaching your eyes. That is called (or what I like to call it) an optical energy block. These occur normally; your eyes are not originally intended for the purpose of spell casting.
Concentrate on the energy block; you should feel some resistance. If it does not feel right, withdraw your energy from your eyes and try again after resting. When you feel the resistance coming from the energy block, will it to undo... you should feel less and less resistance coming from it. When you feel no resistance at all, concentrate with all your might on your energy going into your eyes. If you don't do this right away, the block will form again and all your work will be lost.
Once you feel a strong current of energy going to your eyes, the block should never give you trouble again. If you successfully made it to this point: congratulations! You now have the ability to cast enhanced spells with your eyes. But be warned: If you use this ability for evil/to hurt someone or for selfish needs (such as gambling or betting or cheating), a permanent optical energy block will form, cutting off all controlled energy to your eyes forever, making them revert to their normal abilities.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4113 - Banishing Emotional Pain
Choose your dark mother, the one who applies to your situation. I chose Kali - Ma, as she is the protector of women and children. I also feel strongly bonded to her. Know your choice of deity! Study her/him.
Find a special spot, preferably outdoors, because you will burn the paper. Write down all your hurt, and pain, and difficulties ( sadness, loneliness, what ever you are feeling) You might even write a letter to the individual(s) who made you feel this way.
Open your circle, light your candles(s) and speak to the spirit, ask to be free of the burdens you are feeling. Use rhyme if you need to, or if you are like me and are no good at such things , just talk.
Burn the paper with the writing on it. As it burns, thank the spirit for the taking these burdens from you and giving you peace. thank her for the gifts you know you will receive. Imagine yourself free of your troubles. Imagine yourself enveloped by the goddess' strength and protection.
Close your circle, and bury or scatter the ashes of the paper. Allow the candle to burn itself out. Take from this what you need and suits your own needs.
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4114 - Contact in dream Spell
Reveal the truth that was never told
for a lie I cannot believe.
Reveal the truth for me to see.
So mote it be.
Think about the person and what you want them to tell you.
#4115 - Using Nature for Wind
Explanation: The Ingredients.
Your hands are what will help you, Yes you can do Elemental magic with your eyes, mind and so on but If you are a beginner, Use your hands.
Concentration Is very Important as elemental magic Is mostly based on willpower.
Nature Is what we will use to create Air/Wind.
As for the Wand, Pentagram and Elemental garments. These are SOLELY for people who can practice magic better with these Items. So If you feel the need to use a wand, pentagram or anything else, Do so.
Wave your hands and focus on the nature around you, Start by a single tree or plant. Imagine It moving, Even a little bit Is good.
Practice this until you find you can summon more powerful winds but be respectful of nature and do not make It work too hard. They will not obey you If you abuse their power.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4116 - Summon a Demon
First draw a Pentagon with the chalk powder while chanting:
"Unholy Gods allow me to use your power in aiding this summons."
Chant that until the pentagon is finished then place the candle holders and candles around the points (dont light them yet or the demon could summon at any second). Next take your 5 gems and make a little star in the middle (for binding).
Now light the candles now in the center of the pentagon prik your finger with the knife and put a few drops of blood in the center of the gems while chanting:
"Demon I summonyou from the depths of hell. You are bond to me, you will do what I say, so mote it be."
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4117 - Pentagram Protection
Stand in front of or if you can hold the object.
Visualize magick energy leaving your wand/finger and traces a pentagram over it using this magick energy.
There is now a lock over the item and you alone can access it. If anyone touches it they will have unpredictable bad luck.
Try using it on the cookie jar. Hehehe :D
Have fun!
#4118 - Heaven on Earth
" I want heaven on earth, now
I deserve it like anyone else
Let this spell release me of problems
Let me find peace on earth
Let me find joy and happiness
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4119 - Simple Wish
Now on the paper draw a circle that almost takes up the page but leave room so you can draw the symbols of the elements outside the circle where they belong. Draw a pentacle in the circle as but as the circle with the symbols on the outside of the circle. I have a in my a album How its done it's the drawn pentacle with the circle around it. Now that you have all that put the paper on a fireproof item and burn it completley. Take the ashes and throw them into the air and say
"It is done."
and there you go . Hope this helps and message me if you have Any complications.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4120 - A Simple Dowsing Pendulum
Now take your item you chose or made...and connect it with the string, the string has to be able to stand straight from the top not sideways, tie the knot tight so it dosn't slide. Now find it's yes and no position. You can also hold it in your hand and charge it, or set in the windowsill in the sunlight or moonlight. Put in salt to cleanse it but some things shouldn't be put in saltwater so if that's the case just put in salt or dirt. I advise you enchant it with the elements, example put it through incense for air, dip it in water for well water and in dirt or sand for earth or put it on leaves...like when you make runes. It you have and item that shouldn't be in water then get a little bit of water and dry it off or put it above steam. I hope this was helpful and enjoy your pendulum.
Now to use a pendulum after you make it you simply hold it correctly by putting the string between your index finger and your thumb then relax your hand downwards or look at a picture of how it's done(I have one in my album, my album is public) now either think the questions in your head or say them aloud but before questions ask it "what's your yes position" mine personally spins clockwise or counter clockwise for yes and back and forth or side to side for no, then you must ask "what's your no position". For beginners don't worry about maybe positions yet. Now after you ask a question ask "is this accurate" and give it a little time to shift to yes or no. Sometimes I start off with "are my eyes brown" which is yes then "are my eyes green" which is no. Now if your pendulum dosn't move give it a nudge it will still awnser questions you don't know the awnser to correctly.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.