7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Casting a circle
- Emergency and Easiest Banishing
- Control the Elements
- Crossroads Lost Animal
- Conjuring the archangel Azrael
- A Relaxation Spell
- Animal Communication Eve Oil
- Fiery Freedom
- Have Lunar powers
- Enchant and Protect an Item
#4171 - Casting a circle
''Gracious Goddess
In this circle,I now sit
Made from salt of thy earth
With law ye must and perfect trust''
Now place the candle in the direction southand light it. Then chant:
''Gracious Goddess
In this circle,I now sit
Made from this candle of thy fire
With law ye must and perfect trust''
Now place the glass of water in the direction west. Then chant:
''Gracious Goddess
In this circle,I now sit
Made from this glass of thy water
With law ye must and perfect trust''
Now draw a pentagram in the air. Then chant:
''Gracious Goddess
In this circle,I now sit
Made from the feelings in the wind of thy air
With law ye must and perfect trust''
Turn back to the direction east. Chant:
As above (touch the ground)
So below (touch your chest)
This circle is sealed
So mote it be! /So it shall be!
#4172 - Emergency and Easiest Banishing
Put some of the oil on you and meditate on it saying, "oil I need you to banish(keep away) x,y, and z enemies.
You can also say with your voice, "I need you to banish whoever is doing me harm at the moment, forever." This should work.
For incence just light up the insence and say with your voice or meditate, whichever you believe in the most, "This is to banish "say the name of the person."
One thing you can add to this is a spell for faith for this from a botanica. Just ask for a candle for faith. Usually the spell is "El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Cristo." It is Santeria so sorry for the Jesus part. This spell adds faith for you. Make sure you buy it prepared, just say "prepahdough por favor." It should be around ten bucks. Teleport to Los Milagros Botanica in Chicago and they have it for like $5 USD.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4173 - Control the Elements
#4174 - Crossroads Lost Animal
Go to a crossroads. Face west, the direction of the setting sun. Bow from the waist nine times.
Do this three times, for a total of twenty-seven bows, calling the animal as you normally would, and also chant prayers and petitions and recite sacred texts.
Don't stop calling and/or petitioning until three series of nine bows each are complete, then take ten steps backwards without turning around.
Turn around and go home.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4175 - Conjuring the archangel Azrael
Step 2: Meditate for at least five minutes (it helps me to vibrate YHVH or IHVH)
Step 3: Draw The triangle of art as large as possible. (with the following four archangel's sigil in a circle around the triangle: Micheal, Raphael, Gabriel, and Camael.
Step 4: Draw Azrael's sigil inside the circle of the triangle of art.
Step 5: put the stone you've chosen from the possibilities above (or if you find something that works better use that)and put it inside the circle.
Step 6: put the other stone(s) in you're palms and close them tight.
Step 7: Repeat Azrael's prayer until you feel a atmospheric shift (you can change depending on you're religious beliefs)
''Azrael, I thank the Gods for making you a loving companion for dying mortals and their grieving loved ones. When my lifetime on Earth ends, please help me make the transition from Earth to the afterlife without fear. When someone I love dies, comfort me while I grieve and help me heal. With this prayer, If it be you're will, I conjure you to this circle, please. Blessed be.''
Step 8: Now it is up to you how you interact with Azrael: You may will see Azrael in your mind's eye, you may hear his calm voice, you may feel his slightly dark, yet gentle and kind energies, or you may experience all of the above.
Good luck and blessed be.
#4176 - A Relaxation Spell
Now, this part is sort of weird.
Imagine the stress flowing into your legs. Tighten up the muscles in your feet and let go. Imagine that they sink into your bed and take some of the stress away. Start tightening your muscles in your calves and do that all the way up your body, tightening muscles. Once you have visualized your whole body sink into the mattress, slowly wake yourself out of the trance.
Hope this work for you all!
It worked for me!
#4177 - Animal Communication Eve Oil
2. Cover with sweet almond and jojoba oil.
3. Dress candle with this oil to accompany visualization as well as actual physical communication.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4178 - Fiery Freedom
On the paper write what you feel has been trapping you. Then over the sink light the paper and say these words or similar :
"No one no thing owns me
For I am free
Free like a bird
Free to be heard"
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4179 - Have Lunar powers
I , call the spirits of thy moon
To give the power of Lunar
Let my will sucess, and get my power
Gracious spirits of the moon,so mote it be.
Your eyes will get red for a short time, and please wait for a very, very long time(about 1-3 months). And you will get the power
#4180 - Enchant and Protect an Item
Use your athame draw a pentagram around your item. Say: "With the pentagram, enchantment and protection here all day and night."
Place each candle on the 5 angles of the pentagram and light it. Say: "And the one who should not touch. Let their fingers burn and twitch."
Look at the moon. Take 5 deep breaths. Say: "Gracious goddess, please protect and enchant with your lunar light!"
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.