7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Bless an Object
- Summon a Snow Storm
- Be Cursed Free From Illuminati
- Become a God
- Mana Regenerator
- Peaceful Sleep
- Unbreakable Shell
- Exorcism Spell – Imprisonment
- Exorcism: The Power of Three
- Exorcism Spell – Latin Prayer/ Incantation
#4211 - Bless an Object
Make sure its a full moon, and this must be done at night but before 12:00.
Draw a good size pentagram on the paper (big enuf to fit what your blessing in the middle). Place it in front of your alter.
Place the stones on each of the points of the pentagram (remember spirit is always at the top), light the candle and put it in the middle of your alter.
Now put what your blessing in the middle of the pentagram.
After you've done that hover your hands over the top of what your blessing and chant:
"Oh mother (or father) *name of patron god/goddess*,
please bless this *whatever* with the power within me,
so it may aid me in my magical workings!
this is my will so mote it be!"
Chant that 7 times. Then imagine energy flowing from your hands and into that object.
Now set the item under the full moon for one full night. Blow out the candle, and that's it now your done. You can pick up your item the next morning and it should be blessed.
please rate this spell. It works I've used it on my want and a few other things.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4212 - Summon a Snow Storm
Put the ice cube in the bowl, and place the stone in front of the bowl. Put your hands on top of it. Now, feel the cool energy of the stone, let it remind you of winter. Now put your hands on the ice cube, close your eyes and imagine the ice cube being snow, think of a happy memory that happened while it was snowing. Then chant this while still thinking of the memory:
"White and gray I call you please,
Come bring me a chilly breeze,
With white flakes of frozen fun,
The sun is not for every one,
Let it snow, let it fall,
Let it bring joy to one and all,
This is my will so mote it be"
Chant that at least 7 times. While chanting that visualize snow, think of yourself in the snow, think of it falling, think of how the clouds look, think of the smell, think of how it feels. If you want it to be an actual blizzard not just a light fall imagine a blizzard.
Last edited on Apr 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4213 - Be Cursed Free From Illuminati
Look at yourself / point to yourself and chant:
"Gods And goddesses in the sky
And the universe watching me by
Help me out there And sent me free
From the evil who cursed me call illuminati!"
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4214 - Become a God
First light 3 candles and put them around you. Now chant "oh gods oh goddess make me a god like you that can do anything that you do. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4215 - Mana Regenerator
(if your favorite flower is poisonous in anyway, i am not responsible for any deaths.)
#4216 - Peaceful Sleep
Wheb you're ready get really nice and comfertable in bed.
Now close your eyes and keep in your mind that ' I will have a peacefull sleep'
If you fall asleep with that on your mind you might just had done it correctly.
#4217 - Unbreakable Shell
This spell will create a protective "shield" around an object, protecting it from intrusion or theft. You'd use this with small items, like altar tools, jewelry or books. I wouldn't suggest it for your car.
This spell makes use of the power of the pentacle, a typical Wiccan symbol. Set your item on a table or altar, and place the 5 pieces of stone in a pentagram shape around the object. Start to picture a shell being formed over your item.
Use the piece of string to lay out a pentacle, using the stones at the points of the star. Each line adds more energy to your growing shield. When the star is done, say out loud:
"By the line unbroken,
Protect this token".
Use your finger to trace the pentacle in the air, above the one you made in stone and string. Repeat the words again. Leave the item in its place overnight, and it should be protected from theft or harm.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4218 - Exorcism Spell – Imprisonment
First of all, you need to have as much information as possible about the spirit itself. What is its name? What is its purpose? Does it have any special powers? Is it related to one of the four elements more than the others?
Use all the information to write an incantation which will take advantage of the demon’s weaknesses in order to expel it. In addition to this incantation, you will also need a sheet of paper on which to write the demon’s name (if the name is unknown, you can use a design or symbol to represent the demon). You will burn this paper during the ritual, using a dedicated candle for the purpose.
You will also need an object to contain the demon – such as a small stone.
The ritual is as follows:
- Recite the incantation, setting fire to paper with the name or symbol.
- Drop the object that you have chosen as a ‘prison’ onto the embers of this paper to absorb the spirit.
- Pour the candle-wax on the prison-object to seal it.
Once the spirit is trapped, you can destroy the imprisoning object in a symbolic way, for example throw it into a fire consecrated by the Gods, and sprinkle salt onto the flames to bless them.
#4219 - Exorcism: The Power of Three
The best way to invoke the Power of Three is to combine the talents of three witches with different, yet complementary powers: the first must have gifts to fight and protect, the second must have gifts to heal and soothe, and the third must be gifted with wisdom and divination powers.
Witches representing these three gifts now only need to recite an incantation, for example:
"By the Power of Three,
We put an end to this possession,
(Name of the possessed)
Is released from the demon".
This force is powerful enough to exorcise most evil spirits and demons. However, finding three witches with the above talents can be a long and complicated process.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4220 - Exorcism Spell – Latin Prayer/ Incantation