Write down your wish on the paper and then fold it hamburger style. Draw a pentagram and fold it again, doesn't matter how. Chant while writing "I call all gods and goddesses to help my wish come true no matter how hard it may be to do."
Fold the paper once more and write 11:11 on the paper. Write down everything on the paper before 11:11 then chant the spell and read your wish at 11:11. After that put the paper and the crystal or whatever if you chose to do that. If your wish doesn't come true on the first day keep repeating the chant and your wish at 11:11 until it works.
''With the lighting of this flame
I call upon the four
Winds of change
To carry away and
Keep at bay
All negativity
From my day
As I will it
So mote it be''
"Nothing in the North can harm me
Nothing in the East can harm me
Nothing in the West can harm me
Nothing in the South can harm me
Nothing from Above can harm me
Nothing from Below can harm me
None shall pass this Protective Flame
I am Safe and Protected
In the Goddess name
So mote it be"
Spell to increase mind and stop chattering of mind.
You may need:
You may need:
"Quiet mind
Now be still
Focus on what I now will
No scattering or through dissension
I want you to pay attention
Bring clear focus to details
Enlarge them to scale
Attend each project one by one
Grant clarity till work is done"
While lighting the candle you and the person being binded to you must say-
"Bind us now the spirits of
Life death and the after life
make us feel our own pain
So mote it be"
Then tie your hand to their hand with the rope and hold your hands over the flame of the candle and repeat the chant only do it x 2 this time. Together blow out the candle then thank the spirits
A spell to cleanse your house from negative energies.
You may need:
Glass of water
Salt ( regular or sea )
You may need:
Glass of water
Salt ( regular or sea )
Put a pinch of salt in the glass water
Stir the the water and as you do that say these words:
Element of earth cleanse and purify this water so that it may cleanse and purify my house.
Then sprinkle it in the 4 directions of your house
Then say: so be it
Kind of weird but use this spell to gain the power of shooting the elements out of your hands or fingers.
You may need:
1 orange candle (fire)
1 white (ice)
1 blue candle (water)
Bowl of hot water
Bowl of cold water
Bowl of room temperature water
You may need:
1 orange candle (fire)
1 white (ice)
1 blue candle (water)
Bowl of hot water
Bowl of cold water
Bowl of room temperature water
Chose any candle that you want to have as a power. Chose that matching bowl. Light the candle and put your hand over the bowl the way you want to do your power. Then say:
"Power: forces of earth ice fire and water.
Give the (power you chose) to me
Ah- so mote it be"
Put the candles in a line from water to fire then lite them. Next take the paper and blue pen and write: "Tonight I make my greatest wish to be. Powers be upon me, creatures of kinds let me control freeze and heat. When I point my finger at water and bring it up or twist it will open. I control water when I stretch my hand".
A wand can help make a spell stronger. Be willing to cut your hand.
You may need:
1 knife
You may need:
1 knife
When you are in a forest find a tree and put you hand on the trunk and put your energy into the tree. With your best gut feeling pick a stick off the tree with the knife. Now this is a hard part for some people, with the knife cut a line sideways on the palm of your hand, make a drop of your blood fall on the stick. Okay this step you don't have to do but I recommend it, carve a hex sign(s) on your wand.