7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Enchanted Hibiscus Tea
- Mind Link(Over Distance)
- More inner power
- God of yourself
- Astral Mermaid Spell
- Quitting Addiction(Spell)
- Personal Enchanted Book
- Energy from the devil
- Banishing Ritual
- Hex Breaker
#421 - Enchanted Hibiscus Tea
- Heat your water and place tea bags into the water.
- Set aside to steep for as long as you want. The longer you steep the tea, the stronger it will become.
- Combine hibiscus tea and however much sugar/honey you desire.
Hibiscus attracts love/lust, and can aid in dreams and psychic intuition. It also promotes clairvoyance, peace, and tranquility. Honey brings about sweetness, fertility, and prosperity. Sugar can also attract what you desire, such as love or money. Stirring clockwise promotes and brings in things while stirring counterclockwise decreases or dispels things. Before cooling in the fridge, set outside and let the sun and wind cleanse/bless it. Store in a crystal or glass decanter to enhance the beverage.
It is important to define each ingredient and what property you want in your tea before doing this spell.
Last edited on Mar 31, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#422 - Mind Link(Over Distance)
first say this "wind earth fire and water i call upon you to make this spell magic so mote it be." next say this 3x during the day " Oh great goddess Iris I invoke you to set up a Mind Link between me and (chosen person's name here) the link between us shall be permanent and irreversible and we will be able to do anything you could imagine doing with telepathy so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."
#423 - More inner power
"I think I'm inner power , I know I'm inner power , I am inner power , by the power of my belief , my will be done !!!"
#424 - God of yourself
" I call upon the universe , I now control my own fate and destiny , I control my own reality , I say what goes , no cons and no backlash , instantly til I say otherwise , it has been done , 3..2..1!!"
#425 - Astral Mermaid Spell
Firstly I want to preface this by saying that your intention is what really matters here. This spell can be used to come face to face with mermaids in the astral realm, it can be used to find your mermaid spirit guide in the astral realm, it can be used to help you become a mermaid in the astral realm, etc. Overall, this spell is intended as a base for whatever intention you have, but it is rooted in astral projection and mermaids. There are also two parts to this spell. There is the making and the blessing of the spell itself, and there is also the actual meditation into astral projection part.
For the first part, the spell, start by lighting your blue or green candle. Think about the correspondences of the colors itself, think about the colors and the meanings being brought to life by the flame. Light your incense on the flame, I choose to use moon incense because of the connection between the moon and the ocean, however you can use any incense you believe is fit. For example, sandalwood incense helps to induce astral projection. Bless all of the material you have chosen, as well as the pouch or vessel you will put them in. I bless everything by waving the incense around the materials and thanking the Earth and the Ocean for providing them for me to use. Calling upon any deities or guides to enhance the materials can be done at this time, but it is a matter of preference. The list of materials I have provided is just a starting point, you do not need all of them by any means and you can choose whichever materials you want based on the intentions you have. Place each material in the pouch one by one, meditate upon why you chose the material and what properties it holds. Make sure to handle it and get a feel for what it feels like, smells like, and looks like. You might choose a saltwater pearl because you want to venture into the ocean or contact oceanic mermaids. Similarly, you might choose a freshwater pearl to contact lake/swamp/pond mermaids. The vial of water also should contain the proper type of water as well. Be careful about the materials you choose and make sure you know why you're choosing them. Another good point is to include a crystal or herb that repels negative energy and protects you. This can be something like black tourmaline. After this, there are a few different chants you can do depending on what you want to accomplish. I always suggest making your own, but here are some of the ones I personally use. While saying these words, envision a circle of blue around you and your altar.
"My mind is open to solutions, end of problems, resolutions. Bring me the key in sleep so sound, that an answer comes, simple or profound."
"Merfolk in this place or time, hear me chant this little rhyme. Come as helpers, teachers bold. Guides to knowledge true and old, Make my magick strong and true, and for this help I do thank (adore,worship,grace,etc.) you."
Finally, before you go to bed, place the pouch underneath your pillow or next to where you sleep. It will come with you in the astral realm if you want it to.
For the next part of this spell, there is a lot of meditation and prep. Before bed, it is best to take a shower or a bath in order to get you acquainted with the element of water. I also find that it is better to be cleansed before going into the astral realm. Make sure to meditate and think about the place you are journeying to. Personally, I will draw the realm I am going to, or find artwork online that inspires me. I always think about what I will look like in the astral realm, I try to imagine the animals, plants, and mermaids that live there. I think about what their homes/city look like, what color the water is, what they look like. I think about their glistening skin and their powerful, colorful tails. It is important to meditate on this because it helps to prepare you for where you are going. Astral Projection meditation is a whole other topic in itself, but the best advice I can give is to be fully relaxed and not let fear break any trance or meditative state you are in. Don't fight the process, but if you do not succeed in making it to the astral realm the first time you try, don't be discouraged. This takes A LOT of practice to master. Once you are there, think about your intentions again, and they will be fulfilled.
I hope this helps! I am totally open to any suggestions or questions!
#426 - Quitting Addiction(Spell)
First, in order for this spell to work, you must understand that there is never a "good time" to quit an addiction. Do not expect that after you perform this spell, there will be no work on your part to maintain this choice. Oftentimes, addiction becomes a part of who you are, like an infected limb. It is not a solitary issue, it can spread into other facets of life and cause more harm than simply "being addicted." To prevent the spread, and to heal the rest of you, you must sever the limb and that will leave a wound. This is a spell about severing that limb and healing the wound. It is also about making a choice. It may be performed on it's own or in conjunction with other coping mechanisms, some of which I will touch on below. Please feel free to edit this to your own needs as each case is unique.
The Spell
Choose a location where you feel comfortable, but that is not where you live or visit often. You are putting something to rest where it will not be disturbed. I chose my childhood residence which I still have access to, you may prefer a secluded spot in nature or somewhere else. Bury a hole there, large enough to fit the apple and the representative object. Try to avoid using whatever it is for an amount of time before you cast this spell, whatever amount of time you’re comfortable with. Carve your intention onto the apple, using simple words. “Quitting (affliction)” will suffice, be sure to use your own words.
The apple represents life and healing, so once you’ve done this you will take a slice for yourself and eat it. This binds you to your intention and healing energy to yourself. You may also imagine the cutting action as cutting off the limb. No more will the item compel you, as you have taken control of it. Then you will bury the item and apple together and cover it with dirt, packing it down and encasing it where it can no longer reach you. Optionally, you may say some words to further your intention, though this is not necessary to complete the spell. I do encourage you to do this and get as creative as you can, and to write it out beforehand with care. My own words are as follows;
“Now I lay thee down to sleep, my severed limb the ground to keep.
Compelled I was, but am no more, freed I am, my heart to soar!
Healing, now, I shall commence, and live a life committed hence.
Addiction now a memory, I lay thee down, so mote it be!”
Now you may either get up and walk away, or sit and reflect upon the choice you’ve made. Find peace knowing that it is no longer a part of you, and accept that uncertainty is part of change. Once you’ve found your peace, leave and DO NOT LOOK BACK!! Leave it behind you where it belongs.
Now that you have severed this part of you, you must still take care of the wound left behind. You may feel like you are missing something because you are. There are many healthy ways to fill this hole, and it will take work on your part to find the best way for you. The support of others is a valuable resource, so reach out to those around you and allow them to help you. Physical replacements may also be useful, which can be anything from chewing mint leaves to picking up a new hobby. I am no expert in addiction, so I recommend seeing what real experts have to say on the matter and finding what’s right for you. After all, it’s in your hands now! So mote it be!
Last edited on Apr 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#427 - Personal Enchanted Book
"With one look, this is now my enhanced enchanted book, until I write it to undo, anything I write in this book shall become fact. It will become true, instantly, it has been done ×3, no cons ×3!"
Speak this once or as many times you want, and feel free to edit this spell how you see fit, it'll make the spell stronger.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#428 - Energy from the devil
!Hail Pan! Hail Pan
!Hail Lilith! Hail Lilith
!Hail Naamah! Hail Naamah
!Hail Sabazios! Hail Sabazios
!Hail Isthar! Hail Isthar
!Hail Amon! Hail Amon
!Hail Iarilo! Hail Iarilo
!Hail Tan-Mo! Hail Tan-Mo
In the name of satan
The Ruler of the Earth
The King of the World
I command the forces of darkness to Arise from the depths to attend us
#429 - Banishing Ritual
- Charge water in sunlight for 4-6 hours.
- Bring materials to work space, cast circle.
- Light incense, this is to hallow your space.
- Sprinkle salt into water counter clockwise.
- Light bay leaf, hold for a few seconds, toss into water ((with feeling)).
- Pass bowl over incense to empower it. Backity forthity or clockwise is fine.
- Sprinkle water on places you believe the spirit has been or touched.
- Finish by sprinkling some on doorways and windows, "and stay out!"
#430 - Hex Breaker
- Light incense.
- Place agate in dominate hand.
- Feel the crystal's positive, nurturing vibrations.
- Let the incense pass by you sweeping away the bad vibrations with it.
- Meditate until incense is finished to ensure you got it all.
Notes: Focus on the solution, not the problem. Do not blow things out of proportion, be fearful, pessimistic, or doubtful, that only feeds the negativity. You have power over your situation, act like it.
Last edited on Apr 11, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.