7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Sleep
- Misfortune Jar
- Summon the wolf spirit
- Call To The Elements
- Strong Energy
- Mermaid Good Luck Charm spell
- Energy for Beginners
- Get a Guardian Character
- Energy Focus
- Run Fast
#4391 - Sleep
Close your eyes imagine what it feels like right when your about to fall asleep. Now, will that feeling on the person next to you. Picture them dozing off. After a few minutes it should work
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4392 - Misfortune Jar
Recipe for Black Salt:
-2 to 3 Tablespoons Sea Salt
-Burnt wood/charcoal from a campfire you started yourself
-Mortar and pestle
Combine all of the salt and 4 to 5 chunks of the charcoal that are about the size of your pinkie finger nail to the mortar and pestle. Crush/mix salt and charcoal together, adding more small chunks of charcoal until the desired shade of black is reached.
Recipe for Goofer Dust:
Combine equal amounts of the following spices (I usually use a teaspoon of each)(the spices need to be in powder/ground form):
-Ground sage
-Ground nutmeg
-Ground cinnamon
-Ground cloves
-Chili powder
-Ground red pepper
-Black pepper
-Lemon pepper
-Garlic powder, garlic salt, or garlic pepper
Casting Instructions for misfortune for those who have caused you pain.
It is best to start this spell in the morning, and finish when its dark at night.
Put the vinegar in the jar. Add the staples/nails. Cut the hot peppers in half, but leave the seeds intact. Put the peppers in the jar of vinegar. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of black salt and goofer dust. Shake the jar and cap the jar. Let sit for at least 6 hours.
P.M. Actual Casting
After at least 6 hours, open the jar. Take the lemon and slice it length- and width-wise. creating a "plus sign" in the lemon, but do not count all the way through the lemon! Make sure you only cut about 2/3 into it. Write the name of the person who has caused you or your loved one(s) physical or emotional pain on a small slip of paper with the black pen. Fold the paper until it is the size of a nickle, with the name of your enemy facing inward so it is not visible. Place the piece of paper with your enemy's name on it inside the cuts on the lemon. Take the metal wire to "pin" the edges of the cuts in the lemon together, to ensure the piece of paper with the name on it stays in the lemon (if using paper clips, straighten them out first-it helps to slightly curve the wire or straightened paper clips). Place the lemon in the jar with the vinegar, hot peppers, and nails/staples. Put 1 teaspoon each of the black salt and goofer dust in on top of the lemon. Cap the jar and shake the jar to combine the ingrediaents. While shaking the jar, chant the following:
"I call upon the forces near and far,
I call upon the God of the Great Star.
Bring punishment to the one(s) who have caused me (or insert name of
loved one(s)) pain,
May over their head pour a bitter sour burning razor-sharp rain.
Let them see and feel what they have done,
For them let there be no sun.
Their soul will forever be trapped in this jar,
And no more lives will they be able to mar!"
This spell can be used against more then one person. If you want to make the spell more personal, use the name of the enemies instead of saying the one(s). example-"bring punishment to "Mary" who has done me wrong. You can also use the names of the person/people that were hurt. example-Bring punishment to the one(s) that have cause "Sally" pain". You can also use the name of the enemy/enemies along with the name of the person/people that were hurt. example- "Bring punishment to "Mary" who has done "Sally" wrong".
Please message me if this works. It's the first spell I have ever written. Its a combination of a binding spell, war water, and a verbal misfortune spell. Any feedback would be great! Thanks
Last edited on Jun 07, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4393 - Summon the wolf spirit
You can only summon him if you are willing to become a wolf
#4394 - Call To The Elements
Go to a natural area on a sunny day, then say :
''Element of fire, I call on you,
May your flames strengthen and bless all things that I do.
Psychic strength is linked back to physical fitness,
Become stronger and your magick knows no limits.
Fine me up to stay motivated and physically fit,
For personal power is magnified from a healthy Witch. ''
Call to the element of Earth
Go to a place with plenty of trees, then say :
''I am anchored in winter, spring, summer, and fall.
I sink down roots into the soil so rich,
Making me a more grounded, strong and centered Witch.
My personal power is protected all the times,
With this practical earth magick, I am safe and fine. ''
Call to the element of Air
Go to a natural area on a windy day, find a comfortable place and say :
''Element of air, now swirl around,
Awaken my senses with a humming sound.
Your fragrant breezes wash gently over me,
Removing harm, fear, and negativity.
I am now empowered, refreshed, and brave,
Ready to handle whatever comes my way.''
Call to the element of Water
Go to a beach on a sunny day and say :
''Element of water, please hear me cry,
Shower down on me like rain falling from the sky.
I re-establish boundaries in a healthy way,
Becoming, stronger and more secure every day.
Water, wash away,and cleanse all negativity,
Link me,to the powers of rain, lake, stream, and sea. ''
#4395 - Strong Energy
Imagine the energy flowing through your body then move it to one arm then the other after that gets easy evenly disperse it through the body and imagine it geting multiplied several times.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4396 - Mermaid Good Luck Charm spell
this charm necklace will protect me as a mermaid and a human from the siren mermaid and anything she tries to hurt me with i cannot be harmed by anyone at all
wait a minuet then put the charm necklace around your neck...
Side affects:
worrying if the charm will protect you or not
getting scared easily
dont worry all the side affects will wear off within two days
#4397 - Energy for Beginners
Take your dominant hand an put it on your sacral chakra two in' below belly button and close your eyes. Feel the energy flowing around in there then flow it upp your chest into your reccesive hand. Then make a fist and rub your hands together and feel the energy moving inside you
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4398 - Get a Guardian Character
Say, "My heart, unlock!" Do the unlocking pose and keep it there. Whisper into it, "I want a guardian character, that is my wish. Who I wanna be, shall hatch out of an egg. Mote it be!" After five seconds, undo the unlocking pose.
Side effects: A warm feeling in your heart and parts around it.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4399 - Energy Focus
Body Energy Control
Focus on the energy in your body and manipulate it to do what you want. Now focus on it moving to your dominant arm then switching to the other. Practice till its easy then the next part will be too.
Internet Connection
Try to imagine the energy flowing to the device wanted. Now focus on making it stronger and faster. If need be try using your own energy to increase the effectiveness of this spell.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4400 - Run Fast
Run fast the speed of light,
always swift both day and night.
Twenty-four hours straight,
as quick as cars on highway 8.
so mote it be