7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
- Grounding
- Ben 10 omnitrix spell
- baby of god's own race
- Angel/Demon Creation
- Tonic of holy energy
- Enhance a vision
- Open the Crown Chakra
- Magick Mirror Of Spirit Summoning
- Multi-Candle Lychnomancy Divination
- Casting a Cirlce
#1041 - Grounding
Use this oil on the bottoms of your feet
You may need:
Carrier oil (e.g. sweet almond, coconut oil, olive oil)
Vitamin E oil
Lemon essential oil
Lavender essential oil
Cedar-wood essential oil
Stir stick
Black candle
2. Consecrate all objects by each element (e.g. I consecrate this oil by the earth, the air, the fire, the water)
3. Pour desired amount of carrier oil in bowl, add vitamin e oil
4. Add 3 drops of each essential oil
5. Stir together, project your desire to remain grounded. Stir until exhausted
6. Apply oil to feet and add socks, or save for future use
Most powerful during the full moon
Good for emergencies
If you become too grounded, add more lemon next time (all bodies react differently)
elliottriott has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 09, 2017
#1042 - Ben 10 omnitrix spell
have an omnitrix and be able to turn into aliens like from the t.v show Ben 10
Step 1:Put on the omnitrix watch step 2: light the candles one in the right side and the other one in the left side of you
step 3:then put your other hand on top of the omnitrix watch
Say 2x or more:
''god and goddeses of the universe i ask of you to grant me to activate this omnitrix for it to be exactly like from the tv show Ben 10. i shall be able to transform into any alien that is shown in my omnitrix.I will have a limit of 20 minutes until i transform back. i shall not be able to take off the omnitrix.that is my will so mote it be.''
Step 5: take your hand off the omnitrix
step 6:blow out the candles
Step 7: say thank you
Jeny1089 has been a member of the site for 10 years, since Feb 22, 2015
#1043 - baby of god's own race
Iadians are the race responsible for the creation of the universe. And now, you can have a baby of this race.
*no intercourse required!
say thee words: *no intercourse required!
''I call upon the holy name of Nikuma Olovime. Your child into me. Caw nee faw Aut.''
you should feel a tingling in your womb indicating that the spell worked.
Iadians are able to take care of themselves from the get go, so a minimum of attention is required as opposed to human children who required near constant for several years.
The child this spell will produce will grow to adult size by age three, and fully mature by age six! And they'll make their own clothing too, as well as help you in many ways.
Nikuma has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 09, 2017
#1044 - Angel/Demon Creation
A method on how to create your very own angel or demon who'll do anything and everything you ask of it.
You may need:
Holy tonic (see: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Spiritual+Spells/Enchantment+Spells/25358/page.html)
Experience with using energy.
Angels are spiritual creatures, and thus lack physical bodies, but I do assure you they're very very real!
alright. here are the instructions for creating your angel or demon:
Drink a cup of the tonic before all else. If you are making a demon, you can skip this step altogether.
next you take your energy, and begin forming it into a diamond shaped seed.
as you form the seed, think of what qualities, personality, traits, powers, and what gender you want it to have.
when that is done, say the words: ''caw nee taw faw.'' this will complete the seed.
and now what you do is put the seed into your mouth, and swallow it down.
and in a week, your angel or demon will be born.
Nikuma has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 09, 2017
#1045 - Tonic of holy energy
This is a special tonic that temporarily converts your energy to holy energy for a duration of one hour. It's for use in holy magic, and holy body magic.
future spells I'll post will call for the consumption of this tonic.
future spells I'll post will call for the consumption of this tonic.
You may need:
2 TBSP powdered ginger.
1 TBSP powdered cinnamon.
1 large empty tea bag.
10 inches of dental floss.
an empty three litter jug. (I usually the type they sell juice in at Walmart)
Filtered water to fill the jug.
2. fill the Jug with the filtered water.
3. push the prepared tea bag into the filled jug, and seal with the lid that came with the jug.
4. brew for 12-16 hours, and shake the brewing tonic once every hour.
enjoy when ready.
only drink a maximum of ONE cup a day or you will change into a holy creature yourself. You will no longer be able to eat human food again! You'll start having to eat the same things that are safe for a dog to eat.
It happened to me, and I have to constantly read food labels to make sure there is nothing that'll poison me in there!
I can't eat chocolate anymore.
Nikuma has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 09, 2017
#1046 - Enhance a vision
it well let you be able to see a picture frozen in time of something about to happen soon
so, you have to chant''power of me help me see what i need to see''
if you see it then bam it worked and if your physic too like me normaly my visions are gray no sound no color but when i say this i can see everything clearly like im living in it
parnova12345 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 24, 2017
#1047 - Open the Crown Chakra
This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. It encircles a being's wisdom and being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and it's connection to yourself. If it's under-active: you tend to not be very spiritual and may be quite rigid in your thoughts. If it's over-active: you tend to intellectualize things all the time. Spirituality seems to come first in your mind, and if you are really over-active, you may even ignore your bodily needs (food, water, shelter).
Sit cross-legged.
Lay your hand on your stomach. Let the little fingers point up and away from you, touching at their tops, and cross the rest of the fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.
Concentrate on the Crown Chakra and what it stands for, at the very top of your head.
Silently, but clearly, chant the sound ''NG'' (yes, this chant is as hard as it looks).
All this time, your body should now be totally relaxed, and your mind should be at peace. However, do not stop concentrating on the Crown Chakra.
This meditation is the longest, and should take no less than ten minutes.
WARNING: don't use this meditation for the Crown Chakra if your Root Chakra is not strong or open. Before dealing with this last chakra, you need a strong ''foundation'' first, which the Root exercises will present to you
Blessed be
Arpitadas has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 24, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Oct 08, 2017
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1048 - Magick Mirror Of Spirit Summoning
Do this simple ritual once a week (preferably on Saturday night) until Samhain.
Just work on befriending them. And don't give your requests...
Just work on befriending them. And don't give your requests...
You may need:
A private room
An altar
1 white or silver candle
Music (optional)
Dark silk or velvet
STEP 1: Prepare a dimly lighted room in the evening. Put on some of your favorite ''mystical'' music. Really set the mood.
STEP 2: Light a white or silver candle on your altar.
STEP 3: Say, ''I sit here before the spirits with intent to make contact. I humbly ask for angelic blessings from the beyojnd.''
STEP 4: Sit, relax, and burn Frankincense... extend and invitation with your thoughts to the spirits beyond.
STEP 5: Run a small mirror through the smoke.
STEP 6: Gaze into the mirror by the light of the candle. Pretend it's not ''you'' in the mirror, but someone else.
STEP 7: Next, look ''past'' yourself. As if your reflection isn't there at all... look ''beyond'' the reflection. This may take a minute or 2 to accomplish.
STEP 8. Stay relaxed... if you are tense this won't work.
Only work for as long as you feel refreshed and relaxed. Several attempts may be necessary before you actually see hints of a spirit looking back at you in the mirror.
STEP 9: You may see a new face, and eventually you may see your guardian angel or other spirit behind your own image. You may see lights... Keep in mind the experience will always be different, and it's very personal.
STEP 10: Try to communicate with your thoughts (and some simple words) with the presence in your mirror.
STEP 11: When you're done, wrap the mirror in dark silk or velvet and reserve it for this ritual alone.
Blessed be
Arpitadas has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 24, 2017
#1049 - Multi-Candle Lychnomancy Divination
This is a wonderful divination, and our combined energies will make it even more effective, and the results easier to interpret.
You can do this as many times as you wish within an hours time, for as many different questions as you can fit in.
Multi-Candle Lychnomancy DivinationYou can do this as many times as you wish within an hours time, for as many different questions as you can fit in.
STEP 1: Set up your altar, cleanse and cast your circle.
STEP 2: Set up 3 candles of any color on your altar in a tight triangle.
STEP 3: Sit calmly with your eyes closed for a few minutes... and ask your most important question of the Goddess.
Ask your question out loud. It could be a big problem you need guidance with... or your biggest desire that you'd like to attract to your life...
For example, I'll be asking, ''My husband and I had a disagreement over the past week. Please show me what's to come, and how I can remove any lingering negative energies...''
STEP 4: After thinking about your question for a few minutes... open your eyes and stare at the candles. Try to focus on a point about 6 inches BEHIND the candles.
This will allow you to interpret the flames better.
STEP 5: You'll see the flames begin to move.
Here's how to interpret the movements:
- If one flame starts burning higher than the others, this is an sign of a very good outcome to your question. You won't need to do much Magickally to get the result you desire...
- If one candle abruptly goes out before the others, it's going to be difficult for you regarding your question. And you must work on some spells to improve the situation.
I recommend picking through some of the spells I've sent you in the past...and pick out a few that match up with your question and desires.
- If the flames rise and fall consistently, this means CAUTION. Things are probably not going to go smoothly if you don't cast some well placed spells regarding your question.
While this isn't as urgent as a flame going out (above), treat it in the same way by doing some well placed spell work.
- Back and forth flame movements indicate the situation surrounding your question is about to change rapidly... and I recommend you wait to see what changes come, and then see what you need to do Magickally (if anything) at that time.
- If the flames move in spirals, beware of hidden problems and pitfalls regarding the situation around your question. I recommend doing some more divinations and scrying to reveal these hidden problems before you do anything else.
- If the flames do nothing but flicker occasionally, you can be very positive about the outcome of your question, and everything will work out in your best interests... just sit back and enjoy life in the coming weeks, and see things improve in your life.
Blessed be
Arpitadas has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 24, 2017
#1050 - Casting a Cirlce
This is a ritual before you do any spell casting. It basically helps protect you from any outside danger and is always useful to do.
- North= Earth rocks
- East= Air feathers
- South= Fire candle(s)
- West= Water sea shells
Stand at East and connect with the element before saying" "Spirits of Air, I call on you!"
Turn to face South and envision roaring flames and say: "Spirits of Fire, I call on you!" Face West and feel the flow of water running through your body whilst saying: "Spirits of Water, I call on you!"
Finally turn North and feel the earth around you before saying: "Spirits of Earth I call on you!" Still facing North, say: "Mother Nature, I call on you!" Look up above at the sky and say: "Father sky I call on you!" Feel protected on all sides and say: "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. The circle is cast, Blessed Be."
Do all your spell casting within the circle. Once you have finished, you can close the cirlce.
SisterSoul has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Sep 24, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Oct 07, 2017
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters