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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7161 Spiritual Spells
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Knowledge
  2. Morning coffee ritual
  3. Tigers Eye Oil
  4. Summon Jeff The Killer
  5. Banishing Evil! *WORKS*
  6. Become Beautiful! *WORKS*
  7. Meet your fairy! *WORKS*
  8. Summon SlenderMan
  9. Rain Spell
  10. Transformation

#1241 - Knowledge

Call upon a djinn to gain knowledge.
You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    "I call on you, Djinn.

    Djinn, I'm calling you to give me the knowledge of all sorts.

    Be blessed, this is my will.

    So mote it be."

    Say it 3 times.

    Added to on May 30, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 26, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1242 - Morning coffee ritual

    Just a little something to cleanse your mind, and prepare for the day
    You may need:

  • Coffee, honey incense, quiet place outside, coffee pot.
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    You may need:

  • Coffee, honey incense, quiet place outside, coffee pot.
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    In the morning make coffee, think about what needs to be done today and how your gonna do it, imagine all of your answers as a black ooze slowly brewing into the coffee pot, smell it's aroma, that's the process making progress, as the coffee pot is filling up, envision your answers becoming clearer than let the coffee finish, pour yourself a cup and go outside with it and honey incense, light the honey incense and drink of your cup, just relax and let the answers flow through you,

    This is technically also a peace spell, message me to tell me how it worked for you.

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1243 - Tigers Eye Oil

    Tiger's Eye stone and oil in spells.
    You may need:

  • Tigers Eye
  • mugwort
  • Alfalfa leaf
  • jar or bottle
  • base oil
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    You may need:

  • Tigers Eye
  • mugwort
  • Alfalfa leaf
  • jar or bottle
  • base oil
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    Take your tigers eye and add it into the jar then add a palm full of the mugwort one pinch of alfalfa leaf and the base oil let it sit on the altar for 3 days then it should be ready to use.

    Keep Tiger's Eye as a stone of luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money to the home. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and those setting out in business for the first time; also for those building up skills and a knowledge base for major career changes in the future.

    Tiger's Eye is also great for bringing out ones artistic and creative talents, physical abilities and trying something new. Use as a support stone for determination and to overcome fear during exams, competitions, public performances, selling one's creations in the market place, or presenting ideas in important meetings

    Wear or carry Tiger's Eye for increasing insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and for protection from the negative intentions of others. Tiger's Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action. It reflects an overview of situations and assists when things are happening too fast. It is one of the best aids for resolving a crisis, and provides perfect support when one is afraid of making a wrong decision. Use for quick thinking, sizing up someone's character, and for realizing the consequences of one's own actions.

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Last edited on May 24, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1244 - Summon Jeff The Killer

    This could possibly summon Jeff The Killer,so if you want to summon him give this a shot. (Haven't tried it yet)
    You may need:

  • NightTime(11PM-12AM)
  • Blood(human or animal)
  • Knife
  • Your voice
  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • NightTime(11PM-12AM)
  • Blood(human or animal)
  • Knife
  • Your voice
  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Belief
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    Get the blood put some on the knife, light the white candle, drop a little blood on it. Close your eyes and Chant x2: Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods the scarred teen, Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods bullied and burned,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods now hes smile child, Jeffery Woods Jeffery Woods Jeffery Woods killed the families,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods Jeffery Woods now beautiful as ever,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods,Jeffrey Woods make me beautiful like you please.

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1245 - Banishing Evil! *WORKS*

    Are you having issues at your home?Well then this is the perfect spell for you!I have tested it on some friends whom where having trouble at home and found out it was an evil spirit and withing a day everything was back to normal!
    You may need:

  • Fairy Dust (one of my other spells)
  • Pollen from a rose,
  • Black powder paint,
  • White glitter,
  • Orange zest,
  • A bowl,
  • A white or yellow scented candle,
  • A photograph of an angel.
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    You may need:

  • Fairy Dust (one of my other spells)
  • Pollen from a rose,
  • Black powder paint,
  • White glitter,
  • Orange zest,
  • A bowl,
  • A white or yellow scented candle,
  • A photograph of an angel.
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    Take all of these materials and pour the pollen a tiny pinch of fairy dust,your black powder paint,white glitter and your orange zest into your bowl which should preferably be glass and see through.
    Now take your white or yellow scented (preferably scented a ''happy smell!'')now take your photograph of an angel, bad spirits are scared of angels as they are worried they will take them to heaven which is not their home!And burn your photo whilst muttering:
    ''Oh Hades you have sent your demons
    Living in the underworld to haunt me
    in one look, bad things have happened to me
    whilst you have been here and I will
    use this simple powder believe you me
    to make your army flee!''
    Add the ashes of the photograph to your bowl and stir well now
    at night or anytime the spirit is getting bad sprinkle the powder over a place in your house where a spirit would hide these places are:A wardrobe,A cupboard,The cupboard under a sink and an attic or storage room.

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1246 - Become Beautiful! *WORKS*

    I have tested this spell on myself I used to have fat lips crooked nose and teeth! I now have a look like Linda Evangelista and I am pleased with how the potion worked as well!
    You may need:

  • Honeydew,
  • Raw egg,
  • A rose,
  • Water,
  • Sugar,
  • Cinnamon,
  • 3 summer berries strawberries,blueberries and rasperries
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    You may need:

  • Honeydew,
  • Raw egg,
  • A rose,
  • Water,
  • Sugar,
  • Cinnamon,
  • 3 summer berries strawberries,blueberries and rasperries
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    This spell couldn't be easier!
    Just Mix all of the ingredients together and put them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds now rub them on your face and put a blueberry on each of your eyes leave them there for 30 mins and voila Bobs your uncle Fanny's your aunt you are beautiful!
    WARNING DO THIS SPELL WRONG AND YOU BECOME AS UGLY AS Elizabeth Ann Velásquez (no offence!)

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1247 - Meet your fairy! *WORKS*

    Each person on the earth has their own fairy to match their personality!If you want to meet your fairy use this simple spell/potion!I have tested this spell and had a joyful result!
    You may need:

  • Fresh leaves,
  • A small stirring stick or spoon,
  • Your favorite flower,
  • Honeydew(morning dew mixed with honey)
  • A small bowl,
  • Sugar,
  • Fairy dust(one of my other spells)
  • Belief,
  • A full moon,
  • Alone.
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    You may need:

  • Fresh leaves,
  • A small stirring stick or spoon,
  • Your favorite flower,
  • Honeydew(morning dew mixed with honey)
  • A small bowl,
  • Sugar,
  • Fairy dust(one of my other spells)
  • Belief,
  • A full moon,
  • Alone.
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    Firstly take your bowl,fresh leaves,your favorite flower,your honeydew,your sugar and your fairy dust.
    Take ruffly 300ml of honeydew and pour it into the bowl, now take your favourite flower and in the center there is the pollen take as much pollen as you can and add it to the bowl put the flower aside as you will need it later. Now take your sugar and sprinkle it into the bowl, now take your fairy dust and sprinkle a tiny pinch into the bowl (anymore than this will result in a disastrous effect!)now that all of the ingredients have been added stir until the liquid is reasonably smooth.
    Now take your leaves and flower and carefully dip the into your potion making sure all of it is concealed in the potion now take your leaves and lay them in a circle with the flower in the center and in full view of the full moon and leave them there overnight the next morning you will find that in the position you left your leaves in there will be a ring of mushrooms and in the center where your flower was the fairy will be!

    Added to on May 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1248 - Summon SlenderMan

    It could possibly summon The SlenderMan. My first spell so its not 100% guaranteed but you can give it a try. If it works don't blame me for anything that happens between you and him I dont know what will exactly happen.
    You may need:

  • NightTime (between 10PM - 1PM)
  • your voice
  • preferably in the woods
  • Outside
  • Belief
  • Anything Sharp if you plan on carving the symbol in your skin.
  • black marker (if you plan on drawing it on your skin)
  • Piece of paper
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    You may need:

  • NightTime (between 10PM - 1PM)
  • your voice
  • preferably in the woods
  • Outside
  • Belief
  • Anything Sharp if you plan on carving the symbol in your skin.
  • black marker (if you plan on drawing it on your skin)
  • Piece of paper
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    1st step: Draw SlenderMan on the piece of paper. 2nd Step: Carve or draw the SlenderMan symbol on your hand or arm. 3rd Step: Go outside in your yard near trees or in the woods 4th step: Face the drawing toward the trees and chant this at least x4 :Slenderman the one who lives in the nights between the trees,Slenderman,Slenderman,Slenderman as tall as the trees,as dark as night,come forth into my sight! -He should appear sometime not long after chanting- Take NO electronics with you-if the spell happens to work it may end up being very risky. Take a Flashlight if you feel like you'll need it. P.S. you can write this spell on a piece of paper and take it with you if you can't remember the spell.

    Added to on May 28, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 30, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1249 - Rain Spell

    This is just a spell to make the rain fall,It will pour really hard.
    You may need:

  • N/A
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    You may need:

  • N/A
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    Chant 3x:
    Make the rain fall,make the rain pour,make it rain,so we'll/I'll stay indoors.
    Message me if it works for you. :)

    Added to on May 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1250 - Transformation

    Are you bored of being a human?This simple spell can help you transform! If you want to be something more exotic than a normal human like a unicorn or a mermaid than use this spell
    Warning side effects look down.
    You may need:

  • Belief,
  • A photograph of your transformation creature,
  • A candle,
  • Night,
  • Alone,
  • A favourite clothing or jewellery,
  • A bowl of water,
  • Petals of your favourite flower,
  • Towel of favourite colour,
  • A favourite hiding place.
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    You may need:

  • Belief,
  • A photograph of your transformation creature,
  • A candle,
  • Night,
  • Alone,
  • A favourite clothing or jewellery,
  • A bowl of water,
  • Petals of your favourite flower,
  • Towel of favourite colour,
  • A favourite hiding place.
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    Firstly take your candle and light it then take the photograph of your transformation creature and whilst holding it above the candle mutter
    ''Oh Kwatee god of transformation
    Let me be not a man or woman neither
    for i want to be a/an(animal you wish to transform)
    Let me see the beautiful ( say two features of your animal)
    Please I beg of thee''
    After chanting this your photograph of your transformation animal should have burnt lay the ashes/pieces aside and take the petals of your favourite flower (eg. mine would be a daisy) and the bowl of
    water I find warm water more effective but any kind will do, carefully
    put each petal in the water ( 1 petal for each year of your age) and
    now take your favourite item of clothing or jewellery this could be a
    bracelet or a scarf now place this item in the water.
    Take your burnt photograph and place this into the water with the
    item of clothing/jewellery and mutter:
    ''Oh Kwatee god of transformation
    Let me be not a man or woman neither
    for i want to use these items
    Let me wear them and transform
    Please I beg of thee''
    Now remove the item and place it on the towel of your favourite colour
    The next morning remove your item from the towel and place it in your favourite hiding place after leaving it there for a minute for each year of your age like if you are 18 then leave it there for 18 minutes.
    Now when you wear your item of clothing it will transform you.
    There may be side effects when you first put it on
    these are ache on the place you are wearing the object then you will feel light headed or dizzy this will go on for about 1 day after your first transformation.

    Added to on May 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters