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7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7153 Spiritual Spells
7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7153 Spiritual Spells
  1. Rain Spell
  2. Transformation
  3. Killing Curse
  4. Evocation of Azathoth
  5. Pony
  6. Protection Candle
  7. Make consecrated (blessed) water
  8. Keeping Danger Away
  9. Become a Witch
  10. Messenger of Darkness

#1241 - Rain Spell

This is just a spell to make the rain fall,It will pour really hard.
You may need:

  • N/A
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    You may need:

  • N/A
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    Chant 3x:
    Make the rain fall,make the rain pour,make it rain,so we'll/I'll stay indoors.
    Message me if it works for you. :)

    Added to on May 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1242 - Transformation

    Are you bored of being a human?This simple spell can help you transform! If you want to be something more exotic than a normal human like a unicorn or a mermaid than use this spell
    Warning side effects look down.
    You may need:

  • Belief,
  • A photograph of your transformation creature,
  • A candle,
  • Night,
  • Alone,
  • A favourite clothing or jewellery,
  • A bowl of water,
  • Petals of your favourite flower,
  • Towel of favourite colour,
  • A favourite hiding place.
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    You may need:

  • Belief,
  • A photograph of your transformation creature,
  • A candle,
  • Night,
  • Alone,
  • A favourite clothing or jewellery,
  • A bowl of water,
  • Petals of your favourite flower,
  • Towel of favourite colour,
  • A favourite hiding place.
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    Firstly take your candle and light it then take the photograph of your transformation creature and whilst holding it above the candle mutter
    ''Oh Kwatee god of transformation
    Let me be not a man or woman neither
    for i want to be a/an(animal you wish to transform)
    Let me see the beautiful ( say two features of your animal)
    Please I beg of thee''
    After chanting this your photograph of your transformation animal should have burnt lay the ashes/pieces aside and take the petals of your favourite flower (eg. mine would be a daisy) and the bowl of
    water I find warm water more effective but any kind will do, carefully
    put each petal in the water ( 1 petal for each year of your age) and
    now take your favourite item of clothing or jewellery this could be a
    bracelet or a scarf now place this item in the water.
    Take your burnt photograph and place this into the water with the
    item of clothing/jewellery and mutter:
    ''Oh Kwatee god of transformation
    Let me be not a man or woman neither
    for i want to use these items
    Let me wear them and transform
    Please I beg of thee''
    Now remove the item and place it on the towel of your favourite colour
    The next morning remove your item from the towel and place it in your favourite hiding place after leaving it there for a minute for each year of your age like if you are 18 then leave it there for 18 minutes.
    Now when you wear your item of clothing it will transform you.
    There may be side effects when you first put it on
    these are ache on the place you are wearing the object then you will feel light headed or dizzy this will go on for about 1 day after your first transformation.

    Added to on May 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1243 - Killing Curse

    This Spell kills the thing you are
    thinking of except you so be careful!
    You may need:

  • 1 Wand if pointing at some one.
  • Nothing if Doing the thinking version.
  • Blood Moon
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    You may need:

  • 1 Wand if pointing at some one.
  • Nothing if Doing the thinking version.
  • Blood Moon
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    At midnight on a Blood Moon say ''Occidere'' and the next day you can kill anything!

    Added to on May 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1244 - Evocation of Azathoth

    Evoke Azathoth.
    You will need a baisic understanding of evocation and a basic understanding of communication with spirits.
    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • 4 white candles
  • 3 larger candles
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • 4 white candles
  • 3 larger candles
  • Lighter
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    1)Arrange the 8 candles in a circle, alternating red and white, with a white candle at the front of the circle.

    2)Arrange the 3 larger candles in a small triangle, on a side table, off to the side.

    3)Light the candles

    4)Trace, using energy, an inverted pentagram in the circle of candles.

    5)Call to yog Sothoth and ask him to break the seals that bind the old gods.

    6)Recite the following: He is the great ocean, across which drifts the haunter. He is also the great sludge: formless and never ending.
    Azathoth, come to me.
    Seth Sorath Yotep.

    7)Once you're finished, extinguish the larger candles to end the ritual

    Added to on May 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1245 - Pony

    It's make you a MLP and go to the World of MLP.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Own/others Cutie Marks
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Own/others Cutie Marks
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    Think of Celestia/Luna and next, draw you as a pony with a cutie mark. Draw a pony of Mane (Ex:FlutterShy) or Celestia/Luna. Say the Spell 3X, after open the Windom and go sleep

    "Dear Celestia/Luna please, let me come to Ponyville for change my mind and stop live where I am. So mote it Be."

    Added to on May 27, 2017
    Last edited on May 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1246 - Protection Candle

    Use this spell to protect yourself from any harmful faeries or entities.
    You may need:

  • 1 white pillar candle
  • 1 honey locust thorn
  • Parchment/paper
  • A personal protection symbol.
  • A lesser moon (darkest)
  • Match
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    You may need:

  • 1 white pillar candle
  • 1 honey locust thorn
  • Parchment/paper
  • A personal protection symbol.
  • A lesser moon (darkest)
  • Match
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    1. Take your thorn and carve your symbol in the pillar candle.
    2. Write on the paper:

    "From Fae to earth I call upon thee to guide my way from harm I shall be. By the rune and candle I hold, let all my encounters be brave and bold. From Fae to earth I call upon thee to protect myself so mote it be."

    You may recite this verbally too, although its not required.
    3. Light the candle and fold your paper drawing a pentacle on the top.
    4. Burn the paper with the candle and say:

    "I seal this spell and bind upon thee, protect myself three times three."


    Added to on May 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1247 - Make consecrated (blessed) water

    Blessed water
    You may need:

  • Materials
  • Water
  • (Optional) Athame
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    You may need:

  • Materials
  • Water
  • (Optional) Athame
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    -Obtain a cup of bowl of water
    -Visualize yourself being filled with white light
    -Dip your athame or finger into this water
    -Visualize white light entering into the water
    -Declare the water to be blessed and sacred

    Added to on May 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1248 - Keeping Danger Away

    Keeps danger away.
    You may need:

  • Nothing except candle if needed.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing except candle if needed.
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    Imagine a great light around you and say this:

    "Danger danger all around don't turn back don't make a sound just keep that candle lit right now as you hear that slow low growl for a witch by might or a witch by choice you'll be a witch as they come close remember the law of three times three so mote it be so mote it be."

    If a candle is not available replace the sentence "just keep that candle lit right now" with "just keep that light around you now" and imagine the light growing brighter.

    Added to on May 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1249 - Become a Witch

    It’s more like a energy transportation. See, you’ll channel energy and then cast the energy into you. Into your chi. This way, your chi will provide energy for you to manipulate. You can cast spells without channeling from candles.
    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Do this on the Full Moon if possible.
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    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Do this on the Full Moon if possible.
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    First, you must know where you’re putting it. I would suggest you picture your chi, in the center of your core. (You could transport energy into a box, stone, staff, or wand but that wouldn’t make you a witch. It would make you a spell caster with a magic rock.)
    Next, make sure there’s nowhere else in your environment that the energy could go into. Make sure it’s the source of energy it’s coming from and your open Chi.
    Be completely empty-headed and open-minded and free-at-mind and be comfortable and relax and open your chi.
    Now, chant this 10 times at least and until you feel you’ve gained enough energy.

    "From the candle, to my chi.
    From the outside, to inside of me."

    5. After this, you should be able to channel energy from your chi to cast spells.

    Warning: Spells can still be dangerous and for some you might still need to channel energy from else where.

    This energy can also be a curse. So, be sure this is what you want and be sure you're not using the wrong colored candles. Use white candles. There's a chance you can absorb negative energy which is very bad.

    Added to on May 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1250 - Messenger of Darkness

    A spell to send nightmares to someone or even cause death, depending on what you want to do.
    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 black napkin
  • Outside (like in a forest)
  • Lighter (matches work as well)
  • Circle (description how to cast a circle is in the instructions)
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 black napkin
  • Outside (like in a forest)
  • Lighter (matches work as well)
  • Circle (description how to cast a circle is in the instructions)
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    First, get to a place outside with all the ingredients. Make sure no one can disturb you or interrupt you during this ritual otherwise it will not work.

    If you want to make this do a death spell, instructions is further down below the first chant. Then you draw a circle in the ground, here's how to do it: Take up a stick to draw the circle on the ground, make sure it's even, a full circle. Then place the candle (a big one) in the middle of the circle and light it. With a concentrated mind and focused voice, chant this:

    "Messenger of Darkness, hear my call, messenger of darkness, come to me. Messenger of darkness, hunt thee. (Name) ______, for the harm he/she has done, the crime shall be paid in time." Chant this three times while burning the black napkin in the fire.

    When the napkin is fully burned up, snuff out the candle (don't blow cause it can disturb the energy and give a reversed effect, you might be the victim for this dark spell) then clean up after yourself and wait.

    Making it to a death spell:
    "Messenger of Darkness, hear my call, messenger of death, come to me. Messenger of darkness, hunt thee. You shall not return to me until the death is done, so mote it be."

    If the spell has worked, it will start to blow (a wind) and a black crow should fly in the sky over you, if not, you might have done something wrong or didn't have enough belief. Be really sure of who you want to send this spell to, be focused and unafraid.

    Added to on May 23, 2017
    Last edited on May 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7153 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters