7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Nightly tea ritual
- How to make a blessed necklace Works for me
- Banish Anger and Stress Chant
- Hypno Crazy
- Awaken the thrid eye permanently
- To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #3
- Birth of a spirt
- To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #2
- To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #1
- A spell for love to come in your love
#1281 - Nightly tea ritual
Feel relaxed at night and the steam from the tea will be an aroma outside
You may need:
Any kind of hot tea, stove or a way to boil the tea ( Don't forget to shut the stove off)
Crowofmoon has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 11, 2017
#1282 - How to make a blessed necklace Works for me
This is a method I use to get what I want. It has never failed and works
You may need:
A necklace
Your hands
A emotional bond with the necklace (optional but makes it stronger)
A wish
''I want this necklace to (thing you want [can also be ''I want
(crush name) to love me'']) and here by I am praying to the god and goddess to bring that to me. This is my will so mote it be!''
Then visualize a light with the color of the theme your wish is in (Love wishes red/pink, luck green, protection gold, and if you want to curse someone you visualize it black.) form into a orb in your chest right at your heart and then go through your dominant handed arm into the necklace. Keep going until you feel like the necklace is full and then visualize a (color of wish themed) glow around it. open your eyes and take a deep breath. Then you can do whatever you want to do with it.
JoseScholte has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 04, 2017
#1283 - Banish Anger and Stress Chant
A chant to help you relax after an angry and/or stressful day.
Sit in a quiet spot, preferably where you can see the moon and chant the following 3 times:Within me anger fades away,
with all the pressures of the day.
In its wake the light now blooms,
the Lady's grace fills the room.
Breathing deeply I now heal;
Peace and love are all I feel.
Lisamariee has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 13, 2017
#1284 - Hypno Crazy
Hypnotize people, though it's not quite the way most would suspect...
Close your eyes. Imagine a metal box or container in our mind. Now, once you've done that, imagine all of your thoughts and worries flooding into that box. It can be any size you wish. Now, relax. Start with your head, then spread to the shoulders. Relax your arms, chest, and stomach. Relax you groin area and down to your legs, flowing all the way down to your toes. Now, Imagine your arm is getting lighter. its getting so light is starting to rise into the air. Open your eyes, and your arm will be in the air! Some minds are too strong for this trick, and it works well on friends. Contact me if you need help! Btw, you can do other things, like becoming an animal or growing wings. You can also travel the world or become famous for a few fleeting seconds if you wish!
RavenWood321 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 20, 2017
#1285 - Awaken the thrid eye permanently
This spell is designed for opening your thrid eye so you will be able to use your physic abilities etc.
You may need:
One white candle
One red candle
One purple candle
A pentacle or a pentagram
Dragon's blood incense
A circle
Get into a meditative state then visualize a purple or white glowing orb around you then visualize where the thrid eye is, a purple glowing light and then visualize the thrid opening, do this intill you feel like it has worked. (let me know if the spell has worked please)
Akenokaia has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 11, 2017
#1286 - To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #3
If you didn't like choice #1 and 2 then try this last choice there's only 3 choices.
First get out your piece of paper. It can be any type of paper. Then get your pencil and draw Charlie Charlie's summoning sign; which is a greater than sign and a lesser than sign mixed together. You'll get it soon but make it big enough so you can memorize the picture of the sign in you're head. Make sure you get a good picture of it and make sure your eyes are closed when doing this spell. After you've got a good picture of the sign in you're head, say: "Charlie Charlie" 4 times and there you've summoned Charlie Charlie the demon boy!
kingred500 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 09, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on May 10, 2017
Last edited on Sep 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1287 - Birth of a spirt
In this spell the caster will become pregnant with a spirt. It's only visible through the minds eye, so no one will know unless you decide to tell them.
You may need:
10 Small gemstones
Blessed water
3 Cloves
5 Bay leaves
1 table-spoon of salt
3 Months
2 Pieces of paper
5 rose buds
On this sheet write:
And fill in the information. Stack both sheets and fold into a small square, and draw a pentagram on it in silver marker. Put it near your bed, maybe in your pillowcase, under your mattress, or in your nightstand. Every night before you go to bed, recite this to it:
You're there, I know,
Even if your form doesn't show.
May you thrive in bliss,
Whether your mister or miss,
My love shall keep you strong.
This is my wish so mote it be.
And then kiss it and put it back. Recite this for the first month and then switch to this on the second month:
May you prosper and grow,
Your form starting to show,
My love Is here for you.
Trust me, love me,
So mote it be.
On the start of the third month start reciting this one:
You're there,
I care,
Now we're together,
I'll love you forever,
Spirit child of mine.
The end of the third month is a big time. It's the time of birth for your new spirit! Congrats! Around noon, take the crystals you charged three months ago and take them outside. Set up a circle were you plan to birth your spirt. Inside the circle put the cloves, salt, bay leaves, blessed water, and rose buds. Head back out to your circle at dusk, and begin to crush all of the ingredients together. Continue until you make a thick paste.
Stare into the sunset and say:
as the sun gives way to the moon,
And the night sky births from the light,
I will begin my spiritual birth.
Now apply the paste to your lower stomach, third eye, breasts, and feet. Watch the sunset like this. Now from her you have two options: you can either wash off the paste now and go to bed and recite your own words to the paper one last time, or you can sing a song or two with the moon take a cleansing bath and then go to bed. In the morning you might be able to see your spirit. If not, try feeling it with your other senses. Over time you will be able to see and hear your new spirit! Mail me if you have any questions, if you've done the spell, or if your thinking of trying this! Thank you for your time. *NOTICE*: please don't rate this spell before your actually tried it. Thank you!
Farina has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 13, 2017
#1288 - To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #2
If you didn't like choice #1 or anything like that then try this way but instead it's different
You may need:
You will need. A piece of printer paper a red market and a see through cup (is not optional)
kingred500 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 09, 2017
#1289 - To Summon Charlie Charlie Choice #1
This is a new way to contact the demon boy the pencil challenge is fake but not this one
You may need:
You will need a piece of paper a red marker and any empty tape roll plus yourself
kingred500 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since May 09, 2017
#1290 - A spell for love to come in your love
This love spell is to help your own sincere intentions to bring love in your life
clear your mind and focus your engery to surround you face west and raise your hands now say this:I call on Aphrodite, on Isis, on Freya
Hear the sound of my own heart
Hear my call.I ask to be blessed with love,
That my heart's partner be found
I ask to be blessed with love,
As my magic spirals round.
Thank you great Goddesses,
I welcome your assistance
In my search for love.
After saying the spell,concentrate on the outcome you are hoping for, and focus your energy to your purpose.
Shadowwolf17 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 14, 2017
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters