7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Arts of fighting :3
- A awesome wish spell:)
- Meta Summoning
- bottle,bottle,- save a spell in a bottle
- Purple Fireball
- Ultimate Mage Spells Part 2
- Ultimate Mage Spells Part 1
- Make a magic catalyst
- Sadness banishment potion *TESTED*
- Tracking spell
#1331 - Arts of fighting :3
To know about every martial art in the world. Note say it just one time just to make it easy for you because I love it when a spell is super easy to do and I will say instantly alot in my wish spells so have fun :D
You may need:
Voice,cystal optional necklace optional,emotion optional,say out loud wisper or in head/mind,beginner or master optional,help from anyone that you want and is optional or say by yourself and visualization optional. And that's it.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#1332 - A awesome wish spell:)
This is my first spell on this site don't know if it works yet it's untested but hope it works this spell will give me powers only but in return I'll help me you more powerful if you complete this wish spell for me :D.
You may need:
Voice,any emotion,no ingreediance required but is optional if you think it will help and already being powerful but optional or you can be a beginner it doesn't matter how powerful you are as long as you use voice or emotion :D.
Playinggod has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 07, 2017
#1333 - Meta Summoning
This spell is very awesome! :D
Will that a thing or person will be summoned in the place u want it to be summoned.
MemeWizard has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 16, 2017
#1334 - bottle,bottle,- save a spell in a bottle
(this spell can be used in black gray or white magic)
bottle,bottle,the inside Never changes,
but the Outside of the bottle,
the Earth changes little by little
Time will Save this spell,
Until the End with out,
Fading or Breaking,
(then write your spell here)
(write it exactly as i have or it probably wont work)as you are writing the spell put all capital letters and commas in bold also put bottle,bottle, and little by little in bold. under line little by little
then roll the piece of paper up tie it and but it inside the bottle and seal it and bury it some where or under a near by tree (be careful of what you wish for) if you wish to undo it color the bad bits in black then burn it then put it in water mix it and flush it down the toilet
this belongs entirely by me is you wish to re-post it credit me please :)
(this spell can be used in black gray or white magic)
JazzyBee3131 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 18, 2017
#1335 - Purple Fireball
Use this against demons, nephilims, and Evil Wizards. The Purple Fireball spell can destroy evil.
Will that you are taking energy from a being from another dimension in your hand (Any hand.). Visualize the energy (Purple Color.) turning into a purple fireball. Will that the fireball will only hurt and kill evil beings. To hit the evil being just visualize and will that the purple fireball is leaving your hand and is gonna hit the evil being. Visualize and will that the purple fireball will kill the evil being.
MemeWizard has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 16, 2017
#1336 - Ultimate Mage Spells Part 2
These spells are very dangerous so be careful.
Weather Magic: Cloud Creation: Will that a cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Storm/Rainstorm Creation: Will that a storm cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Hailstorm Creation: Will that a hailstorm cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Supercell Creation: Will that a supercell will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Tornado Creation F1 Creation: Will that a f1 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F2 Tornado Creation: Will that a f2 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F3 Tornado Creation: Will that a f3 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F4 Tornado Creation: Will that a f4 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F5 Tornado Creation: Will that a f5 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. (I didn't mention the control thing cuz i'm lazy. You can will the Tornadoes to move and disappear.) Tropical Depression: Will the place that you want to make a tropical depression at. You can control the Tropical Depression. You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear. Tropical Storm: Will that the Tropical Depression will turn into a tropical storm. You can control the Tropical Storm. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 1: Will that the tropical storm will turn into a Hurricane Category 1. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 2: Will that the Hurricane Category 1 will turn into a Hurricane Category 2. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 3: Will that the Hurricane Category 2 will turn into a Hurricane Category 3. (You can control the Hurricane. You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 4: Will that the Hurricane Category 3 will turn into a Hurricane Category 4. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 5: Will that the Hurricane Category 5. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to become stronger, will it to go to places, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Superstorm: Will that the Hurricane Category 5 will turn into a Superstorm. You can control the Hurricane Superstorm. (You can will it to become stronger, will it to go to places, and will it to disappear.)
MemeWizard has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 16, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Apr 16, 2017
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1337 - Ultimate Mage Spells Part 1
WARNING. THESE SPELLS CAN KILL AND SOME OF THEM COULD DESTROY OUR WORLD. Please be very careful with these spells. Also these spells are like Doctor Strange spells.
Mystic Energy Bolt: Will that you are taking energy from a mystical being from another dimension in your arm (Any arm.). once u willed visualize the energy (Any color you want.) in your arm and visualize and will the energy blasting out of your arm and hitting the opponent and visualize and will the energy to hurt him/her, push him/her, or kill him/her (Only kill the opponent if he/she's evil.). Mana Portal: Visualize mana (Any color.) coming out of everything around you and push it to the place you wanna make the Mana Portal. Visualize the mana making a circle shape and visualize and will that the mana will take you to the place that you want. Creation: Visualize the thing that you want to make and will it to reality. Destruction: [DO NOT USE THIS SPELL TO DESTROY INNOCENT PEOPLE OR INNOCENT ANIMALS.] Visualize the thing that you want to destroy, visualize it exploding or whatever and will it exploding or whatever. Universal Barrier (The barrier can not break.): Will that you are taking the energy of the universe in your body. Visualize the energy of the universe (Any color.). Visualize the universal energy exploding and making a barrier. Will the barrier to be unbreakable. To get out of the barrier just visualize and will the barrier slowly disappearing. False Green Scorpion (A transformation.): Will that you are taking energy from a mystical being from another dimension. Visualize the energy (Any color.) in your body. Visualize the energy exploding out of your body and the energy going to everything in your body. Visualize that you have a green aura, Green Scorpion: Will that you are taking universal energy and energy from a being from another dimension in your body (The energy is combined). Visualize the energy (Any color.) in your body. Visualize the energy exploding out of your body and the energy going to everything in your body. Visualize that you have a green aura. God Hand: Will that your taking energy from a god (Any god you want.) in your hand (Any hand.). Now your hand has powers of the god that you chose. Demonic Arm: Will that your taking energy from a demon (Any demon.) in your arm (Any arm.) Now your arm has powers of the demon that you chose. (End of Part 1.)
MemeWizard has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 16, 2017
#1338 - Make a magic catalyst
This spell will let you make a catalyst, that will increase your magic power and allow you to put more energy in your spells. It’s my first spell, but it will work if, and only if you believe it will.
You may need:
any gems, precious or semi-precious stones
any piece of fabric (a handkerchief or a cloth will be fine)
a little string or a small piece of cord
When you want to do a spell, take it back and feel its energy flowing through your fingers, then through your hands, your arms, and all of your body.
RotenHexer has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 11, 2017
#1339 - Sadness banishment potion *TESTED*
This potion does exactly what it says it does, It has BEEN TESTED
I wrote this recipe which I've noticed typically works better, my best advice would be to write your own if it doesn't work
If you have any questions/concerns please mail me
I wrote this recipe which I've noticed typically works better, my best advice would be to write your own if it doesn't work
If you have any questions/concerns please mail me
You may need:
motherwort:1 tablet
savory:1/2 teaspoon
dried apple:handful
rose petals:some
water:1 cup
apple cider vinegar(optinal)
something to heat the pot
something to drain it into, and with
Next add the rest of the ingredients. (this is not necessary but I prefer to put a lid on it)
Once it has boiled down to half a cup, before you put it into anything, say this spell
''I intend for this to banish sadness and bring happiness, love, and light. So mote it be, Blessed be''
(I'm not to sure why I said ''so mote it be'' and ''blessed be'' but I did and it worked so)
After you've said the spell, drain it anyway you like,of course this isn't necessary but if you are going to put this in a bottle and save it for a lil while you might want to drain it and add a bit of apple cider vinegar to preserve and prevent mold
Side affects include: Becoming sexually aroused.
This has to do with the rose petals, if you'd like to leave them out go ahead, I'm not sure if this would prevent the side affects but its worth a try.
Sati has been a member of the site for 9 years, since Mar 19, 2016
#1340 - Tracking spell
A simple spell to track anyone you like
You may need:
An item from the person that you want to track
Strong Voice
Strong sense of direction
This will find the person you want to track
Bennie8822 has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Apr 05, 2017
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters