7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Death Spell
- Binding
- Fire dancing spell
- Wish Spell
- To get what you want
- Soulmate Dreaming
- Love Charm
- Spell of sickness
- Otherworld Spell
- Fixing a LED Flashlight
#1391 - Death Spell
2. Go to the cemetery and get some dirt.
3. You need to focus into the poppit, visualizing the victim, all of the hate you possibly can, especially during its construction. It is imperative here to stay focused with intent. Try to do this during a waning moon. When the moon is in Scorpio or Capricorn is good time.
4. Construct a small box. Cardboard is fine.
5. Light a black candle, concentrate intensely upon the death and destruction of the enemy. DO NOT BE DISTURBED OR LOSE YOUR FOCUS!
6. Put the effigy into its box.
7. Bury it in dirt inside the box.
8. Save some of the dirt.
9. Take it outside, or back to the graveyard and bury it, placing the reserved dirt on top of the box, *knowing* the victim will meet his/her death.
10. Do not think about the spell, or the enemy, as this will interfere with its working.
Now chant when you're doing the 5th step..
''The grey death energy is killing [name of person].''
#1392 - Binding
Chant: "Agnus Dei Fiori Bindum that Gloria." And then the person or things name.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1393 - Fire dancing spell
light the candle , than put your hand over the flame and say ''fire fire bow down to me go ahead and bend to my will , SO MOTE IT BE
Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1394 - Wish Spell
Chant This:
"May the goddess and god of light and love grant me my wish and quiet my heart. I place my desire in your hands for you to do as you will and I deserve so mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 09, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1395 - To get what you want
Light your incense on your altar or table. Place the three pieces of carnelian ( symboling Mars, Fire and Aries) in a triangle shape. Now take the piece of carnelian from the top point of the triangle in your hand. Close your eyes, and imagine what you want. Once you have visualized your success story in your head, open your eyes and place the Carnelian back on the table. Next, pick up the piece of carnelian at the bottom right of the triangle and do the same thing, but this time as you see your desire, say : "I believe in my intended deed, and with this Crystal, Mars, and fire, I will succeed." Finally, take up the last piece of Carnelian and as you visualize your success, say: "Begin my quest from this day forth and it will succeed. And with this Crystal, Mars, and fire, my dreams are fulfilled."
From now on, every day for a month take the three pieces of carnelian with you if you go, either in a pouch or just in your pocket, to reinforce the energy you have invoked from this day and help you to truly succeed a manifest the dream.
This spell is not my own and is from the book spell craft for a magical year written by Sarah Barlett. Don't forget, if you like to spell maybe you should check out her book!
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1396 - Soulmate Dreaming
#1397 - Love Charm
Cut a heart out of the red cloth, at least 2 inches across. Bigger is fine too. On a Friday night, anoint the candle with cinnamon oil and light it. Say the following words as you fasten each of the pins to the heart:"I call my beloved one.To love me more than anyone. Seven times I pierce my heart. Today my love magick starts. I bind my heart and soul to thee. As I will it, so mote it be"'Leave the heart with the pins in front of the candle, and let it burn down completely. Afterwards, leave the pinned heart in a special place until love has arrived.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1398 - Spell of sickness
It worked for me
#1399 - Otherworld Spell
On the first paper, write the name of your otherworld at the top. Draw a symbol for your otherworld (make sure you want this, and that you didn't borrow it from a work of fiction or other source) underneath it. Next, describe the place you will live in the otherworld. Describe as many details as you can fit on both sides of the paper while imagining it as vividly as you can in your mind. Float through every part of it. You can expand your otherworld later.
On the next sheet of paper, describe your thought station. This is where you will change your otherworld. You may imagine a book with info you can write and erase. You may imagine a stone, with a smooth and reflective surface. Choose something that relates to you. Imagine every detail of it, from its appearance to how you use it. On the back side, write this: ''Moon that shines bright/Bless this (what your station is) with magick light/Let none use it but me/This (item) that only I see/As I will it, it shall be''
On the next sheet of paper, write about how you will look. If you have any special powers, state them here. If the back side is empty, describe any items you will have with you. Otherwise, use a different paper.
Use the rest to detail anything else you need to detail. When you are done with doing all of this and vividly imagining each part, say the spell.
''I create another world
To go to as I please
When it is fully formed by the Gods and Goddesses
I can travel there with ease
With just a thought, this world will pause
And the other unlocks
I travel to the otherworld
Where in its space I walk
I travel back in seconds
My body resumes its place
I do not suffer damage
From traversing time and space
From my private station
I can change the dimension around
Only I can use this (station type)
With its power unbound
In this space I walk with ease
And safely return
Kindle this world within my heart
So to life it may burn
So mote it be.''
Now blow out candles (if applicable), close the circle, and lift up the token to break the pentagram.
#1400 - Fixing a LED Flashlight
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.