7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How to become a Babai
- Adult Sleep
- Protection Hex Bag
- Working Sickness Curse
- Half Demon Spell
- Angel's song
- PDivine Purification
- Become a Pokemon Shifter
- Re-bond a Broken Friendship
- Simple Protection Spell
#1551 - How to become a Babai
Go to a quite place where no one is around with the ingredients mentioned above(best places your room, outside).
Take a few breathe before you begin,now say this prayer with faith and believe and do not be distracted by anything.Here is the prayer:
"Oh great God of magic, I have finally decided to become a Babai for I know if I become one I will be more stronger and gifted with the power of Vistu(magic) if I have not yet gotten the power. Please lord Babavram take me as your humble servant and also your son/daughter because I believe that in you I will have my strength and power growing stronger and stronger everyday as I am under your care."
Then conclude by saying:
"Today I officially declare myself as a Babai and dedicate myself onto you lord. Take me and teach me more and also to know how to control my Vistu (magic). Thank you."
After this light the candles and place in the form of letter V,then write this prayer on a paper
"Oh my lordi have finally acknowledged that you are our lord and also known of your existence. Please God may I find favour in your side and may your mercy fall on me as I have become a Babai thank you."
Now write your full names at the end of the paper then burn on the candles placed in the form of V.
Welcome to the world of magic. Have fun,and mail me for more information. Thank you
contributed by a rank 5 //Babai
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1552 - Adult Sleep
Fix yourself a cup of hot tea, coffee or hot chocolate. After you have drank whatever you fixed a cup of, plug your head phones into your cell phone,and go to youtbue and just type in 9 hours of meditation music.
Put your head phones in your ears and lay down on your bed and you will be asleep in no time at all.
Last edited on Jan 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1553 - Protection Hex Bag
Take your fabric and sprinkle all the herbs and spices into the middle of it into a pile. Then fold the top and make it into a teardrop shape and close the top with the rubber band. Now take the black marker and draw an X on the front of it. Crush up the herbs and spices in the bag. Now chant 3 times, protege. Pronounced Pro-tay-jay. Then place the hex bag in the room you would like to protect, or near your front door if you want to protect your entire house.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1554 - Working Sickness Curse
1. Think of the person. You can be next to them, or far away, but you should be able to focus on them.
2. Point your finger/wand where they are. This is optional, but it increases their chance of getting sick.
3. While thinking and pointing at them, chant the following:
"You fill us/me with hate,
Now you have a terrible fate."
3. Focus on their form. Now in the next couple days, they should get sick.
1) It is easier to do this with someone, so you can double curse someone. In that case, say you fill us with hate, instead of me with hate.
2) Message me if it doesn't work for you, it should work.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1555 - Half Demon Spell
(NOTE) This will cause different amounts of pain on each moon. NewMoon will hurt moderately high waningMoon will hurt almost none fullmoon will hurt the most waxing will hurt moderately now that you know that we can get started of the spell say:
"Deep in my heart, I give the desire to enhance the inside of me as to if I suddenly change myself into this devilish creature that will suddenly come to me, jumping, running, overcoming will soon to become more of an advantage! Give me the power of a demon that will change my life forever, give me the power to transform into this halfway, make me half demon and create me a better soul."
Side effects tempory for 1 day stomach aches,headaches, bones hurting,breathing heavy, strength, better at physical activities,eye color changing, urges to be outside, angry more,ect This will now allow you to be a class 1 low level demon, with teaching and practice you can level up transformations and such and become a total badass.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1556 - Angel's song
This spell is simple, doesn't use any chant words or visualization.
Just sing what you want,treat your voice like your problems and the melody is your friend.
After a few minutes, you'll get better.
Earth Angel will make sense!
If the spell doesn't work for you, it means your heart is tough and your soul is black as the coal.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1557 - PDivine Purification
Go to the place that you wanted to purify or cleanse.Now make sure you're in comfortable position to concentrate your mind and heart. Now, close your eyes.Visualize a circle of light surrounding you with bright lustrous light. Feels the safe within it. After that concentrate your heart and fills them with Love and Peace. Make the feelings getting stronger by visualizing the light within your heart and it's getting bigger and bigger.
After that, follow your will.If you wanted to purify/cleanse him/her badly, do it. Believe that you can do it no matter what happen. Point your hands to the target. Chant: "I call upon the divine spirit of the earth,please protect me, please hear my plea. The spirit/person/thing in front of me is not in peace and it needs your blessing badly. Now, through the power of (God/Goddess of??/Angel name), the spirit shall receive lights and wisdom from them and you will forever be free.So mote it be!"
When you chant those words, imagine the lights from your heart that you make flowing through your arms and hands. After you chant, imagine the light goes to the target and it's cleansing/purifying it. It needs time. After a few hours/minutes, the spirit shall be in peace and it'll thank to you.
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1558 - Become a Pokemon Shifter
Before anything else, here are the different representations of the types. If your chosen poke has two types, represent both.
- Normal: doesn't need a representation
- Fire: a small flame like a candle, or a source of warmth
- Ice: anything cold
- Water: a small bowl of water
- Grass: a small plant or plant part
- Dark: do it at night (most of you will, anyway)
- Psychic: a small gemstone
- Fighting: something that has meaning to you
- Ghost: something that represents a memory
- Dragon: anything depicting a dragon
- Electric: anything that could conduct electricity
- Steel: a small piece of metal (jewelry does work)
- Ground/Rock: a small rock (if both types, then have two)
First, sit down with your representation in front of you, and look at your picture of your desired form. Then, close your eyes and clear your mind. Then, think of nothing but your type surrounding you. (For example, a fire-type like me would imagine fire around them.) Try to feel your type. If you have two types, imagine both.
Once you get a feeling that you are one with your type, visualize it until you fall asleep. The next morning, you should feel a presence in you that isn't like your normal self. This is your Pokemon side coming inside you, and this is a sign that it worked. It will bring with it some instincts, and listening to them will bring you closer to your form. However, if you picked a mischievous Pokemon like Zorua, only follow the ones that won't have a big impact in a bad way.
You will start to feel like an Otherkin, and when the feeling is very strong, this is a signal that there has already been a small change you didn't notice. Your transformations will start so small you don't feel anything different, or see it. But, they will become bigger over time.
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1559 - Re-bond a Broken Friendship
Your paper needs to be sideways.
Write the peoples names you wish to rebond on opposite sides of the paper in the black pen.
Ex: Elizabeth Alexis
In the black pen, put a heart between the two names. Color the heart in with the red pen while saying:
"Lord and Lady rebond these two. Fighting is all they seem to do. Revive all my friends from their headaches and pain, and bring these two back together again. So mote it be!"
Draw a line to each name in red, connecting them to the heart and each other. Fold the paper in half (hamburger style) and put it under your pillow for 1 night. After that night, put the paper somewhere safe so their friendship can last.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1560 - Simple Protection Spell
Start by writing your zodiac sign one one side of the paper. Find out which planet is assigned to your zodiac, and write it on the other side. Then, light the candle and burn the slip of paper. While it is burning, chant the name of largest moon of your planet and then say your first and middle name. Keep doing this until the paper has finished burning. Once the paper has finished imagine your room filling up with blue light. You should feel a warm tingling sensation afterwards.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.