7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Nyx's Blessing Charm
- Eternity Protection Charm
- Casting Tips
- Vampiric Poison
- Send a Message
- Manipulate The Air
- Summon the Cyberdemon
- Incantation for a Wonderful Suprise
- Summoning Spell
- Energy Recovery
#1591 - Nyx's Blessing Charm
First cast your circle, next place the necklace inside the circle, set up your candles (left and right), light the candles, left to right, concentrate on the necklace, stare into it, think about darkness, the only light you can see is the moon.
You can also stare at the moon while chanting, it will give you more power, and more of a chance for the spell to be a success.
Expell all your negative energy, soak up the moons positive energy, let it shine on you, think what it would be like to be nocturnal, and free from everything that is negative in the world.
Now chant:
"I ask you oh maiden of the night, one whom watches those who are alone in the dark night, leading them only through the moons ever lasting light, oh great Nyx, I ask of you to lend me your strength, while I am lost, I need your protection, your power to see through the darkness, please give me strength oh maiden of the night."
Thank Nyx the Goddess of Night, blow your candles out, clean up, put your charmed necklace.
You may find peace after this spell, you will also feel protected at night, and during the day. You may also have no more nightmares and only good dreams.
If you have any questions, please mail me and ask me
Last edited on Oct 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1592 - Eternity Protection Charm
First cast a circle, place necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings in the circle. Light candles, left one first, then right. Take a deep breath, expell all negative energy, allow positive energy to flow within you. Next recite:
"I call upon the gods and goddesses of Egypt to lend me their strength, to give me their protection, when I need it most, keep me safe from the harmful spirits who haunt me and cause me grief. I call upon Amun, Anubis, Aten, Atum. Bastet, Bes, Geb, Hapy. Hathor, Horus, Isis, Khepri. Khnum, Ma' at, Nephthys, Nun. Nut, Osiris, Ptah, and Ra. To protect me through their light and power."
Repeat this three times, when done, thank the gods and goddesses, blow the candles out left, then right, clean up, then put on your newly protection charm.
If you have any questions, please mail me and ask me.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1593 - Casting Tips
What to Know
You need more than belief to make a spell work.
You need like energy, imagination, patience, etc..
So make sure you try to achieve those things for better spell casting.
Try other Spells
Since spells require confidence, energy, etc, you can try spells
to get you these like you can do energy spells, confidence spells, etc
to help you achieve the spell
What I recommend is that you try and forget the spell. I saw and it said
it will help you in spell casting. Once you cast a spell, don't put a lot of thought
into it.
While doing a spell, try to focus into it. Like keep thinking
of what you want from the spell,
what you want the spell to do, things
that deal with the spell etc..
Like when doing a mermaid spell, focus on what
deals with mermaids like water, fishes, etc..
This is one of the big problems with spell casting.
People get too scared to try them and it ends
up with the spell not working for them. Try to overcome that.
Spells is about confidence too.
Confidence also get spells to work.
Try not to be scared, get ready for the effects.
You can also try the confidence spell on my channel.
This is the biggest problem with spell casting.
A person's belief can go down by giving up, other people, etc..
Believe what you believe in. While doing the spell, think "It will work" "I can do it" etc..
Try to put more positive thoughts into it. Do not put negative thoughts.
You can also say "I believe" in your head while chanting the spell
Some spells require ingredients. Some require a lot, some require a few,
and some don't require anything at all. When getting ready for the spell, when it
says the items you need for it. Try to find some that goes along with the spell.
Like for a fairy spell, when it says items that represent the earth. Try to
find some leaves, flowers, etc..
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1594 - Vampiric Poison
Cut up the nightshade leaves and if possible get any form of juice from the root and stalk of a nightshade plant.
Next crush up the holly and mistletoe berries and leave the skins and separate it out it will be a mess just saying.
Now wait until midnight or until 2 in the morning and transfer this up into small containers or jars and label them.
When you plan to poison someone you should put it in a drink or put it on something they eat to where they eat that on the first bite where it will enter the body quickly this will result in harsh sickness cramps vomiting and hopefully death.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1595 - Send a Message
Use the quartz to write your message onto the blank paper. Put your message in quotations. Write the person's full name underneath with the quartz and then circle it three times.
Hold the quartz in your hand and while concentrating, chant this aloud until it feels warm:
"I plead, I plead with all of my might.
May this message send to (receivers name) tonight!"
Once the crystal is warm, you are ready to cast it. Place it by the windowsill in the moonlight to cast it and it should be sent by the time you wake up.
Your energy just charged the crystal which wrote the message, by putting it in the moonlight, the message will travel using your energy.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1596 - Manipulate The Air
This air spell is pretty simple once you've mastered it.
What to do is find a quite room or place and sit on the floor with your legs crossed and place your item on the top of your legs and make fists with your hands. Then, imagine there's interlocking objects like dominoes connecting from your hands to the item.
Slowly open your hand and snap your palm outwards knocking over the first domino. The item will move forward depending where you aim it. Keep practising and you can start to use bigger objects until you can do it to a human.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1597 - Summon the Cyberdemon
Warning! This thing is huge and will kill everything! First, assemble the beef into a human shape figure. Than cut of his right hand and put the rocket launcher into its arm. Once that's done chant:
"Rip and tear! You are huge! Huge guts, rip and tear!"
Then play DooM and complete the level "tower of babel" (episode 2 mission 8) and go to sleep.
Last edited on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1598 - Incantation for a Wonderful Suprise
In the morning, chant the following: "Divine Father, Mother Goddess,please bless me a wonderful suprise on this day. May it be good, as it should, so mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1599 - Summoning Spell
Draw your animal from front, back, left, and right.
Color it in.
Chant this 5x:
"Goddesses and gods hear me, I want you to summon thee, a (animal type) that looks like this (hold up picture) have it here by midnight,this is my wish so mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1600 - Energy Recovery
-Focus on the energy flowing around you.
-Pierce the ground using your staff.
-Visualize energy returning through it.
-Feel it going back through your whole body recharging you.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.