7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- To Become a Warlock
- How to see a Psi ball
- Wish Protect Spell
- Reality Creation
- To Banish a Demon
- Protection from Sicknesses
- Gods Hands
- 100% Real Shapeshifting
- Easy Psi Ball
- Self Thermo Control
#1671 - To Become a Warlock
"Fire make me higher
Water be my father
Air bring the lair
I'm a Warlock under oath
I spoke the trim I loath
and let me be a Warlock
to thee and I am one to be
So mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1672 - How to see a Psi ball
Make your Psi ball and wait until you can feel it.
Look at the sides of your hands and concentrate, you will start to see your aura and little bolts of what looks like lightning (or for me at least) zapping from one hand to the other.
Note: You can't actually fully 'see' the ball, you can see bits and pieces of the ball.
Last edited on Dec 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1673 - Wish Protect Spell
Sprinkle the Basil and bay leaf into the water (the water can be in a cup or it can be in a river, any place with water) Get the bamboo leaf and dip it seven times into the water each time saying your wish. After the seventh time, wrap it around your necklace and dip it all in water, say your wish seven times again. After the seventh time saying it take the necklace out of the bamboo leaf and put it on. Bury the bamboo leaf in a special place. Visit the place you buried it seven times. Every time you visit kneel and whisper your wish.
Your wish will come true.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1674 - Reality Creation
(1) Before you even start on creating your reality you must think of what your reality is at and how big does it consist of a small planet or does it consist an entire universe? Also what are the individuals that live in this reality? How many are they what is there to current level of Technology do they speak the same language as you and much more questions you can ask yourself when you are using the spell? Once you figure out what you want to create you can do so as many times as you like if the first reality fails.
(2) Gather up your magical energies no matter where they come from you need an enormous amount of energy to create this reality. If you had concentrate on creating a small planet you will not need as much energy I recommend you take medication together up the energy necessary creating your reality. Meditate for at least a whole a week if not a month to gather up enough energy. Try to do it daily without any distractions. There is no real technique that will give you the appropriate amount of energy.
(3) This part is rather important. Find object whether small or large it doesn't matter so long as you can add it into this spell. What the object will is create an anchor for both your reality and yourself as an anchor will allow you to travel to your reality and back to your original reality. It still is completed the object will fade from existence but it will still be there existing outside among the two reality as a bridge between them as the object from reality it becomes an immortal object. Even if you find a way to go between reality and ,find that object it cannot be destroyed no matter what force comes at it
(4) Sigil the information for this is available online this is only to be used to boost your magic effectiveness of it this tool that you would probably have to use requires some detail of research and practice. If you cannot use it that is fine it just means the effectiveness of the successful reality creation will be lowered by 45%, there is still room for success but it may require more energy and concentration.
(5) You can use chanting in this spell as long as you visualize your reality taking form as well as the objects beginning to fade from this reality and becomes the bridge to the reality that just formed. You can use any method that you see fit in chant may use the songs or riddles whatever seems to work best with you.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1675 - To Banish a Demon
Go outside at night and light 3 red candles medatate for a min and whisper "I wish to get rid of this unholy presence at the snap of three make it go" (say x1 snap fingers x3)
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1676 - Protection from Sicknesses
While there is daylight, go outside and point your finger at the sky. Say... "I wish for full protection from germs and sicknesses. The reason I ask for this is because (reason). Thank you!"
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1677 - Gods Hands
#1678 - 100% Real Shapeshifting
Look into the animals eyes and say: "Gods and goddesses listen here, I ask you to make me this (animal type) so I will think of transforming to turn back, make it swift so note it be!!"
Then look in the animals eyes for another 5 seconds. You can only become mammals and must look in both eyes at once.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1679 - Easy Psi Ball
How to make a simple psi ball. Now, don't think this is going to be hard because it isn't. Like making a snowball but different. First off, draw some swirls on your hands. Now try to recreate that light tickling feeling you felt while drawing the swirls. If your hand tingles, this is a good sign. Now, think of what you want it to be. Hot. Cold.
Focus on something hot/cold. A blizzard, a fire, the sun, etc. While thinking of your hot/cold object, try to feel that tingling in your hands swirling. A good way to verify that you made your psiball hot/cold is to grab a partner and do the feel test. If you don't get it, don't be discouraged. Do it again and practice. And why stop at making it hot/cold? Your imagination is the limit!
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1680 - Self Thermo Control
This is very useful only if you has known how the air flowing and how to made some fresh air by your self. As in naturally the air was only flown if has two difference temperature from hot into cold ones. So this magic basically has same models, if around you was hot you must be cold and if around you was cold you must get hot, normally it can easy to make, coz all humans has body that can manage the temperature in your body.
So let's start: Beginners, I suggest you must lot practice to get meditations (must be in room, can't do this outside) and learn to know hot and cold by try to touch water (like ice) and fire (can get it from fire that burning a candle).
After you know the first step you just try meditations in some room like step 1 but turn on the air condition or some fan, wait till the room filled by cold air, filled that air and united with them. Just turn off the air condition and meditation again, as naturally the temperature in your room is starting being warm and later being hot.
If you have success to united with the air in your room you still being fresh even if your room getting hot, now you can get first experience to control your body temperature. Practice this again and again until you get expert in this and has ability to controlling your temperature at outdoor.
After you get expert you can practice in outdoor and try it meditated by open the eyes, so in magically you not also can control the temperature of your body but also the air that can made your body being fresh even in hot or cold temperature.
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.