7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Root Chakra Mantra
- Ice Powers
- Aura Manipulation
- Summon Rain/storm
- Djinn Summoning
- Army of Zombies
- True Love
- Transfer Werewolf Curse
- Protection Potion
- Discover Someone's Inner Self
#1701 - Root Chakra Mantra
Chant this mantra till you get sensation from your root chakra: "Om lam partatvaye vam sham sham sam om phat"
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1702 - Ice Powers
Put the ice cube in the water and drink it after you say this spell three times:
"Gods and goddesses
Elements of ice
Give me powers of coldness
I shall (how you want your powers to work)
I shall even make snow
I shall make everything cold
Give me this power
Ice and coldness shall blast out of my hands
to freeze everything in my path
I can show my powers to
(Who can see your powers/everyone/no one)
Gods and godesses
Elements of ice
Grant me this power in () days/hours
Power of cold and ice
So mote it be
For the "how you want your powers to work" part, put how you want to despense ice/cold. Ex: everything you touch, everything you point at, etc.
For the "who can see your powers" part put, well, who can see your powers. You could put everyone, no one, just one person, a few people, etc.
For the "grant me this power in () days/hours put a number 2-5 and then pick days or hours. Why would you want to pick days, you might ask? Because it has a higher chance of working. If it doesn't work with hours, do it again with days. Good luck!
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1703 - Aura Manipulation
Close your eyes. (This is to help you focus). Focus, when you are fully focused, look at your Aura, then(if you have one) look at the target's aura. Close your eyes again, while remembering the shape and color of the Aura(s)
*This is the hard part!* Use your mental prowess to shape the Aura the way you wish, it always depends on your intent. When I wanted an animal to calm down, I would take my Aura and fill it with calm and content energies before surrounding the target.
If you have a target, it will take more strength, as you have to surround the target with your Aura first. If it's just you as the target, it won't take as much, and it will be easier. Make sure that if you do it on yourself, you focus on keeping a very thin boundary between the aura still around you and the aura you're using.
When you have finished, use your mind to mix the auras. It will seal your aura into the target's. Keep focused and your eyes closed, and relax. If the auras seperate, try again. If not, you did it!
When you first start out, use your aura on SMALL items around you, not yourself or large items, believe me, without practice your aura may launch back at you if you try something big too soon. And if on yourself? It might actually harm you.
You may feel lightheaded, sick, or extremely dizzy in the middle of it. If so, I recommend returning your aura back to you and not trying again for 1-3 hours, as it may permanently damage it. You'll know when it's safe to try again if you feel better and your aura is normal.
Do not use this while you're sick, as it may actually contain energies that will make you or the target sick. If the target is an item, it will manifest germs that will also make you sick. If after finished, you feel weak, replenish your energy with some food. After training for a while, you may not feel weak after doing something from practice.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1704 - Summon Rain/storm
Get a pen/pencil and paper and write "Bring a storm, Zeus" after that bless the candle/lighter and go outside burn the paper while chanting "Oh great God Zeus hear my plea" and let the paper burn to ashes and let the wind blow it away.
It started raining a day after i did the spell. I do not advise you to do this if you are of the Norse pantheon... just my intuition. When it rains make sure to thank Zeus.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1705 - Djinn Summoning
carve the following letters into the side of the red candle (do
NOT carve this message into the other two candles only
the red one):
A'oo Thu Billahi min Ash Shaitan Arrajim
What you just carved into the candle is an Arabic phrase
often used to protect
oneself against evil spirit(Satan),
and to call upon good Believers spirits and Djinn.
Now, you must prepare your own body for the Formula.
First, you must bathe or take a shower,
and wash yourself without the
use of any soaps or shampoos.
Your reason for doing this is to rid yourself of any
unpleasant odors that might offend the Djinn,
including the odors of shampoo or soap.
If possible, you should wash yourself naturally in a clean
lake or stream, but this is not necessary.
Then, you must but on loose, comfortable clothing (your
own relaxation is the key here).
Now, please make sure your house (or the area you intend
on performing the Formula) is completely silent and free of
Unplug any digital items that could make noise and distract
Also, you must not have any electric lights on.
The room mustnt necessarily be dark,
but it must only be lit from natural light (the sun).
This insures that the Djinn wont be distracted or
frightened by these electronic items that it is unfamiliar
Now, you are ready to perform the actual summoning
First, you must set up the area you are going to perform.
To do this, you must sit down on the floor, cross legged,
with the matches in an easily accessable area nearby,
the mirror directly in front of you,
and the three candles, placed in the order (from the left)
white, red, black in front of you so that they are reflected in
the mirror.
Finally, place the empty bowl, directly in front of the red
candle, between the candle and the mirror.
You must also have your item that you wish to capture the
Djinn in (a ring, watch, lamp, etc.) nearby.
It helps if the item has some deep personal meaning to you,
but this is not necessary.
First, you must bring yourself into a very relaxed and open
To do this, you must gaze into the mirror, staring into your
own eyes.
As you gaze, take a deep breath, inhaling all the way,
holding it for a second, and then slowly releasing.
Repeat until youve taken 20 deep breaths.
Now, you may begin.
The first part of the Formula is the lighting of the candles.
To do this, strike a single match, and with it, first light the
white candle, then the black, and then extinguish the match
by blowing gently on it and setting it to the side.
Now, as a spiritual symbol of the joining of good and evil to
form the basis of free will, with your left hand you will take
the white candle, and with your right you will take the
Using the flames from BOTH of. the candles,
you will light the red.
After the red candle is lit, you will place the white and
black candles back into place.
Now, you must perform the recitation part of the Formula.
You will recite the Arabic words you carved into the candle
9 times as best as you can.
(9 is a very important number. For all the religions the
Djinn follow, there is a holy trinity, which equals 3. 9 is the
number 3
(representing the trinity) exactly 3 times.)
Here are the words once more:
A'oo Thu Billahi min Ash Shaitan Arrajim
As soon as youve completed the recitations,
the Djinn will become aware that you are attempting to
contact them, and will be very receptive to you.
You may begin to feel
strange sensations
in your body,
or get the feeling that something is
in the room with you dont be afraid.
This is normal,
as it is the Djinn making their presence known to you.
The Djinn are just like mankind they often long for
All humans have an energy within them
that the Djinn love to feed open.
This will be your offering to the Djinn to get it to come to
you and live inside your item.
Human hair carries a great amount of this energy
the Djinn love to feed on.
A strand of your own hair will be
your offering to the Djinn.
Now, you must recite the following words EXACTLY as
they are here:
I wish to speak to you in the kings English now.
I offer you my own energy to do with as you wish in
exchange for your guidance.
(as you say this, IMMEDIATELY reach up, pluck a single
hair from your head, and place it into the bowl.
Pause for a moment.
Now, take the item you wish the Djinn to go into,
and also place it into the bowl).
Now, repeat three times the following:
I command you to enter into the ___(say the name of your
item) lain here.
I command you to enter into the ___ lain here.
I command you to enter into the ___ lain here.
Now, pause for a moment,
and then pick up the white candle, and blow it out.
Then, pick up the black candle and blow it out,
symbolizing the removal of free will
(and thus making you the Djinns master).
Leave the red candle burning.
Now, remove the item from inside the bowl, and set it aside.
Reach into the bowl, remove your strand of hair, and
carefully drop it into the flame of the red candle.
Allow the hair to burn completely.
As soon as the hair is burnt, the offering will be considered
completed by the Djinn, and it will live inside
the item you commanded it to.
As soon as the hair is burnt completely, blow out the red
thus ending the Formula.
The Formula has been completed, and if you followed
everything perfectly and as it was laid out,
your Djinn will now be captured in the item
you commanded it enter.
Some people will be able to immediately feel the Djinns
For others, the wont feel anything for days, or even weeks.
Since your Djinn is new to you,
there is very little chance it will appear as a
physical manifestation until it gains your trust.
If you wish to ask it a question, however, there are ways
that most Djinn prefer to answer you.
If you wish to ask it a question, before it gets used to you,
and will answer you with audible sound, do this:
Take a pencil in your weakest hand, and place it on the first
line of an empty piece of paper.
Ask the question outloud, in the presence of the Djinn,
and command the Djinn to guide your hand and lead your
to answers.
Then, close your eyes, and begin moving the pencil slowly
in random patterns, just doing whatever feels right,
without thinking about what youre writing, until the paper
is covered.
Then, open your eyes, and examine the paper.
Many times you will find that (if your Djinn isnt too
stubborn), it will have guided your hand to write out the
answer to your questions within the paper.
Just look for words scattered among the random marks.
Another way, and a way the Djinn prefer to communicate
with their masters, is through the dream world.
To communicate this way, simply have the Djinn close to
you, and, right before you go to bed, do a 10 or 15 minute
meditation on the question you would like the Djinn to
Then, go to sleep immediately after.
Youll find that the Djinn will appear in your dreams,
in one form or another, and will help to advise and guide
Of course, after your Djinn becomes used to you,
and accepts you as its master, it may appear to you in one
form or another,
and you may ask it to grant you
#1706 - Army of Zombies
Imagine the last nightmare you've had. Put it into words on paper that you can understand. Light the candles and say this nightmare is given to my zombies as rights to be born.
Dip the page into salt water and say my army of zombies are consuming the night. Light the Incense and conclude with saying "My army is enraged zombies, make me your king or queen".
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1707 - True Love
Put a cup of water into the 2 containers. Add a heaped table spoon of salt into each of them. Then stir with the same spoon for both in till the salt has dissolved. Add 5 drops of food die, into each of the containers and mix.
Put into fridge for at lest 5 hours. (the longer it is in there, the better, but no longer then 48 hours). Put a cup of coke/Pepsi into the last container. Mix in a heaped table spoon of sugar. Put in fridge for the same amount of time as the other containers
When you take them out of the fridge, put the picture of your crush into one of the salt and water containers, and the picture of yourself into the other. Put the 2 containers into the freezer for about 5 hours. Pour the coke/Pepsi into a cup and chant "As I drink this mixter of fizz and sugar, let the power of the earth run through my veins, let this spell be successful." Then drink the coke/Pepsi
When the water and salt are taken out of the freezer, you will notice that the pictures are impossible to pull out. Chant this chant as you put your hands on the containers "With the power in my veins, please connect with the ice, let the love of my life, love me back, my love is true, make theirs true to. The elements in the universe, finish this spell."
Put the containers outside in the sun to melt. When they are melted, put the pictures under your pillow for a week, this will help the spell stay strong. When you see your crush staring at you with love, ask them to buy you a $1 sweet, if they do, the spell is complete, if they don't, do the spell again, if it doesn't work that time, I am sorry.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1708 - Transfer Werewolf Curse
Each person must find a private spot to preform the spell, indoors or outdoors, it doesn't matter. And the two do not need to be in person to complete this spell.
First, each must draw a circle around them with the chalk large enough for the person to sit in and set the candles up around them. With the pin, needle or atheme, carve in each candle a sigil, one, the sigil of transformation, two, the sigil of transference, and the last one the symbol of the moon, a waxing crescent. Light each candle and sit in the center of the circle, your tool next to you, and the dish in front of you, sprinkled with salt. Use your tool(pin, needle, or atheme) and prick your finger, at least one drop of blood is needed. drip it onto the dish. Now you are ready to say the spell.
This is where it gets tricky. The sender and receiver must say their spells at roughly the same time, but the two spells slightly differ. The sender's spell- "Hungry is the wolf inside, like a curse it never dies, But no longer in me will it be, let it leave and I go free. I cast it out to (magick name of receiver), Blood to Blood we are no more!"
The receiver's spell- "Here I be a hollow shell, where my soul no one can tell, I call the wolf to me, and in me it will never go free. I call the wolf of (magick name of receiver), Blood to Blood forever we'll be!"
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1709 - Protection Potion
First, take your jar and say the following: "O gods and goddesses of protection and health, take this jar and heed my wealth. Make it protect me so mote it be."
Fill the jar with water. Then light the candle. While moving the candle around the jar say the following: "Protect me I plea, pleasetc help me. I ask of you gods and goddesses. Come protect me so mote it be."
Blow out the candle and let the smoke fill the air. Drink the potion and save the rest if you like.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1710 - Discover Someone's Inner Self
Pick one of the chants below:
1st. "Fire sofasifo kanga show me as who I am kaliringus shawya cal"
2nd. "Morph into who I am or the animal I am. Make me calibrate with others though."
3rd. "Grass sprout from the ground, express the inner me, wrap around me and show what I am best at"
4th. "Become my true self, make me who is trapped in the little cage in my mind. Tamiris takilis omaris nefaie"
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.