7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Wealth Mantra of the Yellow Dzambhala
- Banishing Souls
- Breaking a Geis
- Thunder Spell
- How to avoid death walking by a cemetery
- Calling on the Elements
- Protection Ring
- Inviting the Gods To Dinner
- Tree Energy Elixir
- The Heart Sutra
#1881 - Wealth Mantra of the Yellow Dzambhala
Place the picture or statue of Dzambhala under clear and soothing water that is pouring out. Or pour clean and soothing water on Dzambhala's head or crown. Chant out the mantra of Dzambhala. To know you're chanting to the correct Dzambhala, check if one of his legs is on top of a snail and lotus while his other leg is kinked.
Make sure he is holding a mongoose that's vomiting out jewels in one hand. In the other, make sure he is holding gems in the shape of leaves and fruit. He is sometimes shown holding a pagoda instead of a mongoose. If it's a golden, orange, or yellow color(though not always that color), then it could mean that it's the Yellow Dzambhala.
Anyway, while you're pouring clean, clear, soothing water, chant his mantra 7, 21, or best of all, 108 times. It'll be greater if you chant over 108 times. Anyway, his mantra goes as:
"Om Dzambhala Dzardin Dzaya Soha"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1882 - Banishing Souls
The spell is simple, All you have to do is find the soul your looking for. next, you have to set up some sort of protection, If you trust your own defense then use that. If not, the best idea is a ring of salt and green/white candles, though they are not needed for the spell to work.
Next, you have to draw the soul into talking. The best idea is to use a median, such as a spirit board or a simple 'yes no' coin flip. You will want to draw the soul into the cup of salt water, mostly by convincing them it's nicer in there. Once you get the soul's willing draw into the cup of salt water, bind it there.
You should take the soul to a drain. You should say a prayer, or tell the soul that it should leave for somewhere new, and then simply pour the cup away.
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1883 - Breaking a Geis
It is important to have the ingredients at hand, and to learn this spell before attempting it. Geis magic is not the sort of thing you should dabble in lightly.
First, the flame should be prepared in a safe place. Second, You should present the symbol of your Geis. Thirdly, you should chant the words. Its best to do it near a tree or animal, though it is not needed. 'Druantia, Of the druid, of the forest, a humble soul wishes to ask of you.'
If your call is answered, there should be a mild sign - the best one could hope for is the wind to pick up or the flame to flicker/die. Is the flame dies, re light it. 'Lugh, of the skilled, of the greats, a humble soul begs to ask of you.'
There should be a second show of them listening, if there is continue. 'In shadow of Myrrdin, Beyond treason of Fianna, I beg all to listen.' This last time there should not be a response, if there is then you were rejected. if not, you should continue.
'By fault I have come of a Geis, By shadow I ask of it removed, By treason I ask that (the name of who casted it on you) forgives me and all others that i wronged.' You should lift what ever the symbol for your Geis is, up over the fire.
'Here is my fault, here is what binds me.' You should then show proof of change, or say it out loud. 'By this, I humbly beg - as a servant - for freedom of this curse.'
Toss the item into the flame, or put it above it. Normally, if you got this far, that means the Geis has been broken. However, there is a chance a second Geis could be placed on you. This spell is only to be used when needed, if the Geis on you is not terrible then you should think of a different solution.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1884 - Thunder Spell
"Thunderstorm thunder power lightning flashes greatest power until you feel satisfied."
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1885 - How to avoid death walking by a cemetery
Crones book of magical words
By: Valerie Worth
Hold your breath
Say to yourself,
This verse for death,
Keeper of bones,
I know thy face,
But I shall yet,
Outstrip thy pace.
#1886 - Calling on the Elements
Cast a circle. Then do, and say the following. Turn to the east and say: "Watch towers of the East, gaurdians of air, I ask you to join our circle. Hail and welcome." Turn to the south and say: "Watch towers of the west, guardians of fire, I ask you to join our circle. Hail and welcome." Turn to the west and say: "Watch towers of the west, guardians of water, I ask you to join our circle. Hail and welcome." Turn finally to the north and say:"Watch towers of the north, guardians of earth, we ask you to join our circle. Hail and welcome."
To send them away, turn to where you stopped, which is North, and say "Watch towers of the north, guardians of earth, thank you for joining us, go if you will, but stay if you must. Hail and farewell. Say the same things but change them according to the element and direction. So to open go clockwise, to close, counter clockwise.
- East
- South
- West
- North
- North
- West
- South
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1887 - Protection Ring
Perform this ritual on the first day of the three days of the full moon in the hour of Jupiter.
In your magical space, place the dragon blood incense (burning) in the east, the candle (lit) in the south, the salt and shell in the west and the fabric with the sandalwood in it in the north with the ribbon close by.
Take the silver ring and face the east with the incense in front of you. Pass the ring through the smoke three times and say:
"To the realms of Findias, I send my plea
I ask for the power of magic from thee
Protection from harm, your power to give
I ask for this now, so that I may live free from harm"
Take the ring and face the south with the purple candle in front of you. Pass the ring through the heat of the flame three times and say:
"To the realms of Gorias, I send my plea
I ask for the power of protection from thee
Protection from all who would raise a hand
Against them all I beg the power to stand free from harm"
Take the ring and face the west with the shell and salt in front of you. Take three pinches of salt and place it in the water and using the ring, stir the water three times while saying:
"To the realms of Murias, I send my plea
I ask for the power of protection from thee
Protection and safety all stored in this ring
Please come from your realms, protection you bring
Keep me safe"
Take the ring and face the north with the purple fabric and sandalwood in front of you. Stir the sandalwood with the ring three times and say:
"To the realms of Falias, I send my plea
I ask for the magic of dragons from thee
Dragons who coil and leap to and fro
Protecting me from harm, wherever I go
Keeping me safe"
Now wrap the ring up in the fabric and tie it shut with the ribbon and place it on your alter for three days. Once the three days is up, burn the sanderswood and fabric with the ribbon.
You can wear your ring of protection whenever you feel the need for protection.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1888 - Inviting the Gods To Dinner
"I set a place at my table for the gods,
and ask them to join me here tonight.
My home is always open to you,
and my heart is open as well."
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1889 - Tree Energy Elixir
First, pour the water into the jar. Second, gently drop the moss agate into the jar. Third, put the lid on the jar. Fourth, put the jar at the base of the tree in sun or moon light. Fifth, leave it there for 3-6 hours, then your done.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1890 - The Heart Sutra
"Om namo bhagavatyai arya prajnaparamitayai! arya-avalokitesvaro bodhisattvo gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati sma: panca-skandhas tams ca svabhava sunyan pasyati sma. iha sariputra: rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam; rupan na prthak sunyata sunyataya na prthag rupa; yad rupa sa sunyata; ya sunyata tad rupam. evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam. iha sariputra: sarva-dharmah sunyata-laksana, anutpanna aniruddha, amala avimala, anuna aparipurnah. tasmac chariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah na vijnanam. na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-manamsi. na rupa-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavaya-dharmah. Na caksur-dhatur. yavan na manovijnana-dhatuh. na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo. yavan na jara-maranam na jara-marana-ksayo. na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga. Na jnanam, na praptir na-apraptih. tasmac chariputra apraptitvad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya viharatyacittavaranah. cittavarana-nastitvad atrastro viparyasa-atikranto nistha-nirvana-praptah. tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anuttaram samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah. tasmaj jnatavyam: prajnaparamita maha-mantro maha-vidya mantro 'nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah, sarva duhkha prasamana, satyam amithyatat. prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah. tadyatha: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha. iti prajnaparamita-hrdayam samaptam."
Last edited on May 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.