7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Turn your Enemy into a Laughing Stock
- Loved By All
- Super Speed for a Day
- Energy Spell
- Ash Meditation Chant
- Banishing Charm
- Potection
- Healing Spell
- Simple Protection Spell
- Mirror Barrier
#1931 - Turn your Enemy into a Laughing Stock
1. Burn your enemy's hair and laugh.
2. Imagine them crying from embarrassment.
3. Go to sleep at 8:20
4. Dream about your enemy being totally embarrassed in front of everyone.
5. When you wake up, if you remember that you did the spell that means that it won't work but if you forgot then prepare for total laughter.
Last edited on Apr 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1932 - Loved By All
First you must light the purple candle and chant the following 3x:
"Goddess of love I call upon
you to grant me this wish.
I wish to be loved by all.
I wish for all to see me
as beautiful/handsome.
This is my wish
So mote it be!"
(You can say more than 3x if you want.
It could possibly have a stronger effect.)
Then write the following on the paper:
"I wish to be loved by all.
I wish for all to see me
as beautiful/handsome."
After you have down that you may say the chant again.
Then you must burn the paper with the purple candle.
After that you must wait until they both burn out.
I tested this spell on myself not too long ago. I have side effects of my face feeling some slight tingling or an uncomfortable feeling.
Last edited on Apr 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1933 - Super Speed for a Day
Hello, today I am going to show you a tested Speed spell. You can use this once a day if you'd like.
1: Fill the two bowls halfway with water and dip your toes in them and time it for a minute.
2: Don't dry them!!! Now say this once:
"Oh, speed, speed
How graceful indeed
I wish for speed
speed is what I need
for one day,
if you may
If I like it, I will keep my speed
If not, I will refuse my plead
Oh, speed, speed
how graceful indeed
I wish for speed
speed is what I need."
3: Now put your toes in the water for another minute, then take them out.
4: Now you believe with all of your body. Feel relaxation take over you. Now see yourself running as fast as you wish to be.
5: You can now run at that speed! It will take from five minutes to an hour to work, but yeah. Hope you guys like it!
PS: Check my bio :)
Last edited on Apr 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1934 - Energy Spell
First, do 15 jumping jacks and smile while you do them. :)
Next, jump rope. (if you don't have one just pretend)
Then, hug your sister or brother or someone near you. (If you don't have one or your sibling is not accessible, and you are alone skip this step)
Lastly, think "I am awake!" "I am awake!" "I am awake!"
This spell should work for about a day!
WARNING!: Don"t do this spell before bed!
Last edited on Apr 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1935 - Ash Meditation Chant
1. Breath in and out a bit.
2. Recite as many times as you want:
"All is black and white
Mixing turning churning into grey
All into ash
Ash into dust
Dust forming into energy
Energy into all
All is black and white
Forming into energy."
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1936 - Banishing Charm
1. Get a piece of paper (any type except electronic) or a candle and a pen or pencil.
2. Set the paper and/or candle on a flat surface you can write on. On the piece of paper or candle, write with the pen or pencil what part of you you want to banish.
3. Recite:
"With these words I say,
take this part of me away
I cannot accept this part no more
On this paper/candle I wrote
There is no more of it
Now this part is gone for now."
4. If you chose to use a candle, light it.
Please Note: This will only work until the paper rips or the candle goes out. If that happens and that part of you does not come back, then you have made it disappear forever. Congrats! You may alo decide that you can handle the part you do not want, if you do, voluntarily blow out the candle or rip the paper.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1937 - Potection
"Ancient moons, lend your power,
bring me peace tis very hour.
I call upon your strength and might,
bless you child tis secret night."
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1938 - Healing Spell
"This is the spell that we intone
flesh to flesh and bone to bone.
Sinew to sinew and vein to vein,
and each one shall be whole again."
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1939 - Simple Protection Spell
"Gods and goddesses hear my plea,
I wish for this spell to protect this place and me.
Ill fear no more,
for I shall be safe.
Until I cast for this spell to break,
The monsters will lurk,
but for now I shall rest.
Gods and goddesses cast protection on me,
this is what i wish so mote it be!"
Sprinkle the spring water around you and the place you with to protect.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1940 - Mirror Barrier
Depending on where you want it. For front door put mirror facing the door so when you walk in it's the first thing you see. for windows hang it in the center. For your home make a alter with four mirrors and a thing that represent your house (like a home key, pic, ect.)
for you a neckless.
"Oh god and goddess of light reflect all evils might with your light and seal (what your mirror yur doing for) from harm. With your protection bleed be."
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.