Basically you can obtain a substantial amount of energy to you will.
You may need:
Your Mind
Ability to create things in your mind.
You may need:
Your Mind
Ability to create things in your mind.
Imagine a white candle glowing brighter and brighter.
Then imagine your hand reaching at the flame and grabbing it then open your eyes and there you have it.
1. Fill drawstring bag with herbs, oils, crystals, and/or luck charms.
2. Close the bag, and attach a string to the top of the bag so it can be worn around your neck like a necklace.
3. Use it when you need protection, or are in danger*.
*Please note: This bag is not guaranteed to protect against all harm, so please do not get yourself into dangerous areas/situations just because you are wearing the charm bag.
This, written in Latin, will protect those who you love while they are traveling or in another place and outside your control.
You may need:
One white candle
You may need:
One white candle
Light the candle, holding in your mind the image of the person you wish to protect. Focus on the person, drawing from their energy to center yourself within them. Hold your hands on either side of the candle, palms down to the flat surface (preferably a table) and chant this three times:
''Ut custodiant te in via deae.''
(''May the goddess protect you on your journey.'')
After chanting this three times, gently blow out the candle with the person still in your mind, say:
''Sic fiat semper.''
(''So mote it be'')
Blow out the candle with the person still in mind, but release their energy; forcing a small portion of your own energy into them.
With this you will be able to send telepathic messages both long distance and short distance.
You may need:
You may need:
Get another person, preferably someone who is a magick user. Tell them to listen with their mind not their physical ears. Close your eyes. Picture a ball of light, any color is fine. Focus on the message that you want to send, keep repeating it in your head. Slowly, picture the ball of light moving farther and farther away to the person it needs to go. Once the ball is out of your mind's eye, open your physical eyes. If you can, ask the person if they received the message, if not keep trying.
If you have a wand, wave it counter-clockwise and say "Counteroshcursium!". Yeah. Big word. Don't wave the wand if you don't have it because, well, you don't have it!
Cast a sacred space then chant "Lord satan my one true merciful lord. God of gods come to me who calls you near. Come aid me this night bring me riches and gold. I will remain loyal to you. I humbly ask to make a pact with you so I can be successful in life. My soul is yours upon death I bid thy kingdom come hail satan state what you seek and watch it come"
Gain hudge amounts of engery for my spell to bodie swap in 5 min.
You may need:
Whisper Voice
You may need:
Whisper Voice
"God I want a hudge amount of engery for a body swap spell. Please give me engery to make the swap the secound after I have casted it. Please help me, so mote it be."