7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Cleansing Meditation
- Purifying/Exorsicim
- Control Fire
- Summoning "Massacre the Deathbringer"
- Wolf Shifter (FIXED!)
- The Soul
- Binding of Shadows
- Forgiveness Spell
- Sleep's Rest
- Banish Demon
#1981 - Cleansing Meditation
If you've had such an overwhelming day that not even a hot shower or bath can calm you down, and everything seems stressful, this could definitely work.
Set up a clear space, even if it's just your room. Set up the incense, and burn on fire proof surface.
**Note: Wormwood is a slight hallucinogen. If you can't open your windows, only burn a small amount. With a small amount, you should have fairly nice and vivid dreams. I also found that it's relaxing at that level, and makes the meditation and the music much more effective. Burning it with the Jasmine is a very nice combination, because it dispels the negative energy and or spirits lurking, allowing positive forces to move in.**
When you've started burning the incense, take a moment and think about what you want to accomplish in this meditation. Get relaxed, and start meditation. You can use the labradorite as a grounding stone. I did this, and placed it on my chest before I started. You can also use meditation music. Isochronic tones work well, if you have access to YouTube or the internet.
Otherwise, just focus on your breathing. Make it your only focus, clearing all other thoughts.
Imagine breathing in white and warming energy, expelling that negative energy as you exhale. Eventually, you will just be breathing. Not thinking at all. You can fall asleep after or during the meditation, which is why you need the fireproof surface.
Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1982 - Purifying/Exorsicim
Chant one time and let the incense burn down while chanting:
"I whish to purify my home.
I wish to cleans it.
I want to get rid of the negativity.
O Lord and Lady do this please so I may have peace.
So may it be."
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1983 - Control Fire
Gather yourself outside around an open fire, and clear your mind.
Step 1: Release your elemental spirit
Once you've cleared your mind, set it on fire, and fire only. Think about the color of fire, the meaning of fire, the shape of fire, and especially how it is to be the fire. You will release your "elemental spirit". There are only 5, fire, water, wind, ice, and snow. You will feel an unknown feeling in your mind, as if there is someone or something next to you.
Step 2: Be the fire
This step is easy, stare into the depths of the fire for at least a minute. This will give you mental memory of fire. Now, to control fire, you must tell the fire that you are going to use it. If you don't, fire will sting you. Simply chant to the fire,
"My bridge is breaking, I shalt stand on yours. Whether yours is breaking or not, may it be my trail to your doors."
Once you do this step, you must imagine a bridge from you to the fire. As you connect, be the fire, binding with you.
Step 3: Control
This is somewhat hard, but it requires really strong faith in magic. Slowly move your hands over the fire, as the fire will almost touch your skin. Feel the heat, feel yourself being accepted to another world of fire. Then turn your hands over with your palms facing upwards to the sky and the back of your hand facing the fire. Close your eyes. Fist your hands slowly and raise them. You will feel intense pain in your hand, something heavy. You'll feel like you can't lift it, but remember, have strong faith. Then quickly cup both of your hands as if you were catching something, open your hand and open your eyes. There shall be a flame in between both of your hands. If you don't see the flame, you will need to keep on practicing. If you do have the flame, be gentle with it. If you move your hands around too much, it may be unstable and possibly become into a fire psi ball. You will feel the control within you and what you can do with the fire. Because, you ARE the fire.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1984 - Summoning "Massacre the Deathbringer"
-Make sure to have your blood first, otherwise you'll need the knife
-Set the candles in a triangle, with the black candle at the top point. Put what you're using for the blood in the middle.
-If you haven't gotten your blood beforehand, use the knife. You don't need a lot of blood, just a few drops will do.
-At this point, there is ABSOLUTELY NO TURNING BACK. You HAVE to be fully commited, or she'll kill you as she'll find you ''too weak.''
-Say this with utmost respect, ''Massacre the Deathbringer, I call upon you. I wish to serve for you. I wish to transform just like you. Please let me become your mortal child.''
-Now watch for the candles. If the wind blows them out, she has accepted your plea. Now, you may not see her, but you should feel overwhelming energy. You may or may not see a spark fly from your blood. Wait at least thirteen seconds for her to ''bless'' it. Once she's done, drink the blood. Thank her for accepting you. You may proceed to go to bed.
-If the flames are still active, however, run. She finds you ''not worthy enough.'' Run into your house before she kills you.
Side effects (if you're accepted):
-Feeling more powerful
-Phantom limbs
-Seeing everyone as ''lower than you''
-Random transformations at night (you won't remember, however)
-Dreams of Massacre (you will see what she looks like)
If you're NOT accepted:
-Feel like something's watching you (and does not feel welcoming)
-Nightmares of Massacre
-Feeling like you're ''living in fear''
-Getting random burns and shocks and not knowing how you got them
PLEASE BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL! You CANNOT cast a protection spell before this because she's too powerful! And PLEASE, I mean PLEASE treat her with respect (not getting any respect is the main reason why she wants to slay humanity)!
#1985 - Wolf Shifter (FIXED!)
A spell to shift into a wolf at will. Shifts may at first be hard to control or initiate.
Make sure the bones/fur/teeth are clean. If you wish, consecrate them to remove any death energy from them. A few days before the spell, while the moon is still in the sky, wash them in moonlight. Let the energy of the wolf mingle with the energy around.
Make sure you have the tree's permission to give you a leaf. Ask it politely. ''May I please have one of your leaves?'' If you wish, offer something to the spirits of the tree. Listen for an answer. If you feel that it is a yes, then pick up a freshly fallen leaf or reach up and gently, carefully pluck one from the tree. Thank it for its generous donation before you leave. If it is a no, thank it for listening. If you absolutely need the leaf, then do the spell next time the moon is new.
Wash the candles in moonlight with the wolf parts. Charge energy into them while visualizing wolves stalking in the forest, dashing through the trees, and howling into the winds.
Write on a piece of paper:
It is (time) on the night of (date). As the wolves stalk the forest, I, (name), wish to become their kin. As they howl, my soul resonates with their piercing cries. I, (name), shall become a wolf. In the night, my (colour) fur will drift in the shadows. (colour) eyes gleaming, a sleek muzzle points to the sky and howls a loud (type of voice, e.g. baritone, soprano). I, child of the sun, pledge allegiance to the moon. I, child of light, pledge allegiance to the darkness. The stars call my name and I answer.
Say this aloud. Now chant:
I call the names written in the stars!
Aries! Taurus! Gemini! Call in birth and rebirth, growth and splendor! Borne is the vibrant springtime!
Cancer! Leo! Virgo! Call in the mysterious, the magickal and strange! Bring the wind of a midsummer night!
Libra! Scorpio! Sagittarius! Call in the bountiful harvest before deathly chill! Gather the fallen leaves of autumn!
Capricorn! Aquarius! Pisces! Call in cold winds and snowfall, and change the rabbit's pelt! The winter has come at last!
The wolf hunts in the rainy springtime! The wolf stalks in the summer heat! The wolf howls in the red autumn and rests in the frozen winter!
Air, Earth, Water and Fire are known by the powerful wolf!
Light the four candles. If you have them, take the wolf parts and chant once for each item:
Meld the into my skin! The wolf's blood shall join mine in eternity! I thank the wolf for their powerful energies!
Chant over the candles:
Wolves of brown, gold and red! With this candle of gold, I summon your spirits! Wolves of health and healing, protect me to ensure my changes do not harm me! Balance my mind, body, and spirit to create a stable shift!
Gray wolves of hidden lessons, I summon you with this candle! Aid me in gazing into the realm of spirit! Show me my changes on the spiritual planes, and guide me through my transformations!
With this white candle, I summon the spirit of the white wolf! Reach into the astral world and shape my form into the wolf form I desire! The aura of the wolf and the soul of the wolf may merge with mine by your paw!
The black wolf is summoned by my ebony candle! O teacher of the physical, show me how to make my human form shift into a wolf to match the spiritual planes! And aid me in shifting back to my original form as needed!
I thank the spirits of the wolves one thousand times over for their aid and help!
Take your smokey quartz and hold it in your hands. Chant:
Keep my form grounded and physical, whether canine or human. Let me revert and change back at will, and never get trapped in my form.
Take the prasiolite and hold it in your hands, close to your heart. Chant:
Connect my soul to nature and let me join the path of the wolf!
Point the clear quartz at the new moon. Chant three times:
I call the wolves in the forests all around!
Come to me and let my true form be found.
From human to wolf I shall shift with ease
and stalk the forests as I please.
When the hunt is finished and the sun begins to rise
I may view the world once more through human eyes.
I will not tire in either form
Unless one of them comes to harm
As my fur grows on my back
I find new prey to attack.
My changes shall cause no pain or strife
And will never ever end my life.
If as a wolf I come to be dead
My human form will awaken in bed.
If my human form is no more
I will be a wolf forever more.
When the moon is full and the sky is bright
I will become a wolf that night.
At the break of dawn I will be human again
and will be able to change once again.
After my first shift, it will be an easy feat
To make paws out of my feet
And run free between the trees.
This is my will, so mote it be.
Sit and meditate alone. Imagine the wolf. Watch it running. View its gait very closely. Watch its movements as it strikes its prey. Watch it move. Follow its movements in your head. Become the wolf. Watch the same scenes through the wolf's eyes. Try to access the spiritual plane. Once you reach it, focus on your spiritual self. Crouch your spiritual self onto all fours. Shift it slowly. Try to focus on actually changing it. Don't just imagine changing it. Move your hands physically, mentally, or both, to get them onto the spiritual/astral plane with your spirit body. Push and pull on energy and move your body, and with it try to move your aura. Shift the bones to make it into the body of a wolf. Change the body's appearance. Pull outwards slightly to sprout fur. Pour your heart into it, but keep concentrating. When your form has changed fully into a wolf with the fur and eye colours you want, and your aura matches, try to move your spiritual self into your spiritual wolf body. Keep trying until you get it. In your wolf body, practice moving like the wolf visualizations. If you exit the wolf and stop seeing through its eyes, go back in and keep trying until you stay. Practice moving around until you feel absolutely comfortable with this body. Carefully ease out of the wolf and out of the spiritual plane. Focus on the movements of the wolves for a few minutes to chill out, then exit the spiritual plane. If you feel ungrounded, use the smokey quartz. Put out the candles and clean up the area. Keep the paper and the crystals in a safe place.
Every night until the full moon, say the clear quartz chant once while pointing the clear quartz at the moon.
================================================== ===================
Possible side effects:
Aches and pains
Toothache, sharper teeth, cravings for fresh meat
Spending more time in nature
Running on fours
Nausea, possibly vomiting
Higher independence
Wanting to be near nature and bad temper if far from it
Wolf dreams
Feelings of the hunt upon waking
Message me with what you get!
#1986 - The Soul
Look in a mirror for a few minutes and close your eyes visualizing a curtain in front of you.
Pull the curtain apart and you'll see your soul form.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1987 - Binding of Shadows
Wait until dark then take the candle and light it.
place the candle in front of you.
Then say these words:
"Shadow of Heaven Shadow of Hell
Bring me power through this spell
Give command of shadow give command to me
Stronger at night stronger in dark
Shadows obey my will and hear my call
Shadows bring your king."
(Command the king of shadows to kneel if he does they are bound to you and you have succeeded and can command shadows at will)
Last edited on Nov 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1988 - Forgiveness Spell
"Divine Creator, father, mother, son as one. If I, my family, relatives,
and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in
thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation
to the present, we ask your forgiveness. Let this cleanse, purify, re-
lease , cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and
transmute these unwanted energies to pure light."
Last edited on Nov 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1989 - Sleep's Rest
Second: Sit on top of your bed and say this out loud, you only need to say it once.
''Sleep's rest and mind awake, the morning sun while I'm sleeping will not partake, the moon will smile and the stars in the sky will watch over me for goodness sake. I the night watch me rest, as I travel the world shall the be no pest, undisturbed as I sleep, this is my will, so mote it be.''
Last: Then open your eyes and prepare to go to bed.
(I'd rather not write any more instructions than necessary because I never had a problem with the spell when I used it, yet if you have any problems, please contact me.)
#1990 - Banish Demon
Stand before the demon and say: "Elements I call on you to send this demon back whence it came till it is called apon again, so mote it be." Keep saying it until the demon is gone and the inside of the hole has gone gold. It worked for me!
Last edited on Nov 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.