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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Magic Floor Wash
  2. Corruption of the Soul Cleanse
  3. To help a Passing Strangers Situation
  4. 9 day love spell
  5. Binding illness
  6. Multiversal Phone Morpher
  7. porcelain doll spell
  8. Scrying Protection
  9. Any power you want
  10. Crystalline Ball

#201 - Magic Floor Wash

This is just a way to wash your floor in a magical way.
You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    You may need:

  • Sage essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
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    Add 9 drops of sage and 9 drops of lavender essential oils and wash your floors as usual.

    Both the herbs and their oils have the power to banish negativity and promote the energ healing of your house, bringing good luck and peace of mind to the residents.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #202 - Corruption of the Soul Cleanse

    This spell has the intent of bringing your self back the state before your remembered sins/abuse. The traumas of your life may be behind you, but the pain may linger, let this spell bring you relief and hope.
    You may need:

  • Your voice, your will and belief.
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    You may need:

  • Your voice, your will and belief.
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    -Recommend you cast a protective spell, prayer or circle before hand.

    -I challenge you the caster, to make this spell personal to you and create your own ritual. It's your soul after all. From me, I offer you the rhyme.

    "Cleanse my soul I call to thee,

    Cleanse my soul of corruption please,

    Cleanse it now,

    leave only purity,

    To give, to me, Divinity."

    -As a rule, once you banish something, it would benefit you to attract something, so that nothing random or negative takes the place left behind.

    ~BLESSED BE~ Let this harm none.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #203 - To help a Passing Strangers Situation

    If you see an angry stranger or any other state of mind, this can help them to move on or focus on other things.
    You may need:

  • The person you are casting it on, the spell memorized or in your possession, a strong intention.
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    You may need:

  • The person you are casting it on, the spell memorized or in your possession, a strong intention.
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    -Chant this spell with good intentions and hope for the best result

    -Let the recipient of the spell have free will to choose their way to move on.

    Hypothetical Situation: Imagine that you see a disturbed Man while out in town. You then safely and not suspiciously keep him in view and chant this spell below:

    "Change his/her mood,

    Change the air,

    Help him/her to move past his/her errors."

    The spell is now active. Go on with your day, you have now presented them with an opportunity to move on/change things.

    You can focus on a desired result if deemed urgent enough. The effects may or may not be immediate.

    ~BLESSED BE~ Sometimes we all desire help and lose sight of how/wanting to find it.

    Added to on Jun 19, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #204 - 9 day love spell

    This is a simple but effective spell to improve any love situation. Use candles and sweetening agents to encourage powerful, loving energies between you and your partner. Why this Spell Works :- Sugar and Honey are sweetening agents which can be used in rituals of Kitchen Magic to soften or ease someone’s mood or feelings, drawing them closer to you. To attract a specific person, use the power of the red candle. Pink candles are used for spells relating to a more romantic love, compared to the red candle‘s fiery passion.
    You may need:

  • 2 Pink Candles
  • 2 Red Candles
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Clean sealable container e.g. glass jar
  • Small candle carving tool e.g. Bolline/Knife/Pencil/Toothpick
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    You may need:

  • 2 Pink Candles
  • 2 Red Candles
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Clean sealable container e.g. glass jar
  • Small candle carving tool e.g. Bolline/Knife/Pencil/Toothpick
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  • Start on a Friday. Light one Pink and one Red candle on your altar
  • Make a circle of sugar around the candles, sprinkling clockwise
  • Allow the candles to burn for a few minutes as you focus on your goal
  • Snuff the flames out with a candle snuffer or teaspoon and leave them on your altar
  • Do this for a total of 9 consecutive days.
  • On the ninth day leave the candles burning.
  • As they burn take your second set of candles: Carve your full name into the Pink candle and your Partner’s full name into the Red candle.
  • Pour some honey on your fingers and dress the candles.
  • Place these candles on your altar near the other two and light them.
  • Focus on your goal, visualizing exactly what you want. Say:
  • “ May the goddess and god of light and love grant me my wish and quiet my heart.
    I place my desire in your hands, for you to do as you will and as I deserve.
    So mote it be.”

    • Let all four candles burn completely that night.
    • Place all the candle remains in a glass jar and seal it. Store it in a secret place such as under your bed or in a closet. Keep it for one month and wait to see results.
    • After one month, release the energy contained by burying the contents or just throw them away in the trash. Wash the glass jar and keep it for another spell.

    Final Note :

    Spells i will recommend on this site are tested by me ,i have got the results ,you will too . Lots of my client get succeed you guys will also get success . Visualization ,focus ,faith on magic is the key to get the best result . If you don't understand any part of this spell ,send me mail . Please note that ,this is free magic site .So, i don't cast spell for anyone . You have to do it on your own

    Added to on Jun 16, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #205 - Binding illness

    This is a technique used to get rid of negative energy in your body, in order to aid your recovery. (DISCLAIMER: This is no immediate cure, and magic should not be prioritized above medical help. It is a means to “aid” in one’s recovery but it doesn’t just miraculously heal you. Magic takes time and effort.)
    You may need:

  • - A mirror (this is the only real requirement, the rest is optional)
  • - Anything ranging from crystals, herbs, incense and anything charged with positive energy or anything that gives you positive vibes.
  • - (Idea) Perhaps a song that lifts your spirits and gets you in a good mood.
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    You may need:

  • - A mirror (this is the only real requirement, the rest is optional)
  • - Anything ranging from crystals, herbs, incense and anything charged with positive energy or anything that gives you positive vibes.
  • - (Idea) Perhaps a song that lifts your spirits and gets you in a good mood.
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    Since ancient times “Mirrors” have been used in many magical ways, to communicate, to practice divination, to reveal things unable to be seen by the naked eye. But in this case we will be focusing on a less known use of the mirror, it was once believed that mirrors could trap and hold negative energies and even trap bad entities.

    Place the mirror in front of you or stand in front of the mirror in case its not a movable one.

    Put something to represent yourself on the mirror, this can be as simple as a small drop of saliva. This will be used as the connection or rather the catalyst in this technique.

    (Surround the mirror in whatever objects you like if you have any, if you’re into the ancestral path, try putting some belongings (if cleansed) around you to help)

    Now hold your hands as if you were holding a ball, and imagine all the negative energies in your body as a black mass and black swirls in your aura, if you have that visualized, you’re ready to take the next step.

    Next, visualize all the black and bad energies draining from your body and aura, forming into a ball between your hands.

    Now for the last step, imagine a light in the mirror, one that will purify and neutralize the bad energies and turn them pure again, then slowly push the ball of black energy toward the mirror as you imagine it being drawn in and absorbed into it.

    You may feel a little bit tired at this point, but you should also feel more comfortable and free. Now if you wanna make sure your mirror stays free of negative energy charges. Imagine the mirror being enveloped in a divine light, burning all impurities.

    I really hope this will be of some use to people!

    Blessed be~

    Added to on Jun 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #206 - Multiversal Phone Morpher

    This spell is simple and will allow you to do it, (even if you're a little stoned on weed). And will send you to any universe you want.
    You may need:

  • Two rubber bands
  • A metal twist tie
  • A cell phone
  • An understanding of alchemy, sorcery and electrokinesis
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY a belief In the Multiverse
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    You may need:

  • Two rubber bands
  • A metal twist tie
  • A cell phone
  • An understanding of alchemy, sorcery and electrokinesis
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY a belief In the Multiverse
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    Tie the rubber bands over your phone and use the metal twist tie to bind the rubber bands together. Then watch a video or movie of or about the universe you wish to go to on youtube. use your understanding of electrokinesis and alchemy to connect the phone to the desired universe. the rest is on you.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #207 - porcelain doll spell

    this spell is made to bless a porcelain doll or curse it.
    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    You may need:

  • porcelain doll
  • crystal (any kind)
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    get the porcelain doll. say this 3x for blessing

    "i ask of you to Bless this doll,(godess name here)

    may it bring positivity and happiness

    so mote it be."

    for cursing say 3x

    (insert god name here),i ask of you to curse this doll

    may it bring unhappiness and starvation.

    so mote it be"

    Added to on Jun 12, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #208 - Scrying Protection

    A sea witches spell to protect against scrying efforts of practitioners.
    You may need:

  • Glass buoy
  • Sea glass
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    You may need:

  • Glass buoy
  • Sea glass
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    Take your glass buoy or any clear orb with an opening, add to this sea glass with the intention of concealing oneself from the scrying of others.

    Christmas ornaments that you can fill can be used, any clear fillable orb.

    I use a candle holder with an orb piece that can be filled.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #209 - Any power you want

    this spell will give you any power you want. just do it right. this spell comes in english, latin and Gaelic. which ever one you wish to speak in.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle (for Earth to the North)
  • 1 red candle (for Fire to the South)
  • 1 yellow candle (for Air to the East)
  • 1 blue candle (for Water to the West)
  • 1 silver candle (for Moon in between North and West)
  • 1 gold candle (for Sun in between South and East)
  • 1 piece of Bloodroot
  • 1 small bundle of vervain
  • 1 burning bowl
  • a circle of Atlantic Sea Salt
  • 1 strand of hair for each power (from your own head)
  • a piece of paper with the name of the power(s) or picture of the person who has the power(s) you want
  • belief in yourself and Magick.
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    place the the candles accordingly within the salt circle, then place the burning bowl in the center with you. place the vervain, bloodroot, piece of paper/picture and hair strands into the burning bowl in that order. light the candles in a clockwise manner starting with green, then yellow, ten gold, then red, etc.. after that, return to the center with the burning bowl i your hands and before you light the ingredients inside the burning bowl speak this spell:


    "I call upon the divine energies, I call upon the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of reality. I call upon you to grant this/these great power(s)/this person's power(s) unto me. Let me be gifted with this/these power(s) in this reality. This is what I ask of thee. So blessed be, so mote it be, so shall it be, so let it be."


    « Divinas vires invoco, Deos, Deas ac spiritus rerum invoco. Te obtestor ut hanc mihi tantam tribuas potestatem, huius personae potestatem. Fac me hac donari. /Haec potestas in hac re. Hoc est quod peto a te. Sic benedictum esto, fiat festuca, sic erit, sic esto".


    'Bidh mi a' gairm air lùths dhiadhaidh, bidh mi a 'gairm air na diathan, ban-diathan agus spioradan fìrinn. Bidh mi a 'gairm ort gus seo a bhuileachadh / an cumhachd (ean) sgoinneil / cumhachd (ean) an neach seo dhòmhsa. Leig leam a bhith air a thìoladh leis an cumhachd seo / seo san fhìrinn seo. Is e seo a dh 'iarras mi ort. Cho beannaichte a bhith, mar sin mote leis, mar sin bidh, mar sin leig leis a bhith. '

    Then light the buring bowl.

    the time length for manifestation of the power(s) will vary person to person.

    Added to on Jun 07, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #210 - Crystalline Ball

    This spell is similar to Rainbow ball, except it can be used for multiple purposes. The primary energy is Aether, similar to psi and ki/chi.
    You may need:

  • intermideate control over: ki/chi, psi and mana
  • calm mind/focus
  • Hand
  • Apporximated casting time: 5 seconds when practiced a lot
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    You may need:

  • intermideate control over: ki/chi, psi and mana
  • calm mind/focus
  • Hand
  • Apporximated casting time: 5 seconds when practiced a lot
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    This spell comes with a warning. This energy ball can shaped into anything, including a funnel or siphon to break away shields from opponents or pull mana out of inanimate objects. If casted wrong, the gathered energy will dissipate or worse, come back at you with whatever power you invested in it. Be careful with this spell; don't break concentration until it has finished being casted.

    Step 1: ready you hand and picture you chosen energy (ki/chi or psi) flowing up your arm from your stomach or head into your fingers. To harness this energy, tap your thumb and forefinger (first finger) together between 1 and 3 times. This control the amount of energy released and in your control. I recommend you starting with 1, then building it up to 2 and 3 as you improve your control.

    Step 2: you have the energy ready in your fingers. Directly after the taps, cross your thumb and forefinger together and visualize a small cyan ball appearing between the two fingers. Pick that up in your other thumb and forefinger and place the small ball in the palm of your hand. Visualize this ball growing into a swirling ball of blue energy. You should feel a small amount of warmth spreading around your hand.
    Step 3: Shape the energy into whatever you feel is necessary in the moment.

    Added to on Jun 06, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters