7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Satanic Guidance Prayer
- Dedicate Yourself to Lucifer
- Invocation to Lucifer
- Clear a Diary or Notepad
- Meditation
- Solarkinesis
- Enchant a Pen/Pencil and Book
- To Serve the night mother
- Full Moon Prayer
- Moon Scroll
#2151 - Satanic Guidance Prayer
Guide me in thy wisdom
Let me feel thy presence and experience what you have for me
Dont let me be bound by irrefutable doctrines
But lead me to true freedom
Give me the strength to leave my comfort zone
To explore that which is forbidden by those who believe they are wise
Take away the fear that binds me
Set me on my true path
But if you dont think I am ready, let it be as a sunrise
Allow me to see your light as well as your darkness
The fullness of who you are
Satan, Melek Taus, Lucifer, Azazel
If I could have anything, it would be to know your truth
To believe in what is real
Not in someone elses insanity
So as I walk down this narrow road
Dont let me be discouraged
As it is you who have placed me upon it
#2152 - Dedicate Yourself to Lucifer
Write the following prayer:
"Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit.
I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors.
It is important to bathe before any rituals you perform, this is done out of respect. When you are ready, you can light the candle. Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out."
Sign your name in blood. Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head. Fold the paper and let it burn in the fire of the candle. Many of us have stayed and meditated until the candle had burned itself out. At the end of the ritual, close with the words "So mote it be." And a Big "Hail Satan!"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2153 - Invocation to Lucifer
Hail, Satan,
Lord of Darkness,
King of Hell,
Ruler of the Earth,
God of this World!
God Who invites us to become as gods!
Muse of our civilization,
Dread Enemy of its tyrant god!
Satan, mighty Liberator,
Bearer of true Light!
God of our flesh,
God of our minds,
God of our innermost Will!
O mighty Lord Satan,
teach us to become strong and wise!
Teach us to vanquish the enemies
of our freedom and well-being!
#2154 - Clear a Diary or Notepad
This is a 3-day spell.
- Day 1: Hold it and say: "Well, I'm sorry but I might have to erase you. I need to change this into a different book.
- Day 2: Hold it and say: "Are you erased yet? I'm not being mean, I just want to start over."
- Day 3: When you wake up, think of your diary/notepad being all erased.
- It should be erased by Day 3.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2155 - Meditation
Sit in a comfortable position where it's quiet with your eyes closed. If it's completely quiet you should here something that sounds kind of like a static in your ears. Don't try and listen for it. Just stay relaxed and you will hear it. After this focus on the sound or quiet and count backwards from 10. This puts you in a sort of trance after that focus on your breathing. If your lucky your breath should be in tune with the counting if not don't worry about it.
Count backwards again from 10 with your focus on your breath. The static noise should be softer or gone completely. It means your shutting out the world and deeper inside yourself. After you get to 1 you should be in a peaceful blackness. That means you've successfully done your first meditation.
Don't jump into images right away. That can be your 2nd or 3rd time meditating. You conjure up an image of a place and explore. For me whenever I reach the blackness a Forrest comes into view. It could be a mall or a sky or a beach or anywhere possibly imaginable. Later on once you master meditation you can move on to astral projection.
Last edited on Aug 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2156 - Solarkinesis
Go somewhere where the Sun is shining on you. If it is a cloudy day either ask the Sun to come put or ask the clouds to move. Raise your arms up a little bit with your palms facing outwards. Now feel the Suns energy.
Now imagine absorbing the golden solar energy that the Sun is giving you. When you feel soothed and calm, imagine the energy gathering into a ball. Now you can move that energy by imagining it moving. This energy can heal.
After you are done, try to imagine the solar energy exiting your body. I used to leave energy in my body and I would get migraines and pains.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2157 - Enchant a Pen/Pencil and Book
Place the pen/pencil on top of the paper/book in both of your hands. You can replace the word book with paper. Recite the spell 5x
"Gods and goddesses of all powers. Enchant this pen/pencil and book within the hour. Enchant them so I and I alone can use them for magic. Make them powerful enough to wreak havoc. Make this pen/pencil and book powerful enough to change anything. Allow them to change even a living being. Anything I write using this pen/pencil in this book will become reality. They can even cause a life form's fatality."
Recite this 1x after: "Gods and goddesses please do this for me. So mote it be". (Optional) dip the pen/pencil in natural water.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2158 - To Serve the night mother
2.Chant The Following:
I Hear By Swear
To The Night Goddesses Blessing
To Use Her Shadows For Deeds
For The Listener Can Only Hear And Speak To Her
All Who Disregard Her Will Be Slain By Me And If I Do Disregard Her She May Enslave My Soul Unless She Considers For Me To Give Her A Reason Not To.
And If People Do Disregard Her I Will Do The Deed She Tells Me To Do And Have Their Souls In Her Slavery To The Darkness
I Hear By Promise This From Now Until The Day I Retire.
3.Chant this until the flames on the candles start flickering and suddenly go out. Once this happens, She is telling you she has accepted your offering and heard your call.
Listener,This Spells Cannot Be Put On Someone By You, The Person Who Wants It Done By Someone Else Tell Them It Will Not Work.
#2159 - Full Moon Prayer
This needs to be repeated monthly for lasting protection
"A light shines bright above me and within me. I pray the Mother Moon graces me with a renewed spirit, bringing calming energies to my heart and mind. I heal under her glow as I unite her fullness of energy and light deep into my soul. My my soul shine ever so bright, So Mote It Be!"
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2160 - Moon Scroll
Paint a picture of a moon on your papper and let it dry. When it dries, roll it up and tie it as a scroll. Next, wait for the moon that represents the type of magic you want (full= white magic, new= black magic and half=blend) draw a circle on a piece of paper, and draw counter-clockwise arround it the runes in this order, absorb, power, moon. draw a wiccan pentagram in the bottom right corner, place the scroll in the circle tap the pentaram, and say "activate".
Last edited on May 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.