7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banish A Spirit
- Astral Projection
- To Banish a Person
- Enchant Any Item
- Protection
- Protection
- Mantra to Maa Kali
- Angels Protection
- My info Regarding Soulmates
- Protection From Darkness
#2301 - Banish A Spirit
Go around the place you're having problems in, while holding a candle. Chant these words:
"This spirit has come through, I don't know how,
banish this spirit from time and space now."
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2302 - Astral Projection
To start we'll start doing a meditation for half hours.
When you finish your meditation of two or three hours,you'll need to do a lot of exercises to clear your mind.
Now lay in bed or sofa and relax your body. Don't forget to close your eyes.
Start relaxing your feet and after that continue relaxing all the body until you reach the head
Now take off all the negative thoughts and relax your mind.
Now your mind is completely clear.
To start totaly the astral projection stay in that position comfortable and try not to move your eyes,This part it's important because if you don't move your eyes,the brain will thinks you is dreaming.
Now continue doing this until you start your first astral projection. It may take slow, so be patient. Your brain needs to rest for 15 hours to start in this motion.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2303 - To Banish a Person
Visualize the person. Recite 5x:
"You are in my space,
Get out of my face,
Your destination unclear,
All I care is that you are nowhere near,
Take a hike and get out of my sight!
This is my wish, so mote it be!"
Burn the picture a little, then tear it into pieces and let the wind carry it away. Then let the candle burn out.
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2304 - Enchant Any Item
In order to cast this enchantment, you have to believe it will work and put 100 percent of your effort into the enchantment. That will increase it's effectiveness and make it actually have power. After you have decided to do that, sit down in a quiet room or wherever you feel most relaxed.
Take the item you wish to enchant and hold it in your power hand(the hand you write with). Now close your eyes and picture the item in your mind. After the item is clearly pictured, imagine part of your inner power being transferred into the item and say:
"(item), (item) we are now together. I add my power to you forever."
So if your item is a ring, say ring in place of (item) and the same goes for any other type of item you wish to enchant. Beware: Do not try to over enchant your item! When you picture your energy moving into the item it should be a small piece of energy. Like pulling a little piece off of a cotton ball. Now that your item is enchanted you can use it to channel your power. Your item can also be used to protect you, like a charm or weak protective ward. Hope you enjoyed the enchantment and happy casting!
Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2305 - Protection
First visualize a bubble of your color of choice, then Whisper or say out loud (depending on where you are) "I am protected by the might of the Gods and Goddesses, May My mind and spirit be protected by there might. So mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2306 - Protection
Grind together the poppy seed, rosemary, and sea salt. How much you grind is based upon how much you need to protect. You only need to protect the entryways of a place, but if outside then enough to draw a circle around you. Grind them all together really well, until almost a powder. Cup container in hand, make sure no light is touching the powder, and chant this 3 times:
"Spirits of the cosmos,
Hear my cry and help
Bless this creation
Imbue it with my love, and my hate
My hopes and dreams
My most passionate secrets"
Then sprinkle the powder outside all the entry ways, windows too, and make sure they are shut. Then chant as many times as you think necessary
"May the spirits protect me and
Anyone who enters from harm
Keep away the foulest of creatures
Hide us from view
Bend the light so no unwanted guests
May find us"
It should make it to where no one you invite in can see your hiding place or if your in it
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2307 - Mantra to Maa Kali
Set an altar, use the red cloth to cover it. Place the image of the mother upon the altar. Light the oil lamp and offer the flowers, incence and neem leaves to her. Then with clasped hands and closed eyes begin to recite the mantra:
"Aum Jayanti Mangala Kali
Badra Kali Kapalini
Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri
Svaha Svadha Namostute."
Repeat a 108 times, you will gain favour with the Godess.
Last edited on Oct 01, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2308 - Angels Protection
"To the left of me Gabriel,
To the back of me Michael,
To the right of me Uriel,
To the front of me Raphael."
Last edited on Oct 01, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2309 - My info Regarding Soulmates
Soulmates, the universal symbol of true love, and pledge. A pledge to forever be faithful, and never lie to your lover. I, for one, have found my mate, and I believe, that you can find your mate at any age.
You may simply be sitting in your room one day, and catch a whiff of a wonderful scent. Maybe it smells like honeysuckle and sweet pea, or maybe vanilla and sweet, sweet honey.
Soulmates are a blessed thing, and are meant to be cherished. To you, your soulmate will be the most beautiful person in the world, you might never look at another person like you look at your soulmate.
Soulmates are binded by their souls. If you mistreat your significant other, you may feel their pain if you have a strong enough connection, it is even possible to have a slight telepathic connection. So respect them.
If you have any questions, or if you think I should add more information, please feel free to mail me.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2310 - Protection From Darkness
Envision light energy flowing through you, channel that energy into the darkness that you think is around you. Chant:
"Tueri vero spacium
istud de tenebris.
sic fiat semper"
Last edited on Sep 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.