7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Connect to a Tree
- Demon Wolf
- Kill
- Bring Me Back Home
- Take the Light
- Kill A Chill
- Become A God/Goddess
- God/Goddess
- Clothing Protection
- Werebear Curse
#2341 - Connect to a Tree
First open the envelope. Put in your leaf twig etc. Close it and put a few drops of oil on the front. Then write on the envelope:
"Dear tree you are so mighty and tall,
Take down your minds wall,
Let me hear your thoughts and heart,
Let me feel your rough bark.
Let me hear your soft wind whisper,
Let me gain knowledge and good traits from you,
Dear tree, mighty and tall."
After you've written that say it out loud, then go sit with your head against the tree and listen. You might hear it whisper and you will feel loved and warm inside. Then put the envelope near the tree or bury it.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2342 - Demon Wolf
Say x10 at night: "I call upon the spirits of the moon. Make me demon wolf off of teen wolf. In human and wolf form I will be x5000 stronger than a normal human, x1000 times faster than a cheeta, my senses will be x500 times better than a normal human. I will be able to transform at will and have control in human and wolf form. Make me the creature I want to be. Make me the demon wolf, so mote it be."
Side effects:
- changing eye color.
- super strength/speed.
- super jumping skills.
- super tracking skills.
- upset stomach.
- pain in your muscles and bones.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2343 - Kill
Light the candles, get the knife and cut the apple in half while chanting:
"I cut
I hurt
Their blood will squirt
Oh angel of death
Kill (persons name)
No longer shall they live"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2344 - Bring Me Back Home
Go outside on a full or new moon (it will help your powers grow) and lay down. Then poor water on your legs, next add the salt to your legs. Finally slowly sprinkle the sand and chant loudly:
"Oh mermaids of the sea, hear my plea and what I wish to be. A mermaid with (any power you want) powers and a long (color you want your tail to be) color tail. I wish to be very pretty, and have long flowing hair. Oh please hear me. This is what I wish, so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 08, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2345 - Take the Light
Say this spell:
"Dark and darkness no more light, with my might I take the light."
If you choose to repeat this spell a few times over do not say it right after you finish the previous spell, wait about 30-60 seconds or longer and don't say it to many times.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2346 - Kill A Chill
Say this spell, and say it from memory:"Warmth and laughter knock out cold, no more coldness make me bright and bold." You may say this as many times as you want.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2347 - Become A God/Goddess
Say this first: "Wind, fire, water, earth I call on you to make this spell magic, so mote it be."
Now say this 5-10 times: "Oh gods oh goddesses make me a (god/goddess) of (specialization) and give me the power to create anything i want, and to make whatever i say happen, and to cast any magic spell, and give me super strength, super speed, and amazing beauty, and glowing skin, and immortality, I thank you for listening to my calls, now hear my plea, bestow your power upon me, and give me these wonderous powers, make me a (god/goddess) , so mote it be."
Note: this will fully work 100% if the gods and goddesses can see you.
What you can get from this spell is:
- Amazing beauty.
- Super strength/speed.
- you are able to cast any type of magic.
- glowing skin.
- Anything you say happens.
- You can create anything you wan't.
- And immortality.
Last edited on Apr 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2348 - God/Goddess
Say this 5-10 times:"Oh gods oh goddesses make me a (god/goddess) of (put type of god/goddess here). I ask that you make me a (god/goddess) and give me amazing beauty, glowing skin, the strength of 100 men. I thank you for listening to my calls, now please hear my plea, give me this wonderous power, so mote it be."
Side effects:
Amazing beauty.
Glowing skin.
The strength of 100 men.
Can cast any type of magic.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2349 - Clothing Protection
Place salt and desired oils into wash basin. Wash cloths in proper temperature for the cloth. Hang dry in the sun or moon light if possible.
Camphor wards off physical attack or other unwanted advances.
Eucalyptus repels viruses and diseases.
Lavender increases shielding abilities.
Last edited on Feb 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2350 - Werebear Curse
Chant five times or more: "Bears my soul sisters and brothers allow me to your soul no demons mess with this plea no more pain of the human."
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.