7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Give Food to the Dead Manual
- Azazel Cube Square + Sigil
- A Witches Revenges
- power of the ancient ones
- summon the dead god
- Incantation of the old gods
- Empowering Spell
- Meditation to gain energy
- luck and prosperity on house + self
- Magic Mixies Summon Spell
#231 - Give Food to the Dead Manual
Preparing the Food:
- firstly the most primodial things is to asking the realm ruler for the permission either for channeling the spirit or summon the spirit ,each realm have its own ruler , so please contact it before and the delivery would be much easy
- then you should place all food ,drink, offering in the table ,dont let the fly goes to food
- you should remember that some angel for the deliver dead that is sometimes humanoid with animal head so sometimes is usefull to also give offering to the demihuman angel too like raw meat chicken? , cows blood which already dry?
- have its candle in corner ( i usually use 2 or 3 , but there are someone using 4 ,which like "4 of wands tarot" which bring harmony)
- about the color of candle ,in my opinion you should use it according to the channels,example: eligor candle is yellow but foras candle is orange ,this is all according to the frecuency of the spirit you gonna offer , even if the candle color is diffrent the fire color of candle is still same ,get lit the candle with (fire element) + incencse
- your has to be visualize the energy in Plasma(fire element) which more higher frecuency than air,lyquid,solid that it somehow connect between you and the spirit through some kind of wormhole? ,but wormhole? is not black , some person just see it directly in my mind ,just sense the frecuency
- after the preparation is ready is time for you to contact the spirit asking to come (there is some inchantion for some culture) and the important part is you give tell spirit that the food or offering is theirs , more visuals if you give them chair in table to eat&drink
- if there is so many spirit eat the food , you will suprised that if you eat the food after it will lose the taste , its like tasteless ,i mean just less the seasoning?, or if you offer the cirgarete it would be faster to be ashes ,even though nobody suck it ,and weirdly if it is drink maybe 10%less will loss, i mean if we see the water height on the glass it just decreased
- most weird things if you do this in the forest which no human live ,i ever read a event in sites that the food just dissapear (maybe eaten by animal? , i dont think so?)
The mechanism:
- this things is like "symbolism" making a "Channel" now if project yourself to a place full of bread "bread shop", it somehow after you hungry it just sucked into you and you can feel the taste without actually eating that bread, nah this things works that way ,so we create things like "library data" "open world" so the spirit is no need to Creating or visualizing so much to have the food , they just simply come to the channel or project to the channel to enjoy the food , this work for "preta/hungry ghost too" we provide the illusion for them ,so they no need to find in other places or create it
- Often dead people spirit is unable to just go from their not archived earthly things , its like you can go anywhere without walking legs ,so not so tired or heavy ,but they often unable to control themself ,so they just always go to their favourite lamborgini cars or just stick to their havings in earth ( note i dont know more information about this ,if you have more understanding just tell me ,this is just as far as i know)
- Most things i really know that the spirits which dependent by body when they die they feel so much energy drop and tiredness ,also hard to control , not like in film which it just go around the body without feel the pain (for usual people),thats why dont go to see the new dead people because sometimes they sucking your energy or maybe posses or just stick your back( sometimes in case of traffic accident ,and you see their corpse)
- Most importanly if it is ancestor spirit , they always wants attention from their descendant ,thats why placing a tombstone could make we remember , its more better if you invite them ,However , times like Halloween month is more easy to invite the dead
Burn The offerings:
- you must ask the spirit do they done eating and also if you running out the time tell them that we cannot longging the time this has to be done with some sort of divination or spirit contact tools, also give thanks for the demihuman angel too and the realm ruler
- so put a fire in a "yajna" , and circling a bowl (to the burning place) of prayed water/ashes/soil would open the gate(with inchantion) so after burned the things will be transfered to the target spirit , you could just burn the foods or bone or dried blood or flower ,after the spirit really done eating, then burn a little amount of food
- before burn the offerings you should use the key opener paper spell to Lit the flame ,usually the paper is very long and not width paper ,lit the flame from the candle in the table flame
- the important things is you must connect to fire,spirit,offerings at once do not think that food is burned , think or visualize as the offering is now delivered to spirit by fire frecuency , thats why in the first place we need to circling open gate ,dont let the fire die in process ,keep fire still burning
- after a long offering process now you must close the gate by inchantion to close with that bowl of prayed water/ashes/soil circling the burning place again ,say thanks to your helper in the end
- remember solid(earth),lyquid(water),gas(wind),plasma(fire),ether(spirit) ,so fire is more higher frecuency ,because the dead dont have solid&lyquid things like body so we need to contact them with higher frecuency ,ether is in your mind & will ,thats why making gate using 2 candle like "high priestess tarot" J & B pillar , ida & pingalla , 2 pilar in kabbalah is important to help us connect to spirit
- also its work like "wifi""electromagnetic wave" stuff , unbounded by material and not using cable or without medium , so after you burn it ,the things will transform by fire to be like "data""energy""astral form" etc, and send it (from the cloud storage) like wifi sends to phone or repeater , then in the phone we could see the image and enjoy the video , in this case it not only send visual but all 5 senses and more
- opening and closing the chanel is important ,without the direction "Website Address" "email Address" "ip-address" its useless ,and after opened it must be closed , so no other bad things or unwanted things go using your channel to the spirit ,just like making a portal in Dr.Strange movie ,
- visualization about offering needed ,to make transform by fire gone like what you gonna offer to the spirit , in some culture they make clothes from paper that colored and painted ,but the goal is to make the spirit having fabric clothes ,and not paper clothes ,you also can burn a chocolate for uncared dead kid spirit
im sure this spell is not so complete ,because i dont write down the inchation to open the gate either to the offering table candle and the circling bowl , things like this is so native to Asian country especially chinese to invite/remembering the dead, and so many words is hard to tell in this things ,Please complete this spell if you can ,so it would be more perfect
and information about the key opener paper ( i dont know the name) well i will add later
#232 - Azazel Cube Square + Sigil
This "understanding" will help you to summon or contact Azazel or maybe guided by Azazel , direction into true things of mystery?? im just usual guy , so just try to read this, then you will know what i mean because you can search in google also ,what i do is only give the "keywords"to open the mystery:
- "saturn cube number" so the "sudoku" or making the number 1-9 to 3x3 square even there is in chinese "lo shu square", now you line it from 1 to 2 then 2 to 3 then 3-4 then 4-5 ,until 9 meet 1 again
- now rotate the "lo shu square" 45 degrees to left ,become "rhombus",then make the rhombus "lo shu square" with the flip horizontal , then fusion it stack with the first rhombus lines ( extended Azazel sigil)( i mean flip horizontal the rhombus sudoku ,then lines it again , then stack 2 layer ,like mirror horizontal things)
- the colored diagram is in my first photo in my profile gallery
- There is almost 90% like azazel sigil , its just the azazel sigil with no 3-4&7-6 lines , and also if you look "thelema" the middle pair lines is just like 9-1 lines for both rhombus
- if you see the circle at azazel sigil is actually 8 circle in 8 number (bagua) of the "3x3 sudoku" box, now you will see that Azazel have second sigil 8 lines too , which this all point is same like "Anu sigil" "8 pointed star" then i believe there must be circle in the center of sigil so make it nine from center just like the box
- if you look at "vastu" it was same 45 degrees must rotated to left too in north east region because it pictured as head in north east , pictured a man in diagonal lines , so same like "lo shu" it somehow number 8 or 2 must be on the top or bottom
- remember this is all sacred geometery dont underestimate measurement power of sigil and number , now if you open the hermetism " so as above so as below" then you understand there is 2 triangle to top and bottom and also triangle with lines for other 2 elements "4 elements triangle"
- also if you see the flower of life , just add horizontal lines in each point , will make Azazel sigil in there , i believe the perfection is on 9 point number , just like "tesla secret of 369" the most high number in apex triangle is 9
- look at the freemason symbol "G" means God which resides in Geometery , which why that symbol logo makes like Measurement tools , to be perfect you must also know this all measuring math things
- in star tetrahedron 'merkaba" is compacted by Soul star and earth star and if you see the logo by rotating the star then also you will see the azazel sigil again
- again i believe that sigil is not like dark things , because its all making the basic hexagram plus adition to 9 points
- maybe you place nine candles in the circle order , but remember make it circle outer not cube azazel sigil
- remember when summoning "do not forcing anything on spirit and also dont force your mind for horror image, just "let go" and see that azazel is somehow like shining things ? even if you not succesfull to directly connect , if you meditate and concentrate your energy shaping like sigil and focus on it ,somehow you will feel your mind is transfered data or electricy? ,then you must understand what is your self thinking or it is telepathic from him to your mind , remember not to lie or promising something you cannot in summoning
- i believe the center of body is not reside in heart , but is in midbrain , well if you see the so as above so as below , i will make this spell or article later
please reply me if i have wrong things about this spell , later about nine points i will describe and open more in other spell or article things include many culture around the world (all words in " " you can search in image and you will get it directly in first page)
Last edited on Mar 06, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#233 - A Witches Revenges
Write down the persons name (full name) on the paper in black ink.
After you wrote down the name, put black pepper on top of the name on the paper.
Fold the paper and wave your wand or finger and say: "You have done me wrong now feel this pain, everything you have done to me, you will now get back again. With my magic I cast this spell, so all will go well, this is my will so mote it be."
Now burn or rip the paper and throw it away
Last edited on Feb 15, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#234 - power of the ancient ones
Enter a meditative state before calling out these words, if you wish, you may light out a candle and meditate with that. Once in an altered state of consciousness, recite the words, feeling and focusing on the energy around you. Be sure to leave out an offering afterwards.
The Hymn
They are lying down, the Great Old Ones.
The bolts are fallen and the fastenings are placed.
The crowds are quiet and the people are quiet.
The Elder Gods of the Land
The Elder Goddesses of the Land
Have gone to sleep in heaven.
They are not pronouncing judgements.
They are no deciding decisions.
Veiled is the Night.
The Temple and the Most Holy Places are quiet and dark.
The Judge of Truth
The Father of the Fatherless
Has gone to his chamber.
O Ancient Ones!
Gods of the Night!
O Bright One, GIBIL!
O Warrior, IRRA!
Seven Stars of Seven Powers!
Ever-Shining Star of the North!
Stand by and accept
This sacrifice I offer
May it be acceptable
To the Most Ancient Gods!
Invocation of the Powers
Spirit of the Earth, Remember!
Spirit of the Seas, Remember!
In the Names of the Most Secret Spirits of NAR MARRATUK
The Sea below the seas
The Serpent who sleepeth Dead
From beyond the graves of the Kings
From beyond the tomb wherein INANNA
Daughter of the Gods
Gained Entrance to the Unholy Slumbers
Of the she-fiend of KUTHULETH
In SHURRUPAK, I summon thee to mine aid!
In UR, I summon thee to mine aid!
In NIPPURR, I summon thee to mine aid!
In ERIDU, I summon thee to mine aid!
In KULLAH, I summon thee to mine aid!
In LAAGASH, I summon thee to mine aid!
Rise up, O powers from the Sea below all seas
From the grave beyond all graves
From the Land of TIL
House of the Water of Life
Hear me!
Spirit of the Seas, Remember!
Spirit of the Graves, Remember!
#235 - summon the dead god
The Dead
must be called in the Four Directions, and in the Four Spaces for, not knowing where It
is, the Priest must needs take especial care that he call everywhere, for the Spirit may be
in flight.
And a Dead God may be also summoned, and the formulae is that which follows. It must
be spoken clearly aloud, and not a word changed, else the Spirit of the God may devour
thee, as there is no Food and no Drink where they are.
And it must be called in a secret place, without windows, or with windows only in one
place, and that should be in the Northern Wall of the place, and the only light shall be of
one lamp, set on the altar, and the lamp need not be new, nor the altar, for it is a Rite of
Age and of the Ancient Ones, and they care not for newness.
And the altar should be of a large rock set in the earth, and a sacrifice acceptable unto the
nature of the God should be made. And at the time of the Calling, the waters of ABSU
will roil, and KUTULU will stir, but unless it be His time, he will not Rise.
And this is the Conjuration of the Dead God:
May NAMMTAR open my eyes that I may see . . . . . . . . .
May NAMMTAR open my ears that I may hear . . . . . . . . .
May NAMMTAR open my nose that I may sense His approach.
May NAMMTAR open my mouth that my voice will be heard to the far reaches of the
May NAMMTAR strengthen my right hand that I shall be strong, to keep the Dead
under my power, under my very power.
I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Words of Hatred!
I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
I summon and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon Thine eyes to behold the Brightness of my Wand, which is full of the Fire of
I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
By the Four Square Pillars of Earth that support the Sky,
May they stand fast against Them that desire to harm me!
I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the bowels of the Earth!
I summon Thee and Thine ears to hear the Word that is never spoken, except by Thy
Father, the Eldest of All Who Know Age
The Word that Binds and Commands is my Word!
I conjure Thee, O Ancestor of the Gods!
I summon Thee, Creature of Darkness, by the Works of Darkness!
I summon Thee, Creature of Hatred, by the Works of Hatred!
I summon Thee, Creature of the Wastes, by the Rites of the Waste!
I summon Thee, Creature of Pain, by the Words of Pain!
I summon Thee, and call Thee forth, from Thy Abode in Darkness!
I evoke Thee from Thy resting-place in the Bowels of the Earth!
And this shall be recited only once, and if the God do not appear, do not persist, but
finish the Rite quietly, for it means that It hath been summoned elsewhere, or is engaged
in some Work which it is better not to disturb.
#236 - Incantation of the old gods
I AM the God of Gods
I AM the Lord of Darkness, and Master of Magicians
I AM the Power and the Knowledge
I AM before all things.
I AM before ANU and the IGIGI
I AM before ANU and the ANNUNNAKI
I AM before the Seven SHURUPPAKI
I AM before all things.
I AM before all things.
I AM before NANNA and UDDU
I AM before all things.
Before ME was made Nothing that was made.
I AM BEFORE all gods.
I AM before all days.
I AM before all men and legends of men.
NO MAN may seek my resting place.
I receive the Sun at night and the Moon by day.
I AM the reciever of the sacrifice of the Wanderers.
The Mountains of the West cover me.
The Mountains of Magick cover me.
I AM before ABSU.
I AM before ANU.
I AM before KIA.
I AM before all things.
#237 - Empowering Spell
Simply chant "infinita virtus in me influit. confirma me. conforta me. ditans me."
#238 - Meditation to gain energy
Sit in a meditation position (legs crossed hands on your knees) in the middle of a room with no sound, close your eyes and take deep breathes. Once you are reloaded make a psi ball and hold it out in your hands. Keep on taking deep breathes and keep in the same position, one your arms feel tired imagine you suck in all the energy from the psi ball into your body. Once done put yours hands back on your knees, keep your eyes closed and maintain your deep breaths. If done correctly you should feel tingly or feel like your magical energy is restored, enjoy!
#239 - luck and prosperity on house + self
When it's raining put a bowl out and place a coin in the center.
Wait awhile maybe even a day and then take out the coin. It should still be raining or close to the end of the rain.
Save the coin and check often on the bowl, leaving it outside.
When the spell is done there will be a leaf in the center of the bowl.
Take out the leaf.
I put the coin and leaf together on my altar but you can put it anywhere as long as they stay together.
Keep the coin and leaf until the leaf completely turns brown and dries out completely.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#240 - Magic Mixies Summon Spell
Pour the water into the couldron, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Water for life, stop all the strife. Water to Grow, Make my Magic Aglow!
Pour in the sound dust to give the Mixie its voice, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap tap tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Dust for sound, and say it loud
Add in the Glimmer Star to add sparkle to the Mixie's eyes, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
For a glint that will be known near and far, time to drop in the Glimmer Star
Add in the Magic Feather to grant the mixie its wings, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
One magic feather for flight, keeping it airborn day and night
Drop in the fizz flower to color up your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
Give it color with the flower that fizzes, if you know it, you're a wiz!
Drop the Creation Crystal to speed up the process of creation of your Mixie, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
A Crystal for creation, use your imagination!
Write the name you want to give your Mixie on a scroll and drop it on the scroll, then stir, and when you hear the "Tap, tap, tap" noise, tap the couldron with the wand 3 times
With a scroll for identification, (insert chosen name here) shall be your name, what a halation!
remove the wand from the couldron and say the magic words
This spell from finishing is a step away, so now there's one last thing to say "Magicus Mixus!"
if the spell goes right, you'll have a new friend