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7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7150 Spiritual Spells
  1. Warmth
  2. Animal Spirit Link
  3. Those Not Faint At Heart
  4. Strong Mental Shift (dog)
  5. Dream Elements
  6. Create A Magick Talisman
  7. Anubis Sacrifice and Protection
  8. Call a Dragon
  9. Anti-Thief
  10. Incubus Vanquishing Spell

#2401 - Warmth

This spell will make or someone else feel warm. I've used it and its worked for me. I hope you have as good of luck.
You may need:

  • Imagination
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    You may need:

  • Imagination
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    Close your eyes. Tune out everything around you. Imagine yourself or who you're doing the spell on. Next, imagine a floating orb of light. Have it float into you or who you are doing the spell on. Let the warmth given from the orb spread. When you open your eyes, you or the person you are doing the spell on should feel the warmth. If you do it right, you should be kinda disoriented when you open your eyes.

    Added to on Aug 04, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2402 - Animal Spirit Link

    To connect with one's spirit animal. You must know your spirit animal to perform this.
    You may need:

  • Brown candle (animals, earth)
  • Lavender candle (consciousness, manifestation)
  • Blue candle (communication, understanding, protection, loyalty, patience, harmony)
  • Yellow candle (strengthens the imagination and concentration in a ritual, used in rituals for gaining people's trust)
  • Green candle (nature appreciation, good luck)
  • Black candle (removing negative energy)
  • White candle
  • 2 agate stones (protection)
  • 2 stones corresponding to your zodiac sign
  • 2 scolecite stones (dreams)
  • 2 malachite stones (dreams)
  • Representation of your spirit animal (three-dimensional objects work better than flat photos or drawings)
  • Paper
  • Permanent marker
  • 2 large crystal quartz
  • 2 luck charm/stones
  • 2 small drawstring bags or pouches that you can hang on your neck, identical
  • Water
  • Red clover, flowers and/or leaves (blessing of domestic animals)
  • Sea salt (grounding, purification)
  • Sesame seeds (life force)
  • Wheat (fruitfulness, bounty, rebirth
  • Parsley (protection, purification)
  • Paprika (creative energy)
  • Cauldron
  • Items for building a fire
  • Wooden spoon
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    You may need:

  • Brown candle (animals, earth)
  • Lavender candle (consciousness, manifestation)
  • Blue candle (communication, understanding, protection, loyalty, patience, harmony)
  • Yellow candle (strengthens the imagination and concentration in a ritual, used in rituals for gaining people's trust)
  • Green candle (nature appreciation, good luck)
  • Black candle (removing negative energy)
  • White candle
  • 2 agate stones (protection)
  • 2 stones corresponding to your zodiac sign
  • 2 scolecite stones (dreams)
  • 2 malachite stones (dreams)
  • Representation of your spirit animal (three-dimensional objects work better than flat photos or drawings)
  • Paper
  • Permanent marker
  • 2 large crystal quartz
  • 2 luck charm/stones
  • 2 small drawstring bags or pouches that you can hang on your neck, identical
  • Water
  • Red clover, flowers and/or leaves (blessing of domestic animals)
  • Sea salt (grounding, purification)
  • Sesame seeds (life force)
  • Wheat (fruitfulness, bounty, rebirth
  • Parsley (protection, purification)
  • Paprika (creative energy)
  • Cauldron
  • Items for building a fire
  • Wooden spoon
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    For your zodiac stone, check here.

    This spell, like many others, will work best if done within the midnight hour. Go outside to a place where you can be in solitude on a full moon's night at midnight.
    Set up a circle if you wish. Start a fire in the center, and place a white candle to its right. Place a pot or cauldron over it and fill with water halfway.

    Place 1 of each stone in each pouch, and place a lucky item in each. Leave the quartz out. Pull the strings tight. Hang one around your neck. Imagine an astral animal (your spirit animal) wearing one. This will be hard if it is a spider or octopus or something without much of a neck, so imagine it tied or attached to their body. Place the other pouch at the other side of the circle.

    Light your white candle and pull out your paper and marker. Use something like a book or piece of wood to write on, then place the paper on top and draw a pentagram in each corner of the paper. Write what you want your spirit animal to look like. Choose the breed/species, the colour of its fur or skin, how big you want it to be, its sex, et cetera. Give it a name, or it may not respond when you call for it.

    Draw a large pentagram between the top two pentagrams, and put your quartz on it. Put the other quartz in your astral animal's pouch.
    Add red clover, sesame seeds, wheat, salt, parsley and paprika to your (probably now boiling) water. Stir it while chanting the following.

    "Scales, feathers, fangs and fur,
    Seek this magic mixture that I stir.
    Talons, claws, padded foot,
    Come to the smoke and come to the soot."

    When you are done, take the black candle and light it on the left of the cauldron.
    Light the yellow candle. Put the paper on the ground and put the candle on the top left pentagram. Replace the quartz. Chant the following verse:

    "In my dreams, I ask of thee,
    A/n (your animal) may be what I see.
    Now is the time to concentrate,
    Believe, imagine, meditate."

    Meditate. Imagine the stones and good luck charm floating in black space, then their energy pouring into you. Visualize your spirit animal and yourself floating in an astral plane, or if you are able to, look into the astral plane to see it. Move so you are looking through your own eyes. Now, visualize yourself moving to stand like the animal. Now, visualize yourself merging with your spirit animal until you are looking through their eyes. Practice moving as them in your head, and telepathically call out to them.

    Do this a few times, then drift back out. If the candles have blown out or the fire has gone out, relight them. Light the lavender candle, placing it in the bottom right, and chant:

    "Manifest on the physical plane;
    (name), my (animal), I call you by name.
    I link my soul to yours, by the power of three;
    We are as one, so mote it be."
    Call out their name three times telepathically.
    Light the blue candle and place it on the bottom-left pentagram. Chant:
    "We will communicate, we will comprehend;
    I will be patient and wait for you, my friend.
    I am linked to (animal)s, thus I am linked to thee;
    We will protect each other in perfect harmony."

    Imagine your spirit and your spirit animal's spirit as rings. They will pass through each other and link. Finally, light the brown candle. Chant:

    "(animal) spirit, I call out.
    In my heart there is no doubt.
    Reunite me with the earth,
    In my spirit's new rebirth."

    Pick up the four candles, clockwise from the top left. Blow out the top one so your breath goes north, the second one so it goes east, the third so it goes south and the fourth so it goes west. Put out the fire and the black/white candles with the mixture you made in the cauldron. Keep the pouch with you until your spirit animal comes to you. The other one should be kept in a special place.

    Note: If your spirit animal isn't realistic, then it is possible only you will see them.

    Added to on Aug 04, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2403 - Those Not Faint At Heart

    Black dog phantoms are seen throughout alot of mythology. Often they are harbingers of death and some are said to even cause it. Do you have a hard time determining if a situation is ok or not? Not so great with your instincts...well if you arent afraid of the big bad wolf, then this could be for you.
    You may need:

  • Jar
  • Black Candle
  • Humanely clipped toe nails of a dog or a good amount of dog hair
  • Graveyard dirt
  • Protection incense of your choice
  • White vinegar
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    You may need:

  • Jar
  • Black Candle
  • Humanely clipped toe nails of a dog or a good amount of dog hair
  • Graveyard dirt
  • Protection incense of your choice
  • White vinegar
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    Take the ingredients and put them in the jar. Seal the jar and light the candle. Drip the black wax all over the top of the jar to seal it while saying:

    "I call to the black dog of lore
    to aid me by warning of terrible things.
    I call him from across the moor
    to protect me from all sorts of fiends.
    The black dog shall not give harm to me
    All it should do is be heard and seen
    when my instinct is stronger and I can be
    I will release it back to haunt the green."

    Added to on Aug 04, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2404 - Strong Mental Shift (dog)

    This is the m shift. Good acting is key.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Quiet room(optional)
  • Darkness(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Quiet room(optional)
  • Darkness(optional)
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    Lay down in a comfortable position, preferably on your stomach. Concentrate on who you are. See your body before you. Slowly, a white, foamy liquid is melting you away... Who are you? Inquire a lot. Imagine your tail. Feel it. Wag it. Do solely this for five minutes.

    You are a dog. Act like one for 15 minutes. Think slow, joyful thoughts for 6 minutes, then bark. After a while, it will be realistic sounding. You WILL look like a dog. Slowly does it. Every day for a week, do this exercise. Remember: focus on your mind right now- a dog, not your human body afterwards.

    This is NOT a physical shift. Just enjoy having a dog brain!

    Added to on Aug 04, 2015
    Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2405 - Dream Elements

    Dreams are the keys to the soul.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    You're in a room. Fall asleep. Slowly. You reach three doors. A wooden, iron, and gold door. Open one. Inside you see candles. Imagine warmth. The room is in flames... You dream sleep, and find yourself reborn as pure elemental fire. You pass out. You're in another room, a lake. Fall asleep... You don't drown, but instead float. You move in the water. Flop. You're stuck. You create a bubble of water. A shield. Float away from your fire body, you are now air. The earth is beneath you. Your fire, air spirit, water, and earth collide, and you are slowly gaining consciousness. Wake up.

    Added to on Aug 03, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2406 - Create A Magick Talisman

    To create a little magickal talisman to kick off your spiritual growth.
    You may need:

  • Two candles to symbolize the Goddess and God (either two white; silver (Goddess) and gold (God); or green (Goddess) and red (God)
  • A small pouch or cloth which you can stitch up to become a small bag
  • Mortar and pestle (or something to grind your herbs in)
  • Grated lemon peel (works to cleanse you and helps you open spiritually, and removes blockages and unwanted negativity)
  • Myrrh or Lotus leaves, if you can find one or both of them (they both promote spiritual opening and magickal powers)
  • Celery Seed (promotes mental and psychic powers, and aids in concentration)
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    You may need:

  • Two candles to symbolize the Goddess and God (either two white; silver (Goddess) and gold (God); or green (Goddess) and red (God)
  • A small pouch or cloth which you can stitch up to become a small bag
  • Mortar and pestle (or something to grind your herbs in)
  • Grated lemon peel (works to cleanse you and helps you open spiritually, and removes blockages and unwanted negativity)
  • Myrrh or Lotus leaves, if you can find one or both of them (they both promote spiritual opening and magickal powers)
  • Celery Seed (promotes mental and psychic powers, and aids in concentration)
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    Place the Goddess and God candles in front of you, with your empty pouch in between them,or you can make a pouch with some cloth and string and whatever if you know how, and light them. As you light each, say:

    "I invite the Divine Goddess to join me in this ritual. I invite the Divine God to join me in this ritual."

    Sit in peace for a while and watch the flames. Focus on your gratitude for all that the Goddess and God have brought you and will bring you in your life. Say: "Blessed be the unity and duality of the Sacred Deities."

    Now take your pouch and place your lemon peel in it, and say "Lemon, cleanse me, and open me spiritually." Take your mortar and place the myrrh/lotus leaves and say: "Myrrh/Lotus, open me spiritually and enhance my psychic powers." Then place your celery seed in it and say: "Celery seed, bring me focus and concentration."

    As you grind them up, focus on what you want to achieve with this talisman, all that you want it to bring you and help you with; how your life can improve with the right focus and intent. Then place your ground herbs in the pouch with the lemon peel, and seal it up.

    Place the pouch back between the candles, and say: "Goddess and God, please bless this magickal talisman for me, and help me follow its guidance as well as yours, for the highest good. Blessed Be."

    Snuff out the candles. Keep your pouch on your altar or under your pillow, and keep it near when you carry out magickal tasks and rituals, and when you meditate.

    Added to on Aug 03, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2407 - Anubis Sacrifice and Protection

    To put a protection spell on a piece of jewelry/amulet. It is a sacrifice of your life to the god Anubis in exchange for his protection.
    You may need:

  • 1 pentacle/pentagram
  • 6 candles (5 all the same colour, 1 different colour)
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 knife(or sharp object)
  • 1 piece of jewelry/amulet
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    You may need:

  • 1 pentacle/pentagram
  • 6 candles (5 all the same colour, 1 different colour)
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 knife(or sharp object)
  • 1 piece of jewelry/amulet
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    Draw a pentacle or pentagram then place 1 candle at each point on the star (all the candles must be the same colour). Put the candle that is left to one side and light all 6 candles. Now place the jewelry/amulet in middle of the pentacle/pentagram. Slice/prick finger or hand (somewhere able to let the blood drip on to the jewelry/amulet). Let 1 or more drop off blood drip as you say:

    'I call upon thee, Anubis,
    to make this my protection charm.
    May my blood, be my sacrifice to thee,
    in which I give my life.
    Come forth Anubis,
    so thee can protect me,
    so long as this jewellery/amulet shall grace my skin.'

    Now take the 6th candle (odd coloured one) and place it where the jewelry/amulet was. Then hold it above a flame and chant: 'tolle (t-ol) abjecistis (ab-jest-seast) victismam (vec-tiest-mam) meam (m-yem) et (a) custodierit (coo-sto-de-re-seat) me(me) semper (se-m-pair)"

    Added to on Aug 03, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2408 - Call a Dragon

    Always wanted a dragon? Well then, keep reading.
    You may need:

  • 2 different colored candles
  • White, green and black crystals
  • Pentagram (a dragon signal)
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    You may need:

  • 2 different colored candles
  • White, green and black crystals
  • Pentagram (a dragon signal)
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    Light your 2 candles and listen for a few seconds, then you hold your pentagram and your crystals and call out "Mon-Tey!" You might see your dragon coming or feel its presence, maybe even see flashes of color or heat.

    When you get your dragon, you will never know its real name, it will give you a name to call it, and if not, come up with something. If you ever find out its real name, it will leave.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2015
    Last edited on May 24, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2409 - Anti-Thief

    This spell will prevent any thief from passing across your threshold.
    You may need:

  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Salt
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    Sprinkle the salt across your backdoor threshold. As you are doing this visualize a wall growing from the salt and keeping out any unwanted energies.

    Say this incantation after you are done visualizing at the back door. When you are saying the incantation, visualize the wall from step one getting bigger and stronger *it also helps to envision any astral animals or beings as guardians to stand guard outside of your house.
    Similar to the way the dementors protect Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban movie.

    "Enter, stranger, but take heed
    Of what awaits the sin of greed,
    For those who take, but do not earn,
    Must pay most dearly in their turn.
    So if you seek beneath our floors
    A treasure that was never yours,
    Thief, you have been warned, beware
    Of finding more than treasure there."

    Repeat steps 1 and 2 but at the front door, and when you are done, you can do what ever you like, knowing that no thief can enter your home.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2410 - Incubus Vanquishing Spell

    This will get rid of an incubus guaranteed.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: Nightmares, demons and incubi galore,
    you hold power in these dreams no more.
    Begone now from this protected place,
    I now protect and cleanse this space.

    Added to on Aug 02, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters