7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- End a Relationship
- Keep Away Enemies
- Protect a Friend
- Fire Protection
- Make Time Go Quicker
- Vampire Charm
- Turn someone else into something
- Enchant Charm
- FNAF Animatronic in Your Dreams
- Dark Aura Cleansing
#2441 - End a Relationship
Cut the string in half, then through it in to a fire.
#2442 - Keep Away Enemies
"Silver from the Earth's heart hewn. I charge you with the light of moon. Power of silver, Power of light, shield me in the darkest night. I'll not be harmed by any foe, I carry moonlight where ever I go."
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2443 - Protect a Friend
"I focus on my dear one's essence and send them my protective presence. I cast a circle all around. On land or sea, in earth or ground, and in it bring the power to bear of fire and water, earth and air. I now invoke their might to lead robust protection to my friend."
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2444 - Fire Protection
Visualization and energy manipulation are the main skills used, being able to do both adequately is recommended. Memorizing the chant is also a good thing to have down before performing the spell but not necessary. This should be preformed over your altar if you have one or a clear space.
Chant: "Ignis contego a nocere, abdicativi vis, et volutati".
Hold the object in your projective (usually dominant) hand. Hold your receptive (none dominant) hand a safe distance over the flame. Visualize its energies entering your hand and flowing into your center.
Allow it to mix with your energies and fill your being before bursting out and forming a shield of purifying white light around your body. Focus on this idea of the fire providing protection as you chant.
Visualize the energy flowing back into your center and out through your projective hand, into the object. Feel the protective power go from the fire, into you, and then into the object in a constant flow. Continue to chant until you feel as though you are done.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2445 - Make Time Go Quicker
Rub your hands together and while they are still warm whisper these words into it while closing your eyes and imagining a bright light and your words being put into it
"Make my day pass with ease faster and faster and no-one shall see. Faster and faster until (time you want spell to end). Then it shall slow, back to normal it shall be, so mote it be."
Then open your hands and look up at the ceiling, imagine the light floating into the sky, like it's going to heaven.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2446 - Vampire Charm
"O dea tenebris
mater immortalibus
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
mea lux vestra absorbere
liceat mihi locus ad tenebras
sicut ex utero immortales
filios tuos in ulnis
quibus invocaverit te frater
O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus"
"Oh goddess of the darkness
mother to the immortal
let me be reborn as your child
let your light absorb my own
Allow me passage to the darkness
as from your immortal womb
into the arms of your children
to whom I will call brother
Oh moonlight
let me be reborn as your child
guide the dark ones to me
so I shall be born again
(not as affective)"
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2447 - Turn someone else into something
Say: "Being a human. Being a human they don't like. Make (persons name) become a(n) (animal)an animal called a(n) (animals name)."
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2448 - Enchant Charm
Take your peice of jewelry and put it in the cup of water. Slowly say the following as the jewelry sinks: "As this begins to sink let it take in the waters pure soul."
After saying this 3 times pour out the water and take back the jewelry. Before it drys put it in the flames while saying: "Let this fire burn its dirt. Let this jewelry absorb the fires bravery and safety."
Burn out the flame and let your now enchanted jewelry sit over night.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2449 - FNAF Animatronic in Your Dreams
1. Draw what you want to look like as an animatronic. Don't copy other characters' colors. Make yourself child-appropriate unless you are in FNAF 3 or 4, make yourself as scary-looking as possible.
2. Eat bananas. They will help you imagine your FNAF setting. (Science, people.)
3. Play the game and know the other animatronics and security Guard's places. This is important or you will not be able to kill the guard.
Or know what it looks like in the daytime.
4. Imagine yourself as your animatronic through the day and when you go to bed imagine you are in your location. It will be easier to get dreams!
Wanna meet your friend? get him/her to join in too and pretend to be a robot too!
5. Keep doing this even if it takes a while to get a dream.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2450 - Dark Aura Cleansing