7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Healing Potion
- Celestial Weapons
- Banish Depression From A Lover
- Wind Powers
- Zapping Powers
- How to Make a Psi Ball
- Thunder Skies
- Summon a Pet
- Crystal Protection
- Summon a Dragon
#2481 - Healing Potion
Put the leaf in the cup of warm water. Pour in 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir carefully and slowly. Put the flower petal in
Say the following:
"Make me hot,
Make me cold,
Suck up the pain
Turn it into happiness
So mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2482 - Celestial Weapons
"Oh spirit guardians of the Cesetial Weapons, give me a weapon that I will used for good and protect those in need. Trust me for these are the right words."
Say that and wait for at least 1-5 days. A shadow dummy would be used to practice until you get the used to the weapons.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2483 - Banish Depression From A Lover
2. Carve the name of your lover into the candle, along with a heart.
3. Infuse (dip), the candle in the Rosemary oil, avoiding the wick (safety first)
4. Have pine nearby.
5. Burn the Candle and Pine
6. Say (substituting gender appropriate titles):
Let him know my love is real,
And let the pain my love not feel.
Smoke, Oil, Wax, and Flame, send your energy,
Banish his depression, so happy he can be.
As the powers combine, there's one thing he must know,
Worthy he is, truly, to feel this happiness aglow.
7. Send positive energies as you meditate upon the flame and the scents, sending the positive, purifying, loving vibrations to your lover. If you can, do so until the candle is thoroughly extinguished. This may be an emotionally exhausting/tiring spell, so take care of yourself after its completion.
#2484 - Wind Powers
Pose your hand at the tree and the tree should start moving. It will get windier and windier. If its already windy then it will still get windier..Thats how you get it and it is unlimited power so you have it forever and if you dont want it just dont do it again.
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2485 - Zapping Powers
Go to your trampoline/slide and lie down on it (Or you can just stand in front of it but for trampoline you need to go on it). Rub your arms on trampoline/slide or do a snow angel action until you feel your arm hair getting pulled gently.
Go to an object or person then touch it gently. You should be able to zap it!
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2486 - How to Make a Psi Ball
First, clear out your mind and be relaxed (don't be in rush or stressed). Place your hand like you are holding a ball, like this -- ( ) . Now, you'll close your eyes without putting your hands down (some people can do it with eyes open) and imagine a ball spinning in you very own hands (like the pose you have now). Feel it spinning and maybe how it sounds in your mind. You'll feel an energy rushing between your hands.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2487 - Thunder Skies
Look at the sky and feel all the energy that is around you and absorb it. Once you have the desired energy chant 3 times with a forceful voice:
"Skies turn black,
As my dark heart wills it
Clash the coluds
The thunder roars
Wake the skies
And all that is in sight
Bring the darkness for the fight"
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2488 - Summon a Pet
Say once
"(Pets name)(pets name)
Come to me
I love you
Now come to me
Mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2489 - Crystal Protection
Chant these words aloud:
''A part of my magick I give to this stone,
So that I may have the feeling of protection,
And a sense of security.''
Visualize that small bit of magick going into that crystal, causing the crystal to glow from your power. Then hold your crystal close and say:
''This crystal now has the power of protection!
So mote it be!''
#2490 - Summon a Dragon
Draw your dragon however you want to. Colour it in. Draw yourself next to your dragon. Colour youself in (optional). Make lines for your height (for example 5ft you would draw 5 equal lines with the ruler)
Fold your paper hamburger style. Write your dragons information (name scale colour wings tail accessories behaviour eyes abilities element breed what it eats/drinks). Write and say " ________ dragon of mine come to me by egg '' then chant "I summon the newborn mythical creature so mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.